Obsession | NCT MAFIA SERIES...

By RedRoses4UWU

26.9K 1K 481

❝ This isn't a crush, it's obsession. You are never not in my thoughts. Your scent carries across a room and... More

Author's Note:


1.1K 71 57
By RedRoses4UWU

It was a beautiful morning.

After such a long time Jisoo could finally appreciate the beauty of the world around her. The sun finally decided to make an appearance today, the biting cold would slowly be coming to an end.

She had to restrain herself from skipping along the side walk. She used to do that a lot when she was younger, holding on to her mother's hand as she happily bounced on her tiny feet. She quickly brushed that thought aside, she would let nothing ruin her day today.

It was a perfect whether for a date, Jisoo smiled to herself before quickly shaking her head. It wasn't a date, it was just two co-workers having lunch together.

Two co-workers that might be attracted to each other...

Jisoo smiled shyly and unconsciously adjusted her dress shirt. She couldn't dress too fancy because after all she had to go to work but she had actually made an effort to look presentable today. Her fawn dress shirt that she paired with plain white pants worked well with the pearl earrings that she'd had worn just because she felt like dressing up. Lastly she had pulled her dair hair up in a ponytail to complete the look.

Her attire was simple but it made her feel like she was overdoing it. It wasn't exactly a date..., right? They were just going out on lunch. She tried to shrug her unease off, she was over-thinking too much.

She was brought out of her thoughts by a woman suddenly approaching her. "You look very pretty today my dear!" Jisoo jumped back before realising it was just a middle aged woman.

"Pure and innocent just like daisies!" Jisoo gave her a confused smile.

"Would you like some?" The woman smiled at her, gesturing to the side.

It took Jisoo a moment to figure out the woman was a florist as she ushered her inside her shop - despite Jisoo's reluctance.

She was scurrying inside the shop, her short plump figure busy plucking flower and cutting them out to make a bouquet.

Jisoo hadn't even agreed to buying flowers but yet the woman presented her with a freshly made bouquet of white daisies.

Jisoo grimaced, she didn't want to dampen her mood by refusing. The woman misreading her expression replied kindly.

"You don't have to pay. It's your first time here, it's on the house."

"No! No, I'll pay."

The woman grabbed her hand and stopped her from reaching inside her purse. Jisoo opened her mouth to complain but she simply cut her off.

"This is a marketing tactic, my dear. Hopefully you'll come by often and who knows maybe one day someone will buy these from my shop for you because I'm sure a pretty girl like you has a lot of admirers." The woman winked at her and Jisoo just stared at her awkwardly.

She scratched her ear, slightly colouring at the older woman's words. Only if she knew how much of a loner I am, she rolled her eyes inwardly and accepted the bouquet profusely thanking the woman. Promising to treat her in return of the beautiful flowers. The woman just smiled at her with her eyes and nodded.

Jisoo smelled the flowers once she was outside the shop and a grin slowly crept on her face. Oh, what she wouldn't give to make everyday in her life just as peaceful like today, she thought feeling the fragrant petals of the flower between her fingers.

Her eyes suddenly fell on the watch strapped to her left wrist and she cursed under her breath. She had totally forgotten about the bus that would leave in 10 minutes and if she missed it she would have to wait for another one that would come after an hour or so. Making her extremely late for work and with her job she couldn't afford that.

EM residents always had to make it almost an hour before their shift actually started because no one knew who would show up at the hospital in an emergency and their department had to be the first one present at the scene.

Jisoo didn't mind that in the least, if it were up to her she would never go back to home to that monster of a father she had. Even today she had made sure to cook him breakfast and leave the house before he woke up. Before he decided to subdue his hangover by having a go at Jisoo.

He had been pissed drunk these passed days and usually to Jisoo's luck she would always find him passed out on the check and she preferred it that way.

Jisoo had to stop gloating before she ruined the day for herself but still nothing could wipe out that stupid grin that spread over her features making her look years younger and more lively as she raced to the bus stop with a bouquet of flowers in her hand very much like a school girl.

