Traitorous Lies

By DelightedNaz

165 13 13

Highschool, sucks, especially if your the new kid. Everyone is staring at you, making judgements. Well, Russi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

41 4 2
By DelightedNaz

Russian Federation heard the woman's voice and followed it to find the lady, whom was trying to find Russian Federation and Germany.
"We are right here, Miss....uh..." Russian Federation said, as he tried to get her name.
"Ms. Botswana, and I'll be your guide for today." Ms. Botswana told Russian Federation and Germany. She took the lead and the German and Russian followed her. "Here are your schedules." Ms. Botswana told Russia and Germany, handing their schedules.
"Hmmm, we have the same classes, except for fifth, I have band and you, Германия have art." Russia said, making the connection.
"Yeah, we should get going to first period with, uh..., Mr. Brazil." Germany replied, as he read out Mr. Brazil's name.
"Follow me to his class." Said a rather short Country.
"Who are you?" Russian Federation asked, now just getting confused.
"United Kingdom, but you can call me Britain, I have his class." Britain told them before he started to walk briskly. Russian Federation and Germany followed Britain, as they tried to remember how to get there. They soon got to Mr. Brazil's class, confuse as hell, but relieved.
"Ahh! Our new students!" Mr. Brazil said happily. Russian Federation walked in, and he tried to look cold. "Can you two introduce yourselves?" Mr. Brazil asked.
"Yes, My name is Российская Федерация." Russian Federation said as he had a small bite.
"I don't speak Communism!" Yelled one very rude Country.
"Hi, Russian Federation!" Said a cute little girl Country. "I am Belarus!" Belarus said before she looked at Russian Federation with a deep look. "Kazakstan, I feel like I know him." She said to Kazakstan.
"Let me try something, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic?" Kazakstan asked Russian Federation.
"Yes? That was my old name." Russian Federation said.
"Belarus, Kazakstan, and Russian Federation, talk outside." Said a very annoyed Mr. Brazil. The three walked out the door.
"Russian Federation, you're our brother." Kazakstan told Russian Federation.
"I am a what?!" Russian Federation asked, as he was so confused.
"Your the missing piece! Our mum kicked out our dad and you, for being Russians, and now you're back with us!" Belarus said. Russian Federation stared at the two, he was told that he had a brother and sister, but he never got there names. "You were only two days old when mum kicked father and you out." Belarus countinued, with nods from Kazakstan.
"I don't believe you, and I will never, untill you have real proof." Russian Federation said, quite blunt.

~[ End of Chapter Three ]~

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