A Lewd New World

Av Captain_Valkyrie

174K 2.3K 246

I have permission by Fpsroxas to use this. Original story belongs to EvilFuzzy9. Infinite Tsukuyomi is execut... Mer

Chapter 1. Tsuki No Mayhem
Chapter 2. A (New Kind of) Normal Mission
Chapter 3. ANBU T&A
Chapter 4. But I Disgress
Chapter 5. Boldly Shameless
Chapter 6. Big Babe Duumverate
Chapter 7. Sister, Doing it for Themselves!
Chapter 8. Naked Master
Chapter 9. The Objective Unreality of Originality
Chapter 10. Blooming on the Stage
Chapter 11. Can You Tell I've Shipped NaruHina 4eva?
Chapter 12. 与えなさい私を」あきらめさせる試みることを!
Chapter 13. Got Wood?
Chapter 14. A Very Seinfeldian Chapter
Chapter 15. A Little Freak Out
Chapter 16. Lilies in the Sand
Chapter 17. Cosmic Whore, or?
Chapter 19. I, Nari
Chapter 20. Fight for First Place
Chapter 21. Breast Holiday Wishes
Chapter 22. Paizuriffic
Chapter 23. Stacking the Deck
Chapter 24. By Any Other Name, Just As Sweet
Chapter 25. Shitenyome
Chapter 26. Orgiastic Indulgence
Chapter 27. Dawn of a New Day
Chapter 28. Don't Strain Yourself Thinking up Titles
Chapter 29. Without A Sound
Chapter 30. To Plow Fertile Fuuma Fields
Chapter 31. Not So Silent Sentries
Chapter 32. Ai Doll
Chapter 33. Nmai Waifu
Chapter 34. Quid Pro Quo
Chapter 35. A Five Grand Smile
Chapter 36. Sharingan Wedding
Chapter 37. Cloudburst
Chapter 38. Rising Action
Chapter 39. The Tangerine Spirit
Chapter 40. Underneath the Underneath
Chapter 41. Endgame
Chapter 42. Double Feature
Chapter 43. Spirited Away
Chapter 44. Unlucky Numbers
Chapter 45. Homecoming
Chapter 46. Believe It!
Chapter 47. Omnipotent Orgy
Chapter 48. Proud Resolve
Chapter 49. It's Your Birthday
Chapter 50. Prelude to Apocalypse
Chapter 51. One Good Turn
Chapter 52. Ninkai Seisen
Chapter 53. Kaguya Monotagari
Chapter 54. First Blood
Chapter 55. Emergence of Talents
Chapter 56. Raising Fighting Spirit
Chapter 57. A Lewd New World

Chapter 18. Futari wa

2.5K 35 0
Av Captain_Valkyrie

I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Kumiko shook her head, clearing of suspicion. Surely she was just being paranoid. For what reason would these two POSSIBLY want to suppress their own memories? Even if just to hide them from her.

But either way there was no evidence of this, and she could conceive of no motive. By all accounts, Kumiko was just letting her skeptical nature get the better of her common sense. There was no reason to believe that there was anything more to this than what met the eye.

Besides, if these two had had any untoward motives, either Naruto or herself would have sensed them by now. But all Kumiko could sense coming off of these two was absolute devotion, and a desire to do absolutely anything for the one they served. As far as she could perceive, all they wanted was to make Naruto feel good.

And she could understand a motivation like that.

The Yin half of the Nine-tails flicked her eyes up and down the curvy, scrumptious bodies of Obi and Mari. She could appreciate very well what these two were doing. And she could also appreciate their fine, round asses and good, bouncy tits.

Both of the girls were, as has been mentioned before, effectively all but naked. Basically, their clothing amounted to nothing than lacy, frilly, black and white bras and micro-miniskirts. It was maid-themed, but probably the only maids in the world actually dressing so scandalously were these two ladies right before her.

