Songs of war: The Unofficial...

By MatthewAlbert5

123 1 0

the great war have stopped many years ago. but a new enemy rise in the shadows More

Season 1: Episode 1
Season 1: Episode 3

Season 1:Episode 2

32 0 0
By MatthewAlbert5

Etherea, a large fantasy castle built into the side of the mountain. The place is used by enchanters, and also contains a few very valuable artifacts.

two shadowy figures just outside the castle, hiding over the edge of a small hill.

There it is Grim. If we pull this off I’m about to become a very wealthy man.

*affirmative grunt*

Hand me the schematics- come on hurry up.

Grim hands Jalkar some papers, who begins looking them over.

According to these schematics- Grim what is all this? I asked for schematics- I specifically asked for schematics of Etherea!

*confused grunt*

How are we supposed to steal the stone when we don’t even know which tower it’s in?!

*defensive grunt*

Alright you don’t have to shout! You’re going to get us caught before we’ve even started. We’ll just have to do what I do best: improvise. Stick behind me and don’t do anything stupid.

Jalkar and Grim walking through the Etherea castle. People are walking about working and they try to act natural.

They pass by some weapons on display, and Grim notices an enchanted scythe.

He begins pointing towards it and grunting trying to get Jalkar’s attention.

*a few grunts as you attempt to get Jalkar’s attention*

Jalkar makes it to the end of the room, and turns around. He sees Grim purchasing the enchanted scythe. He shouts quietly to himself.

*quietly* Oh now what are you doing?!

Grim walks up to Jalkar and joyously presents his new scythe.

*happy grunt*

*quietly* Grim, you don’t buy from the people you’re stealing from! Now let’s keep moving!

They arrive at the top of the castle and enter one of the side towers. A guard turns around as they enter, but Jalkar quickly and quietly kills him.

As he lets the body down quietly, he looks back up, and walks forward revealing the Enderdragon egg in the middle of the room.

*quietly and distracted* Watch the entrance eh Grim?

Grim covers the entrance as Jalkar approaches the egg, and he carefully picks it up.

A redstone click noise is heard.

Despite the problem, Jalkar keeps surprisingly calm for the first half of his next sentence as if he is almost laughing at his own failure to check for redstone, but then begins yelling at the end.

A pressure plate… it’s redstone wired… it’s- IT WAS WIRED, RUN!

Jalkar runs to the back of the room and slides down a chandelier, landing on a lower portion of the castle. Grim follows, and they continue running through the castle and the crowds of confused citizens.

Suddenly a small crowd of guards blocks their way.

Grim charges through past Jalkar and begins taking them out. Jalkar then heads off the road and begins hurrying down the mountain.

slightly later, Jalkar has made it fairly far around the side of the mountain, and stops to catch his breath.

*catching breath* We did it Grim… I’m gonna be rich- *grunt as you’re bumped*

Grim comes tumbling into him from behind. Jalkar loses the egg which falls over the side of the small cliff.

The egg lands at the bottom and teleports away with a loud boom. A trail of energy can be seen pointing in the direction the egg went.

Oh… Grim… YOU IDIOT!

*defensive grunt*

Now we have to find it again before someone else does!

*disappointed growl*

Jalkar sighs and takes a moment to collect himself.

*sigh* The energy trail pointed north… towards Underwood.


You’re right, it is heading away from Etherea, so let’s get moving.

They move off towards Underwood.

Cuts to Sendaria. Many Ardoni are peacefully working. over a hill and on the other side two younger Ardoni are sparring with wooden swords.

Suddenly one knocks the other backwards into a small pond with a splash.

*worried* Oh! Are you alright Senn?

Senn struggles back up out of the water. A lily pad slides off his head.

Yeah… yeah I’m fine.

Ria reaches her hand down to help Senn out of the pond. After grabbing her hand, he yanks her and pulls her into the pond beside him.


Ha ha!

Senn climbs out of the pond. Ria gets back up in the pond looking angry but also smiling.

*friendly* That’s not fair…

Do you think the undead fight fair, or the Nether, or the many other dangers out in the world?

Ria climbs out of the pond.

And how are we going to get out there?