She was so lost in her own world that didn't notice how the people gave her looks or how some men ogled her unfortunately for her she didn't notice those strange pair of eyes fixated on her either.


"What's your deal?" Sooyoung questioned making Jisoo jump slightly.

Jisoo quickly stuffed all the contents of her purse back inside and bent to reach for her lipstick that had rolled a bit further on the bathroom counter but Sooyoung quickly grabbed it before she could.

"Hmmm, let's see what we've got here..," Sooyoung drawled waving the lipstick in front of Jisoo's face and narrowing her eyes at her.

"Are you -- are you wearing make-up, Jisoo?!" Sooyoung asked incredulously and her mouth formed a perfect 'O'.

Jisoo snatched the lipstick out of her hand and scowled. "So what? I can't?"

Sooyoung placed a hand over her mouth dramatically and pretended to wipe a tear with the other.

"My Jisoo has grown so much, I'm so proud!" She cried, throwing herself at Jisoo. Squeezing the air out of her with her giant limbs.

"I'm older than you cut it out!" Jisoo snapped, pinching Sooyoung's back making her jump away from her. Jisoo sighed in relief finally able to breathe again.

Sooyoung made a face at her and placed a hand on her hips, drawing her brows together. "I smell something fimiliar..," She looked around and sniffed the air ridiculously making Jisoo want to slap her. "The smell of young love and..first dates!"


She crossed her arms, eyeing Jisoo from head to toe. Jisoo sighed once again, she had no choice but to tell this dork everything before she tortured it out of her. She looked at Sooyoung to find her raising an eyebrow at her. Jisoo face palmed herself and gestured at the door.

"Well, can we at least step out of here before that?"

Sooyoung grinned grabbing Jisoo's forearm in one hand and grabbing her handbag in the other, hauling her outside.

"Damn, you really talked without slapping the shit out of him?"

"For the hundredth time Sooyoung there was no need for me to 'beat his ass'. We both talked it out like grown-ups." Jisoo gritted out after she had retold the events of last night to Sooyoung - leaving the part where she practically had a breakdown in the middle of the street - she kept insisting Jisoo shouldn't have apologised and instead 'teared him a new one' on the spot.

"Whatever I still prefer my way, why be mature and understanding when you can be a crazy bitch instead?" Sooyoung shrugged and Jisoo rolled her eyes at her.

"And that is why you're single."

"Wow -- look at her goooo!" Sooyoung looked at Jisoo impressively. "On her first date with a sissy and already mocking the other 'unfortunate women.'"

"I thought you liked him...? He's your friend after all."

"Meh.., I mean like I guess I still don't hate him completely but cowardice wasn't a good look on him. I guess I also need to talk things out with him for the wild images of me wrestling him to the floor in the hospital corridors and making the world watch to dissappear."

"You're so over dramatic, I swear to god!"

Sooyoung threw a peace sign at her, standing up from her spot on the bed beside Jisoo. "Well I'll leave you to it then, I came to ask if you wanted to hang out after work but it seems you will be preoccupied this evening."

She laughed as Jisoo slapped her arm in annoyance.

"I do have a few things that I was putting off for a while but now since sad, lonely me has no dates booked for this evening I'm gonna go and stop procrastinating."

That reminded Jisoo of Seok, the baby they had saved that day. The hospital staff had decided to name him to make things easier. He was named 'Seok' which meant rock and Jisoo wondered how well that named suited him.

"Say hi to Seok for me when you see him!"

Jisoo called after Sooyoung and waved, the latter nodded her head slightly to let her know she'd heard Jisoo and left the room.

Jisoo stretched her limbs standing up and made her way outside the on-call room to find Jinyoung herself. The thought brought butterflies to her stomach, she hadn't seen him at all this morning. Where in the world was he?

Anticipation gnawed at her, she tried to make it less obvious but kept failing. She had completely forgotten about what they were going to lunch to talk about last night instead all her focus was on Jinyoung and the thought that this could be considered a date.

In her excitement she totally missed Yoojung strutting towards her. Yoojung raised an eyebrow at Jisoo, she couldn't help but scowl at her.

