Brown Eyed Boys (Lauren Cimor...

By uuuuuuuhhmmmmmmm

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"So I think I'm gonna refilm my music video. Wanna star in it as my love interest?" Never would Lauren have e... More



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By uuuuuuuhhmmmmmmm

Narrator's POV

"Oh, wow," Y/N mumbled out as Lauren led her to the living room. It was all set up already for the set. There were a lot of lightning props, some instruments, a lot of people she's never met before, and Lisa.

Wait, what?

As Lauren went back to gave the filming crew some more instructions, Y/N walked over to Lisa who was sitting behind the drums. "I didn't realize you'd be here too," she admitted with a chuckle.

The short-haired girl shrugged. "Lauren thought I fitted the role, and it seemed fun, so why not?" She clutched harder onto the drumsticks in her hands as she felt herself grow more awkward. Ever since she saw the Y/E/C-eyed girl again, they haven't really spoken to each other once. This was probably the first time they're directly speaking to each other after five years.

And... the last time they spoke to each other, they both kinda had a mini crush on each other. Hers has faded away over time already, but she really didn't know about Y/N's.

Y/N noticed how she was looking at her and raised her eyebrows. "Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"

"I don't like you anymore," Lisa blurted out. Once she realized what she said, her own eyes widened. I mean, that is a way to say it, yeah, so she's just gonna leave it at that.

The Y/E/C-eyed girl laughed at her, slowly nodding her head. "Like romantically or just as a person in general?" she joked.

Lisa rolled her eyes before chuckling too. "So... it sounds like we're good then?"

"I guess we are," Y/N said. She didn't realize Lisa was still so concerned about all of that. She thought the way she was interacting with Lauren was obvious enough that she was over her too, but apparently she really wanted this confirmation. With how tense she looked, Y/N thought she had some sort of big secret to tell her, so this was actually pretty amusing to her.

Lauren saw from afar how her sister and her ex were seemingly getting along super well. She skipped over to the pair and wrapped her arms around the Y/E/C-eyed girl from behind. "What are you guys talking about?"

Y/N turned around in Lauren's arms and leaned forward to rub her nose against hers in an Eskimo kiss. "Wouldn't you like to know," she teased.

Before Lauren could reply to that, the director clapped his hands together and called everyone together. "Alright, we can start filming. Day 1, take 1 of Brown Eyed Boys. Let's go."

The raven-haired girl quickly planted a chaste peck on Y/N's lips before skipping over to her position behind the microphone stand. After everyone's ready in their places too, the music started blasting through the speakers, Lauren lipsynced to her own song and did little dances along to it as the two guys and Lisa did their thing with their instruments in the background.

This was probably the first time the Y/E/C-eyed girl had heard this song. After that small thingy at dinner that evening, Y/N really thought Lauren would listen to her parents and keep her distance, but she surprised her by popping up by her dorm the very next day. They've hung out for a couple of hours as Lauren just showed her the pieces of footage that she's filmed with Christian to sorta give her an example of what she wanted, and they just ran through the ideas for minor changes. But Lauren had never really shown her the song, so this was definitely a surprise.

They did probably two takes to get it to perfection before they switched to the next scene, which was still Lauren singing the song in the living room. Though this time, Y/N is gonna replace the guitar dude.

"Am I going to wear his clothes?" Y/N asked after Lauren placed the clothes in her hands and clearly told her to wear it.

"They're clean. He just changed into it right before we started filming, so he's only worn it for like 20 minutes," Lauren explained as she pushed the Y/E/C-eyed girl into her room so that she can change there. Y/N turned around again and seemed like she was gonna argue about something else, the younger girl slapped her ass and took the chance to quickly shut the door in her face.

"Lauren!" Y/N scolded, her cheeks reddening by that sudden action.

"Hurry your lazy butt up," Lauren responded before walking back to the living room to discuss some more things with the director.

