Marvel One Shots

By Dumbass_Child99

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Thank You guys for being so patient... :3 More

Pranks aren't always fun
Part 2
You dim sum, you loose some (Ian Sterling)
Hmmmmm VOTE
I always thought that I'd see you again
Heh Heh Heh
PoP TArTs NeD, pOp TaRtS!!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm VOTE 2
He's mine forever
Holy Shit
A Christmas Miracle
So um
Im definitely not okay with this: Part 1
I'm definitely not okay with this: Part 2
I'm not okay with this: Part 3
I can't
I'm not dead unfortunately.
You Didn't See That Coming?
I Larb You The Most
Legit just cat photos for @megannotmeghan
Hop, Skip and a Jump
A Sticky Situation
Welp, fuck this shit. Life's too fucking hard
What the actual fuck
You didn't see that coming?
Jeez It's Been a While
Late Apologies
So uh- hey

Trans @DidntFinishTheMilk

682 46 23
By Dumbass_Child99

@DidintFinishTheMilk go check them out.

I'm honestly so done at this point. My therapist keeps telling me I'm fine, like I haven't tried to kill myself at least 4 times in the last month. Everything is getting to me at this point. I listened to Reflection from Mulan on loop and cried for a solid 15 minutes. My Aunt is going to break lockdown and I think she's staying with us in a couple of weeks for my uncle's funeral. Yay!, someone else to try and explain to that I haven't spoken in months. Also i have to try and explain the binders and gay shit everywhere. Everything is a fucking mess. By the way, thank you for the comments I really appreciate them and I was genuinely smiling at my screen for like 15 minutes. 

I should probably leave you to read. I'm making this a Parley fic, enjoy.


Peter's POV

All shit went down the day that I came out as Trans to the school. Since then my life has been nothing short of a nightmare. Flash, my childhood best friend turned on me and started bullying me, hell, the whole school turned on me, other than Ned and MJ. Even the teachers dead-named me.

Life only got worse. My trip to Oscorp ended in 2 weeks in bed. I did get powers which was cool. Uncle Ben got shot when they were aiming for me coming back from a pride parade.And it broke me. It was then i decided to become Spiderman to help the little guy. May was so supportive of everything. Then Tony freaking Stark found me and offered me an internship. I was crushed under a building saving the Avenger's stuff. He found out I was Spiderman and I became his personal intern. I was still devastated about Ben, but there is so much you can hide behind a fake smile and a few jokes.

It somehow is my luck that things got worse. Honestly at this point my life could be awarded the biggest roller coaster ride prize.

"Class as you all know, we made your parents or guardians" She looked at me. MJ looked over and mouthed 'bitch' The teacher continued, "-sign a permission slip to go on a surprise trip tomorrow."

Cheers came from round the room. Why? I have no fucking clue probably the author is an emotional wreck who is so sleep deprived but suddenly decided to write only to realise they have no idea what they are doing and has no idea how people would react, That's the most logical answer anyways.( Deadpool who?)

"So without further ado this year our class is going to.......... STARK INDUSTRIES!!!!!"

Honestly fuck my luck. I want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out, but i put on a fake smile and look at Ned, who is currently mcfreaking out.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!! DO YOU THINK WE'LL MEET THE AVENGERS?!?!" He was practically screeching at this point and MJ seemed to be slightly amused.

"Calm down class, now tomorrow morning we will meet outside school half an hour before period 1. If you are late, tough luck, we're leaving without you. Dress code is the same as are school policies and don't forget to bring lunch and money for the gift shop. Class dismissed."

Everyone started packing up. Thankfully no one knew about my internship, except Ned but he KEPT IT A FUCKING SECRET, ( I may hold a few grudges from homecoming...) luckily. But by the end of this that may change. Please Thor, don't let it change.

"Emily" I flinch, the name like a bullet through my bindered chest. I almost walk off and ignore her, it's not my name. But I reluctantly stay.

"I expect no funny business on this trip. We lost you for half an hour at OSCORP and then you were off school for two weeks. Stay with the group for once." She said, her voice like tasers, before walking off.

It's at this point that i realize that my life is going to shit. Tony doesn't know. Shit! Ms Barbetts is gonna dead-name me or some shit. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

SHIT! EVEN HARLS DOESN'T KNOW!!!! HE'S MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND, I'M SUCH A GODDAMN IDIOT. Ben would be so disappointed that i lied.

I start to panic. What if Tony disowns me and takes away the suit? What if Harls breaks up with me? Hell, Happy barely tolerates me now, what if he hates me. I'm spiralling quicker than you can say "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes" 

All of a sudden i'm on the floor suffocating. Everything is echoing and my clothes feel itchy against my skin. Tear drop after tear drop rolls down my face, as my binder assists in crushing my lungs. It feels like hours of torture before i feel my hand being placed on someones chest. I feel the heartbeat through my fingers and a muffled voice telling me to breathe to the sound of the beat. 

It was a few minutes before i calmed down, the tears still streaming down my face but my vision less blurry. Ned sat in front of me, a mixture of panic and concern in his eyes.

"You better Pete?" I nod, wiping away the tears with the back of my sleeve.

"If you don't mind me asking, what triggered that?"

"I forgot to tell Harls and Tony and basically everyone at SI, including the avengers, that i'm trans. I'm a moron." I look down at my hands. 

"I swear to fucking Loki i will murder Ms Barbetts if she outs you before you can explain anything."

"But she probably will, I don't have the internship today and Harls is coming back to town tomorrow. I should have told them sooner."

