Never thought I'd fall for yo...

By Midnight_Lilac

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A/N and Disclaimer
Chapter 2 - Joining forces with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Settled in
Chapter 4 - Lord Sesshomaru
Chapter 5 - Human Emotions
Chapter 6 - Moving
Chapter 7 - The Band of Seven
Chapter 8 - Acknowledged
Chapter 9 - Restrictions
Chapter 10 - Leaving Mt. Hakurei
Chapter 11 - Transformed
Chapter 12 - Trusting
Chapter 13 - Revival
Chapter 14 - Friendship
Chapter 15 - Yours

Chapter 1 - Demon Slayers

13.1K 285 207
By Midnight_Lilac

Name: Takumi Ritsu (Black waist length hair and golden eyes – pic in the side)

Age: 18

Ritsu pov:

I yawned as I sat up and pushed the covers off myself. Another day at the village, another noisy morning with my two comrades: Setsuko and Kazuki.

I got up and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

My name is Takumi Ritsu. I'm 18 years old and I'm an elite demon slayer living in this village. Well, I originally came from Tokyo city in Japan and I have no idea how I ended up in the feudal era. One day I was just walking home from school and the next minute, *poof!* I was here.

Its not that I'm complaining though. When I appeared here, the people of this village were really kind and they took me in without asking me anything about my past. Well, I don't know if you can call it past because right now, I was in a time which was way before I was even born. But I guess you got the point. Anyway, the village elder took me in and raised me along with the two other orphans that he took care of....Setsuko and Kazuki.

All three of us bonded quite well and we trained together to fight as demon slayers. It wasn't really a great deal to me since I didn't know about the village. Setsuko and Kazuki were really determined to become demons slayers and I didn't quite understand why. But one day, when the village was attacked by a bunch of demons which resulted in several people being eaten by them, I decided that I too would become a demon slayer and pay my debt for the village's kindness.

It took me about a year to perfect my fighting skills, but Setsuko and Kazuki were patient with me and taught me everything I needed to know. And after that, we began to fight off demons as a team. We became one of the best demon slaying team called 'Three beasts' and we were paid high prices to fight demons across many villages. Besides that, I'm also pretty good at hand to hand combat. I was always a fan of action movies back at home and I had practiced and mastered several stunts that I had seen on TV. It was very useful and it made my fighting style rather unique.

I stepped out of the bathroom dressed in my usual half length kimono and stretch on pants and blinked when I saw Kazuki sitting on my mattress with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. I raised a brow and hung my towel to dry on the window will and I looked at him. "What are you doing in my room, Kazuki? You're supposed to knock and get permission before you walk into a girl's room, you know?" I said and he sent me a playful glare.

Well, obviously since I was a girl, I had a separate room for myself and Kazuki and Setsuko shared a room.

"It's your fault for not locking your door." He said and I rolled my eyes. "That's not the point, you know? Either way, you're supposed to knock." I lectured and he stood up while sighing. "Eh, I don't see how it matters. Its not like you would walk out of the bathroom in a towel. Besides, you don't have a great body anyway." He said and my eyebrow twitched. I got an irk mark on my forehead and I glared. "What did you say?!" "Uh oh...." We both ran out of the room with me holding one of my weapons as I chased him out.

"You guys are at it again...." Setsuko sighed and I stopped pulling at Kazuki's hair. Kazuki was taller than me and he had long brown hair tied in a ponytail and he had green eyes. Setsuko was small in build, had brown eyes and shoulder length black hair of which half was tied up. He was usually the one that broke up our fights since it was a very common occurrence in the village and which most people found entertaining. They would laugh and giggle as they passed by when we were bickering, but no one bothered stopping us since it was usually over really silly matters.

I let go of Kazuki's hair and crossed my arms in anger. "He started it." I said and Kazuki burst out laughing. I couldn't help it and I broke out into laughter as well. "But seriously Kazuki....the next time you come into my room without knocking, I'm going to have to knock some sense into that thick head of yours." I said and he stretched. "Yeah yeah....I don't want to get my butt whooped by you, so I'll play it safe." He said and we three sat down on the grass in our usual training field.