After a short minute, Y/N came out of the room changed into the guitarist's shirt. Lauren immediately made her way over to her again and flung her arms around her neck. "See, you don't look that bad in it," she teased as she pulled back to check her out. It was literally just an oversized, plain, men T-shirt, it had no right to be looking so good on the Y/E/C-eyed girl.

Y/N rolled her eyes, chuckling a little. "Why thank you. I guess you look pretty alright too."

Lauren's gaze shot back up again and she raised her eyebrows. "Just pretty alright?" she asked, shuffling closer to the girl till their bodies were almost flushed together.

The Y/E/C-eyed girl hummed in response before a wide grin broke through her face. She tilted her head to the side and brushed her lips against Lauren's in a small kiss. "Maybe you look a little bit better than just alright," she whispered teasingly before pulling away and facing the filming crew again. She walked over to where the guitarist was standing and picked up the electric guitar he's left her. "Oh, this thing is real," she said dumbfoundedly as an observation. For some reason, she thought it was just a prop.

"Of course it is," Lauren replied with a chuckle while making her way over to there too. "Do you know how to play it?"

Y/N put the strap over her head and placed her hand on the right chord. She pretended to look at it in complete confusion before strumming on the strings. "Something like this?" she asked with a smirk. She played a few more chord playfully and tried to play Lauren's song.

The raven-haired girl looked at her with a small head tilt, really pleasantly surprised. "Ooh, I didn't know you know how to play it."

The older girl just shot her a wink as she continued to try and play the song. She might know a thing or two about the instrument, but she wasn't good enough to know how to play a song just by listening to it, without the exact chords. But her attempt was close enough though. And that grin and proud look on Lauren's face was all that mattered to her.

And so just like that, they filmed the rest of the lipsyncing scenes where the Y/E/C-eyed girl ended up changing out of her clothes two more times.

After a quick break, they resumed back to filming again. The crew went to move their props up to Lauren's room as the two protagonists were already there. Lauren led Y/N to sit on the end of the bed before placing the electric guitar on her lap.

"You know what the next scene is. Just use the time to get into character or something. I need to change my clothes," the raven-haired girl said as she went to dug her closet for the right outfit.

Y/N perked up in her seat. "Do you need help?" she asked with a small wiggle of her eyebrows.

"I think I can change my clothes by myself just fine," Lauren responded with a laugh. She finally assembled everything she needed to walked out of her room with.

Well, looks like she got a couple of minutes for herself then. The Y/E/C-eyed girl looked down on the guitar on her lap and shrugged to herself. She adjusted the instrument in the right posture before letting her fingers run over the strings.

Lauren finished changing her clothes and made her way back to her room. Her door wasn't closed properly because she thought the crew was gonna move their stuff over to here, so it was just more convenient to leave the door half-open. And because of that, the music from inside was heard in the hallway too. Lauren carefully peeked into the room and saw Y/N sitting there on her bed, playing the guitar and softly singing along to the song with her eyes closed.

"--We were sitting in a parked car, stealing kisses in a front yard.
We got questions we should not ask, but

How would you feel if I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do.
I'll be taking my time, spending my life, falling deeper in love with you.
So tell me that you love me too.
Tell me that you--"

Despite that she had her eyes closed and that the guitar was pretty much drowning every other sound out, that still didn't stop the Y/E/C-eyed girl from feeling someone's eyes on her.

She trailed off in the middle of the song as her eyes snapped open again. Right away, she spotted Lauren standing by the doorway, looking at her with a really awed expression. She dropped her hands with the guitar strings again and just placed them on her lap. "Ms. Cimorelli, were you just spying on me?"

Lauren cautiously made her way to her bed and plopped down on the mattress too. "Maybe," she said. She studied the girl for another two seconds before furrowing her eyebrows. "You can sing," she stated matter-of-factly.

She remembered back in their high school, puppy love days, she's begged the Y/E/C-eyed girl to sing for her, but her stubborn ass just couldn't budge. She was pretty convinced that she was a bad singer or something, but this was really good. Her tone was so clear and light, and... something was just so alluring to it. She really wished she didn't stop when she noticed her because she can just listen to this girl's voice forever.

