BNHA Chatfic/Story

By tablecorner1294

119K 3.3K 6K

-DISCONTINUED- 🚨⚠️SWEARING⚠️🚨 🚨⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ 🚨 -mention of eating disorder -child abuse -mention... More

A Purposeful Mistake
When Mineta Finally Gets Expelled
A Morning In 1-A's Dorm
Group Project
His Weekend Visit
A New Theory?
A Double Date??
"Yeah. It's cause I'm gay and insecure."
"W H Y ?"
A Double Date?? And A Scheme??
Operation TodoBaku: Day One
Operation TodoBaku: Day Three
Operation TodoBaku: Day Four
Another Trip??
The Carnival Date
Truth Or Dare...
Vacation: Day One
Vacation: Day Two
Vacation: Day Three
Vacation: Day Four-Day Six
Officially on Hold

Operation TodoBaku: Day Two

5.6K 159 725
By tablecorner1294

(Added a translation for the boxes!)






   Lunch was over and the students of Class 1-A had made their way to the locker rooms. They changed into their gym uniforms and met their teacher on the field.

  "Alright students. Today, you'll be doing a test," Aizawa stated.

   "What kind of test are we doing, sir?" Iida asked.

  "The Fitness Gram Pacer Test," Aizawa said with a small grin. He knew that this test was terrible.

(This freakin test IS TERRIBLE)

  "Line up on the white line and I'll start the test," the tired teacher stated. "Also, no quirks."

  The teacher walked over to the lined up students and put a bracelet on them that stopped quirk usage. It was light so it wouldn't interfere with their performance. EraserHead went back to the stage and started the test.

  "The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute you hear the signal. [Beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [Beep] Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin in the word start. On your mark, get ready, [Beep] start."

  The students took off. All of them ran towards the other side of the field.

  The first to stop was Aoyama. He made decent progress though.

  Next to drop was Sato.

    After Sato, Koda stopped.

  Eventually, mostly everyone was out. Those still going we're Midoryia, Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida, Kirishima, and Ojiro.

   The automated test reached lap 80. No one dropped yet.

LAP 85

  No one dropped.

LAP 87

   Ojiro stopped.

Lap 90

  Kirishima stopped.

Lap 95

No one dropped.

Lap 100

Midoriya stopped.

Lap 105

No one dropped.

Lap 110

No one dropped.

  Bakugo was sweating buckets but luckily he had the quirk bracelet. If he didn't, someone would've died.

Lap 115

Bakugo dropped.

  It was down to Todoroki and Iida.

Lap 120

No one dropped.

Lap 125

No one dropped.

Lap 130

Both Todoroki and Iida stopped.

"Alright, students. You can take the rest of class to do whatever. Please stay within this area unless I'm informed," Aizawa stated. "Also, Yaoyorozu is in charge."


"That was so good, you two! Midoriya exclaimed. He was smiling but very sweaty.

"Thank you, Midoriya," I replied.

"Thank you, Midoriya," Iida said as well. Then he turned to me. "I didn't know you were such a skilled runner, Todoroki. You did very well," Iida said.

"Oh, um. Thanks? You did well, as expected," I said.

  I was not used to compliments and I didn't know what to say.

"I'm going to shower...." I said walking away quickly.


Todoroki sprinted to the locker rooms and Midoriya whipped out his notebook. He started writing.

𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑖 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑢𝑛 130 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑚 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦.

                      That says
   Todoroki is able to run 130 laps in the field during the FitnessGram Pacer test and still sprint away.

  With other students, Mina was hyping up Kaminari.

  "Come on, Denks! You can do it!" Mina cheered.

  "I don't think I can!! I can flirt yeah, but this is Hitoshi we are taking about! It has to be beyond perfect! I really like him!" Kaminari exclaimed.

  Shinso's friends were doing something similar. Just a little less lovingly..

  "You look like sh*t," Jiro stated.

  "I always look like sh*t. I can't change that," Shinso replied.

