Harry Potter Truth or Dare

By lightningwolf12

24.9K 245 186

The characters of Harry Potter are playing truth or dare With ducks! That is pretty much it. Note: The books... More

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Coming Back (this is a CHAPTER)
Luna and Hermione's dark secrets...
Let the Games BEGIN! Who will win?
The battles
The Last Round Part 2

The Last Round Part 1

614 6 2
By lightningwolf12

Due to me not updating this story that often, I have decided to make just one more chapter before ending it. I am sorry to those that enjoy this story but that is what is going to happen. This chapter is going to be a long one. Hope you enjoy.

Lightning: Hi Everyone. I have some very sad news.

Ginny and Luna: *sniffs* 

Hermione: What news?

Lightning: Today is the last time we will play truth or dare and the last time you will see me.

Draco, Lucius, Blaise: Isn't that a good thing? I mean not playing truth or dare?

Lightning: I suppose...but unfortunately for you, today will be the most savage dares and I will just tell you what to do and film it. I will allow you to dare me as well.

Ginny: That sounds fair.

Draco: *glares* really fair? She is saying that we have to do every dare she tells us to.

Ginny: Yea I know. It could be worse though.

Harry: Yeah it could have been.

Lightning: Alright first dare. Voldemort, you have to tell your death eaters that they have to obey whatever Dumblewhore says. Including you. You also have to end the war.

Voldemort: WHY?

Lightning: Because I said so. GOT A PROBLEM WITH IT?

Lightning: *takes out knives. Ducks take Bricks. And a moose shows up and challenges Voldemort*

Voldemort: You know what? I think I will do it...'

Lightning: *smiles wickedly* Great.

With Voldemort

Voldemort: Dumbledore, I call off the war accept any punishment I get and the Deatheaters will do whatever you want.

Dumbledore: *shocked* uh ok.

Voldemort: Please do inform the Ministry. I also accept every punishment you give me.

Dumbledore: o-okay.

Voldemort: bye *disapears*

Dumbledore: *Shocked*

With everyone else: 

Harry: Just give me mine and put me out of my misery

Lightning: Unfortunately for you, you have multiple dares so I will be giving Lucius's dare next.

Lucius: Fine. Just tell me it.

Lightning: You must....describe the sky without using the words sky, white, or blue.

Everyone but Lucius: WHY DOES HE GET SUCH AN EASY DARE?!

Lightning: It isn't his only dare.

Everyone: OHHH

Lucius:...Ok. The thing is above of us and it is usually bright during the day and dark during the night. It has two colors including: *Blank* and *blank*...

Harry: Why did it *blank*?

Lightning: because he used blue and white.Did I mention what happens if it blanks? No? Ok so Lucius every time it blacks,  you owe each person a million dollars. SO you owe each person 2 million dollars!

Ginny: i ain't complaining!


Hermione: not our problem.

Lucius: but..but

Lightning: don't worry. Cissa and Draco get a total of 4 million. So u have some money.

Cissa: I am a rich girl.

Lightning: Lucius continue.

Lucius: *crying* The thing above us is cruel and will never leave because unfortunately, it exists. The sky is...

Lightning: HA! You everyone 3 million!

Lucius: I QUIT! *jumps out the window*

Lightning: Can u guys go one day without jumping out the windows? I can't kill you because I would face the wrath of the fan girls but like Siriously. Stop killing yourselves!

Everyone: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Lightning: *sigh and snaps her fingers and brings back Lucius*

Lucius:  WHY?!

Lightning: your dare is over. Give 3 million to each person. Lets see...who is my next victim? 

Everyone: NOT ME!

Lightning: OOH I know Blaise you are my victim.

Draco: nice knowing you mate.

Blaise: *sobs* What *sniff* is *sniff* my *sniff* dare?

Lightning: You have to go to the Grand Hall and ask Dumblewhore to have the stage. Then you have to dance and sing Senorita with Pansy (whom I just magically brought). Good luck it will go on youtube.

Blaise sobbing and dealing with the pain of being humiliated. The same with Pansy.

Lightning: Hermione you have to go a week without books. Draco you have to ..... go to Hogsmead and shout that u Draco Lucius Malfoy is dating this green apple! *holds up green apple*


With Draco

Draco: *clears throut* I Draco Lucius Malfoy have a confession to make. I have fallen in love with this green apple. Anyone hurt her and I will hex you into oblivion.

Hogsmead goes one: Has he lost his sanity or somthing?

Hogsmead goer two: Probably. Although he probably lost those the day he was born.

Hogsmead goer one: Yea you're right.

After that

Lightning: We will finish up next time! BYE!

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