For the Memories will Stay (1)

By Imalittlelost3

104K 2.5K 907

Twenty-three competitors. One winner. New relationships. Crazy Friendships. Crazier Enemies. (Duncan X Femal... More

Not So Happy Campers Part 1
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Who Can You Trust?
Basic Straining
X-treme Torture
Brunch Of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search And Do Not Destroy
Hide and Be Sneaky
That's Off The Chain
Hook, Line, and Screamer
Wawanakwa Gone Wild!
Trial by Tri-armed Triathalon
Haute Camp-ture
Camp Castaways (Short)
Are We There Yeti (Short)
I Triple Dog Dare You (Short)
The Very Last Episode, really? (Short)


5.5K 116 48
By Imalittlelost3

Last night on Total Drama Island, the Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-a-thon when Duncan took a snooze on the can and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her, then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks. Nicely played, Heather. Nicely played. Even though Eva could've pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off. She became the second camper to rock the Boat of Losers. Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will Gwen be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!

The campers were in the main lodge eating their grits, well most of them were. Duncan and Corrine were laying their heads on the table, try desperately to grasp some more sleep. Gwen and Harold had yet to join the group, but Corrine was thankful for it. She truly believed she would kill Harold if she saw him. He may have been cool to make music on his synthesizer with, but his snoring was out of control. Chris came up to the Bass' table and watched Duncan in amusement.

"Duncan, you look like crap dude," Chris laughed out. Duncan turned his head and gave him a hard glare while Corrine groaned and closed her eyes tighter.

"Stuff it."

"Harold snored all night," Courtney explained. Chris let out a laugh.

"Wow. Four nights of no sleep? How much are you hurting dude?" He teased.

"Wanna find out?" Duncan and threatened.

"Yeah" Corrine piped up, looking at Chris with blurry eyes. "You may have nice skin, but I'll mess you up." She meant to be threatening, but with messy hair, a pout, and unfocused eyes, the group just let out 'awes'.

"No, no, it's cool. It's cool." He raised his arms in mock surrender as Harold walked through the door. However, something was different about him, he had a dark black mustache made of marker on his top lip. He strutted over to the Bass' table and sat across from Duncan. Everyone began to stare and laugh at him until he finally noticed them.

"Okay, what?" He asked everyone; Geoff slid over to him and explained.

"Someone messed with your face dude," Geoff said as Harold looked into a spoon at his reflection.

"Hey, sweet 'stache." He complimented himself. Suddenly Chris announced Gwen's entrance and the Gophers gave her a round of applause, as well as Corrine but the Bass glared at her.

"Yay!" Lindsay cheered. "Why are we clapping?" She leaned over to ask Justin. She sat down and groaned.

"I'm so tired, I can't feel my face." She put her head on the table with a loud thud.

"We are so stinking right now. Okay, yes, Eva was psycho, but at least she was an athletic psycho!" Courtney confessed.

"Hey," Corrine turned to Harold as she fixed Duncan's mohawk- with his permission of course.

"Thanks for letting me use your synthesizer, I had a lot of fun making music with you." She said. Everyone turned to them, even Duncan, who was half asleep.

"What?" She asked innocently. "I wrote a song and Harold let me use his synthesizer to compose it," she explained. Everyone nodded but was still a little confused. They didn't expect that friendship, especially after it was Corrine's idea to see if Harold would pee his pants. Suddenly Heather turned to the Bass' table.

"Hey Fishheads," She yelled. "Way to kick off your strongest player! Why don't you just give up now?"  Courtney scooped up some grits and tried to shoot them at her, but missed, hitting Gwen instead. Corrine went over and helped her wipe it off, ignoring Courtney telling her not to.

"Okay campers," Chris announced, clapping loudly. "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes. And be prepared to bring it!" Chris walked the group to the beach, with Duncan trailing behind them, where they had set up a makeshift dodgeball court. He collapsed on a wooden bench as soon as he entered.

"Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do." He immediately fell asleep.

"Corrine," Courtney said. "You go sleep too, you look terrible and would only hurt us." She agreed and quickly fell asleep, leaning up against the referee seat. Courtney turned to Harold.