  "Ji! Don't listen to her. You look fine. Just ask him if he'd like to go to the carnival. You can even say as friends!" Yaoyorozu said trying to encourage him.

  "Yeah, I got this," Shinso said walking slowly towards Kaminari's vicinity.

  "I'll tell Kirishima to talk to Denki," Tokoyami said dialing a number in his phone.

  "Hey, Kirishima?" The dark themed hero-in-training asked.

  "Hey, Bro. What's up?" A voice only recognizable as the sturdy hero RedRiot said.

  "Shinso's going to ask Kaminari to the carnival. Give him your ticket now or we're both gonna suffer," Tokoyami said.

  Kirishima said alright before hanging up.

  "Hey, Denks?" Kirishima asked trying to get the electric boy's attention.

  "Yeah, Kiri?" Kaminari asked somewhat shaking.

  "Why don't you take my ticket to the carnival since I'm ditching Bakugo? You can spend time with Shinso then," The red haired boy said looking out for the purple haired boy. Mina had left the group to go join another.

  "Uh, um. Sure. Wait, isn't Shinso supposed to cancel on Todobroki?" The yellow haired boy asked confused.

  "Well, maybe he won't have to if you go?" Kirishima said. Shinso was right there.

  "Hey, Denki?" Shinso asked tapping the blonde boy on the shoulder.

  "Ack! Oh, um. H-hi, Shinso!" Kaminari stumbled on his words.

  "Hey, I was um. I was wondering if you wanted to go, to the um, carnival, with me?" Shinso asked.

  "Wha-Um," Kaminari stuttered.

  "We can go as friends if that's better for you!?" Shinso blurted out.

  "Um. Aren't you supposed-" Kaminari said before he was interrupted.

  "That's perfect. You can take my ticket since Bakugo would be going with Todoroki!" Kirishima said exaggerating a bit.

   "Um. It works out then I guess," Shinso said.

  "Yep! I can't wait for the date!" Kaminari blurted immediately covering his mouth.

  Shinso barely even paid attention to what his crush had just said. He focused on getting the h*ll out of there.


  Mina had rushed over to Shinso's group.

  "Hey, didn't Todoroki just go to shower?" Mina asked.

   "Um, yeah? I think so," Yaoyorozu said before her phone buzzed.

  "What is it, Mo?" Jiro asked.

  "Shoto forgot his glasses? I thought he wasn't wearing them during school?" Yaoyorozu said confused.

  She texted him back asking why he needed his glasses.

  "Todoroki has glasses?" Mina questioned.

"Yeah. But he usually wears his contacts..." Yaoyorozu pondered.

"Oh, I think I got a reply," the taller girl said looking at her phone.

"Apparently, he forgot to put them in this morning and his glasses are on the bench," Yaoyorozu said. "Here they are. Guess I'll go give them to him," the black haired girl shrugged standing up.

"Wait! Why not have a guy do it? Y'know, since you technically can't go in the boys locker room," Mina explained.

"Oh, yeah. Tokoyami can you take them?" Yaoyorozu said.

"No! I mean Bakugo!" Mina shouted. The others were all in their own conversations so no one heard her.

"There he is," Jiro said pointing, "Hey, Bakugo!" She yelled waving him over.

"What?" He said approaching the group.

"Could you take these to Todoroki? He's in the locker room showers," Jiro said taking the glasses case from Yaoyorozu and holding them out to Bakugo.

"Eh? Why can't you do it?" He asked.

"I'm a girl. I can't go in there," Jiro replied.

"Bird brains isn't. Have him go," Bakugo said.

"Actually! I need him for something!" Mina exclaimed grabbing Tokoyami's arm and dragging him away.

"Well, can you take them now?" Jiro asked.

"Fine. Whatever. Showers yeah?" Bakugo asked.

"Yep. Thanks Bakugo. I owe you one," Jiro said with a smirk.


I grabbed the case from Earjacks and jogged over to the locker rooms.

