Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

242K 3.9K 7.5K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice

Where is my Mind?

4.2K 70 156
By TheWonderland04


My team and I decided that you guys have wonderful reactions when reading this story and we had two marvelous ideas.



You will notice in this chapter. A few reactions involve a HUGE decision.

Whether or not Jim and the rest of the people in the theater keep their memories of watching this show.

You have a chance to help us decide the plot and ending of this book. In this story, there will be times where the show will affect their decisions, some times where they want the memories of watching their show wiped, or kept.

What would you like to see?

Jim and the student body, even parents and teachers keep their memories and the secret of Trolls is out. And if this option is chosen, the ending could be greatly affected and possibly longer.


Their memories are wiped at the end and the book concludes with them waking up and remembering nothing but the night they fell asleep, right before they arrived


You can be a student in the theater! And you will be tagged at the ending of the chapter with a big thanks!

If this idea works out, we'll allow it for the whole story!

However, you can no longer add a reaction to a chapter that is published and please keep the reactions in Season 1 episodes until we move to season two.

All we need is this information:


The episode you'd like to appear in

Your reaction to what part of the episode and please keep PG-PG13. Some of us are adults and swear words come out, we will allow it but nothing too major.

So it'd look a bit like this: "Female, Wingmen, "epic shield Jim!" Kind of a bad example but it helps us read it a little better and is easy to transfer.

Episodes you can choose from:

Party Monster

It's About Time


Angor Management

A Night to Remember

Something Rotten This Way Comes.

Our reactions are a bit bad sometimes and maybe we need extra help from our supportive readers!

Some reactions might not make it in if we are about to publish and you comment, sorry! We will put a deadline date when we suspect the next chapter to be published so look out for that if you are putting in a reaction, WE MIGHT NOT SEE IT IF IT IS PAST THE DEADLINE



Within the sewers of Trollmarket, high-pitched giggling echoed through the tunnels, a small light flickering before rapidly coming closer, zig-zagging, and a stream of gold light following it in its path. The mysterious object flickered around the clearing of the sewer, spazzing before shooting up to the surface.

Blinky shook his head, he quickly recognized that as a Pixie. If one had been out, then there had to be more to come if they came out willingly. However, if there was only one without the rest of the horde, then someone had set it free for a single purpose. Who would be foolish to do that and who could the Pixie invade? Strickler was foolish, and if this pixie was intended for his Trollhunters, Blinky might lose his "cool" with the Changeling.

The questions pounded against his head as he watched the screen, hearing the murmurs of the children who didn't know that such creatures existed.

Nighttime had set on Arcadia, the bell of the museum ringing in the night, Strickler heading towards the said building, unaware of the light that had been following him. It flew around him, dodging his dark gaze. However, with unfortunate luck, Walt had only found whatever had been following him, gone.

Blinky snorted, a Pixie, going after Stricklander? Quite unexpected. Was it them that sent one free, and if it was, why was that idea even in their minds if the Troll Hunter knew nothing of these creatures. Blinky should have taught him about them sooner, yet, he didn't expect them to be in the near future.

"What do you think it is?" Eli asked, Toby simply shrugging while Jim watched intently with no clue in mind on what was happening.

Jim played with his lip, so much he had to soak up before they returned to their normal lives, was it even worth it? Would he remember any of this and would it change the date of his own? Would it even make him a better Trollhunter?

"Uh, Miss?" Jim said, catching the host's attention, "will we remember this? Everyone will know my secret?"

"If you choose to before the show is concluded. Heads up, even though you know, it will be simply deja vu but everyone knows about the secrets, you'll be drawn to make the same decisions no matter how hard you try. It will end in the same outcome. Also, you know what's right."

Jim listened, glancing at his friends, this would be up to them. At the back of his mind, he had thought about his mother, how this would affect her. Despite his efforts she still got dragged into it, he didn't know what was worse, knowing the secret and in danger, or not knowing at all and still being in danger.

Looking away for a second, the orb had shot into his ear, his eyes glowing a soft gold before returning to normal. Itching his ear, Strickler heard a haunting voice, his body turning to the statue in shock.

"Impure." Bular stepped out from behind the statue, cackling, Strickler quivering.

"Wait, I'm pretty sure he died. Didn't Aaarrrgghh smash him to pieces?" Darci asked, all eyes turning to Blinky.

"That, my dear, is the trickery of a Pixie. They invade the mind, their host trapped in their own nightmare." Blinky answered, everyone, catching on.

"Who—? It... It can't be. Bular? I thought you were dead."

"I lived," Bular said, his stone fist-clenching as he cut the distance between him and the Impure. "Only to find you've left my father to rot in the Darklands? You dare to conspire to steal my father's throne?" Strickler backed up, clearly panicked at the sight of Bular

"Yeah, he pretty much said it himself," Steve pointed out, responding to no one in particular.

"Yeah, that's because he had no one to worry about. Now, he's crying like a baby," Mary said.

"No! I would never betray..." Strickler fell back, landing on his behind and holding up his hand in hopes of protection, the Inferna Copula glowing and instantly catching Bular's attention.

The students let out a laugh, Jim and Toby grinning at the screen. Strickler always put on such a tough facade and here he was cowering and begging at Bular. After trying to control him while he was alive, Strickler was sure weak.

The said Changeling ducked his head, Nomura even cackling.

"Wow, what a tough guy. You really know how to stand your ground." A student joked, causing more laughter to erupt. Barbara had been amused, simply grinning at him.

"See, he lied! We all knew he wanted to take the throne! Changeling? More like Weakling!" Someone snorted in response. Strickler shaking his head. What could he even say to defend himself at this moment?

"The Inferna Copula? You think Angor Rot will bring your reign?" He bellowed before he slammed his fists to the ground, Strickler whimpering. "Abandon the ring now. Before I feast on your corpse and floss with your intestines."

"Even in Strickler's imagination, he's still deadly, flossing with intestines. Wow!"

"Bular, please!" As Strickler pleaded, a young girl who was on her phone had noticed Strickler cowering, Bular nowhere to be seen. Rolling her eyes, she continued to walk, ending up walking through Bular's form as he threatened Walt.

A student snorted in laughter while others caught on that Strickler was the only one who could see Bular's ghostly form.

"Well, in her eyes. Strickler looks pathetic."

"When doesn't he?" Students laughed in response, Strickler crossing his arms and grumbling something under his breath.

"Who knew they could be so mean and they aren't being mean to us!" Toby said to Jim, the tall boy nodding.

"Oh, you shall beg. Abandon the ring!"

Strickler let out a gasp at the sight, "She just walked right-" he looked up at Bular, the troll paying no mind and laughing, "Pixies." He hit the side of his head, knocking the creature out, the giggling orb flying right in front of Bular's face, only to be smashed by Strickler, the pixie screaming and Bular's body faded away. A shocked look on his face.

"Angor! You dare attempt to distort my mind with a pixie?" Strickler's eyes glowing yellow and red as he stepped towards the statue, the assassin appearing with a chuckle. Strickler changed into his troll form, Angor stepping up to him. "The nightmare would scare the ring from my hand?"