"This is all your fault you know. You and your snoring face!."

"It's called a medical condition, gosh!" He scoffed. Chef blew the whistle and walked past the campers, rolling his eyes

"Today's challenge is the classic game of Dodgeball," Chris explained. "The first rule of Dodgeball is-"
"Do not talk about Dodgeball?" Noah interrupted, getting a laugh out of Owen.

"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball..." He threw it at Courtney, hitting her in the stomach. She let out a breath and a loud 'ow'.

"You're out." Courtney began to complain, throwing the ball back at him, which he caught.

"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court."

"Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test." Noah said sarcastically. Lindsay clearly didn't understand as she agreed with him sincerely. Chris threw a ball to Geoff.

"Okay now Geoff, try to hit me." Chef handed him another ball. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball, but if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out."

"So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked.

"You dodge." Geoff throws the ball at Chris, only for him to deflect it, hitting Lindsay in the face. She collapsed onto the ground and everyone gasped.

"Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!" Chris yelled at her. She stood up with a large welt on her face and nodded.

"You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game."

"Okay," Heather said. "We can't get lazy. The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up. Who wants to sit the first one out with sleeping beauty?" She asked as Gwen let out a yawn.

"Oh all right, I'll volunteer." Noah offered, walking to the benches. "Now let's see all you keeners get out and dodge!" he cheered, throwing out finger guns. The teams quickly got on their sides of the court and Chef, who was ref, waited for them.

"Bring it on, fishies. Otherwise, winning three times in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather smack talked. Tyler tried to talk back but ended up failing, embarrassing the group.

"Both teams ready?" They quickly got into position. "Best of five games wins! Now! Let's dodge some ball!" Chef blew his whistle and everyone began to cheer their teams on. Cody was the first person to throw his ball missing Tyler just barely. Tyler turned and glared at Cody, spinning violently then releasing the ball, hitting Sadie, who was in the stands. She collapsed on the ground and everyone turned to glare at Tyler.

"Nice job," Courtney said sarcastically. "Now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!" She yelled, getting progressively angrier as she shoved the ball into Tyler's arms. Suddenly, Owen came charging at him, throwing the ball with all his might and sending Tyler into the glass wall of the court.

"Ow, darn it" He groaned, clutching his stomach. The Gophers were given their point and they cheered loudly; Tyler sat down on the benches, still clearly in pain. It was Harold who came in after him.

"Time to unleash my wicked skills." He rasped out.

"Yeah?" Lesawhna said, holding her arms out and walking toward the middle line. "Then bring it, string bean. Let's see what you got!" He threw the ball directly at the ground, and it rolled over to Leshawna. He watched her pick it up and let out an effeminate scream, running away. The ball hit him on the back anyway and he went sliding face-first into the wall. Chris cringed. Another point was added to the Gophers and Leshawna cheered. Katie prepared to throw the ball and Lindsay walked up to her fellow teammates with a confused look on her face.

"Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Before she was able to get an answer, she was pelted in the face with a ball, yet again. The Bass cheered, they had finally gotten a point. As she walked off the court, Tyler waved to her, and with dreamy eyes, she waved back. Heather noticed this and became angry, so she threw a ball at Tyler, hitting him in the crotch. Courtney tried to get revenge, but the ball was caught by Owen, scoring the Gophers another point. After that, the Bass lost the game pretty fast; they huddled around as Harold tried to give them a pep talk.

"We can do this!" He cheered. "We just have to believe in ourselves." Courtney turned to him.

"Oh, I believe. I believe you suck!" Tyler was quick to agree.

"Yeah. You throw like a girl!" Geoff let out a laugh as Sadie nodded.

"You should talk." Courtney jabbed at him.

"It was a warm-up throw. Look, I can dominate this game. Just give all the balls to me." Chef whistled to get the teams back on the court.