"So we're not training today?" I asked and Setsuko shook his head. "Nope....we got a mission and we have to leave in half an hour. So lets just relax till then." He said and I fell onto my back on the grass. "I see. So want kind of demon is it this time?" I asked while looking at the clouds and Setsuko sighed. "I heard its a half bear demon. Apparently it had a shard of the sacred jewel in its forehead and it keeps terrorizing the village. You know, destroy their houses and crops, eating people...that kind."

"I see. Well, why don't we head out right now? We don't have anything to do." I suggested and Kazuki nodded. "I suppose we could. Lets go get our weapons." We all got up and headed back to our house....well, I mean the elders house. Since the elders took care of us like their own children, we considered it as our house as well.

We went to the training room and took all of our weapons. Our air filter masks, katanas, smoke bombs, daggers, needles, and a scythe. I specialized in using katanas and a scythe attached to a chain since it gave me the ability to fight both short and long distance battles. I strapped them to my belt and my back and we all walked to the outskirts of the village.

"Be safe all of you. Watch each other's backs." The village elder said and we all bowed. "Of course elder san. We will make you proud." I smiled and he chuckled and patted my head. We all gave another bow and began to walk towards the neighbouring village. And of course, since Kazuki was a chatterbox, he began to talk about random things while making dramatic sounds and expressions and movements with his hands.

The walk to the neighbouring village took about 2-3 hours and when we reached there all the villagers came running to us. "The demon slayers have finally come!" They sounded really relieved and we smiled. "Don't worry, we'll take care of the demon that's been troubling you." "Yeah! Lets kick some demon butt!" Kazuki yelled in excitement and I rolled my eyes at my two 'brothers'. They were very different from each other, as anyone could see. Kazuki was loud and energetic and Setsuko was calm, composed and silent. I was kind of in between them. I could be hyper when I wanted to and calm when I understood the situation.

Well, its not that Kazuki wasn't calm, but he easily got angered or excited and I always had to be the one to calm him down.


Well, that's our cue! We turned our heads up and saw a demon bear coming right at us. The villagers screamed in fear and ran in all directions away from the demon and the three of us got into fighting stances. I pulled out my chained scythe getting ready to kick some demon butt.....just as Kazuki said. I narrowed my eyes and threw my scythe.

The chain wrapped around the demons legs and it struggled until I pulled and brought it crashing to the ground. It was strong and it managed to loosen the chains. It bit the chain with its mouth and pulled hard and I was pulled towards it as well. I growled and pulled out my katana and just as I got close, I stabbed it in its shoulder. Its screamed in agony and shook its head vigorously from side to side.

It growled and lifted its paw to hit me and I gasped as it made contact with my stomach. I was thrown backwards and I coughed as I tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of me. I sat up slowly and winced as my stomach hurt but I glared at the demon that was now fuming and watching us with red angry eyes. Stupid demon! If it thinks that some lame punch like that was going to stop me, it was dead wrong!

“Ritsu! Are you ok?” Kazuki kneeled next to me, worry lacing his voice. “I’m fine. I’m gonna show that demon what exactly I’m capable of.” I sneered and Kazuki nodded. I took a deep breath and he helped me stand up and I narrowed my eyes at the demon as I shot out to attack again.

Naraku pov:

So this was the famous demon slaying group of humans. I had to give them credit. They were rather good…..especially the girl who fluidly avoided attacks and didn’t back down even though she was hit in the stomach.

Most humans would be weak and if a demon as strong as that bear demon had hit them in the same way, they wouldn’t have gotten up. They would have withered and whined in pain just pathetically. But this girl seemed different.

I had heard of these demon slayers since about a year. Most demons feared them and I had to see for myself to make sure if they were a threat to me as well. I had purposely summoned a very powerful half bear demon and given a tainted jewel shard to him. His power had obviously increased and he had decided to target this petty human village. And being the cowards they are, the humans had sent word to their lord that they needed a demon slayer to help them.

I had wanted to watch the entertainment myself. I had killed the demon lord and transformed to look like him and now I was watching their fight from the castle. It was too far for any human to see the details, but with my eyesight, I could see everything clearly.

“My lord, its dangerous to stay outside. The demon may come to attack you.” I mentally chuckled at the fear of this so called minister. “I will be fine…..I wish to see the demon slayers save my people.” I said and he hesitated. “Very well, my lord.” He said and stood silently next to me as I continued to watch the battle.