-What is even in this case?-

I stopped running and walked into the locker room. The showers were at the back and I could hear water running.

-Wait! He's in the shower?! Gah! What's in this case?-

I opened the case and I saw glasses.

-Halfie has glasses?-

I walked into the shower room. It wasn't that fancy. Just a bunch of shower stalls and towel racks. A couple of benches, too. I could see the steam coming from the one assigned to Todoroki. Yeah, we literally have assigned showers.

There was a lot of steam though. I wanted to just leave the glasses there but my gayness had other plans.

"You trying to burn yourself in there?" I said without thinking. Immediately, I covered my mouth.


Nothing that came out of my mouth was intentional.


I was in the shower getting all the sweat off from running. I had the water on a pretty hot setting. Sometimes, a hot shower was nice. It could calm me just as well as a cold shower. I had texted Momo when I realized I never took out my contacts since I didn't have them in.

   -People are so definitely gonna stare. Yay...-

    Not soon after, I heard someone talking.

"You trying to burn yourself in there?"

I recognized that voice as Bakugo's.

-Wait. Bakugo's in here. Why?!-

He had a good reason to believe so though. There was steam clouding my vision even more so than the boiling water that f*cked my eye over.

"I don't burn easily. (Your scar says otherwise...sorry bb..ik) Anyways, what're you doing here?" I asked.


"Jiro asked me to bring your glasses. Also, I came in to shower," Bakugo replied.

-Oh those little sh*ts. They will pay later. But now he's also going to shower?! WHY!!!? END ME NOW GOD-

"Oh. You can leave my glasses on the bench," I said.

-Thank you, father for giving me terrible connections with my feelings. Wow. I did not ever think I would've said thank you and father in the same sentence.-

"Alright," he said.

   I got out before him, thankfully. I don't know if I could look at him. I slid on most of my clothes before Bakugo got out of the shower. All that was left was my blazer and glasses. I quickly threw on the blazer. I didn't even want to glance at Bakugo. I opened the case and took out my glasses. I put them on before walking towards the door. I didn't go fast since I didn't want it to be obvious I was uncomfortable.

"Wait. I want to see what you look like with glasses on," Bakugo said.

I stopped moving and my face flushed. I put my right hand on my cheek to hopefully get rid of the blush.

  -He wants to see me?-

"W-why?" I stuttered.

-Wait, I stuttered. SH*T! Now he probably knows somethings up!-

"Um. Because I've never seen you with glasses?" Bakugo said. Well it sounded more like a question.

I was pretty sure the blush was gone but I wasn't sure. I adjusted so I was crossing my arms with a hand holding my head up and ever so slowly turned around. I tried so hard for a stoic expression but I'm not sure what my face looked like at this point. He had most of his uniform on. His hair was all wet and sticking to his face. It was weird to see but cute.


Halfie turned around and I was not ready. He looked so f*cking cute. The glasses he had were those big round circle ones and he had his arms crossed with his right hand holding his head up. I could feel a blush growing.

-GAH!! If he says anything, blame it on the showers!!-

(This is basically what he looks like. He's so adorable!!)


Bakugo's face was like, tomato red.

-Probably from the showers..-

"Well, now you've seen what I look like with glasses. I'll be going," I said turning around and swiftly walking out.

It was like everyone was waiting for me. They kinda surrounded me.

"Oh my god! I didn't know you had glasses!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"Wow! You look so manly, Bro!" Kirishima said.

"I didn't know you had glasses, Todoroki~kun!" Midoriya said whipping his notebook out. He was mumbling and writing.

"You look so cute with glasses!" Mina squealed.

"She's right, Todoroki!" Uraraka said.

Everyone had something to say and the girls were poking me. I really don't know why.

Not long after, Bakugo came out of the locker rooms. I spotted him in the corner of my eye. He walked over probably curious.

"Oi! What's the commotion over here?" Bakugo asked.

"Oh, nothing. Everyone's just gawking at Shoto with glasses," Jiro stated.

