Redemption |complete| (SasuSa...

By Mel55_59

508K 14.5K 13.7K

(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the... More

The Rise of Buried Emotions
Strangers or Friends
The Breaking Point
Drinking her Way to Forgiveness
A Journey Ahead of Us
The Delicate Features
The Creation of a Dimension
Arrival in the Lava Dimension
The Labyrinth
I will get her back
He was always the right choice
Stay here
A feeling of vulnerability
The one who turned 20
She wanted to enjoy things as they were
I know what I feel
I am not coming back
Don't make it harder, please
The Land of Birds
You're home now
You better ask her out
That was all it mattered
Timeline 2
I'm happy that you are here with me
Say it
Back to Tsuchigumo
Isn't he the most beautiful
Medical Ninjutsu
The escape
Is this the right time?
What was a part of him
The day before
You are part of my heritage now
Then Don't (Lemon version)
Then Don't (No Lemon)
Hold him closer
New Theory
Tell her that I am sorry
The little boy in the dark room
The second one who turned 20
Are you trying to kill me (Lemon)
Team 7 reunited
Mission starts
The answer
What does it look like?
First night on mission (Lemon)
Me or no one else?
To keep you safe
Week seven?
A castle appears
Back home
A new treatment
I'm a child when I'm bored
I love you (Lemon)
Snowball fight and Susanoo
Final Countdown
Welcome to our world
I wish you the best
Back to Konoha
Just let me hold you
There is something I want to say
Ten weeks
The Uchiha Compound
You are not real
Bright Orange
Take it off (Lemon)
Take it off (no lemon)
Sai and Sasuke
The festival
Please think about it
The bird without a letter ("soft lemon")
A symbolic promise
A pointless thing to do
The threat
Do we have a plan?
Are you two bickering?
I will love you, always
I'm back (Lemon)
Let's play
You know what to do (soft lemon)
Beg me (soft lemon)
I'm sorry for hurting you
I am a bad mother
The Fight
Until her birthday
He will wait for Sakura
Be quiet (Strong lemon)
The Talk
Preparation for the night
Game on
A bittersweet birthday party
A final goodbye
27 years old
The year of the new beginning
Until we meet again (soft lemon)

Maybe next time

6K 160 148
By Mel55_59

Monday, 25th of September.

"Sit down here." She watched him sit on the grass. She sat in front of him. "Alright so yesterday you had to do something while we were getting married. It's something that I wanted to do too but couldn't. So I was thinking of the right moment to do it and I think this is it." He arched his eyebrow asking Sakura to keep going. "You had to say your vows but I didn't. I have something to say too! So ready?"


"Alright so listen, as your wife, I vow to make sure that you are always happy. I will make sure that you always have a home to go back to, somewhere where you can rest and be happy. I promise to heal you and help you whenever you need me to. I will be by your side no matter what life throws at you. I will do my best to create memories that you can cherish and think of while you are away. By marrying me, you made me the happiest person and I want you to feel this way too. I don't really know what else to say but I love you Sasuke!" She had a feeling that he wasn't going to reply to all of that but she, at least, expected him to have a reaction but instead he simply looked away from her. "Sasuke?"


"You're just not gonna reply to me?"

His eyes moved up to meet hers. His stare on her face made her blush and the memories from the previous night flooded her brain. She looked away from him. "I don't know what to reply."

Last night he had been so much more open, he had let his walls down and showed himself to her, but today things were back to how they were before. She swallowed her slight disappointment and tried to change the subject. She attempted to start a light hearted conversation but the only thing that she could think of was last night. She decided to ask him the question that came coming back to her.

"If you don't have anything to say, can I ask you a question?"


"It's about last night." she saw the tiny red appearing on his cheeks. "Why did you activate your sharingan?"

"I didn't."

"Yes, you did. Just before I told you that I wanted to... sit... your eyes were red."

He stayed silent for a minute. "I didn't, at least not intentionally."

"It disappeared after... you know... we lay down." she struggled to find her words and was shyly looking away at him. He was simply avoiding her.

"I didn't put you under a genjutsu if that's what you think." she raised her eyebrows. "I wouldn't do that."

"I didn't think you did, I just wondered why it appeared. That's all. What's going on with you?"


"Ok, I give up. You'll talk to me when you'll feel like it." she stood up and left him sitting on the grass. "I'm going shopping, I'll see you tonight."

