Damaged Soul ~Nathan Prescott...

By BichtoriaRoyal

7.3K 175 49

There was no doubt that Nathan Prescott was a very troubled person disturbed even. Only those People who were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Procress update.
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

427 11 2
By BichtoriaRoyal

You sat patiently in your class, occasionally looking at the clock on the wall and looking outside the window where the wide-winged creatures that were known as birds, would fly around. you couldn't help but feel off-putted about Nathan's deal/request. matter of fact you wish you could just grow feathery wings at a time like this, and fly around freely and forget about your worries. but you're merely human and not in some fairytale and nothing has a happy outcome like in the stories.

your thoughts and daydreams were soon cut short by a call of your name. You take your eyes off the beautiful lush nature and the small birds that roam about, only to be met with the dim and boring classroom and the many classmates looking at you including your teacher Ms. Grant.

"Y/n, are you paying attention I wouldn't want you to fail," Ms. Grant said in a concerned matter. You simply nod and go back to paying attention earning Ms. Grant to give you a raise of her eyebrow.

The bell soon rings during her lecture about making sure to study. As you stand up to leave, you hear Ms. Grant call your name again. You feel a sense of dread and impatience knowing she wants to keep you for a bit longer, but you oblige anyway.

"Yes, Ms. Grant?" you say in the most genuine way so no annoyance seeps through your teeth.

"I've seen you've been hanging out with Nathan Prescott and his friend's y/n. I just want to warn you about Nathan, he is a time bomb ready to go off. And I would hate for anything to happen to you or any of my students when he does." Ms. Grant says with a sympathetic smile.

You couldn't believe this, did anybody have sort of faith for Nathan or see past his mental issues that he could potentially have? Or was it just you and Victoria?

"I'm aware Ms. Grant, but I mean no offense but its none of your business if I associate with Nathan or not," you state crossing your arms.

Ms. Grant gives you a worried look but shakes her head. "Your free you go Ms. Y/L/N".

You walk out of the classroom only to be met with the hall and the many-colored lockers where students are at. You walk down to your locker opening it and place your science book in, along with your old-run-down pencil case. You still kept forgetting to get a new pencil case but for some reason, you could never part with it even if you did, there was a charm about the old scruffy pencil case.

You look at yourself in the small mirror that you placed on your locker door, only to soon see in the reflection Nathan heading your way quite agitated. Your quick to close your locker, and prepare for whatever storm was about to be unleashed. But instead of Nathan coming towards you, he walked straight pass pushing students out of his way and heading straight to the class where normally photography was held.

You couldn't help but wonder why he went there, dentation maybe? But even if he did have a dentation or was asked to be held back Nathan wouldn't do it. He never liked to be controlled.

You quickly adjust your brown-satchel bag and head over to the class where Nathan disappeared to. You stand somewhat near the door to see if you can overhear anything to what Nathan was doing in there. but all you heard was the sound of an older man's voice and Nathan bitching about something. As you stand there to listen in, you're soon startled by a tap on your shoulder. You whip your head to scowl at whoever it was, only to see its Warren Graham.

Warren was a sweet yet dorky boy, but he sure did have a huge crush on the new girl Max. Matter of fact apparently according to some of the boys he had a shrine dedicated to her in his swimming locker full of photos of her. Other than that, he was a nice guy... hopefully, and not a sort of stalker or creep?

Your frown soon disappears from your face, instead of a small welcoming smile.

"Hi, Warren is there something you need?" You ask looking into his dark chocolate-colored eyes.

"Uh, Hi y/n sorry for startling you but I noticed you've been struggling with science and I just thought you should know I could help you if you want...and maybe we can even go watch a movie I have tickets to go watch a movie," Warren said shyly rubbing his neck.

"Um, I would love to go watch a movie with you Warren, and have a genius study partner to help me through my disaster of science work. But, I'm quite busy as of lately," you state fidgeting with your hands knowing full well your barley even busy.

"Well, that's okay I can help you study next week, and then we can see a movie than!" Warren says enthusiastically. You go to try and say something or make something up but warren is quick to leave and ignore you while you call out his name. The only thing he does is give a smile and wave.

You stand there in awe how this man never gives up and will find another way and that makes you wonder if he's like this with Max which only makes you cringe at the thought of how many times he's been rejected.

As you stand there still dumb folded you're once again frightened by the swing of the door almost hitting you. You turn around to see who opened the door only to see Nathan staring at you blankly.

"Nathan! I was looking for you" You say clearly lying.

Nathan gives you a cold stare in return and with a shake of his hand and a mumble of "Whatthefuckever", he storms off. You don't know what to do. Do you follow him? Would you comforting him, help? Probably not. So instead you get ready for your final class.

The shortest amount of lunchtime you had was dreadful. barley anytime to eat, not even your fresh green grapes. So, you sat there in your art class your stomach churning and rumbling every moment. Normally, you would enjoy such a class, especially where your talent lies. But your stomach and your mind just wanted food and nothing else.

As you sat there looking at your very blank canvas a sudden ring of an alarm is heard. This wouldn't be the first time that some teenager was up to mischievous but for once you weren't so annoyed. You watch as teenagers all scramble out the class all chatting and sighing from relief that class was cut short. But you on the other hand just sat there staring at the blank canvas like how Nathan did to you, an almost blank yet cold stare.

Something was terribly wrong and somewhere deep in your senses that your trying to block out is screaming something is deeply wrong going on with Nathan. And the alarm that was set off might have something to do with him. But time will tell when you take up his offer. 

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