"You have to admit, Jiro, Todoroki is adorable!" Mina squealed again.

"Okay, yeah. He is," Jiro said raising her hands in defeat.

"Uh..Can you guys back up a bit?" I mumble whispered. I wasn't really used to being crowded and it was scaring me a bit. I kept my eyes shut and tilted my head down a bit.

"Oi! Halfie!" Bakugo shouted.

"Uh...? Yeah?" I looked up and opened my eyes to face him.

"You left this in the locker room," he said tossing the case to me.

"Oh..Uh..Thanks," I said catching the case.

"Bakugo's being nice?" Uraraka questioned.

"Oi! Shut up, pink cheeks!" Bakugo shouted.

   "What's your prescription, Todoroki~kun?" Midoriya asked looking at me holding his notebook and a pencil.

  "Um...." I didn't really know what to say.

    -Excuse me. WHAT?! Who just asks what someone's prescription is?!-

  "Woah woah woah! That's extremely creepy Deku!" Bakugo yelled.

   "What? Kacchan!" Deku said.

  "Don't even try to tell me that isn't creepy. It looks like Halfie's entire mood just changed! He looks so uncomfortable!" Bakugo pointed out.

  "Yeah..I'm gonna have to agree. That is a creepy question to ask Deku..." Uraraka stated.

  "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just curious y'know. I didn't mean any harm," Midoriya apologized.

  "It's fine. I just didn't expect you to ask me that.....cause that's not something you ask someone but whatever..." I mumbled the last part to myself.

  "Kids! Class is over! Go take your showers if you haven't already!" Mr. Aizawa yelled from across the field.

  We all made our way to the locker rooms. Bakugo and I had already showered so we headed to class early.

On our way, Recovery Girl stopped us.

"Oh! Bakugo! Todoroki! I didn't know you had glasses," she stated.

"Yeah..I usually wear contacts.."

"You must've gotten that question a lot then lately. I wanted to make sure the bruise went away," she said.

  "Oh, yeah. It's gone," I said.

  "That's great. It was good to see you two. Have a good day!" Recovery Girl said before walking away quickly.

"You too," I said back.

We continued on until we came to our classroom. We walked in and I took my seat. Ectoplasm walked in a couple minutes later.

  "I wasn't expecting any early students. You may do whatever then until the bell rings," he said.

   I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. My notifications for it are broken so I have to manually check.


   Just as he sent that, the rest of the class tumbled in.

Ectoplasm started speaking, "Students, please try not to break anything. That includes bones."

"Sorry sir," the others said in unison.

Everyone still had mostly wet hair. I felt bad but also I didn't.

"Come here guys," I said lighting my hand on fire.

Everyone practically jumped out of their seats and crowded me.

They all tried to stand at the same height. Which was hilarious to watch.

"Why don't you stand near people who are around your height instead of this," I suggested.

They lined up from shortest to tallest. I dried their hair and Momo helped everyone brush theirs.

I practically just set fire to their hair but very low temperatures. So, no one actually caught on fire.

"Thank you, Todoroki. Thank you, Yaoyorozu," Ectoplasm said. "I did not want water everywhere."

The bell rang and Ectoplasm started teaching. He handed out the quiz he was talking about before.

I could hear the groans from Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima. I also saw Midoriya face plant onto his desk.

The test did not look difficult at all. But then again. Prodigy child number 4..

Ectoplasm told us to start our tests and turn them over when we finish.


I had finished my test quite early. Ectoplasm wasn't very strict about phones. He just wants them to stay within his sight during the entire class.

I picked my phone up and, no surprise, Natsuo texted me.

  Suddenly, a text from Fuyumi pops up.

Iida actually came around to collect everyone's tests. He set them down on Ectoplasm's desk.

"Alright, students. Now our lesson will be on the Quantum Field Theory. Specifically, Quantum Mechanics," Ectoplasm stated before a voice came over the loud speaker.

