Countryhumans: WW2

By JessicaisKool45

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In a world of newfound peace, a new threat rises. Can peace be kept before it's too late? More

File one: Austria's Fall
File Two: Accusations
File Three: Game On
File Four: Battle of France
File Five: Backup
File Six: Meetings and Volunteers
File Seven: Winter War And Building Insanity
File Eight: Phantoms of Defeat.
File Nine - The Faces of France
File Ten: An Empire Strikes Back
File Eleven: A Fatal Betrayal.
File Twelve: A Tropical Attack
File Thirteen: The Bear and the Black Eagle
File Fifteen - D Day
File Sixteen - Kapitulation
File Seventeen - Destroyer of Worlds

File Fourteen: A Crumbled Axis

215 2 0
By JessicaisKool45

Since Reich's defeat, each victory seemed more and more rewarding for America and his side. As if each fallen country were cheering them on somehow. Victories weren't just rewarding, they almost seemed effortless at some points. Like climbing a ladder. Italy's defeats in Africa due to the countries rising up and America's twin siblings; New Zealand and Australia, JE's losses in Asia due to America's sister India and the countries on her side, hell, even his brother Canada had pitched in, he was usually so soft, hell, maybe even cowardly. Now, America would usually ridicule him for this, however, he understood that him and France were good friends. And Ame was carefree, but never facetious. He continued to let these ideas run in his head, when a soft, low voice cut off his thoughts. "America..." He jumped, then turned to look down at Britain's wounded frame, he looked as if he had fought at least 100 battles in one day. 

"Have you planned out our invasion of Italy?" Britain asked huskily. America couldn't bring himself to reply. Instead, he stared at Britain's scarred structure. His heart pricked with worry for his father. When Britain returned from France's battle grounds, bleeding and defeated, it sent America reeling with anger. Even the thought now made his fists clench. "Son.." Britain sighed. America jumped, his father had obviously noticed his tensing. "Dad... I-" America began, his voice trembling with rage. Then suddenly, Britain limply threw his arms around him, holding America close. His head resting against America's chest. "I know, son... I know." Britain closed his eyes with a sigh. America wondered what stressful thoughts were throbbing in his head, and with that, he hugged Britain back. The annoyance he usually would've felt melted into peace. There was at least one thing good about this war. It brought him and his father closer than he had ever imagined he would be. 

Britain pulled away, and brought America back to the task at hand. "Right... Now, I was thinking we could invade from  the south in Italy. Around Autumn time." Britain suggested, America hesitated, he knew that wouldn't bring the Axis down properly. Britain picked this up. "Ah, too forward, I take it?" America shrugged. "I mean... it would weaken 'em, sure." His anger bubbled hotter inside him. "But I wanna take 'em out once and for all. Make them pay..." Britain's gaze pierced through him. "I want them to deteriorate in power as much as you do." Britain went to say more, then he seemed to think better of it. He knew that his plan was flawed, and his humble nature told him to keep his mouth shut. "Damn it, Dad! We need some other attack strategy!" America blurted out in frustration. Britain shot his head back up at him with a glare that a father would give to a misbehaving son, which made America even more frustrated. He wasn't a kid anymore! How could Britain still treat him like this with a straight face?!

"U-Um... Dad?" A softer accented voice piped in. A familiar one. America whipped around to see Canada. "Shut up, Can! This ain't your business!" He shouted. Canada didn't flinch, but he didn't even seem defensive. "I... I have an idea.. To attack the mainland?" Canada suggested. America looked back at Britain who's eyes narrowed in thought at Canada's request to put his plan forward. "And that is, Son?" Britain asked, relaxing his stance. Canada sighed softly, looking over the map which was draped across the wall, he pointed to France's coastline. "We should land here. We need to get Third Reich's forces out of France. Then we'll work on Italy." Canada pointed to each country in turn, he seemed to know what to do instinctively, everything he suggested seemed to be right. Canada was always right, and America hated that about him. But now, he couldn't help but feel proud of his brother.

Canada glanced back up at his father, then gave a brief pause before turning to his brother. "W-Well..?" He asked with a gentle shiver. America tried not to let pride warm his gaze as he turned to Britain, implying he wanted him to choose. Britain gave a hefty sigh. "I hope you realise you realise just how risky this could be, Canada." Britain's voice was husky, as if he had the souls of each dead country weighing on him. America wasn't as fussed. With enough assistance financially and in military resources, the countries would come back stronger. So what was the big problem? Britain looked up at Canada with woeful emotion, yet a slight hint of... something bright? Hope, perhaps? "But we've had worse situations. Son?" Britain's gaze hardened towards Canada. Canada's back straightened responsibly at his father's tone. Britain nodded.

"We leave at dawn."

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