Strickler swung at him, Angor letting out a grunt and barely dodging it. "You are a dog and this is your leash!" He managed to land a hit on the assassin, knocking him down. Angor sitting up with a groan, "I am your master." Angor took a swipe at Strickler with his blade, the Changeling easily taking it and pointing it at Angor, "Obey my command and kill the Trollhunter!"

"Wow, after finding out that it was a pixie, you're suddenly the tough guy."

"Only because of that ring, if he wasn't wearing it, he'd be cowering still." All the students scoffed, Jim and Toby joking lightly in the front, chuckling.

"Then you should avoid that school of yours tomorrow," Angor said, a glowing green light emitting from Strickler and his form once again human. Dropping the blade, Strickler walked off, a grin on his face. Angor stood, wiping his lip, "but the ring will be mine."

Angor's menacing grin was the last to see before the scene changed, the sun high in the sky as the sound of a bell ringing, Claire setting her books in her locker before Mary had slammed it.

"Jim Lake asked you to the dance and you didn't tell us?" Mary cried out, Darci stepping beside her, arms crossed.

"Thank you for reminding me," a kid said, melting into their seat.

"You didn't tell us?! Come on Claire!" Mary yelled, glaring down her friend.

Claire winced, "I was trying to think of a lie because I know you'd want the details." As the two talked, Jim blushed in his seat.

"Spill it, C-bomb, before Mare and I go kaboom," Darci said, Claire, swiping a piece of hair behind her ear.

Claire made a gesture to the screen, silently saying "I told you so." Mary and Darci playfully rolling their eyes.

"I think it was cute how you asked him out, that whole episode was perfect," Darci said, supporting her.

"There's but much to really tell, except... I sorta asked him." The two gasped as Claire smiled shyly, Mary looked shocked while Darci praised her.

"Oh n, no, no, no, no, no! There is so much to tell! Like how he faced his fears of dancing for you! I need someone like that in my life!"

"Good, girl!"

"Excuse me, Darci. Do not celebrate. Educate." Mary pointed to her head, Darci leaned, trying to seem disappointed but she was watching as Mary wiggled her finger, looking surprised at Mary, "That's not the way you do things, Claire. There are rules to being on top of the social food chain. What sort of world do you think we live in?"

"A messed up one," someone said, "the fact that a troll threatened the school! That is messed up!"

Mary and Darci walked forward, Claire rolling her eyes, "If only you knew." She spotted Jim at his locker and waved with a smile, the boy happily waving back. Making claws at Mary as she ranted, Jim couldn't help but smile bigger.

Mary gasped at the two, "oh no, you did not Claire bear!" Claire chuckled, covering her mouth.

"My bad."

Not paying attention to Toby who had weakly walked to Jim's locker, the tall lanky boy had thrown it open, the door colliding with Toby's face. Letting out a yelp, Toby had caught Jim's attention, the Tollhunter jumping in surprise.

Everyone jumped back, wincing. Jim had put his full strength into opening that door as well. How did Toby not break anything throughout that?

"I can't feel my arms," Toby cried, slamming the locker shut with his head, not even phased about the locker nearly giving him a concussion. He turned to Jim, slouching but the Trollhunter simply smiled and moved him out of the way.

"Probably can't feel your face either!"

"First day of training can do that, but you are the one that wanted the war hammer." Jim once again opened his locker, Toby responding.

"Hey, hey. Next time a magic troll assassin punches your sword, you'll be happy ol' Warhammer and Shadowdancer have your back." With a slap to the lanky boy's back, he flew into his locker but managed to catch himself.

Claire raised an eyebrow at the name, "Shadowdancer?" Toby chuckled and shrugged, he had to give his future self props, that was pretty creative.

"It makes you sound pretty bad," Mary said, agreeing that the name was decent. Not that she'd agree with Toby, never.

Pulling his bag from his locker, Jim shut the door, the two heading to the men's locker room. "Shadowdancer? Let me guess. You haven't run that by Claire? Well, Tobes, rest up. We can at least feel safe in school knowing Angor Rot won't attack us in broad daylight."

"You say that now. Every time you feel safe or that you have the upper hand, something goes wrong, always." A student commented, shaking their head as Jim nodded.

"Yeah, that seems to be my luck nowadays," Jim groaned.

"Oh, my gosh, I think I can feel a little baby muscle growing," Toby yelled excitedly, passing over a small drain, the camera panning into it, only to find the said assassin standing beneath it, the high pitched giggling of the Pixies was heard.

"Just a few minutes without disasters! Please!" Someone cried out, holding their head as if they had a headache.

His dagger pierced the cocoon, releasing the Pixies, swarms of them being released into the school. After swatting one away, Angor looked up at the drain, grinning, "Sweet dreams, Hunter."

The same student raised their hands in exaggeration, all the students gaping at the screen.

"He brought the Pixies to school. How on earth would a lie like that be covered up?" Darci asked.

Eli quickly butted in, "More importantly, will it affect all of us? I don't want to go through that."

Down in Trollmarket, a thick book had been laid out on the table, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh occupying the room. As Blinky glanced at the book, Aaarrrgghh had slowly turned to his friend, no longer facing the wall.

"I fear Master Jim is in far more danger than we imagined. According to the Gloomanac, Angor Rot made a Faustian bargain."

"We all are in danger Blinky! He is infecting the school!"

Jim let out a small laugh, leaning back in the chair and curling up in a blanket.

"Faustian?" Aaarrrgghh repeated.

"In exchange for his magnificent sorcery, he cursed his soul into a single ring, the Inferna Copula." A detailed picture of the ring was shown, sketched on a page, and surrounded by Trollish writing.

"Who did he sell his soul too?" Eli asked. No one answered for none had known the answer. Angor was not easy to read.

"Mm, picture. Helpful."

"Whoever bears it, controls him. Aaarrrgghh, it says here that Angor's been stealing the souls of Trollhunters in a blasphemous attempt to fill the void ever since." As Blinky spoke, Aaarrrgghh had let out a soft grunt, wincing before he checked his wound, when Blinky had gone silent, the vast troll dropped his arm, looking at Blinky who hadn't even looked his way.

"That's pretty harsh." Eli said, "now I see why he wants the ring so bad. Whoever did that must have not been too kind."

"Question is, why did he sell it? Was it to be more powerful. Who would even sell their soul to someone who pretty much cursed them?"

"That's what selling a soul is a curse. You get what you want but you are doomed," another argued, everyone else was quiet, listening.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I might only have two eyes, but I can see clear as day. It's obvious." Blinky said, turning to face his troll friend, Aaarrrgghh not even bothering to look at him if he had figured out the truth. "Ever since my human deformity, you have been distant,"

"Wait. What? Aaarrrgghh didn't even tell Blinky!" A kid cried out. "Did he even figure it out?!"

"Uh... Yes. Distant." Aaarrrgghh said, quickly following up on the lie. Glad that Blinky hadn't discovered that he was dying.

"I may look different, but I'm still the same Blinky. How about, to cheer you up, maybe later today, I could rent a mini-van, we could go for a drive? Something with tinted windows, of course. I hear we're not too far away from the World's largest thermometer. I bet you could eat it."

Blinky sighed, he blamed himself. He wasn't paying close enough attention, he thought this was about him and his change. Yes, it was hard to get used too, but Aaarrrgghh was his friend for a reason, not because of how he looked or his form. He was used to the three teens so he had to be used to Blinky as a human. Yet, he was blind to see that it wasn't why.