"Fine, just try to aim for the other side, okay?" After Heather unsuccessfully tried to get Noah on the court, the Gophers went on the court. They watched as Tyler spun around violently, again, hitting Chef, almost hitting Chris, and Lindsay. He screamed out and ran to her, helping her up and lying about how bad her face looked. Trent took the time to hit him with a ball and they went off together to go for a walk, much to Heather's protest. Owen then became enraged and began to throw the balls, hitting every Bass and winning the Gophers another game. They all cheered for him and he became a little bashful.

"I don't know what got into me" He laughed out.

"I'm glad someone is trying today." Heather glared over to Noah. Noah then proceeded to give an unenthusiastic cheer.

"Nice team spirit," Heather said sarcastically, turning to the Bass. "Hey! It's 2-0, how does it feel to suck so much?"

"Not very good," Harold responded.

"It's not over yet!" Courtney piped up, then whispered to herself "It's so over." The group sat down on the benches to brainstorm.

"Okay," Courtney began. "This is really bad. One more game and we lose the whole challenge. Again! We can't let that happen, people. We need someone strong, someone mean. Someone who will crush those stupid Gophers into the dirt!" Everyone looked over to a still sleeping Duncan.

"Uh-uh," D.J. said. "If we wake him up, he'll kill us."

"He won't kill us, guys. He wants to win, too."

"Courtney's right," Harold agreed. "We need Duncan's fierceness to win this."

"That's the spirit, Harold! Now go wake him up." Harold shook his head.

"I have a better idea." He went over to Corrine, who was still sleeping against the referee seat, and shook her awake. She opened her eyes and yawned.

"What's up?" She asked, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

"We need you to wake up Duncan." She stood up.

"Didn't he tell you not to do that?" She leaned back until her spine made a loud 'pop' sound.

"We know, but we'll lose without his help, and you're the only one he's barely friends with," Harold explained. She nodded in understanding and went up to him, squatting down and gently poking his face, only for him to grab it hard. He opened his eyes and glared at her.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up," he growled.

"I don't, I just woke up, but they do."  She pointed to the Bass and yawned.

"Look," Courtney said, getting straight to business. "We are down two-nothing. I can appreciate that you need a little nap time. But we need your help."

"Oh, and why should I help you, darling?" He asked, looking her up and down.

"Because," She said with a sickly sweet voice. "I can personally guarantee you that if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home. Darling." Duncan let out a sigh.

"Fine. I'll play. On one condition. You do what I say when I say it." Courtney and Harold nodded. "Okay. This is a strategy I picked up during my first visit to juvy. It's called 'Rush the new guy'."

"Oh!" Corrine exclaimed, eyes lighting up. "I learned this from when I briefly joined a cult!" The Bass turned their head to her in shock, but she ignored them in favor of paying attention to Duncan as he explained it to them. Chef blew his whistle and the campers got ready for round three, getting in position. Nothing could've prepared the Gophers for what the Bass were doing. They were able to dodge the balls thrown at them and all aimed for Owen, hitting him hard enough for him to hit the ground. The Bass all cheered and continued their strategy, hitting Leshawna, Izzy, Beth, and Justin, winning the game.

"I think we should do the same thing all over again. So Harold, sit this one out, too." Courtney instructed.

"But I sat out the last one," Harold complained.

"It's for the good of the team." She said, and Geoff gave him a pat on the back. Over on the Gophers team, things were not going well.

"Okay, not that Noah here cares, but we are not losing another game to these guys, got it? And where is Lindsay?" She asked with a scoff and walking out. She came back about five minutes later with a sulking Lindsay.

"Sit down and stay there." She ordered and turned to Noah.

"How are we doing?" She asked him, watching Beth get pelted with dodgeballs.

"Sports. Not my forte. Remember?"

"You know, you could actually give it a shot and pretend to care." Leshanwa was hit, signifying another win for the Bass.

"This is so unacceptable!" Tyler walked to the benches catching Courtney's attention.

"Where were you?"


"You were with that blonde Gopher girl, weren't you?" She asked.

"No! Maybe. So?"

"So? She could've been getting you to spill all our weaknesses to her." She looked over to Lindsay, who was using her hands as puppets.

"Okay," Chris said. "This is it! The final tie-breaking game!"