The girl who was knocked to the ground looked annoyed as she stood up. Then all three of them shot out and fought against the demon. She was obviously in pain, but she was ignoring it completely and fighting to her fullest potential. She was not only skilled, but she was rather beautiful for a human. Possibly, even more beautiful than Kikyo when she was alive.

And I was strangely drawn to her.

In fact, this wasn’t the first time I had seen her. I had seen her several times…..and I knew that she would be perfect to serve me. Her skills could be put to good use to fight Inuyasha and his petty comrades….and another plus point that she had a bit of spiritual powers as well. Yes, I was going to get her to be my servant.

Ritsu pov:

“Yeeaaarrgghh!” I brought down my katana on the bear demon’s head, splitting it in half and dislodging the jewel shard from his head. The demon yelled in pain and finally fell to the ground motionless. I panted and watched the demon disintegrate into the air and I thrust my katana to the ground and fell to my knees.

The demon had hit me pretty hard on my stomach and I’m sure it had left a really bad bruise. And since I hadn’t stopped fighting and I had kept pushing myself until the demon was defeated, my stomach was killing me right now. “Stupid demon…..stupid jewel shard…..stupid bruise.” I muttered to myself and Kazuki and Setsuko ran to my side as I picked up and pocketed the jewel shard.

“Ritsu chan!” “Ritsu! Are you okay? The demon hit you pretty hard….” Kazuki said and I smiled. “I’m fine. I’m probably bruised, but its nothing serious. We should go see the lord of the village now.” I said and stood up. They both nodded and we put away our weapons.

The villagers were really happy and thanked us several times on the way to the castle. We reached the castle in a few minutes and we were led to the throne room. The lord was sitting on a big throne wearing highly expensive silk clothes (well, duh >.>) and he had a serene look on his face.

But somehow, something about him was off. He looked completely normal, but he had some sort of demonic aura around. He had no features like a demon and no one besides me seemed to realize that he had a demonic aura. I glanced at Kazuki and Setsuko and they didn’t seem to have noticed either….and we were demon slayers. We would be able to notice a demonic aura if it was there. So maybe I was just hallucinating through the pain of the bruise in my stomach.

I shrugged and we got down on one knee in front of the lord. “Thank you for saving my people.” He said. His voice was really deep and silky and it gave me goosebumps. I looked up slightly and I stiffened seeing that he was watching me very intently. He gave a smirk and I looked away, composing myself before people thought I was acting strange.

We were given bags of vegetables and silk clothes and payment in gold. After that we were excused and we headed back to our village.


Another day gone with another demon slaying mission. Honestly, life was so monotonous here.

I sat in front of my mirror as I combed my hair. I looked at myself. I hadn’t really changed ever since I came to this world, except for the length of my hair and the way I dressed. Of course, I missed going to school, hanging out with friends at the mall and all that but this life was pretty good too.

I tied up my hair in a ponytail and walked to my room door. I opened it as quietly as possible and looked around to make sure no one was awake. I had a habit of taking a midnight trip to the forest that surrounded the village. When I first appeared in this world, I had my guitar with me. People would probably think it was some cursed instrument if they saw it so I had left it in the forest where I would go occasionally after sneaking out at midnight to play.

I was a music lover and playing my guitar made me think of all the good memories I had at home. So as I always did, I creeped out of the house and ran to the small meadow in the forest where I spent my time playing my guitar.

When I reached there, I took out my guitar from the spot where I had hid it and I sat down against a tree. I looked up at the sky and smiled. I gently pulled the strings of the guitar playing a soft tune and humming along with it. I played for a few seconds but I froze when I felt a very strong and dark demonic aura. It was very similar to the demonic aura I got from the lord at the castle a few days ago, but it was much stronger.

I snapped my eyes up and stood up as well, getting into a defensive stance as a man walked out from the trees. I narrowed my eyes at him. He had long wavy black hair, deep and intimidating red eyes and a bluish coloring on his lids. He wore a dark blue haori and hakama pants and he was smirking.

He stopped a few feet away from me and I glared at him dangerously. “What is a demon doing so close to my village?” I asked in a threatening voice and he chuckled in a deep voice that sent a shiver up my spine. “Its rare to see a human with this much courage….especially to stand up against a demon when you can sense how powerful he is.” He said still smirking and goosebumps erupted on my body. He sounded just like the lord at the castle and I swallowed thickly at the bad vibe I was getting.