Aaarrrgghh gently placed a hand on his shoulder, catching the slouch in Blinky's posture.

"Sorry, dear friend. I was so caught up in what you thought about me, that I didn't think about the logic."

"No apology. Good friend. Sorry, I lied." Aaarrrgghh sighed sadly. Blinky glanced up at him, smiling slightly.

"We'll be there with you," Blinky added before turning back to the screen, a smile appearing on Aaarrrgghh's face.

Aaarrrgghh groaned and turned, stepping away as he spoke, "Mm, not today." Blinky watched with sadness, his heart tearing.

"Perhaps another time, my dear friend." The former troll mumbled to no one in particular.

Everyone's heart shattered, the two didn't deserve this. They were doing their best for each other and their friends.

Jim sighed, he was focused on searching for the Stones, if he wasn't so caught up in it, he might have saved Aaarrrgghh. The troll was too selfless for his own good.

From the calm scene, it changed to Steve violently shoving Eli into a gym locker. With quick thinking, Eli stopped the door, hoping to bribe himself out of it, struggling to keep the door open.

"Oh, hey, Steve. I finished your math homework, and I've already wired lunch money into your account. Maybe we can skip the locker stuffing today?"

"Eli, we've discussed this," Steve said before he gripped Eli's shoulders tightly, hurting the unfortunate and petite boy.

"Come on Steve," Jim said, catching people's attention. His tone sounded as if he was annoyed, perhaps sad. Who could blame him, his world and friends were in a tough patch.

"Ow!" Steve pulled Eli from the locker, lifting him off the ground as bystanders passed, doing nothing to help while the blonde bully had shaken Eli.

"Okay." Jim furrowed his eyebrows, "I get Steve is the one who could ruin lives, and yes, we don't want to be in his way but why is no one helping?" He sighed, "I pretty much answered that question myself. Anyways, we can't sit here, letting Eli get shoved around because of who he is. If my secret is out, then I can say I have to protect both Humans and Trolls and Eli is human, so we need to leave him be."

Jim's eyes fell on Steve who shifted uncomfortably, it was a weird sight on the bully but Steve could see the fire burn in Jim's eyes, he had seen the anger in Jim before, hence, his tooth.

"Leave Eli alone from now on, one day you could really hurt him and that is not fair to his parents nor him." At that, Eli blushed as eyes fell on him, the theater silent, waiting for Steve's response.

After a moment of hesitation, Steve sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll try to be nice to the twerp." Jim smiled in satisfaction, sitting once again. Barbara and Blinky watched with proud smiles. He was meant to be the Trollhunter.

"I make the rules. I'm the alpha. Who am I?"

"Steve Palchuk," Eli whimpered out before his body was forced upside down and once again, crammed into the small space, his body hurled towards the bats. With a slam of the locker door, his hands finding their way to the collar of his shirt, fixing it.

"And there can only be one." Steve headed to the bathroom, checking himself out in the mirror, posing as he spoke out his plan, his voice seeming deeper.

"Why did you have to change your voice, didn't make you cooler." Someone added, slightly shaking their head.

"Phase one, find out the name of the cute blond in biology. Phase two, ask said blond to Spring Fling. Phase three...make all her dreams come true." As he was busily flaunting in the mirror, a Pixie had arrived, giggling and shooting into his ear. He turned, itching his ear before turning to the mirror, "Haha, I love you."

Steve gasped, he was the first to be infected and it was showing the whole school his worst nightmare. Just perfect.

As he held out his arms, he was shoved to the side, Steve pissed that someone hadn't respected his space, but also was confused about why they wore the same shirt. That was until the mysterious person had lifted their head, revealing to be another Steve.

Everyone gaped, Steve, hiding his face from anyone's curious and judging gaze.

"Hold on for just a minute, you're telling me Steve is afraid of people just like him?" Toby pointed out, not hiding his shock.

"I bet your's is lame too, dumbzolski!" Steve pointed out, "all of ours is going to be ridiculous." He hopes that would draw the attention from his own fear but he knew this was just the beginning.

"What up, bro?" The replica greeted, fixing its hair as the real Steve backed up, pointing a finger. As he continued to back away, the clone had followed, Steve nervous.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

"Steve Palchuk. MVP, on the field and off, the future king of Arcadia Oaks High." He slid a hand over his hair, the real Steve beginning to hyperventilate.

"You have got to be kidding me," someone said, sighing in exaggeration.

"The king of Arcadia Oaks High. If anyone is king, it's Jim and we don't even know that he is protecting the school like it's his own tribe." Another kid added in.

"The trolls are his tribe. Jim is the protector and the god of Trollmarket so he is king and that's a higher title than the king of a high school."

Jim blushed as someone snorted, "the future king of our school is whimpering because he's looking at himself."

He let out a whimper, "No, you can't be Steve. I'm Steve. I'm Steve!" The toilet flushed, Steve turning to find another one of him, stepping out.

"Keep telling yourself that buddy," Steve quickly made the student silent, waving a finger at him.

"Don't do this right now!"

"Ooh! Ooh-hoo! You may need to let that one rest. Dang," Steve number two said, a wicked grin on his face.

"No! No, no, no! Ah-ha!-Ahh!" The original Steve ran out, screaming as Steve two pointed to where he stood, the other simply shrugging.

As the original Steve pulled open the locker to where he had shoved Eli, he had found himself, cackling. He screamed, running off again, the students watching, obviously not seeing what he saw. Steve ran through the hallways, finding more of himself, staring.

"Just imagine, Eli is now Steve. Man, that must suck." Steve grumbled at the comment, they found it humorous. Yes, he had constantly picked at everyone else but this wasn't fair.

He sighed, it was fair, he had brutally shoved Eli and a locker and it was clear to see the school respected Jim more than him. Jim risked his life for people and Steve had put the same lives on the line. He was no better than Strickler and everyone had the right to attack him when he finally just needed relief.

He didn't have to fully change, he could still be a little rude, but perhaps if he showed everyone that there was a decent side to him at least and maybe he wouldn't be on the same level as Strickler. He needed to talk with Jim and without everyone else around. Perhaps after the episode, he could talk to him.

"What up? Steve? High-five."

"So what are you benching, like, uh...? What are you looking at?" Two other Steve's said at the same time. With another scream, the bully ran off, revealing that Mary and a random boy had been standing there, the two envisioned as Steve's through the blonde's eyes.

Trying to reassure himself, Steve had cut off Jim and Claire, even Coach Lawrence, yelling out: "I'm Steve! You're not Steve! I'm Steve! I'm Steve! I'm Steve!"

"What was that all about?" Claire and Jim stared at each other before Claire turned to Coach Lawarence, asking him about it.

"Awww, they're walking each other to class! So cute!" Someone squealed in happiness.

"SAT season. I'll tell you, one kid snaps like a snow pea every spring." The coach stepped away as the bell rang, the future couple heading to class, Claire sparking up a short conversation.



"Don't you think I should be-I don't know- coming up with my own name?"

"Sorry, too much?" Jim said, a smile evident on his face.