"All Hero-Course staff! Please come to my office. Students, Staff, your day has been cut short. You may leave to your dormitory."

I'm guessing that was Principal Nezu.

Ectoplasm took his leave and us students made our way back to the dorms.

"What do you think that was about?" Kaminari asked.

"Most likely something about us. Principal Nezu did ask for the Hero-Course staff," Yaoyorozu said.

"I agree, Yaoyorozu. It must be of the utmost importance to cut our day short.

Eventually, we made it to the dorms. Iida said dinner would still be at 6.



All the Hero-Course staff made it into Principal Nezu's office.

"Thank you all for coming. I called you here for a special reason," Nezu said standing on his desk.

"What exactly is it that you needed?" Aizawa asked.

"I took suggestions from our meeting a few weeks ago. I made a couple calls and did some research," Nezu started explaining.

"Oh about the robots?" All Might said.

"No. Well, yes, I have figured that out. The Support-Course students will make them each year. But this is about something else," the principal stated.

"Aizawa's vodka?" Present Mic asked.

"Let me speak!" Nezu yelled.

"That's better. I have 3 interviews that all of you need to be here for. They should be here soon," Principal Nezu said before a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in!" Nezu yelled.

All the staff took seats as 3 people walked in.

"Hello. You must be here for the interviews?" Nezu asked.

"Yes." All three said.

One looked to be in her 40s. She had white hair with a thin section of black in the front. She had a black eye and a white eye.

The others looked to be around 20. The female had turquoise blue eyes and white hair with red streaks. The male had spiked white hair with grey eyes.

Aizawa recognized them as Endeavor's children. He remembered meeting them during the parent teacher conference

"We'll interview you each. I hope you don't mind. I'd like my staff to have a voice here too," Nezu stated.

"I don't mind," the older woman stated.

"That's fine," the younger woman said.

"I'm fine with it," the man said.

"Kaori Amaya?" Nezu asked.

"Hello," the woman said.

"Why don't you tell us something?" Nezu said sitting on the edge of his desk.

"My name is Kaori Amaya. You may call me Amaya. I work part-time at Fujiya Hospital. I'm a therapist. I specialize in PTSD and other mental illnesses. I know the students here, the Hero-Course, specifically have gone through many terrifying and life threatening events," Amaya said.

"What's your quirk and will it be a problem?" Recovery Girl asked.

"My quirk is actually very helpful with my job. It's called Privacy. When I activate it, I can basically make a bubble in my mind. Whoever is in that bubble can talk and hear others who are also inside but, anyone outside of it cannot," Amaya said.

"Is there anything we need to know that could stop you from doing your job?" Nezu asked.

"I am still a therapist at Fujiya Hospital meaning I may get calls from patients there," Amaya stated.

"Fujiya Hospital also functions as a nursing home. How do we know you'll be able to help these young students?" Eraserhead asked.

"I have worked with many children of all ages. They all showed signs of healing without medications," Amaya answered.

"That's rather impressive," Recovery Girl remarked.

"Yes. I also have been working with a patient for a decade. They suffered from extremely severe PTSD. They were completely insane when they came in. After only a year and a half, their PTSD had become moderate. Currently, they only suffer from mild PTSD. I also have helped children who suffered with depression, anxiety, extremely severe PTSD, and even eating disorders," Amaya said.

The other two possible employees were a little uncomfortable upon hearing this.

"I believe she is perfect for this job!" Recovery Girl exclaimed.

"Then you've got the job Dr. Amaya," Principal Nezu stated.

"Next," Nezu said.

"Hello, my name is Todoroki Natsuo and I'm here to be an intern under the supervision of Recovery Girl," Natsuo stated.

"We don't do internships here, kid," Vlad King said.

"Vlad King. Let him speak, I did my research and he has potential," Nezu said.

"I am in medical school studying for my degree in healthcare. I know how to treat a multitude of injuries, I studied multiple languages, and I even know sign language," Natsuo said.

"Not to mention he is a natural born prodigy," Nezu added.