Jisoo was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she had missed Yoojung at first and it wasn't until the latter pulled her by her elbow that she snapped out of her thoughts.

Jisoo stumbled a little until she found her step, she raised her head. Surprised and raged at the same time.

"What is wrong with you?!" Jisoo seethed her eyes landing on the despicable Yoojung.

Yoojung smirked crossing her arms making Jisoo's blood boil.

"You sure do look happy," Yoojung drawled, the reason for her very existence was to make Jisoo miserable.

"I don't have time for this," Jisoo rolled her eyes and was about to leave when Yoojung caught her arm again. It took everything inside of Jisoo to not smack her right then and there but she figured that's what Yoojung wanted. Violence at the hospital wouldn't be tolerated at any cost. Jisoo could only grit her teeth together as she turned around to face her.

"Not so fast, you have an 'appointment' with our seniors."

Jisoo was fortunate enough to share the same department with Yoojung as if the world didn't hate her enough. But what was this about? Had she done something wrong? It didn't have to be bad news exactly but that smug smile of Yoojung told Jisoo she might just be in trouble.

She was about to let Yoojung lead her to their department when her phone rang in her pocket. Yoojung turned around to give her an irritated look but Jisoo ignored her as her eyes fell on the name flashing on her screen.

"Hi," Jisoo murmured softly unable to stop the smile tugging the corners of her mouth upwards. Yoojung narrowed her eyes at the sight but thankfully didn't make a comment.

"Where are you?" Jisoo pressed her lips together firmly fighting the grin off when she heard Jinyoung's voice at the other end. The anticipation in his voice was hard to miss, he hadn't forgotten about Jisoo.

He was waiting for her.

Jisoo wanted to exclaim in excitement and act like a school girl. After all she had never gotten to witness that in school but she quickly brushed that thought aside.


"Uh - I'm here, just something came up. I'll be right out after I deal with it."

Jisoo's eyes fell on Yoojung who was trying her best to comprehend her conversation and figure out who she was talking to.

"OK, hurry though. I can't wait to see you!"

Jisoo decided to make things easier for Yoojung and she smirked as she replied.

"I can't wait to see you too, Jinyoung."

Yoojung's head snapped in her direction and her eyes widened in surprise but before she could overcome the shock or cause a scene Jisoo left her and walked to the department herself.

Yoojung might have been pretty taken aback because she did not follow Jisoo like a raging bull like Jisoo had initially thought she would.


Half an hour had passed.

Jisoo tapped her leg impatiently as she sat on the chair. She stared at the clock, watching the minutes pass by.

Was Yoojung really lying? But no, she was told to wait here outside the office of her department's incharge.

Just when she thought she couldn't take any longer, her incharge Dr. Baek, made an appearance but to her surprise he wasn't in his office. He actually entered the department with another man she didn't recognised.

He pressed his lips together when his eyes fell on Jisoo, who abruptly stood up.

"Is this her?" Dr. Baek turned to the man, who was glaring daggers at Jisoo's direction.

Jisoo frowned, what was going on?

"Yes, that's her!" The man raised an accusatory finger towards Jisoo.

Jisoo opened her mouth in confusion but Dr. Baek silenced her with a hand.

"Go on, tell us what happened."

The man took a deep breath at Dr. Baek's words, his nostrils flaring.

"Me and my wife were out to have dinner when on our way home she suddenly felt ill and passed out. I was very worried and I panicked, she wouldn't wake up." The man started using his hands to express himself. Jisoo just stood in silence, bit understanding where this was going.

"That's when my eyes fell on this woman crossing the road," He angrily pointed at her again and Jisoo's eyes widened in surprise.

What had she done without her knowledge to anger this man so much.

"I noticed her white coat hanging from her bag and assumed she was a doctor. So I approached her but she pushed me! And left without even asking me what was wrong! At that time I wasn't sure if she was a doctor but when I saw her entering the hospital this morning!"

The man shook with anger making Jisoo take an involuntary step back.

That man...

Jisoo stared at him in horror, remembering the events of last night. She was being followed and in her panic stricken state she had imagined the worse...