“You seem to have figured out something.” He said slyly and I narrowed my eyes. “Y-you’re the lord of the castle?” I asked hesitantly and he chuckled. “You are sharp. A trait that I find appealing in strong fighters. Although, I killed the lord and only pretended to be him.” He said and I clenched my jaw in anger.

I was about to reach for my dagger that I hid in my shoe, but he was even quicker. Tentacles shot out from his back and they were wrapped around me tightly so that I couldn’t move even an inch. I struggled bit winced as the bruise that I had got from the bear demon hurt. It had been a few days, but the bruise wasn't completely healed. I glared at his as my guitar was ripped away from me and his tentacles crushed it into pieces. And no matter how much I struggled, I couldn’t get free.

“What are you doing?!” I yelled, eyeing my now shattered guitar and he chuckled. “I have been watching you for quite some time. You come here often to play that strange instrument." He said and I glared. "Well thanks to you, I cant play it anymore, now can I? Jerk." I muttered the last part but I knew being a demon, he had obviously heard me. But he only chuckled and walked closer to me without releasing me from his hold.

"As a demon slayer, you should be more aware of your surroundings, should you not?" He was barely a foot away from me now and he touched a few strands of my hair. Despite being held in place, I moved my head away in disgust. He smirked and I got irritated by his attitude. "Stop smirking! Its annoying!" I yelled and he shook his head and let go of my hair. "Temper, temper. I'm surprised though. Having such good reputation as a demon slayer, you have failed to realize the obvious danger you have been in all this time." He clicked his tongue and I frowned. I didn't really get what he was saying and he seemed to realize my confusion too.

"There are many demons that come to listen to you play your instrument everytime and yet you haven't sensed their presence." He said and I narrowed my eyes. "Demons to listen to my music? Why would any demons come for that?" I asked and he chuckled. "Some are attracted by your music and your flawless beauty, while other are attracted by the sweet scent of your flesh." I couldn't stop a shiver as he said that. He looked around us and I stiffened when several demons walked out from the trees.

My eyes went wide as I suddenly became aware of their demonic auras....something I hadn't even noticed until today and till this moment. Many of them looked my way longingly; most of which were half demons while others watched me with hungry red eyes and I squirmed in discomfort. But they eyed the demon holding me cautiously and I swallowed thickly. Judging from their hesitation, this guy was probably really strong and dangerous.

He chuckled and I looked at him. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" I asked cautiously and he smirked. "You do seem to understand your situation quite well. I want you to become my servant and help me collect the remaining shards of the sacred jewel." "In your dreams!" I yelled as I glared at him and he chuckled in his deep voice, which yet again sent a shiver through me. Although, this time, it wasn't because his voice was deep, but because of the malicious hint that it had in it.

He stepped even closer to me and I tried to struggle in his hold. But I winced as my torso hurt from the bruise and he rested one of his hands on my shoulder. He was very tall, at least one and a half heads taller than me and I felt suffocated by his proximity to me. But he brought his lips next to my ear and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. "I always get what I want, even if I have to take it by force." He licked the shell of my ear and heat rushed to my cheeks in both embarrassment and disgust.

I struggled violently and I fell to the ground as I lost my balance. I was still wrapped in his appendages and I glared from my position on the ground. "If you think you can make me agree by threatening me, you're dead wrong! And don't think I'm going to back down without a fight! I'm a demon slayer, not a demon helper!" I yelled and he smirked wider. But before he could say anything, one of the demons shot out at him and bit him on his shoulder. I gasped as thick purple fog was released from where he was bit and the demon biting him let go with a scream in agony.

The demon fell to the ground and half of his face melted. My stomach churned and I looked up again. "Not even demons can withstand my miasma. It would be problematic if I used it on a helpless human village." My eyes went wide at his words. " wouldn't...." "Oh, I definitely would." He chuckled, amusement swirling in his eyes as he watched me. "I'll give you a day to think about it....return here tomorrow night if you wish to save your village. And make sure yo bring along the jewel shard that you got from defeating the bear demon." He said and retracted his appendages. I stood up watching him in fear and anger and I clenched my jaw.

"You monster!" I yelled and turned around and ran back to the village. The last thing I heard was his amused laughter following me till I reached the village.





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