And Kumiko liked it. Between the two sisters, Mari was easily the more buxom. She was as well endowed as Tsunade, Mina-chan, or Miraiya-dono. Her skin was smooth and pale, and although she looked soft on the surface, Kumiko could see an underlying hardness. Even without those rinnegan eyes, it was blatantly obvious that Mari must have been a kunoichi before losing her memory. And from the amount of raw, unadulterated chakra Kumiko could feel bubbling up in the woman's gut, she had obviously been incredibly powerful.

Actually, Kumiko wondered if someone wouldn't eventually recognize the woman, and her sister, at some point down the line. There was no way that kunoichi as powerful as this could just drop off the face of the earth without raising some serious eyebrows. Mari, by herself, felt like she was on the level of a kage, easily. Not just her chakra, or the powerful underlying musculature in her limbs, but even what Kumiko had seen inside her mind said as much.

Mari might have lost her memories of the past, but she still appeared to possess all of her muscle memory. Which was actually a bit of a misnomer, since the muscles didn't actually have anything to do with it. But Kumiko had seen enough of that to know that, most assuredly, Mari would have been an absolute demon on the battlefield. The reflexes alone were easily on a level with what Kumiko could recall of the First Hokage, and that was enough to make even her grateful that this woman was not an enemy.

And, from what Kumiko could tell of Mari's little sister, she fancied that Obi had probably been pretty damned skilled herself. While not appearing to be possessed of nearly as much physical power as her older sister, there was something indescribably potent in this one's chakra that Kumiko couldn't help comparing to Naruto's, or her own. It was just a trace, and something about it was hollow, yet what was there would probably be sufficient to level the playing field between Obi and Mari, if they ever got into a fight.

Aside from that, Kumiko could as sense a high concentration of cells seemingly identical to the First Hokage's in Obi's body. She could feel some in Mari's body, too, of course, but Obi had to be almost fully HALF Senju, with how much of that old stud Hashirama's tissue Kumiko could detect in the woman's body.

In particular, it seemed like the scarred half of Obi was the half where the concentration of H-type cells was the highest. Probably somebody had tried to reconstruct the girl's body after some kind of nasty accident. But whoever had done it hadn't done a particularly GOOD job. While Naruto obviously didn't mind the scars, and could probably see the "beauty within," as he liked to put it, Kumiko could only think of what a shame it was for the beauty of young woman to be so badly marred.

Human kunoichi might see such scars as something like a badge of honor, and a charm point in their own way, Kumiko, with her immortal, regenerating body, could only see it as an unfortunate flaw. Naruto would probably lecture her for being "shallow," but the way she saw it these scars showed only how fleeting and vulnerable the human body was.

And that wasn't something Kumiko cared to think about.

Still, though, apart from that, the sisters were certainly damned attractive.

Finally concluding her lengthy, silent appraisal, Kumiko looked the two sisters straight in the eyes, mirth flashing in her crimson pools. She licked her lips, running a soft, pink tongue over white, pointed canine teeth as she smiled.

She looked distinctly predatory with that expression. Even without the nine, large, fluffy fox-tails coiling and swaying lazily behind her back, it would have been easy to tell what she really was just from the look on her face. It was keen and sultry and blatantly carnivorous.

"Ohohoho~" she laughed haughtily at the way Obi and Mari shivered under the intensity of her gaze. "Yes, I think you two will serve Naruto-kun quite well❤" she purred.

The two blushed at this.

"Thank you, Kumiko-dono!" said Obi brightly. "That means so much, coming from you."

"Yes," said Mari, nodding and licking her lips. "Naruto-sama took us in when we had nowhere else to go... and, now, we will gladly repay him with our bodies~!"

"I'm certain you will," remarked Kumiko. "But still, I think the two of you might benefit from some... practice..." There was mischief in her eyes when she said this.

Obi blushed, looking up and down the Nine-tails's human form. She was dressed conservatively, and with the utmost class, in only the finest silk and jewels. Her figure was voluptuous and perfectly proportioned, perhaps not as endowed as someone like Mari, but still unmistakably buxom, and her clothing did everything right as far as accentuating her natural beauty, and enticing the eyes of the beholder to envision what must lie beneath.