They engage a bit more. Senn holds his ground better now.

One day we will… somehow.

horse feet galloping along. an unidentifiable horse rider approaching the area. He rides up and stops on a low hill, looking down at Senn and Ria.

Back to Senn and Ria.  More clashing. Suddenly Senn pulls back. Ria charges forward, sword raised high.

She stops suddenly as Senn stoops down passively, hands on his knees.

Ria Sendaris?

Ria is a bit shy, wondering what Senn is about to say next.


I made you something. It’s not the most beautiful weapon in Sendaria but…

Senn draws a long wooden pole with a thin iron blade at the end.

Senn, this is incredible, I love it!

Ria twirls the sword around getting a feel for its balance.

If father sees this he’s going to take it away.

Then I’ll make you another one.

Senn smiles, and Ria smiles back. She continues twirling it.

Wanna try it out?

Of course… but now I’m going to destroy you with a weapon like this.

Senn raises his sword defensively. Ria moves in to attack, but another sword blocks the attack. A familiar voice speaks to them.

Our strength comes not from the power of our weapons, but rather how we choose to wield what power we have been given.

Ria draws back, surprised.


Thalleous is interested in the weapon Ria’s holding.

Is this weapon your handiwork, Senn?

Thalleous reaches for it, and she hands it over obediently.

*surprised* Yes… yes it is. Your arrival is most welcome Ky’Thalleous… but unexpected all the same.

He bows to him lightly, and he turns to address them both.

It was unexpected events which have lead me here. It’s good to see you both. Is Ria still besting you?

Thalleous turns to Senn at this question. They respond at the same time.



Thalleous smiles. He hands the weapon back to Ria.

It is a fine blade, Senn.

Ria takes the blade back as Thalleous’ horse, Timber, approaches. Senn pets Timber, too humble to discuss the compliment further.

Thank you. Hello Timber.

Thalleous turns back to Ria, who holds the weapon, wondering what he’ll say next.

Your father would not approve of this training.

I know…

And he definitely would not want you to have what I am about to give you. You cannot tell anyone about this.

They both hurry forward to him, excited.

What’d you bring us?

Thalleous reaches into his inventory, and in each hand pulls out a Song.

Both Senn and Ria look surprised as they see them.

*surprised* Songs?! For us?

In the old days it was common for Ardoni of your age to wield Songs. It is our unique ability to harness their power… to deny their usage is to deny the very thing that makes us Ardoni.

Thalleous hands them each their Song.

Will you teach us how to use them?

Patience, young ones. First I have some important business to take care of. Now remember, you cannot let Osivian know about-

Osivian’s voice is heard approaching.

Thalleous?! Is that you?

*friendly* Osivian! Apologies for arriving uninvited.

*warm* Thalleous! Sendaria is your home, you are always welcome here.

Then Osivian turns towards Senn and Ria and drops his friendly demeanor.

But you two! I specifically told you to stay away from each other. Ria, you have too many responsibilities to go gallivanting off seeking danger!

I know, because “I’m one of few surviving female Ardoni.” You’ve told me before.

And Senn, I wish you would respect my wishes. I raised you as a member of this clan, even though by blood you are not.

Thalleous tries to help out.

Alright Osivian I think they’ve heard enough for today. I have matters of great urgency to discuss with you.

Then best we head indoors. You two, go back to your rooms and remain there until I summon you.

Osivian and Thalleous walk off together.

Cut to Senn’s room. He climbs up onto his bed and waits for a moment, then pulls out his Song and holds the mysterious object.

A faint humming can be heard from the Song

The warden, Marcus, walks by and bangs on the bars. The figure turns around revealing lucan.

Cut to the warden’s office. Lucan sits on one side of the chair, Marcus on the other leafing through a book. A cake is on the table.

While Marcus is sitting up straight and appears very uptight and official, Lucan is reclined in his chair and fidgeting around more so.

Alright Lucan, since you continue to show good behavior, and your crimes were… once again minor, we’re going to accelerate your release.

Lucan leans up in his chair, and begins reaching for the cake.

So that explains the cake! A celebration-

Don’t touch my cake.