"Hardly. How about 'Queen Death Viper 5000 of the Shadow Realm'?" Jim chuckled before stepping off, trying not to earn detention. Claire turned and opened the classroom door, her fingers moving a piece of hair behind her ear.

"That better be a joke." Mary shook her head at her friend, that was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard, minus the fact that Jim could babysit a child.

"Yeah! That's more like it," suddenly, a Pixie had invaded the same ear, Claire pausing as her eyes dimmed from the gold color. Shaking her head, she paused at the door, gaining the class's attention.

Jim frowned at the sight, he didn't like the look of this. She was the second to be infected and he wasn't around. Meaning she'd had to live in the nightmare and he couldn't take her out of it.

"...the Puente de San Martin Bridge crosses the..." Senor Uhl's voice trailed off, Claire quickly gathering herself and heading to her desk.

"Sorry, I was, um..."

"As I was saying...crossing the Tagus River. The bridge is considered a masterpiece of Spanish architecture. After the Killahead Bridge was destroyed..." Claire scribbled in her notebook, taking notes before her head lifted at the mention of the Killahead bridge.

"Wait, Killahead?"

" the Battle of Tagus River, the question then became..." The image changed from a normal bridge to the Killahead bridge, surrounded in flames as Senor Uhl turned to her with a glare. Singling her out. "Why wasn't Claire paying better attention to her baby brother?'" Claire let out a surprised gasp, standing to find no one else in the classroom. "Why, Claire? Why would you let them take him? It's all your fault!"

"I know this is just her nightmare but relax Senor Uhl, if anything, it was Jim's fault."

"Hey! It was not!" Jim defended himself as his mind connected the dots, "wait, it's not my fault if I didn't know about it." He leaned back in his chair and glanced at Claire.

"Well, this is my fear," She mumbled shyly.

"It wasn't your fault either Claire," He reassured. She gave him a smile. It wasn't a speech but it still grounded her, kept her sane. Even though her brother wasn't with her, she still had hope.

Claire watched as he yelled at her before she quickly fled the classroom, Senor Uhl, and the rest of the class watched with confusion. As she roamed the empty halls, she leaned against the locker, holding her head until she heard the echo of a baby crying, then it cooed.

"-En...? Enrique?" She looked around, searching through different hallways before she had spotted him, hanging upside down on the ceiling. She couldn't help but gasp when she spotted him, calling out to him but he didn't stop, "Enrique! Stop!" He cooed, eating the camera, and smoothly changing the scene.

Within Trollmarket, a close up of the wound was shown, it flickering purple as Vendel spoke, Aaarrrgghh lowering his arm. "Your fears are true. You've been nicked by Creeper's Sun poison and you're turning to stone."

"This is literally the worst news ever. It's like being told your mom is close to death." A student whimpered, shaking their head.

The team stayed quiet, their friend was dying as well and Vendel had confirmed it, how long would it take before they figured out that their friend was fighting a battle that he would end up losing in the end.

"You have medicine?" Aaarrrgghh asked.

"To slow it, yes. To cure it...regrettably, no. Sooner or later, the poison will overtake you." Aaarrrgghh's face fell at the news.

"OF COURSE! DAMN IT!" Someone stood, heading to the bathroom, "I'm not finishing this episode. I don't care, it plays too much."

Toby rubbed his face, his wingman had no cure and it hurt to hear. Luckily the wound was non-existent while they watched the show, slowing down the effects. But would the break be worth it if Jim chose for people not to remember all of this?

If Jim chose for everyone's memory to be wiped from this experience, it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't know that Aaarrrgghh was dying and still have less time with him. Even though the secret of trolls was important, the students were no longer phased by the news so Toby hoped that Jim let everyone keep their memories of this.

However, it could be dangerous as well, if it affects the timeline, they could mess something up. The host did point out that these events were all leading to where'd he be in the future. She did say that it will still lead to the end but they couldn't change Aaarrrgghh's fate. So, nothing would help.

"Mmm, how long?" He asked shyly.

"Weeks. With treatment, a few months." Vendel handed him the bottle of medicine. "You need to tell your friends."

"No!" Aaarrrgghh quickly yelled out.


"Don't want Toby to know," he let out a deep breath, Vendel supporting his decision.

Blinky was a bit jealous at that, however, Toby was currently whimpering in the front, and releasing his jealous feeling was not the time. He was just glad that Toby and Aaarrrgghh had a good friendship

"I understand. Then this will be our secret." Vendel put a supporting hand on Aaarrrgghh, the said troll giving off a small smile. The Elder walked off, Aaarrrgghh eyeing the bottle, hurting.

"What do you mean the Dino-park is offline?" Shannon cried out, her face close to the camera before she let out a scream running off, Jim and Toby watching with strong confusion.

"Dino-park? Seriously."

Claire snorted at Jim and Toby on screen, how they'd good in the middle, not affected at all but watching everyone panic.

"This is bad," Jim stated, people, yelling and running around frantically, the two standing as they watched as various students panicked, one even climbing the pole.

"Why do I find it amusing that Jim and Toby are standing there while we panic around them."

"Definitely not SATs," Toby added before Eli ran forward, a cardboard sword in his hand.

"There! There are shadows! There's monsters in our town! Why won't anyone believe me?" Eli said as students cried out.

They Trollhunting team was shocked, Eli was pretty much playing Jim's life in his nightmare. Living the same secret and trying to fight off the monsters, but instead, Eli was calling them out to everyone.

"My teeth are all gone!"

Mary stopped in front of them, covering her body up, "No! Who took my clothes?" Toby waved a hand in front of her, Mary not snapping out from her living Nightmare and taking off.

Mary blushed, she wasn't ready to relive this nightmare of being naked in front of all the student body. It was haunting enough that everyone was watching her and seeing it personally.

Toby threw out his hands, "It's like we're invisible, dude."

"No, we're not invisible. They're sleepwalking, like a night terror but in the day. Have you seen Claire?"

"Your girlfriend is currently panicking as well." Someone mentioned, Jim squeaking at the comment. Claire simply smiled, she couldn't really deny it and Jim couldn't either, the feeling was strong. Yet, saying they were together was too soon, even if they nearly kissed after she had asked him to Spring Fling.

She was comfortable making the first move if anything. Obviously, Jim was adorably nervous around her, still having a crush that was completely obvious. However, it was cute.

"No. Who Do you think did this?"

"I don't know, but I bet Strickler is involved. Come on." Jim said, Toby, following as he ran through, one kid swimming on the floor, another riding the bike rack, and Eli fighting the air. Miss Janeth had pushed open the door, walking into the disaster.

"Someone was riding a bike rack..." Suddenly a student started laughing hysterically, pointing to the same student who had been.

"Dude! Jason! That was you," the said teen started blushing furiously when all eyes trained on him

"No running! No screaming! No acting weird. What's happened to you all?" She commanded hopelessly before once again, a high pitched giggle was heard, taking over her mind as well. The world going dark and leaving her alone, the spotlight soon on her. "Oh! What do you mean, it's opening night? Why is the spotlight on me?" Miss. Janeth chuckled nervously, calling out to no one. "Line? Line!"

Jim pulled open the door to Strickler's office, finding the desk empty, not shocking Jim in the slightest. "No surprise he's gone."