"Could you give me a list of injuries you know how to treat?" Recovery Girl asked.

"I know how to treat bruises, broken bones, dislocated bones, cuts, and smaller stab wounds," Natsuo listed off.

"What about burns?" Aizawa asked.

"I specialize in burns. I can treat 1st to 4th degree burns, scorch burns, and frostburn," Natsuo said.

"How old are you?" Midnight asked.

"I'm 19 years old," everyone in the room seemed to be shocked other than Principal Nezu and the other two women.

"19 and you're already in med school? You also know so much," Recovery Girl questioned.

"I've wanted to be a doctor since as long as I can remember," Natsuo replied.

"And remember, he's a natural born prodigy," Nezu stated.

"What about your quirk?" Present Mic asked.

"I have an ice quirk and I know some self defense," Natsuo said making the room colder.

"That's much like Todoroki's!" Midnight exclaimed.

"Well, I am a Todoroki.." Natsuo said.

"Wait, are you related to Todoroki?" Midnight asked.

"You didn't realize these two were Endeavor's children?" Aizawa questioned pointing at Natsuo and the other woman.

"No!" Everyone else in the room besides Nezu, the two women, and Aizawa yelled.

"Let's continue," Nezu stated.

"As an intern how long would you be here?" Recovery Girl asked.

"I would be here everyday and report back on Sundays," Natsuo stated.

"Oh, that's perfect! I'd love to have you," Recovery Girl said.

"Then you're an intern here at UA," Nezu stated.

"Finally, Aizawa you're going to love this one," Nezu said.

"Hello, I'm Todoroki Fuyumi. I'm here for the interview to be an assistant teacher for the Hero-Course. Mainly, under Mr. Aizawa," Fuyumi stated.

"Age? Midnight asked.

"23," Fuyumi stated.

"Quirk?" Present Mic asked.

"Ice Quirk. Natsuo and I both have the precision Shoto didn't inherit," Fuyumi stated.

"Do you have any experience with teens?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Not much. I taught preschoolers," The turquoise eyed woman said.

"You're perfect. They act like toddlers all the time," Aizawa stated.

"She's also a natural born prodigy," Nezu stated.

"What can you do to keep 1-A out of trouble?" Vlad King asked.

"I can cook, I love cleaning, I know multiple techniques to stop panic attacks, I know how to use everything in a med kit, I know some self defense, and I also studied multiple languages, including sign language," Fuyumi stated.

"She's perfect. She gets the job," Aizawa stated.

"Alright. You'll all be living in the staff dorms. You start tomorrow. Meeting dismissed!" Principal Nezu said.

The staff left and the new employees walked out.

"So, we're not telling Shoto, yeah?" Natsuo said.

"He can suffer a bit," Fuyumi said with a grin.

"I won't say anything," Amaya said.

"This is gonna be fun!" Fuyumi exclaimed.


After Iida made his statement I started walking towards my dorm.

"Oh, no no no no no! You always go to your dorm. So you're gonna spend time with the BakuSquad and you're Emotional Support Group!" Mina exclaimed dragging me by the arm to the Common Room.

"I got him guys!" Mina cheered.

Momo and Kyoka were sitting together on the couch. Fumikage was sitting with Sero, Kaminari was sitting with Kirishima, and Hitoshi was on the other side of Kaminari.

Mina shoved me onto the couch between Bakugo and Hitoshi before sitting on the other side of Bakugo.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Because you always go straight to your room," Mina stated.

"So? I want to change out of my uniform," I said.

"Oh. Right. Everyone can go change but COME BACK!! AND SIT IN THE SAME SPOT!!" Mina said pointing all over the place.

We all got up and went to our dorms. I changed out of my uniform and into something more casual. I dropped my bag off next to my desk before heading back down to the Common Room.

When I got back, I took the same seat Mina put me in. (Rudely) Everyone eventually came down. Hitoshi tried changing seats.