She wiped a tear off her face. Why was he acting so weird. Was it because of last night? Was it because of her?


Sasuke watched her walk away from him. He wanted to stop her and apologise. His mood wasn't her fault, it was his. He had no idea how to say it to her out loud because he didn't know how to voice what he was feeling inside.

Her vows had touched him, it touched him so much that nothing he could say was going to match what she said. She was offering him everything he wanted and he had nothing to give to her in return. Nothing but travels and a child.

He kept talking about how proud he was of his clan but even that was worthless. His clan had been humiliated and his actions didn't help that reputation. Sakura was going to help him and teach him how to be a better person, he knew that for a fact. He was also overwhelmed from the amount of unknown emotions he had to face lately. Between their kiss, him proposing to her, the wedding and last night he didn't know how to think straight anymore.

Last night was also something he was extremely ashamed about. When he was thinking about it, all he could see was how much he had let go of his self-control and he was embarrassed that she had seen him like that. If his sharingan activated on its own it was because he couldn't control himself. He had heard people joking when he was younger about the Uchiha being passionate lovers and being people who could feel more intensely than everyone else but he was just understanding what they meant by that. He was feeling so much at the same time and it was making him sick.

Since he had woken up, he could feel a cloud over his head and struggled to see the light. It had nothing to do with Sakura, it was him who couldn't handle his emotions. He had never let anyone enter his life like he had let her and it was impossible to come back from that. He needed her presence in his life but it was terrifying. His reaction last night terrified him. He was always so composed and one touch from her shattered his walls into one million pieces and he found himself saying all these things to her. Things that she seemed to have appreciated but nonetheless embarrassing. He could still hear her moans in his mind and it was bringing the fire back into his lower abdomen.

Somehow he felt like he had forced her to do what they did and he hated himself for it. He should've said no, he should've told her that he was tired. He betrayed her by letting it happen especially after she had cried about how nervous she was. When she had told him that it wouldn't fit, he should've stopped himself and told her that it was ok. He should've respected her and he didn't. He was disgusted with himself. He was even surprised that she was talking to him. She should've been disgusted by how he reacted to her touch, she should've been angry at him for touching her back, biting her neck to the point of leaving marks all over it but instead she was talking to him like nothing had happened. It was killing him on the inside.

All of these were the reasons why he didn't stop her when she left him in that park. He was happy that she was away from him, at least this way he couldn't hurt her again. He clenched his teeth, once again, he hurt her when he tried to be understanding and respectful. He had messed up not even one day into their wedding.

Why did she even accept to marry him? Why would anyone want someone like him in their life? Why was he selfish enough to ask her to marry him? She would've been happier without him and he was sure of that. One day after he vowed to protect her, they were having their first fight because of him. Because he couldn't speak about his feelings, because he hated himself and he couldn't understand why anyone would love him.

Remembering what he had paid for the day before the wedding, he stood up and walked there. He wandered around the streets before stopping in front of a shop. When he opened the door the woman smiled at him.

"Ah, young man I have what you asked for! Please come in, come in!" if only she knew the horrors that he had done in his life she wouldn't even speak to him. She would run away from him. He approached her counter and waited for her to come back to the front of the shop. "So this is what you brought me," she handed him Sakura's red top. He stole it from her before the wedding to get this done secretly. "here it is. Are you satisfied with it?" he nodded and she handed him another piece of fabric. "That's the t-shirt you wanted. Same here, it's also at the back."

"Thank you. Do you have a bag?"

"Is it for a gift?"

He nodded and she folded the clothes properly and put them in a bag for him. He thanked her again and walked to the hotel. Once he opened the door, he secretly hoped that Sakura wasn't there. He wasn't ready to face her yet. It was a relief when he found the room empty. Her bag was still there and it reassured him.

He walked to the balcony, putting the bag on the bed on his way there, and rested his hand on the barrier. He watched the people walk for minutes before he caught her pink hair between the people. She was walking towards the building but was stopped by a group of people. Sasuke frowned his eyebrows and tried to see if he could recognise them, but he couldn't. They were strangers. She quickly waved them goodbye and walked to the reception. She was going to be here any minute now and he felt a knot in his stomach. He looked at the bag and took a deep breath.