"This is supposed to be our safe place, Jim! What's happening? Why is everyone crazy- town banana-pants?" Toby said, freaking out.

"You frickin jinxed it, Toby!"

"I don't know. But I don't like it either, I need time to think," Jim said, his hand on his chin as a Pixie spazzed around Toby, the pudgy boy not even noticing.

"We may be down a Shadowdancer, but Warhammer ain't leaving your side, bud." Jim's eyes caught the soft light that landed on Toby's shoulder.

"Tobes, don't move. There's something glowing on you." Toby turned to look at it, whimpering as it landed on his nose, Jim reaching for a book and aiming.

"Imagine if Jim missed and it actually hit Toby's face. That would have been the second time of him getting hurt around the face."

"And yet he is still standing."

"#Justice4TobysFace." Someone quoted.

"Stay very, very still." As Jim lifted the book above his head, the Pixie retreated into Toby's nose, the boy quickly covering it.

"It's in my nose! It's in my nose!"

"Blow your nose! Hurry, hurry!" Jim yelled out, Toby trying to snort it out but failing. His arms flailed in panic as he spoke.

"Oh my gosh, it's inside of me! This is what's happening to everybody else." Toby runs to the desk, leaping over it and landing on the floor, not minding that he had taken out a few items with him. He groaned before standing and rolling over it, holding his head as Jim headed to his side.

Someone chuckled, "it's inside of him." Barbara quickly shut it down, telling the student that it was inappropriate.

"We don't know that. Toby, don't freak out." Toby quickly grabbed his best friend's face, breathless.

"You need to study me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Like in the movies. I'm that guy," Toby said, wiping everything off the desk and sitting on it, Jim listening with a shocked expression, "I'm the test subject you gotta study to learn how to fight the stupid alien creatures. Whatever happens next, you have to pay close attention-attention-attention-"

"What? Are you insane?" Toby didn't answer, instead, his eyes squeezed shut, his body tensing before he slowly stopped, all of a sudden relaxed.

"Oh, that is not good. Jim, step away from Toby right now!" Someone yelled out.

Jim shook his head, "I wonder what you fear Tobes." Toby shivered, somewhat knowing the answer to that. Fantastic.

"Strange sensations, heart rate rising. My mind is..." Toby groaned, his body slack and eyes closed.

"Toby? Tobes!" Jim cried out, shaking him but stopped when a smile crossed Toby's face. His eyes popping open, the Trollhunter instantly pulled away in fear of what happened next.

"It's you! Hey you, mole!" Toby held out his arms towards Jim but within Toby's mind, he was standing in a field, pink smoke surrounding him, his hand reaching out to catch a kiss, funky beach music playing in the background.

Jim's and Claire's jaw had dropped instantly. "Hey! This isn't a nightmare! Uncool!"

"It's a nightmare for us," another had said. Everyone distracted at the sight of Toby's wild imagination that no one saw Darci blush madly, not even Mary who was sitting right beside her.

He sucked in the kiss, excited as a pink heart appeared behind him, his heart beating loud, the mole standing on the other side seemed to be blushing. Toby quickly checked his breath before opening his arms and running to the mole, the said mascot doing the same in slow motion.

Toby jumped into the mole's arms, a large smile on his face as he was spun in a circle, raised above her. The two continued spinning before they were shot into the sky, a rainbow cloud following their trail. As the sky grew dark, large floating food had surrounded them, tacos and pizza to be exact.

"Oh, for heaven's sake," Jim mumbled, rubbing his forehead as laughter was heard. Toby was speechless, why was this even allowed for everyone to see?! Granted, yes, he didn't usually care what anyone thought but he was really singled out in the theater and there was no distracted! The attention made him queezy.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were shocked as well, but it wasn't shocking. Tobias loved his tacos.

Toby didn't hesitate to ask the mole, but his voice came out in slow motion, "Will you be my date to Spring Fling?" The two let go as the mole shook her head, Toby clearly excited, the two sharing a high five before he put his hands under the mole's head, leaning in to kiss as he pulled the mask from its body, revealing his waiting nana.

"There's the nightmare," Claire said, someone covering their eyes.

"No, for him it just started." Toby lightly scoffed before blushing. His biggest fear was Nana giving him "smoochies".

Darci smiled. She would love to go to Spring Fling with him, only if he didn't ask every single girl out and was confident to talk to her in the mask.

"I love you Toby-pie!" As she spoke, her voice grew deeper and Toby yelped at the sight of her.

Toby squirmed out of her grip, "Get away from me, Nana!" He let out a piercing scream as he fell from the clouds. Only to reveal that he was rolling on the floor screaming, Jim standing to the side, his phone in his hand.

"And there goes Warhammer," Jim said as Toby crawled, pleading.

"Get away from me, Nana!"

Everyone enjoyed the scene, who knew the two could be so funny.

At the Lake residence, Blinky was sitting in a chair, smiling as Barbara stepped over, speaking to him as she handed him a cup. "Thank you so much for coming over, Mr. Blinky. Well, to be frank, I'm concerned about Jim's progress."

"Come on, really," Jim mumbled, his mom had called Blinky over, alone.

Blinky took a sip before cringing and pulling away from the cup, "Ugh!"

"Oh! Would you like some cream for that?" Barbara stood, heading to the kitchen.

"Oh, yes, please. The whipped kind." He said, earning a confused and disgusted look from Barbara.

"Way to blend in, doofus." Claire joked.

"You humans have too many creams." Blinky held out a finger, "and for what!"

"Cream is made from milk, almost every cream is. It's just easy." One student answered, shrugging.

"I have to disagree with you there." People smiled, watching Trolls learn the life of a human was quite entertaining, even if Blinky didn't agree and grumbled at the mistake.

"Okay..." She headed to the kitchen, Blinky talking as she returned with the whipped cream.

"As for your concern with Jim, he's had his final growth spurt but his voice should be changing soon." She handed him the cream, "Ah, thank you." He instantly filled his mouth with the cream, Barbara trying to pay no mind to it.

Jim looked shocked, either from the puberty talk or the fact Blinky had filled his entire mouth with whipped cream. He could hear the students snicker in the background at the voice issue but Jim shook it off and turned to Blinky with a playful glare.

"I meant his odd behavior." She trailed off when Blinky swished the coffee and the cream in his mouth together, "Not his voice. But, you know, the late nights, the lying."

Everyone groaned in disgust, even Strickler has watched with his eyebrows furrowed, this episode was odd. Every part of it had something that didn't quite fit normal standards.

"Jim has a solid head on his shoulders. And now that we've blasted through his emotional roadblocks, you shouldn't witness any more unusual outburst from your son." Barbara's eyes tried to strain from the coffee as he mixed the cream in while he spoke. However, she didn't get a chance to respond when his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Blinky, everyone's going crazy-town banana-pants!" Jim's voice yelled through the phone, Blinky pulling the phone from his ear, and looking nervously at Barbara.

"Uh...haha? Oh, good, good. Good afternoon, Mr. President Eisenhower. I suppose I could pencil you in." He stood and walked away, Barbara's face looking concerned.

"Oh. Oh my. He said, President Eisenhower. That guy has been dead for ages." Barbara couldn't help but chuckle, the look on her face was priceless. She was completely clueless in the show, obviously, it affected Jim as well as the said boy shook his head at the screen.