The man needed her help and she had left him there though she could not remember pushing him but she wasn't so sure anymore. She hadn't been in the right mind, who knows what atrocious things she had done.

"Do you have something to say?"

Dr. Baek's loud voice boomed through the office and Jisoo slightly jumped before directing her eyes to the floor. That was enough for Dr. Baek to know that she was indeed guilty.

"So you are telling me, that you Kim Jisoo, who is an 'EM' resident and supposed to assist people during emergencies instead assaulted a man who required help?"

His voice was light this time but in no way did that mean he was calm. He slowly crept to where Jisoo stood, he was known to have a short temper and Jisoo could feel the anger coming off of him in waves.

"S-sir I was-"

"PLEASE!" Jisoo jumped back again, her heart about to leap out of her chest. "Please, don't tell me you're about to give me some lousy excuses!"

"You left that man and his poor wife alone! Are you sure you can be called a doctor? Do you even deserve to have that title?"

Jisoo looked up with glassy eyes, she felt like someone had slapped her. She had always tried her best to be of help to people, she didn't even think twice before helping others that's why she had chosen this career.

She had done all sorts of jobs to be able to make enough money to afford medical school. She had worked her ass off to be where she was today and to hear Dr. Baek belittle her like that brought her close to tears.

"I'm - I'm sorry," Jisoo forced out with the effort it took to not just break down right then and there.

"I'm not the person you should be apologising to," Dr. Baek gave her a disapproving look and gestured to the man behind him. The man looked as pissed as ever as Jisoo timidly approached him, with the way he was looking at her Jisoo did not want to go any closer but she doubted Dr. Baek would let her stop.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking I - I thought you were just a random man--"

"So now you accuse me of being a pervert while I am the one who was attacked?!"

Jisoo looked at him appalled, she had not 'attacked' him!

"With all due respect sir, I did not harm you in any way I just got startled by the way you approached me--"

"What if something happened to my wife? Who would be responsible?!"

Jisoo stared at the man with disbelief. He was exaggerating things and shaping them into something they weren't. The way he had grabbed her from behind anyone would be surprised and his wife had just fainted. The hospital was near he could call an ambulance. Jisoo was off duty at the moment and not in the right state of mind.

"You can't possibly blame this on me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help but you can't put this on me,"

Jisoo tried to calmly reason with the older man. He refused to listen to her and seemed to be enraged even more.


She turned around at the sound of Dr. Baek, biggest mistake she ever made because the man pushed her the moment her eyes left his.

Jisoo was taken by surprise and due to that was unable to stop herself from sprawling on the floor. Jisoo gasped, using her hands to break the fall.

She was so stunned that she sat there on the floor unable to comprehend what happened.

Dr. Baek made no effort to help her, hoping this might calm the man a bit. Jisoo stared up at him in disbelief when he made his way towards that man completely ignoring Jisoo's slumped figure on the floor by his feet.

She did not know what to say, tears threatened to fall down her cheeks and she knew she could not take this humiliation any longer. But before she could do anything another person made his presence known.

"What is going on here?!"

Dr. Baek froze, his back to her. He waited a second before turning around.

The unmistakable figure of Qian Kun in all his glory stood at the entrance of the room and he did not look pleased.

Had to cut this short because it was going over the word limit. Also I kinda did not like what I wrote so I kept it short so it wouldn't become boring.

I had initially thought of updating a double chapter but I wrote like a 1000 words for this chapter at the start and then realised it didn't fit here. I moved it to another chapter and voila I wrote three chapters instead lol

I apologise for the LONG wait but I did not stop writing for even a day and did my best to upload asap

I hope you guys aren't disappointed and these chapters aren't as dry as they seem to me...

But don't worry the next chapters are about to get thrilling, I promise! This is just the build-up

Writing Jisoo's character is such a contrast to writing Inha's. They are both so different, do tell me which one of them is your favourite and who do relate to more ;)

For me I'm kinda like Jisoo, I try to stand up for myself but I lack Inha's swag. I wish I could tell people off like her, if only!

Happy reading!


Word Count: 3,420
Song: Adore You - Harry Styles


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