-This b*tch. If I suffer, he suffers.-

He tried walking past his original seat but I grabbed his arm and yanked him down next to me. "Oh h*ll no. You aren't moving," I said.

"Ughhhh!" Hitoshi sighed.

Mina dragged an angry Bakugo back and pushed him on the couch. She then took her own seat.

"Alright! We're all here!" Kirishima said.

"Why do I have to be here?" I asked.

"You never hang out with people," Mina said pouting.

"I hang out with Momo, Kyoka, Hitoshi, Tsu, and Fumikage on a daily basis," I said.

"They all crowd around you. That doesn't count," Sero commented.

"I spend time with Midoryia, Iida, Uraraka, and again, Tsu," I said.

"Well, you never hang out with us!" Mina pouted.

"I don't feel like losing my hearing, brain cells, or anything else," I replied.

"Rude," Kaminari remarked.

"Well, if you won't hang out with us willingly, we'll steal you," Mina stated.

"So, this is a kidnapping now?" I asked.

"You'll be stuck here for hours Halfie. Yeah, this is a kidnapping now," Bakugo said looking very annoyed.

"Alright, well I'm going to nap then," I said leaning back and closing my eyes.

"Ditto," Hitoshi said before doing the same.

"I wanna play Never Have I Ever!" Kaminari and Sero both yelled.

"Yes!" Mina and Kirishima said in unison.

Everyone else eventually agreed. "Come on guys! We're gonna play a game," Momo said.

"What's Never Have I Ever?" Hitoshi and I both asked.

Everyone gasped dramatically.

"You put up 5 or 10 fingers and everyone gets a turn saying something they've never done. If you've done what was stated, you put a finger down. You try to eliminate the other players," Bakugo explained.

"This should be easy," I said.

"Um. I guess go off age? Oldest to youngest?" Mina said.

"Alright! Everyone put up 10 fingers. Bakugo, you first," Kirishima said.

"Never have I ever broken the law," Bakugo said.

I put my finger down.

"Half'n'half, you wanna explain something?" Bakugo asked. Everyone was kinda surprised.

"Not at all," I said.

"Me next! Never have I ever tried to kill someone," Kaminari said.

Bakugo and I put a finger down. No one was surprised with Bakugo but they were surprised when I did.

"What the h*ll, Halfie?" Bakugo asked.

"You have no room to talk. You also put a finger down," I said.

"Never have I ever dragged someone to a meet up/ hangout," Hitoshi said.

"Momo, Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari put a finger down.

"Okay, I'll go next. Never have I ever had a highly dangerous quirk," Sero said.

Mina, Kaminari, Fumikage, Bakugo and I put a finger down.

"Dang. Todoroki is being targeted," Kaminari commented.

"My turn! Never have I ever had a facial scar," Mina said.

Kirishima and I put a finger down.

"Why is everyone targeting Todoroki? His Emotional support group has barely put down any fingers," Sero commented.

"He's easy to target," Momo said.

"I'll go. Never have I ever worn crocs," Jiro said.

Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Sero put down a finger.

"Um...Never have I ever....Never have I ever been dragged to a meet up/hang out," Momo stated.

Hitoshi, Bakugo, and I put down a finger.

"Finally, my turn! Never have I ever short circuited," Kirishima said.

Kaminari put a finger down.

"Come on Bro!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Never have I ever changed someone's name to have bro in it," Fumikage said.

Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina put a finger down.

"Never have I ever been an only child," I said. I knew everyone here was an only child.

Everyone else put down a finger.

"Dang. Todobro hit everyone," Kaminari said.

"Back to me. Never have I ever scarred myself with my quirk," Bakugo stated.

Kirishima put his finger down.

"Wait-How did you get your scar then Todoroki?" Kaminari asked.

"That's a question I can't answer," I said.

"Okay! Never have I ever had pink skin!" Kaminari exclaimed.

Mina put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had spiky hair," Hitoshi said with a small grin.

Kirishima, Momo, Sero, and Bakugo put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had horns!" Sero said.