Jim covered his ear, Toby spazzing in the background, "Help! I've got flying glow-balls making everyone crazy. It's like they're all trapped in a dream and can't wake up."

"No, no, no! No more mole madness! Ahh, uh!" After banging his head constantly on the shelves, he fell to the side, Jim nervously watching as Toby ended up doing the worm across the room.

"Wait a hot minute!" Toby smiled, he had no idea he could move that nimble across the floor, the students hadn't either as they were covering their mouths in shock.

"It sounds like an infestation of the genius Manicus-Delusious." Blinky's voice replied.

"I- I don't know what to say to that but.... uh, alright."

"Blinky, I only have time for the cheat sheet, not the textbook."

"Pixies." Blinky simply said as Jim turned to watch Toby crawl out of the room, letting tons of more Pixies in the room, surrounding the Trollhunter.

"Get away from me, Nana!"

"Pixies? That's it?" Their high-pitched giggling was the only thing heard as he swatted a book at them.

"A powerful hallucinogen commonly used as a diversion to cloud the minds of an enemy."

"Diversion?" Jim asked as Blinky sighed.

"Angor Rot is in the school!" Jim let out a gasp, his book managing to squash one. Throughout the dark hallways, kids laid around, some running and panicking as Angor stepped through the doors, listening to their gasps, cries, and sad moans.

Every student had a roller coaster of emotions, even teachers were concerned. The madman of a troll was roaming the halls and everyone had been trapped within the horrors of their mind. Angor was wicked, he knew what he was doing and it frightened them.

He chuckled as students cried out their fears. Steve sitting against the lockers, reminding himself, "I am Steve. This is awesome. Steve is special. Steve is... special."

"One thousand pirouettes..."

"Stop looking at me! Stop looking!" Mary yelled, crossing the screen. Angor simply walking through the chaos he caused.

"One thousand and two pirouettes."

"There is so much going on and I feel like keeping up is a lot more work than it should be." Down below, Jim tensed, this couldn't be how things went, nor end.

The fact that Angor singled him out in school, right after Toby had labeled it as their safe spot, it was becoming too much to handle.

Outside, Blinky was running through the streets, calling out to Jim despite not being there to hear, "Do not fret, Master Jim! I am on the way!" He didn't get far, holding his cramping sided as he groaned, "Darn this flesh-vessel!" He gasped in surprise as he peered through the window of a car, "Glory!"

"He is not doing what I think he is...."

"Blinky's going to be running from the cops the next time we see him."

He opened the car door, getting inside and sitting in the driver seat "Haha! Now to ignite the accelerator." He pushed random buttons on the radio and turned the wheel a few times, laughing in excitement, "Car, activate. Go! Please?" Sad, he leaned his head on the horn, the alarm going off and startling him. With a tumble out of the car, yelping as he slammed the door shut with his foot, dogs howled at the noise. Not paying no mind, Blinky quickly stood and took off running.

Jim was shocked, Blinky embarrassed as everyone went quiet. He had asked the car nicely to turn on, that was the first red flag and there were too many to call out.

"Well, I must say, I have given it a try," Blinky grinned in satisfaction.

"I'm coming, Master Jim!"Back within the school, kids were running and screaming, Angor stepping through them and stopping, sniffing the air and his eyes popping open with a snicker. He continued forward as Jim was on the other side, running through the hallway and chanting, "For the glory of Merlin..." The two stopped once they saw one another, the armor appearing on Jim.

The Trollhunter let out a gasp as Angor cut the distance between the two, a student running in front of him with a scream. With a chuckle, Angor watched the students who had literally lost their minds, one kid swimming on the floor. Obviously the troll loved the view of the student body making a mockery of themselves.

"Daylight is-" Jim started but Angor had finished the line, taking Daylight.

"Daylight is mine to command." Jim gasped, the golden lines etched on his face, a haunting reminder of his curse.

"No, it's not Angor! You cheater!" A kid cried out, shaking their fist at the screen. "Is there any way to break this curse so he stops stealing his sword!"

"I wish I had figured it out before he pinched his sword," Blinky mumbled and Jim quickly turned to his trainer.

"We'll find a way Blink like we always do."

"You've kept your wits, hunter. Let's see if you can keep your head." Angor taunted, holding the sword forward, grinning mischievously.

"Okay, then. Plan B." The thing blades were summoned into Jim's hands, the boy connecting the two and readying them. Yet, the fight was seized when Steve's voice was heard.

"I'm Steve! I'm Steve! I'm special! Ah! I'm special!" He pointed to himself. Taking the opportunity, Angor grabbed him, holding the jock against him and aiming the sword towards Jim, daring him to make a move.

"Way to go Steve! Way to mess it up." Someone blamed but Steve simply shrugged.

"I had no idea, obviously I was blind and hypnotized." People looked at him, there was no anger in his voice, he seemed calm and didn't jump at the chance to pummel the poor kid accusing him.

"That's it. Steve is broken."

"Great," Jim groaned, his body slouching.

Angor stepped forward, still using Steve as a shield. The blonde boy muttering, "Don't kill myself. Don't kill myself. I'm special." Angor snickered, Jim, pulling apart the blade right as Angor tossed Steve to the side and spinning at Jim, hoping to land a blow. Jim did his best to block them, running from the tip of his sword.

At the chance, Jim had swung, the blade barely licking Angor's abdomen. Angor reacted quicker, kicking Jim against the wall, the blades embedding themselves, leaving the Trollhunter hanging. Quickly pulling the blade from the wall, Jim dropped to his knees, grunting as Daylight pierced right where he had been.

Not hesitating, Jim drug the blade against Angor's ankle, the assassin screaming in pain. Angered, he stabbed the floor, the Trollhunter ducked and rolled before he threw the blades, the weapons twirling around Angor, Jim's eyes growing in size as he watched Angor swing at them.

Everyone cheered, Jim managed to strike a blow on Angor. Strickler growled, however. The sight of his for actually touching an assassin that should be untouchable.

Clearly, Angor wasn't trying his best, he only got so far and had failed. With anger, the teacher crossed his arms.

Finally, Angor landed a hit on the blades, both flying towards the wall, jamming themselves, leaving Jim to fend without a weapon. Before Angor charged, Jim held out his hands, hoping he could pull them out, however, they wiggled at the invisible force but did nothing else.

"Come on! How do these things work?" He cried out before rolling from the blade that had suddenly appeared. Angor was quicker, the blunt end of the sword colliding with Jim's stomach, the poor boy groaning as he wrapped his arms around the injured spot.

Angor gripped the Trollhunter's throat, lifting him in the air, the said boy kicking and struggling in hopes to be freed.

Those close to Jim had growled threatening at the screen, a sight they were not happy with seeing. Why had everyone grabbed him by the throat?

"Even with your new toys, you're no match for me," Jim grunted, managing time finally free his blades and looked at Angor, making a gesture with his hand, controlling the blades.

"Maybe I'm not, but they are!" The blade sliced through the golden honeycomb-like cage, the pixies pouring out and swarming Angor like bees. Once again, the giggling was heard, the little mind-controlling pixies made Angor drop Jim and swing the sword at the little yellow orbs. Completely distracting the assassin.