"You deserve to take your time with this. It is your life"

"Yeah, i guess, thanks Ned" 

"Anytime, but you should get going, you have patrol"

-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx- The Next Day -xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-

I walked up to the bus surprisingly early, i figured I better get in the good books before this train wreck. Ms Barbetts gave me a small nod and i went on the bus and sat at the back. In a few minutes, everyone was seated and we were on our way to SI.

Ned was visibly excited, bouncing up and down in his seat. He looked over to me and calmed down slightly. 

"You good?" I could still see the excitement in his eyes, but he seemed to be holding it back. He's a good friend.

"Yeah. You excited?" His face lit up.

"Am I excited?! Am. I. Excited.?! OF COURSE!!!" I chuckled lightly. "Do you think we'll meet the Avengers?

"Probably not" came MJ's voice behind us. "Though with Peter there, maybe Stark will come out of his hole" 

I was dumbfounded. "How did you? Bu- I never- wha- ahem I don't know what you're on about" smooth Pete, smooth.

"I'm not an idiot Peter, and besides (you're saying it wrong) Ned's really loud and I heard you guys talking at lunch the other day."

"oh" I paused "so you know then?"

"That you are the slingy, webby dude, yeah." 

"Well shit. Stark's gonna kill you." Ned very helpfully added. Note the sarcasm.


The rest of the ride was uneventful. MJ read, Ned slept, and I just listened to a mixture of depressing and belt out songs. Also a couple Disney classics, like Make a man and Reflection. Do you think Disney meant to make Mulan an LGBTQ+ icon? 

After like an hour we arrived, I fell asleep just as Ned woke up but I don't regret it. As much as I love him, I'm exhausted from getting back at 2 from patrol and my binder seems tighter than usual, I probably am in need of a new one. I'll probably go tomorrow with Aunt May seen as it's the weekend.

MJ slapped me awake when we got to the tower. Well that's not entirely true. I woke up from my spidey sense saying I was under attack and then I was slapped by MJ.

Everyone was staring in awe at the reception and i chortled (I searched synonyms for chuckled because it felt creepy and this was by far the best choice) MJ and the receptionist were the only other people keeping their calm. The receptionist, Alexa, nodded to me discreetly and i waved back. Her face was full of joy, great.

Alexa came towards us putting Dave on the desk. she explained the badge system and the levels 1- 12 and soon we started walking through security. A few looks of confusion prompted Alexa to explain FRIDAY's role at the tower.

"Peter Parker Level 12 Personal Intern, no unauthorized weapons , Welcome back Peter" called FRIDAY. Gladly no one said anything but i could hear Flash mumbling about how i'm a girl or some shit. Honestly, fuck him, I can't be asked. I was about to continue through the scanner when the dreaded words came. "Mr Stark has been alerted of your arrival". My will to live is non existent at this point, along with my ability to breath comfortably.

My lungs were slowly being crushed.... 


I kept walking and acted like nothing was wrong. I felt like i could pass out any second. We continued with the tour and it was mostly chaos free I was only deadnamed by my teacher like once and Alexa thought it was another student. 

Flash wasn't being a dick for once. I think he was just too caught up with the actual fieldtrip.

Everything was going moderately ok. Until the elevator to the dining hall opened. And within seconds i was tackled to the ground. Harley and Tony entered the room and Harley was excited i guess. Don't get me wrong, i love my boyfriend, but with the force of the tackle and the fucking binder I screamed out in pain. 

Harls jumped up and checked if i was ok, sitting me down on the closest seat. everything hurt but i nodded nonetheless. He let a sigh of relief out before he kissed me and that's when all hell broke loose.



Tony turned to the seething woman.  "Who's Emily?" His face comically confused.

"M-Mr S-Stark I apologize for disturbing you. Emily Parker the one on the chair with the stupid haircut kissing that boy." Harley looked at me with confusion and tears formed in my eyes.

"No. That's my personal intern Peter." Tony was visibly confused, his eyes darting back and forth.

"I think I should explain." I got up ignoring the pain.

"I'm so sorry Mr Stark, I should have told you sooner. i- I'm Transgender." By this point tears were flooding down my cheeks. "I was born as Emily Benjamin Parker, I was born in the wrong body. I transitioned to Peter 3 years ago and started t a couple of months ago. I'm wearing a binder, albeit an uncomfortable one." I mumbled the last bit.

 I looked to Harley, scared that he'd break up with me, I almost cried harder when he kissed me and whispered that he still loved me and that this wouldn't change that.

"As I was saying, I apologize for Emily's disruptive behavior she is by far my worst stude-" I was surprised when Mr Stark cut her off.

"I'd rather you apologize" He snapped

"W-What for?"

"Being a blatantly transphobic bitch." I heard Harley, Ned and MJ snort and I sniggered.

"I- I- um I-"

 "Or better yet, leave. This tour is over. Pete, Ted, MJ, you can stay. Everyone else, kindly fuck off."

"Not you Harley, you dumbass, I don't know where you think you are going, you live here now"

I turned to confirm the statement and he nodded. I grinned, wiping away the remaining tears and tear stains,

I turned and looked at Tony and he hugged me. "I love you no matter what, Underoos"

"ow, Mr Stark, can you loosen the hug a bit, my binders too tigh-" I passed out.

The rest of the week was explaining it to the rest of the avengers. It was, however, funny to hear about Bruce's reaction to the binder when I was taken to the med bay.

Let's just say that by the end of it i had a load of new binders and a big supportive family.


Heyyyyyyy sorry this has taken so long.

I know it's probably shit and it's taken ages, but here. Imma go sleep now. Please tell me what you think, I love reading your comments.

Please tell me any ships you want to see in the comments and check out the songs, they're really good.

Love ya, Bye Xx

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