Love at First Sight

By kyrafockedey

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So basically the story is about y/n who was on Omegle and she met Payton Moormeier and Jackson felt. If you w... More

Chapter 1: Omegle
Chapter 2: Falling more in love
Chapter 3: I don't love you
Chapter 4: Plane Ticket
Chapter 5: The Flight
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Saw you for the first time
Chapter 8: Truth or dare
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 24

337 9 3
By kyrafockedey


I unlocked my door she camed into my room and I locked the door again

Kaitlyn "Wat is er" What's wrong

Y/n " Ik ging gaan wandelen in het bad and Jackson was daar blijkbaar ook hij vroeg me kan je iets doen voor me ik zei ja denk ik dan zei hij kus me dan zei ik nee tuurlijk niet en blablabla dan draaide ik mijn hoofd en dan draaide hij mijn hoofd naar hem en kuste me" I was going for a walk in the forest and Jackson was there too he asked can you do me a favor I said yes I guess then he siad can you kiss me I said no ofc not and blablabla then I turned my head and then he turned my head to him and then he kissed me

Kaitlyn "Heeft jij jou gekust?" Did he kissed you?

Y/n "Ja en nu voel ik me nog slechter" Yes and now I'm feeling worse"

Kaitlyn "Hoezo" Why?

Y/n "Omdat ik het gevoel heb da ik ben vreemd gegaan maar ik heb hem niet gekust" Because I have the feeling that I cheated but I didn't kiss him

Kaitlyn "Ik snap et" I understand it

Kaitlyn "Ik wil gewoon da je ok bent" I just want that your ok

Y/n "Kwil da ook" I want that too

We hugged

Kaitlyn "Misschien moet je met Payton gaan praten" Maybe you have to go talk to Payton

Y/n "Ja" Yea

Y/n "Maar kben bang" But I'm scared

Kaitlyn "Wrm je moet toch nie bang zijn het is je boyfriend" Why you don't have to be scared he is your boyfriend

Y/n "Das waar" That's true

I was going downstairs to go outside. I was still crying. I just want to his him so bad.

Payton's pov
I was in the garage. Kaitlyn told me she was going to y/n's room. I want to hug y/n so bad.

Y/n's pov
I opened the back door

Payton's pov
I was about to go to y/n's room but then I saw the back door opening

Y/n's pov
I saw Payton coming out of the garage. I ran up to him and jumped into his arm

Y/n "I really needed this"

Payton "Me too"

Y/n "I have to tell you some thing"

Payton "Your gonna break up with me. Huh don't you?"

Y/n "No never"

Payton "Me neither"

Y/n "Uuhhm so wait first promise you won't be mad"

Payton "I promise"

Y/n "I was going for a walk in the forest and apparently Jackson was there too he asked can you do me a favor I said yes I guess then he siad can you kiss me I said no ofc not and blablabla then I turned my head and then he turned my head to him and then he kissed me..."

He let me go out of the hug. He start crying hard

Payton "Wtf!"

Y/n "I knew you were gonna be mad"

Payton "Your fucking cheating on me"

Payton "We're over"

I start crying harder

Y/n "Nnnn-no pp-please let me ee-explain"

Payton "I don't need that. I know enough"

Y/n "You don't know everything"

Payton "So and bye"

I raned to my room and jumped into my bed and cried my eyes out. Now my live really don't mean anything anymore. I got a little sharp knife from down stairs. I got back upstairs to my bathroom. I locked the door of my bathroom not my door of my room. I never did this before. But now I need to. I was going to make a first cut but I was scared. Fuck I'm just gonna do it I deserve it. I cuted and I screamed while I was making the cut.

Kailtyn's pov
I was in y/n house in the living room. I heard a scream it was y/n. I ran upstairs to her room I got in her room I couldn't find her in her room. Then I saw that the bathroom was closed.

Y/n's pov
It hurts so bad but I deserve it. I heard someone screaming my name. It was Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn "Y/n!"

Y/n "Jaaaahah"  Yeeesss I said half moaning because it hurts so bad

Kaitlyn "Doe de deur open!" Open the door!

Y/n "Ok maar je gaat nie blij zijn me wa je gaat zien" Ok but your not gonna be happy with what you are going te see

Kaitlyn "Doe gwn de deur open"  Just open the door

I opened the door

Kaitlyn "Aaaah y/n nee" Aaaah y/n no she start crying

Y/n "Sorry ik moest mij leven heeft niet meer te betekenen. Ik heb alleen nog maar jou. Je betekent heel veel voor me. Maar je bent de enigste persoon of iets waarvoor ik het niet zou doen" Sorry I had to.My life doesn't mean anything anymore. I only have you. You mean a lot to me. But you're the only person or thing  I wouldn't do it for"

Kaitlyn "Hoe zit het met Payton?" What about Payton?

Y/n "Hij heeft het uitgemaakt" He broke up with me

Kaitlyn "Wat! Waarom?" What! why?

Y/n "Ik heb gezegd tegen hem da Jackson me gekust heeft" I told him that Jackson kissed me

Kaitlyn "Maar jij hebt Jackson toch nie gekust" But you didn't kissed Jackson

Y/n "Nee natuurlijk niet" No ofc not

Kaitlyn "Maar waarom heeft hij het dan uitgemaakt?" But why did he broke up then?

Y/n "Omdat ik de tijd niet kreeg om alles uit te leggen" Because I didn't get the time to explain everything

Kaitlyn "Ow"

I putted a bit toilet paper on the cut because it was bleeding much. When it stopped bleeding I putted in this
The outfit

Long sleeves so people can't see the cut.

Kaitlyn "Ik ga gaan praten met Payton" I'm gonna got talk to Payton

Y/n "Ok als jij da wilt" Ok if you want to

Btw it's now 6pm

Kaitlyn's pov
I got downstairs to the garage.

Hey guys.
Sorry for the faults. I'm gonna sleep a bit now because in Belgium it's now almost 6am and I didn't slept for 20 houres.

Love y'all

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