Everyone cheered, "kick his butt!" Strickler tapped his chin, seeing how Angor was going to complete the task he had given him.

Jim took off, running through the hallway, only to be replaced by Claire, who was wandering the school, still in search for her brother.

"Enrique!" She called out, only to find him crawling the side of the wall, "Wait! Stop!" Enrique cooed, turning the corner, Claire not even a second behind, until she could no longer see him.

Her head turned towards a locker, hearing him echo within the small chamber. She peeled the door open, after struggling, only to find a vast and deep drop down below, wind growing strong from it. "Enrique! I'm here, I'm here!"

Claire began to crawl in the locker, the wind cascading through her hair. Behind her, Toby ran by, screaming with his arms in the air and into the gym which the floor had been covered by a thick layer of smoke.

Jim tilted his head at the sight, unsure what to say about what he was seeing.

Toby caught his breath until her haunting voice called out, the smoke moving to reveal his grandma, "Give Nana some smooches! Hahaha! Or else!" Toby groaned as numerous dodge balls had attacked him, the endless balls being thrown by none other than her. He screamed, trying to duck away from the attack. Suddenly, the balls stopped and he uncovered his face, only for one to collide with his forehead, knocking him to the ground.

"Oof!" He recovered quickly, lifting his head to find his grandma running towards him, crazed.

"Love your nana! Damn it, Toby!"

"Give Nana some smooches!" Toby screamed, standing up and running, Nana not far behind. "Give Nana some smooches!" She continued to yell as Toby let out more ear-piercing screams. Not paying attention to what was in front of him, he ran into the wall, knocking the Pixie out and the scene instantly cleared, revealing the gym once again.

"Wow, just abusing your poor face, aren't you there." Someone commented. Toby shook his head, this was the main reason why he always needed braces. Darn it.

Toby stood, hearing the giggling and spotted the orb, angry, he smashed it, the Pixie screaming, "The test subject has found the cure! Jim! Jim! Claire! I found the cure!" Toby yelled excitedly, running out of the gym.

Everyone groaned as if their team just missed the winning touchdown, Jim smiling in the front, silently mocking himself. Just his luck to run right in the gym as Toby ran out the opposite direction.

Only to be replaced by Jim, who ran right into the gym. He stopped, trying to breathe as a Pixie floated beside him, hiding in Jim's blind spot before finally invading his mind. His eyes became yellow before the gym turned into a dark abyss, jagged rocks sticking from the ground, the bridge glowing, and a large portal beneath it.

Jim backs dup, only to be stopped by something hard. Turning, he saw a panicked Toby who had been turned to stone.

"Toby?" He turned his head, finding Barbara and Claire both cowering but also frozen in their grave of stone. He dropped to his knees in front of his mother's defeated form, a hand hovering over her cheek, "Oh, no. No!" Sighing, Jim stood, "Get a grip. This is a nightmare. Wake up, Jim! This isn't real!"

Barbara broke at her son's imaginary defeat at the sight of her stone form. He didn't want to lose the ones he loved and failed to protect Arcadia and trolls. He has definitely grown into a wonderful, responsible boy.

He stopped when the gym door opened, his eyes wandering around the scene, finding nothing but purple stones. He listened as the footsteps approached, hearing the familiar chuckle of Angor. However, trying to see the assassin was much more difficult.

As Jim was stuck in his nightmare, unable to see Angor, the said troll was advancing behind him, Jim readying himself.

"Even stuck under the control of a Pixie and you're still catching on! Good job Master Jim!" Blinky celebrated.

Out in the hallways, Claire was holding on to the edge of the locker, screaming as the wind grew stronger.

"Claire, your nightmare is incredibly random. It looks like a child is just making things up as they go." Her mom stated, "and why is our son climbing on the side of the wall."

Claire sputtered, unsure of how to respond. Her mom was right, the nightmare she was going through had no plot, seemed to make everything up as it went on. An endless locker? That is not her biggest fear, losing her brother was.

"Enrique! Wait!" She called down the drop. Toby had heard her, sliding around the corner, cotton wads shoved in his nose and ears. His eyes found the same locker Claire had stuffed herself into, calling out: "No! I can't! Enrique!"

"Claire!" He said happily, running to the locker and prying it open.

"Enrique! No! I can't!" Toby lifted her out and stood her straight up, whimpering due to the fact of how he was going to free her from the Pixie's control.

"The three look so ordinary but behind that, they are the three craziest group of friends with crazy lives and it's weird." Someone mentioned, the said three humans Trollhunters chuckling at the comment.

"I'm sorry. A gentleman never strikes a lady, but I'm no gentleman," he raised his hand but hesitated, "Just do it, Toby. Just do it!" However, he barely even tapped her.

Darci smiled, he was trying to be a gentleman despite the issue at hand.

"No, wait. Wait up, Enrique!" Claire continued to cry out, Toby yelling her, hoping to talk her out of it. In Claire's eyes, she saw Enrique, speaking to her with Toby's voice and in his place.

"I'm not Enrique, Claire! I'm Toby!"

"Enrique?" Claire narrowed her eyes, "When did you learn how to talk?"

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Toby changed, shaking her.

"Wait, Enrique. Wait, no." She said before Toby ended up smacking her, the Pixie shooting out her ear. She gasped before slapping Toby in return.

Toby winced, he was expecting it once he was spitting out that he never struck a lady, Claire was one to hit back so he wasn't really surprised but there is no way he would be ready for it.

"Hey!" Toby yelped, holding his cheek.

"Uh... Toby, what the heck is going on?"

"No time!" He gave Claire extra cotton wads and grabbed her wrist, pulling her along, "Now stick these up your nose and let's go protect Jim." The two ran, searching the school before they made it to the gym, finding their Trollhunter friend cautiously roaming the room, "There! There's Jim!"

As they were close to the door, Angor stepped up, laughing before slamming the door shut, laughing. Jim, unaware of it all. The two grunted, stopping at the locked doors, trying to find a way in.

"That was a very lame rescue attempt. Very disappointed in you too." Mary said.

Barbara chuckled, yeah, she wasn't very happy that Angor was with Jim alone but she couldn't stop it no matter how hard she tried. But her friends were very protective of him and one another so there wasn't much to worry about.

In Jim's view, he was stuck within the Dark Lands, swinging at nothing while Angor's voice echoed around him.

"May today be an example, hunter. Nowhere is safe for you. You are never beyond my reach. Even right here, protected by peers, nothing can stop me from getting to you."

"Screw you!"

In the gym, Angor simply circled the boy at a safe distance, Jim calling out to him. "Then what are you waiting for?"

"You know nothing of waiting. I've waited centuries to reclaim what is mine...what I lost." Angor swung at Jim, knocking the boy back. Jim grunted, trying to hit Angor, the troll easily knocking the blade from Jim's hand. Jim continued to strike in the same area, hitting nothing.

Assassins never spilled their losses, not gloated about what they failed at obtaining. Angor was a mystery just waiting to be solved. So, the student body had leaned forward, soaking in all the information they could.

His body was shoved to the floor, the Pixie leaving him and bringing Jim back to the real world, within the gym as Angor towered above him. Jim shook his head, not stopping, but Angor wasn't having that. He grabbed the boy by his arm, Jim trying to free himself but failed.