Kumiko smiled, seeing the way Obi looked at her. Casually, she began to shed her clothes. "This should be most edifying for you girls, and enjoyable for myself..." she said. A moment later, she added in a faintly thoughtful tone, "...and those scars of yours should be easy to heal. One round should be plenty."

Obi eyed Kumiko gratefully, blushing deeply. She looked a little unsure as to what the bijuu meant by "one round," but the thought of having her scars healed appeared to delight her. No doubt she was terribly self-conscious about them.

Smiling, Kumiko let her robes fall to her feet. Obi and Mari promptly gawked, quite openly, at the sizable, throbbing erection that appeared between the vixen's legs. It looked to be a perfect replica of Naruto's cock, right down to the tiniest details. There had been no sign of it beneath the kimono, so most likely it was created by some manner of arcane injutsu.

Seeing how the pair gawked at the cock sticking up from between her legs, the Yin-half of the kyuubi no youko simply smiled enigmatically.

"Every bijuu has its own unique powers," she said huskily, "related to the nature of its chakra, and the form of its body... I myself, as a demon fox, am gifted with the ability to...say, blur... the line between genders."

With that said, she took a step forward. Their eyes gleaming, Obi and Mari quickly and enthusiastically got to work.


Meanwhile, Naruto was in the process of walking home, deep in thought. He had just dropped a thoroughly pleasured Tenten off at her house after the end of their date, and now he was returning back to the place he shared with his parents.

He took the scenic route.

He needed time to think about what had happened.

Those... flashes... he had gotten from Tenten, back at Ichiraku's, were bothering him. It was strange. Just the content of those images had been enough to give him pause, and even as faint as they now were, he still felt something weird when he thought about them.

It wasn't easy to describe. It was sort of like a weird heaviness in the pit of his stomach, except there was also component of floatiness higher up, and a tingling in his spine. He couldn't pin it down to any one sensation, but whenever Naruto tried to think about the flashes of memory he had gotten from his date, he started to feel uneasy.

It was walking on a tightrope and thinking that if you looked down, the rope would snap. He couldn't explain it, but just the thought of the THOUGHT of those visions made him feel anxious and borderline nauseous. Somebody who had a better way with words might describe the sensation as a sort of vertigo, but Naruto did not. All he knew was that those memories weren't right.

Or, at least, what he could remember of them.

It was weird. Just having seen the memories briefly through that empathic link had made them his, in a way. Tenten had completely forgotten them almost as quickly as they had come, and Naruto was retaining the images only superficially better. Already most of the individual details were lost in a blur of thoughts, and the harder Naruto tried to remember those details, the more he contaminated the memories.

That is to say, in trying to recall the visions, his brain was automatically, subconsciously filling in the blanks where he had forgotten stuff, but the things it was filling the memories in with were all in the context of the world he knew. His own experience was tainting the visions of this world so like, yet also unlike, his own, and Naruto KNEW that this was happening.

Somewhat, at any rate. He could perceive, at the very least, a sort of odd awareness of that isn't right whenever he tried to concentrate on the memories, or pull some detail up. It wasn't an entirely conscious perception, but he knew on some level that what he now remembered of those flashes was not, quite, what he had originally seen. And this sense of inaccuracy compelled Naruto to try harder to pull up details from the visions, which caused his brain to write in more of its own incorrect deductions, causing Naruto to feel that the memories were getting even less accurate.

It was a vicious cycle, and it made his head ache something fierce.

"Ugh..." Naruto muttered. "How can Shikamari and Sakura-chan think so much all the time? Owwww... My brain is killing me." He shook his head. "I gotta stop thinking about this..." he said quietly to himself, turning down the street his house was on. "My brain's gonna explode at this rate. Or else I'll drive myself crazy."

Naruto sighed.

"Maybe I'll be able unwind at home..." he said to himself. "I've got that thing with Kumiko and the maids, and ma'll probably be there too, with the slaves... Oh, and Shiho, too! I almost forgot that I invited her over for some fun tonight..." He chuckled to himself. "That's nearly a full house of fine ladies for me to entertain..." he mused wryly. "Hah! I'll be busy all night."