Mina pouted and put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had tape dispensers for elbows!" Mina said with a bit of sass.

Sero put his finger down sighing.

"Never have I ever had black hair or feathers," Kyoka stated.

Momo, Sero, Kirishima and Fumikage put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had purple hair," Momo said taking her revenge.

Kyoka and Hitoshi put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had a light hair color," Kirishima said.

Bakugo, Mina, Kaminari, and I put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had sharp teeth," Fumikage said.

Kirishima put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had my entire immediate family in one room for more than 30 minutes," I said.

Everyone else put down a finger.

"Are you ok bro?" Kirishima asked.

"No," I answered.

Eventually, it somehow came down to the BakuSquad, Hitoshi, and I.

I had 4 fingers, Hitoshi had 5, Sero had 3, Mina had 3, Kirishima had 4, Kaminari had 2, and Bakugo had 4.

"Never have I ever looked at memes for 2 hours straight," Bakugo said grinning.

Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina put a finger down.

"Never have I ever broke a rule to fight someone," Kaminari said sticking his tongue out at Bakugo.

Bakugo and I put down a finger.

"Never have I ever stuck a fork in an outlet," Hitoshi said.

"Ugh! I guess I'm out now." Kaminari said sighing in defeat.

"Never have I ever stayed up for more than 36 hours," Sero said.

Hitoshi and I put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had a quirk that restricted what clothes I could wear," Mina said.

Kirishima and Sero put a finger down.

"Never have I ever threatened Todoroki," Kirishima said looking at Bakugo.

Hitoshi and Bakugo out a finger down.

"Never have I ever swam in a pool for more than 5 minutes," I said.

Everyone else put a finger down.

"How did you learn to swim?" Mina asked.

"I got thrown in a lake," I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Uhm. Okay..Moving on..I'm out." Sero said.

"Never have I ever encouraged Kaminari to stick a fork into an outlet," Bakugo said.

  Mina, Hitoshi, and Kirishima put a finger down.

  "Ugh! I'm out, too!" Mina exclaimed.

   "Same!" Kirishima sighed.

  Bakugo and Hitoshi had one finger left. I had two.

  -I'm bout to die but whatevs. I'm self-destructive anyways.-

  "Never have I ever threatened to throw me out a window," I said.

  Bakugo and Hitoshi put a finger down.

"Shoto, put your finger down. You threatened to like yesterday!" Momo exclaimed.

  "Oh sh*t. You're right I did. Whatever. I still won," I said.

    "You threatened to throw yourself out a window? Yesterday?" Bakugo asked.

  "Yeah? So?" I replied.

  "You know what, never mind," Bakugo said.

   "Okay then. What're we doing next?" I asked.

  "Ooh! We could have a movie night!" Mina exclaimed.

  "Yeah! Let's invite the others, too!" Kirishima said.

  We watched a couple horror movies. Bakugo and I laughed at the jump scares. Hitoshi barely moved the entire time. The others just thought Bakugo and I were complete psychos. I got to see some adorable sh*t go down, too.

  Uraraka and Tsu started screaming and hugging each other when a jump scare popped up.

  Momo hugged Kyoka when she got scared. Kyoka just jumped a bit here and there.

  Kaminari absolutely jumped on Hitoshi each time he got scared. Which was pretty often.

  Kirishima and Midoriya were holding hands because they were both very scared but didn't want to admit it.

   Ojiro was holding Hagakure because she was easily scared.

  Fumikage and Shoji just watched the movies with a deadpanned face.

In the end, the others fell asleep. Bakugo and I went out for a walk. Well, more like I went for a walk and Bakugo was paranoid I'd do something stupid so he followed me. When we came back, I covered everyone with blankets and I headed to my room and fell asleep. Bakugo did the same.
Chapter 12: Operation TodoBaku: Day Two is complete! 5561 words in the story. Be happy because I'm proud I was able to write that much. Stay safe and wear a mask! Happy 4th of July!

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