Lucan stops, and waits for Marcus to continue.

There is one condition: you’re being assigned to mining duty near the Basalt Coast.

Lucan withdraws his hand, a bit worried now.

Mining duty? You sure that paper doesn’t read milling duty?

Marcus furrows his eyebrows.

Guess not. So mining duty huh? You mean… underground, where the undead are?

You’ll be protected by a guard like every other miner. There’s no need to worry, Lucan.

I’m feeling much safer here in jail actually. Say… what about road repair duty? Or home animal domestica-

Lucan reaches for the cake again. Marcus puts his hand on the cake to stop him as he cuts Lucan off mid-sentence.

This isn’t a request, it’s an assignment. You know how things are- mines running dry, resources gettin’ scarce. We’re being forced to mine deeper into the dangers that lie below.

Lucan leans over the table and gets a bit close to Marcus’ personal space.

If you wanted to kill me we could have just gone with an execution.

Lucan leaves the room and Marcus returns to his book. He looks over to the edge of the table and only one slice of the cake is there.

Cut to outside, Lucan is carrying the rest of the cake and eating it as he steps outside.

He looks around the town of Riverstead, then begins heading to the Basalt Coast.

Cut back to Sendaria. Ria is sneaking out and makes it to a Song Shrine. She pulls out her Song that Thalleous gave her. She starts moving to place it in one of the slots when Senn’s voice startles her.

Ria, what are you doing?

Ria puts away her Song quickly.

What? Nothing. What are you doing here?

Senn quickly puts his Song away as well that he was holding.


They both smile.

Senn… Osivian is right about some things…

What do you mean?

I’m one of the few remaining female Ardoni… and you’re clanless. We’ll never be going on crazy adventures like the stories Thalleous tells.

Ria draws the spear that Senn made for her and tries to hand it to him.

Here, you’ll probably want this back.

It was meant for you, Ria. Keep it.

Senn pushes it back towards her. She looks up at him, then hugs him.

Cut to a bit later, Senn is walking back towards his room. He stops and turns as he sees a light still on in the main hall, and raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

Cut to inside the hall, Osivian and Thalleous are talking.

They were Voltaris, at least seven of them. I have reported this to the masters but they refuse to take action.

And why would they listen? You have spoken about the Voltaris and their return for the last hundred years. Without evidence, your words can only fall on deaf ears.

I understand, which is why I am not here to raise an army. *sigh* If I cannot convince you, all I can do is prepare.

Suddenly Osivian and Thalleous stop and look towards the doorway. Thalleous speaks a bit more quietly to Osivian.

Someone is listening.

Cuts to Senn outside, he hears this and begins slowly sneaking away. Thalleous’ teleportation Song can be heard faintly, then Senn bumps into Thalleous.

*surprised* Thalleous!

Osivian walks outside angrily.

Senn? This is the second time today you’ve disobeyed me.  How much did you overhear?

*defensive* Nothing, I was just passing by.

You were supposed to stay in your room. I believe a stricter punishment is in order.

Thalleous intervenes.

That will not be necessary, Osivian. I will take him with me on my journey, and discipline him myself.

Thalleous winks at Senn, who smiles slightly in return. Osivian waits a moment, then concedes.

Hmph. I expect an improvement in your attitude when you return, Senn.

Take him back to his room… and make sure he gets there this time.

Cuts to Thalleous walking Senn back to his place. Senn is excited.

I’m really going to travel with you? How far are we going? What should I bring?

Senn stops as he realizes something.

Ria would have wanted to come…

Perhaps another time. Now get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us. Ardonia is a large world, and full of surprises.

A pig is eating a patch of wild carrots as the camera rolls back to reveal a hunter preparing a bow to fire.

Just before the hunter fires, a wolf begins barking which scares the pig away.

The hunter lets down her bow and turns around, revealing Abbigail.

Cuts to Sam still barking, Abbigail walks up behind it.

*friendly* What is it Sam? I hope it’s better than tomorrow’s breakfast, because you just-

Abbigail stops and her eyes widen. An Enderdragon egg in a small clearing, marred by endstone.

(To be continued)

(Note: this is the unofficial novelization of songs of war)

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