"Go, Team. Go." Noah said, unenthused.

The Bass all huddled up and began to talk about their game plan.

"Okay. Who's going in?" Duncan asked.

"I'll go," Corrine offered.

"No. I think it's my turn." Harold said.

"No way. We actually have a chance to win this." Harold nodded and went with Corrine on the bench.

"Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab... And see what you're made of." Chris said.

"Good line," Corrine complimented, impressed. Chef blew his whistle and the game began.

"Come on people! Quick feet, fast hands!" Heather encouraged. Sadie walked onto the court and was immediately hit, D.J was able to jump over a ball, but after a few throws both Cody and Bridgette were out of the game. As time progressed, Noah began to half heatedly cheer and was hit by a flying ball; Heather looked down at him.

"You're right. Sports aren't your forte." Harold watched the game with sad eyes until Geoff handed him the ball with a smile.

"Back of the court princess." Duncan directed to him. Courtney was hit by Gwen soon after.

"That's for the Oatmeal."

"You messed with the wrong white girl!" Leshawna laughed. Geoff, Leshawna, Duncan, and Cody were all hit. D.J and Gwen both hit each other at the same time and went down. All that was left was Owen and Harold, who got a determined look on his face.

"Sorry dude," Owen said. "But you gotta go down."

"Good night Harold," Duncan said with his hand on his face, making Corrine elbow him with a giggle. Owen threw four balls and somehow Harold was able to dodge all of them, making Corrine's jaw drop in surprise.

"Woah," Noah said. Courtney quickly called for a timeout and Harold was given water and a towel.

"Man, that boys got dodge," Duncan said. "Where'd you learn that?" Harold spat his water onto Tyler.

"Figure skating."

"Harold, that was awesome. But dodging isn't enough." Geoff said.

"He's right," Courtney agreed. "To win this, you either have to throw him out-"

"Which we know you can't do" Duncan interrupted.

"Or catch the ball." She finished. "Can you do it?"


"Now go out there and catch that ball!" D.J cheered and slapped his back. The timeout soon ended and the Bass began to chant Harold's name. Owen threw the ball with all his might, sending Harold into the wall. Duncan stood with a gasp, waiting to see if Harold had caught the ball. Slowly he uncurled and lifted the ball, triumphant. The Killer Bass had finally won!

"The Killer Bass win!" Chris announced. The Bass erupted in cheers as Owen mourned his defeat.

Harold was lifted onto D.J's shoulder as they cheered him out of the court.

"Nice dodge, skater nerd." Duncan complimented. Corrine gave him a toothy smile and thumbs up. Chris walked over to the Gophers.

"Gophers. What happened?' He asked.

"What can I say? A weak effort." Noah said; everyone glared at him.

"Oh shut it, Noah." Gwen snapped.

"You know what," Heather said. "For once, I agree with her." Most of the Gophers left, leaving Trent, Justin, and Owen.

"Touchy?" They glared down at him.

"What? I'll tell you, the team spirit here is severely lacking lately." He shrugged

"I guess I'm kind of a role model now that I won the dodgeball competition. People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff," Harold confessed.

It was the Gopher's first elimination ceremony and they looked less than happy about it.

"Campers," Chris said, holding the platter of Marshmallows. "You've already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home. And you can't come back. Ever." Some campers watched with a scared face, others with a calm face, and some with a smug smile.

"When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow. Owen, Gwen, Cody." They all grabbed their marshmallows and Chris called the next people.

"Trent, Heather, Beth, Justin, Leshawna, Izzy." Lindsay watched Chris with sad eyes.

"The final marshmallow goes to," Chris paused for dramatic effect.

"Lindsay." She let out a cheer and Noah's mouth opened in shock.

"What, are you kidding me?" He exclaimed. Lindsay walked to the group waving her marshmallow in the air.

"All right, see if I care! Good luck because you just voted out the only one with brains on this team!" They all threw their marshmallows at him.

"You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey!" Leshawna said. Everyone laughed and cheered her on.

"Whatever, I'm outta here." He walked away.

And that was the end of Noah's time on Total Drama Island.

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