The door opened and Sakura appeared behind it. He was already staring at her when she came in. She saw him and turned her head towards the bed. Her hands were holding a huge amount of bags. She put them beside the bed and walked towards him.

"We need to talk." he nodded apprehending what she was going to say to him. "I'm sorry. I snapped at you and it was unfair. I guess after last night I expected you to be a bit more open with me but it was wrong of me to think this way. You are you and you are very reserved. I just got to see another side of you last night and... I don't know... you didn't seem as untouchable as you usually do. You were vulnerable and I appreciated that. I can't expect you to always be like that and if you show this side to me when we are intimate, I am fine with it. Just... can we please communicate a bit more? Because I get worked up easily because I have no self confidence when it comes to you. I always feel like I will do or say the wrong thing that will make you disappear, I-"

"I'm sorry." he couldn't let her go any longer. She had done nothing wrong and it was hurting him to hear her say these things. "I was caught up in my own thoughts. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who did."

"But you didn't... on the contrary, you did everything right. I mean... I'm sorry I'm going to bring this up but I was extremely nervous to... you know... do that and you respected it. Even when your own body reacted on its own, you protected me by pushing me away. Maybe it could've been handled differently but your intention was respectful. For the entire thing, you cared more about me than yourself. You made sure that I was comfortable even if that meant forgetting your own needs." he saw her walking closer. "Sasuke, the only reason why I was fine doing it, it's because you made me feel comfortable. I knew I could trust you and I wasn't wrong. Even if I was a complete mess last night, it was still the most beautiful night of my life. I got to see a side of you that only I can see. You offered me that. You don't even understand how much I apreciate it, you let yourself free around me and it proves that you trust me too. What I said to you earlier, I was serious. I will always be here for you. I will always support you no matter what you choose for your life." she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm not mad at you. The only thing I am asking is that you communicate a little bit more. Even if that means leaving me a note because you are too embarrassed to say it. Deal?"

Her eyes were looking at him and for once he realised how much taller he was. She was always on the tip of her toes to kiss him or to hug him but this time she wasn't and she seemed so small. It made him rethink of his vows. He was an idiot for all the things he had said to himself earlier. He still wanted to protect her and he wanted her by his side as much as she wanted to be with him. "Deal." She smiled at him and hid her face in his neck. He rested his cheek on the side of her cheek and closed his eyes. His arm wrapped around her waist and he held her. "You weren't a mess last night." he blushed as soon as he said it. He knew that she needed to hear that and it wasn't a lie. None of them knew what to do but he was the one who wanted to protect her. He knew that if he hadn't taken command she would've froze and panic. He was better at hiding his emotions than she was and he was fine with that. He would be mentally strong for the two of them in the future.

"Also... I went a bit mad with the amount of things I bought... sorry."

"It's fine. I have something for you." she moved her head out of her hiding spot and looked at him. "It's in the bag, on the bed."

He saw her rushing to the bed and he smiled. How could she go from last night Sakura to adorable in the span of a second? She opened the bag and took her red top out. "You found my top? Thank you so so much, it's my favourite red top and I didn't know where it was."

"Look at the back." she looked at him confused and turned the fabric around. Her eyes scanned the area and when she saw it a big smile appeared on her face. "When..."

"The day before the wedding. I brought it to the store to get the Uchiha crest sewn onto it."

"Are you sure you don't mind me wearing it?"

"You are an Uchiha now. You can wear it."

"Thank you."

"There is something else in that bag. It was supposed to be for me but this morning you told Ino that you didn't have anything to wear for the night. You can wear that if you want."

Her fingers grabbed the light blue t-shirt out of the bag. It was definitely going to be too big on her. She looked at him with sparkling eyes. "I get to wear one of your clothes?" he arched his eyebrow. Was it important? He shrugged his shoulders. Somehow he just had done something right judging by her glowing face. She seemed happier about the t-shirt than her so called favourite top.

She jumped on him and held him against her. "Thank you, Sasuke!" he chuckled quietly.

"You are welcome."

"Can I... kiss you?" he looked at her in disbelief. She was his wife but still asked these kind of questions. He had no problem with her being close to him privately, just not in front of people. "Hey, don't look at me like that! I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Besides you never kiss me, so I assumed that you didn't like it."

"What did we do for the entire night? Remind me." she blushed violently probably remembering the hours they had spent just kissing in the bed.