And the song choice too, like what the heck. She might be reaching and being completely delusion right now, but she can recall a couple of times where they'd kiss in her car that was parked in her front yard. Would she be the person the Y/E/C-eyed girl was thinking when she sang that song? She's never said that she loved her... but does this mean that she admitted she did just now?

Just... imaging her actually singing the song to her was doing all of these things to Lauren.

"Psst, Earth to Lauren," Y/N chuckled out as she poked her with the end of the guitar. "Is it really that bad that you have to dissociate your mind from your body?"

The raven-haired girl looked at her as if she's crazy. "Are you kidding me? That was so fricking good," she exclaimed.

Y/N laughed at her enthusiasm and slowly nodded her head. "Thank you."

"No, I mean it," Lauren quickly defended. She placed her hands on either side of Y/N's thighs, hovering over her. "Dude, we should do a duet together or something."

"Hold your horses," the older girl chuckled out. With Lauren hovering over her like this, there were merely a few inches distance between their faces. She leaned forward to sit more comfortably, which closened the space even more. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought you're just making up excuses now to spend more time with me."

"What if I am?" Lauren challenged. Her breath hitting perfectly against the Y/E/C-eyed girl's lips.

Neither really knew where they were standing with each other. Like sure, they're stealing kisses almost at the constant, they are literally acting like a couple, the raven-haired girl seemed to be really defensive over her. But... what did all of this mean? Both of them had no clue if the other will be down to hang out ever again after this music video thingy. They just simply never discussed it, because the possibilities were just ruining the vibe.

And so... they'll do everything to make the most out of it in case this was just a one-time thing.

Y/N smirked a little at her answer before she finally connected their lips in a kiss. Lauren immediately kissed her back. She picked up the guitar that was still on the older girl's lap and placed it behind her, all the while remaining in the kiss. In one swift motion, she went and straddled Y/N's lap. As the kiss heated up more, Lauren pushed the Y/E/C-eyed girl down on the mattress, disconnecting their lips also for some much-needed oxygen.

"Holy fuck," Y/N breathed out with a chuckle. She grabbed Lauren's hand and intertwined their fingers before pulling the girl down on top of her. "Imagine if Christian and his friends saw this side of you. Fuck... their reactions would've been priceless."

Lauren prompted herself up from Y/N's chest and looked her dead in the eye. "That is for sure one way to ruin the mood. I don't wanna hear his name came out of your mouth ever again."

The Y/E/C-eyed girl grinned at her cheekily. "Ay ay, captain," she joked before pulling the raven-haired girl in for another kiss.

Maybe the mood wasn't that ruined yet, seeing that they've returned to full-blown making out. Compared to before, this was even more intense. They started to feel each other up more under all the layers of clothing, and it was only a matter of time before they couldn't hold it in anymore with how bad they were burning with anticipation.

"Hey Lauren, I just realized that the SD card is full and we haven't got a spare one packed. I think we have to reschedule the--" the director cut himself off in the middle of his sentence and just slowly walked out of the room again. "Alright, we'll show ourselves out. Bye. And have fun?"

Lauren pulled away from the kiss and went straight to bury her face in Y/N's chest. "Oh my gosh," she muttered out, followed by a long dragged out groan out of embarrassment.

"Make that sound louder and they're gonna think we're having sex right now," Y/N said with a laugh. She easily pulled Lauren down from hovering over her and went for a cuddle instead.

If the mood wasn't ruined the first time, it surely is now. They just stayed in each other's arms for the entire rest of the afternoon, just kissing and talking about the most random stuff in life.



You know how towards the end, lauren was like 'don't ever say his name again'. Lowkey i wanted to come up with the response 'oh so i'm not allowed to call your brother by his name anymore' lmao. But that would've ruined the mood some further more, so yup.

So... I've already written the next chapter and i was just rereading it, and genuinely w h a t t h e f u c k . I'm really curious for your reaction, but at the same, i don't wanna know lmao.

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