The blond was grinning wolfishly, now, those strange memories all but forgotten when faced with the prospect of so much pussy to please. He was perhaps getting a little hard as he walked up to the door, and he was only jarred out of his planning for that night when he bumped clumsily into a soft, female body.

Looking up, Naruto saw a flash of cherry pink and platinum blonde. He had walked straight into Sakura and Ino, and if he had consciously done this as a ploy to cop some nice feels of the pair, well he couldn't have done it any better. One of his hands had plunged itself straight into the cleavage exposed by the Yamanaka's skimpy, purple tube top, and his other hand had managed to land itself squarely on Sakura's nice, soft buttocks.

Cheerfully, he gave the pair a squeeze. Sakura squealed, blushing furiously, and Ino purred most lasciviously, giving the demon-vessel some damned enticing bedroom eyes.

"Hey, Ino, Sakura-chan," he greeted cheerfully, as though he WASN'T currently groping the two like there was no tomorrow. The collision might have been an honest accident, but the blond was perfectly willing to milk his current position for everything it was worth.

"Hey, Naruto," said Ino huskily, leaning forward a little to give Naruto better access down her blouse. She moaned lewdly, theatrically. "Mmm, this is the best greeting I've gotten all day. I should go out on A-ranks more often, if this is what they get me."

She winked suggestively, and Naruto grinned foxily right back at her.

Sakura, in contrast with Ino, quickly slapped Naruto's hand away from her butt. "Pe-pervert!" she sniped, her cheeks radiating hot pink. The word lacked heat, though, and Naruto waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Feisty," he remarked playfully, causing his tsundere teammate to blush even brighter. Chuckling good-naturedly, the blond put the now free hand to work on Ino's behind, squeezing the generous amount of buttock that his fellow-blonde's scandalously short, and tight, daisy dukes shamelessly put on display.

Pulling the Yamanaka casually closer as he explored the depths of her modest cleavage, Naruto gave Ino a playful peck on the cheek.

"So what are you two doing here?" he asked her huskily. "Sakura finally decide to take me up on that standing offer of mine?"

Ino giggled lustily. "Oh, I wish," she purred. "But, no, we're actually here for Sasuki-chan. Sakura's been getting anxious for some one on one with her..."

Naruto laughed. "She still hasn't done you yet, Sakura-chan? Damn, she must be blind." He winked roguishly. "If I were in her place, I would be doing you six ways to Sunday every chance I got."

Sakura winced. "You know how she is, Naruto..." she murmured weakly. "Maybe if Sasuki-chan wasn't so obsessed with you, she'd be more open to my offers..."

Ino shook her head, taking a brief break from nibbling on Naruto's neck to speak up. "Oh, Sakura, you know how to make Sasuki accept."

The pinkette scowled. "That's cheating," she muttered irritably. "I love Sasuki-chan, but she would probably jump of a bridge if you told her Naruto was waiting for her off the edge. Asking her to join you in a threesome with Naruto is cheap, and dishonest." She crossed her arms, sniffing imperiously.

Ino quirked a single, slim eyebrow at this. "What's dishonest about it?" she asked rhetorically. "She's hot, and Naruto's hot. Who wouldn't want to be in a sandwich between those two?"

Naruto grinned at this, and he cheerfully popped one of Ino's breasts out of her shirt. Not that this required much finagling. That tube top was so tight and low-cut that it was nothing short of a miracle those puppies hadn't already popped out. Really, all he had to do was gently push up on the boob. Physics took care of the rest.

"See?" said Ino cheerfully, wiggling her behind suggestively against Naruto's skillfully groping hand as her fellow blond proceeded to bend his head down and take the nipple of the now-exposed teat into his mouth. She moaned shamelessly, squirming lewdly against Naruto as he sucked on the free breast. "He's so good❤ Why wouldn't you want this cutie's body pressing you into Sasuki-chan's arms?"

Sakura blushed beetroot red. She was trying very hard to avert her gaze from the pair, but she wasn't having much luck with that.

Naruto and Ino put on one hell of a show.

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