"That was different... that was because..." he rolled his eyes and gently touched her lips with his. He backed away with a teasing smirk.

"Happy?" she was looking at the ceiling biting her lips to hold back her smile.

"No." he felt her hands grabbing his face and she kissed him longer. She was so easy to tease. She pulled back and provoked him with her eyes. "Since you seemed to like what I was wearing last night, I got some more of it."

He arched his eyebrow. "Who said that I liked it?"

She raised her eyebrows judging him. "No one said it, your body showed it though."

He closed his eyes. "You are annoying."

"Don't tease me." she imitated his voice from last night with a wink. It took him a second to realise that he had said the exact same thing to her when she had asked him to sit. He rolled his eyes jokingly answering to her provocation.

"I'm not. You are annoying." he let go of her and walked to the bathroom. He heard her in his back.

"You know, I can't take you seriously when you say things like that anymore."

"Hn." he smirked even more. If she wanted to play they were going to play.

As soon as he got out of the bathroom, she grabbed his sleeve and dragged him to the sofa.

"You sit here. I'm gonna show you what I bought. You tell me if it fits me."

"You didn't try them on before buying them?"

"I did, but I want you to tell me if you like it."

She walked back to the bedroom and closed the doors behind her. He stared at where she disappeared a question mark in his eyes. "What is going on." he whispered to himself.

She was taking so long that he grabbed the book he saw on the living room table. He opened it and read the first pages when Sakura appeared in front of him. She was wearing a pair of black shorts with a top.

"That's for when I go out. What you think?" she spun around twice in front of him.

"Do you like it?" he asked not knowing what to say.

"I'm asking if you like it, Sasuke."

"They are clothes. Why do I need to like them?"

"Because you're my husband."

He nodded acting like he knew what she meant by it. "Yes." she smiled and walked back inside the bedroom. Was this all he had to say?

She came back out wearing a dress this time. It was more revealing than the other outfit. Was she really going to wear that out?

"What about this?" the dress was red and well fitting. It stuck to her like a second skin and was shorter than what Sakura usually wore. His eyes scanned her legs all the way up to her eyes. When he looked at them he understood what she was doing. She was maliciously staring at him. He shrugged his shoulder and looked back at his book.

"What is next?" he kept his face empty from any emotions. He saw her standing there for a bit longer before she went back into the room. He heard the door again and she came back out.

"This one?" he looked up and rose his eyebrows not expecting to see what he was seeing. Her kimono was tied up at the front but it had slipped on her left shoulder revealing a part of her bra.  All of it was black. It was his favourite colour and she was reinforcing that. He forced himself to look at her face.

"Your training outfit looks better." her face decomposed. He smiled on the inside laughing at her. She frowned her eyebrows and went back inside. He shouted from the sofa. "It won't work."

She didn't reply and walked back out later on but this time she was wearing the t-shirt that he had given her. She stood in front of the sofa. For some reasons this had more effect on him that the previous one. There was something about her being in his clothes that attracted him. She was only wearing her panties as a bottom and when she swirled in front of him he got a glimpse of her butt. He kept it together.

"You know, Ino and Hinata are still in town. I was planning on going out with them for some tea. I think I should wear your t-shirt for it." There was no way she was going out with it.


"What do you mean, no? Is there a problem?"

He raised his eyebrow. "No problem, I think that you should wear the kimono instead."

He saw the frustration on her face and it made him want to laugh. She walked up to him, threw away the book and spread her legs to sit on his lap. She was completely facing him.

"Are you sure of yourself?"


She kissed him on the cheek. "You are disappointing me you know." she kissed him on his jawline. His body started to react to her touch. "I thought that these would make you happy." she kissed him on the neck sending a wave of needle over is entire body. "Happy like last night." she bit his neck slightly. As a natural reaction to her touch, his hand moved to her hip. She backed away suddenly and stood up. "But you said that I was annoying, so I guess I will leave you alone."

He wanted to smile but stopped himself. Instead he stood up and walked up to her. Her touch had a lot of effect on him, it was undeniable but he wanted to mess with her a little bit.

He stood in front of her and poked her forehead. "Maybe next time." and he walked back to the sofa and opened his book to read proud of himself.


I'm so scared of taking him out of character!!!! I hope I managed to avoid that here!

I also hoped that you enjoyed this chapter! I just passed 5k views so there's another little chapter to thank you guys xx

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