"Be gentle with him!" Barbara yelled out, her fist clenching.

"Dude, he threw him like a rag doll!"

Angor painfully twisted Jim's arm behind his back, the Trollhunter crying out before growing serious, "What do you want from me?"

The assassin held the blade close to Jim, the said boy struggling at the sight, "I want you to get my ring. We share a common enemy."


Someone snorted, "your little puppet isn't on your side, that must suck. Not." Strickler growled lightly. Hearing that after seeing Angor go against his back was not helping.

Yes, they weren't friends in the slightest but Angor could have a bit of decency. Yet, what could you expect from a troll who killed for souls?

"He wears the Inferna Copula. You will steal it for me."

"You want my help?" Angor leaned closer to him, Jim groaning at the tightness.

"In return, I shall help you by severing the connection between your mother and Strickler. We will both be free." Angor freed him, Jim putting a distance between them.

"Using me as a pawn. Thanks." Barbara's words were full of sass, her arms crossing.

"Poor Jimmy!" A kid cried out, "he wants to save his mom!"

"Why should I trust you?" Jim asked, hissing.

"Because you have no other choice." He threw the blade at Jim's feet, Jim looking at it before he was knocked to the floor, the exhaustion getting to him. "And next time our paths cross, hunter, it will either be the end of Strickler or you."

"If it isn't the end of Strickler, I'm losing it." A kid commented, Barbara silently agreeing and thinking a few sour words about Angor, especially Strickler.

Beneath the school, Angor held the vessel, chanting in a foreign language, calling the pixies, freeing the students from their nightmares. The students clamored, panting, and crying as they finally woke. Darci covered her face, Mary appeared from behind the bushes, finally lowering her arms, growing bashful.

In the locker room, Miss. Janeth was on her knee, holding a student's hand who had been covering his eyes.

"Romeo, don't leave me. You can't."

"I can't feel them." When the two were freed, they grew nervous, chuckling, and quickly separating. A pixie quickly came out from the locker, the door pushing open to reveal Steve who sobbed.

"That whole part was messed up." Someone said the teen who had been held by Miss. Janeth had ducked, not liking the sight.

"Hold on, was Steve in a locker crying?" Darci asked kids, laughing as the blonde sighed, a small blush creeping upon his face.

"Troll! They're everywhere!" Eli cried out, running past Steve who quickly gained his composure.

"And I'm right!" The said boy called out, Jim slightly shook his head, Eli wouldn't let the disbelievers live it down. He understood but hearing this for a whole show every time Eli pointed it out, was slowly killing his mind.

Eli was a nice kid, and yes, Jim felt really bad for him, but no one attacked the boy anymore, they knew he was right and no longer argued. Maybe because Eli felt victorious against Steve?

"Eli!" He grabbed the smaller boy and shoved him in, slamming the locker door shut. Out in the schoolyard, teens quickly picked themselves up, walking away once the pixies left. One kid even slid down the flagpole, screaming.

Students scoffed lightly, Steve didn't even hesitate to shove Eli in the locker that he had just been hiding in. It was weird, seeing Steve come from a locker, sobbing when it was the smaller teens who cried after Steve had confined them to such a small space.

Someone chuckled, "how did that kid get all the way up on the flag pole?"

The pixies poured through the holes of the manhole cover, heading back to their home as Angor grinned. Toby and Claire finally managed to enter the Jim, calling out to their friend who slowly picked himself off the floor.


"Jim! You're alive!" Toby said excitedly, the two hugging him and smushing the Trollhunter between them.

"Oh, man!" Toby snorted out the cotton, Jim watching before smiling, "We really thought we lost you." Outside, the students and teachers were gathered, faint chatter was heard as Strickler stepped through, curious about why cops had been there.

"Look who decided to join the party," Steve mentioned, his eyes narrowing. He had been made a fool of and the sight of Strickler in the show had boiled his blood. The shock from the crowd once again had caught his attention.

On the steps, Mary, Steve, and Darci sat, all looking traumatized. "What did you see, Darce?" Mary asked, Darci not even looking at her.

"Don't ask."

"Yeah. Let's never speak of this again. Uh." Steve whimpered, fixing his collar and leaving. As a cop had scribbled something on his clipboard, Strickler stepped up.

"I came as soon as I got word. Please tell me no one was hurt."

"Pfff, yeah whatever." Someone rolled their eyes, "what was your excuse for NOT being there?"

Strickler sighed, getting through the minds of all the teens who were now against him, was not in his favor. Arguing or persuading didn't seem helpful and even trying to settle it seemed to be a waste of his breath. He did what he had to do, granted his plan to control everything wasn't taking off, Angor was certainly not helping.

His mind was occupied on the ring and he toyed with Jim, never finishing his job. Angor was plotting against Strickler, even making a deal with the one he was meant to kill. This was definitely not looking up for him, however, he needed someone to do his bidding. Going up against Jim alone was asking for a death wish. There was no way he would even attempt it, it could become worse if Strickler handled it alone.

The policeman sighed, "they're all accounted for. Looks like some kind of chemical leak in your science lab. That stuff can make you go pretty loopy. You're lucky no one was hurt."

"Very lucky indeed," Strickler said, his eyes narrowing as he turned towards the Trollhunters, Claire sitting on the sign as Toby and Jim stayed on the ground, unaware of Strickler's gaze.

"What a jerk!" A kid yelled, shaking their fist at Strickler.

Blinky finally had made it to the school, hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "Oh! Oh...By Deya's grace! Uh, you're alive! Master Jim, I had to run the entire way, with a lavatory stop or two." His stomach grumbled, the noise definitely catching the three teens' attention, their faces twisting in discomfort. "Oh, dear. Your automobiles are the most obstinate machines. How did you survive Angor Rot?"

The kids groaned in reaction.

"Long story. Have you heard of the Inferna Copula?" Jim asked, the attention going to Strickler's moving hand, the said ring resting on his finger in plain sight.

"Indeed I have," Blinky responded, the scene instantly changing to the prisoner of the Inferna Copula who quietly walked through the sewers, a pixie managing to escape without his knowledge.

"Blinky literally did research on it," a student snickered.

"Finally a taste of his own medicine," Steve grumbled, folding his arms.

It giggled before entering him and his movements stopped, looking down, he watched stone pieces crumble at his feet. His eyes lifted to his shadow, which showed his body decaying and falling apart with a mournful groan.

"That's Angor's worst fear? Dying?" Eli asked, shocked.

"I feel like he isn't who he seems to be," Shannon added in, fixing her glasses, "unlike Strickler, we are seeing something you would never expect from an Assassin, especially decaying."

"Well he did lose his soul, he had to be someone before he lost it." Mary pointed out.

Jim raised an eyebrow before asking, "how'd he lose it in the first place?" All the students gasped, trying to figure out what happened to the assassin in the first place.

Knowing what it was, he head-butted the wall, the pixie flying out. Straightening out, he seized the pixie in his hand and squeezed, crushing it. "Enough of this madness!" The episode ended with the scream of the pixie and the glow dying under his stone fingers.


DEADLINE FOR REACTIONS: July 18, 2020 - "Party Monster"

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