Girl Next Door

Da AngelaLott9

664 44 23

The story of a life long friendship between Max and the girl with red hair and green eyes who lives across th... Altro

New Year's Eve 2010
Spring 2011
A Week Later
Fall 2011
Winter 2012
Spring 2013
Summer 2014
Moments Later
Winter 2015
Summer 2016
Spring/Summer 2017

June 2010

29 4 1
Da AngelaLott9

June 2010

It had finally happened; Max had a beard. It felt like a right of passage or something. That fact that he was graduating from high school in just a few weeks didn't feel nearly as significant as the hair growing suddenly even and thick on his face.

"I don't like it," were the first words out of his best friend's mouth the next day when he showed up to school. "Your face looks all wrong."

"That's just cause you're used to seeing it all smooth and boyish," Max replied, as he closed his locker and turned to face her. "This is a man's face."

Zoey giggled at him, but didn't have anything else to say on the topic. Books in hand and locker already closed, she turned to head down the hallway and he followed. "How are the college applications going?" she asked instead.

"Fine I guess," Max replied. "Still doesn't feel real though. I mean in what like three months we won't even come back to this school?"

"I know what you mean," Zoey sighed. "It's like we've been here forever and now suddenly they decide we can leave? Who made up that rule?"

"Crazy people," Max said. "That's who."

"And by that you mean adults," Zoey laughed. Max chuckled along with her. Reaching the intersection of the hallway, they had to go their separate ways to their first class.

This last semester Max and Zoey both had two spares and were talking an elective and core course each though none of them together. If it hadn't been for those spare blocks Max wouldn't have seen much of his best friend their last semester of high school, which would have sucked.

The best thing about their spare blocks as far as Max was concerned was when one or both of them fell at the end of the day so instead of spending an hour in the library doing homework they just went home early.

Today was one on those great days and just a few short hours after walking into his first class, Max was meeting his best friend outside by the benches before they walked home.

"You know one of us should really have a car by now," Zoey whined.

"With what money?" Max laughed.

"You know," Zoey said. "Our money."

"Acquired with what employment?" Max smirked.

"Oh hush," Zoey laughed.

"Besides it really isn't that far," Max added. "And I like walking with you."

"I know," Zoey said. "Me too. It just sometimes feels like we are the only seniors without wheels."

"Ah but we are also the only senior with free weekends to relax and play video games."

"Good point," Zoey laughed. "Much more important."

"At least we have cell phones now," Max counted. "I like how mine flips open and closed."

"Yeah I know you do!" Zoey shot back. "Ever since you got that thing you've been trying to make my ears bleed clicking it back and forth. I wouldn't be surprised if one day it just broke in half."

"Hey, that's what they are designed to do," Max defended his habit. "And I like the noise."

"Well either way you know our parents only got us phones so they can reach us at any time," Zoey continued her earlier point. "It wasn't like they wanted us to be hip or cool or anything. They just wanted to be able to check in on us like little stalkers."

"You mean like parents," Max laughed. "Besides it's fun texting from across the room."

"Fun but not rather pointless," Zoey agreed.

"Not totally pointless," Max disagreed. "Especially if I don't want to get up."

"So lazy!" Zoey laughed, shoving him a little.

"Hey don't knock it till you try it," Max chuckled.

They walked in silence for a while after that, enjoying each other's company and the sounds of summer. Max couldn't stop his mind from wandering though he was working hard to hide his disappointment. After so many years wishing he could grow a beard finally it was here and she didn't even like it.

"So you really don't like the beard, huh?" Max checked a while later, unable to let it go.

"Nope," Zoey replied firmly. "You don't look like my Max with a beard."

"Your Max?" he asked laughing.

"You know what I mean," Zoey replied dismissively. "I've known you practically my whole life and all that time your chin has been pink. Dark brown is the wrong chin colour for you."

"I see," Max laughed, suddenly feeling better about her not liking his beard. "Well then I guess I'll just have to shave it off."

"You don't have to listen to me," Zoey reminded him. "It's your face."

"Ah yes but you have to look at it," Max replied.

"Still doesn't make it up to me," Zoey told him firmly.

Max smiled to himself but didn't say anything. He knew she was wrong; it was definitely up to her.

Zoey sighed. "Wanna do something tonight?"

"You mean other than the usual movie and homework?" Max asked.

"Yeah," Zoey replied. "We could check out that arcade maybe. I'd even settle for the park. Just something different."

"Never settle," Max told her. "Arcade it is."

"Nothing wrong with settling with little stuff," Zoey told him like she always did when he brought up the topic.

Reaching the end of the street they turned towards the arcade instead of the usual way home. It was a lovely walk. Max couldn't blame her for not walking to be inside on a day like today. The sun was shining high in the sky and the sky was a clear light blue. Yet despite the beauty of the day Zoey wasn't smiling.

"Is something bothering you?" Max asked. "Apart from my beard that is."

"I don't know," Zoey said. "I just have this strange feeling."

"Our whole lives are about to change forever after graduation," Max reminded her. "Could it be that?"

"Yeah that's gotta be it," Zoey replied with a smile. Though from her eyes Max could tell she wasn't totally convinced. He would have further pushed the topic, but he sensed she didn't want to talk about it.

So instead he quickened his pace to the arcade thinking air hockey might cheer her up. And sure enough not long after they put the coins in the machine and threw the puck onto the 'ice' her smile returned.

Click, bang, bang, click. The air puck went flying across the table as Max hit it back to Zoey and she returned the favour.

"Do you remember when I used to let you win," Zoey laughed.

"No I remember when I used to let you win," Max replied, grinning as he pinged the puck back to her side and scored a goal.

"I remember when we didn't keep score," Zoey laughed.

"Ah simpler days," Max said nostalgically. "Before the world decided we were grownups."

"Still I think adulting is gonna be fun once we get the hang of it," Zoey said, setting up the puck again.

"Since when is adulting a word?" Max laughed.

"Since now," Zoey replied.

"If you say so," Max chuckled.

"I do say so," Zoey grinned as she scored on him. "Tied point."

Max looked up. She was smiling in the way she did that made her eyes shine, like she was smiling with her whole face. It was his favourite of her many smiles.

"I think adulting will be great so long as we do it together," Max counterd. He had the puck in his hand so the game was at a stand still.

"Well, of course, we'll do it together, silly" Zoey said, with a slight jerk of her head. "We do everything together or did I not make you promise Friend for Life."

"It's true," Max chuckled. "I was tricked into such an agreement."

"Tricked!" Zoey exclaimed outraged, ignoring the game to move around the table and confront him.

Now she was standing looking up at him with all the might she could muster, finger in the air. "You take that back!"

She was so close to him, her face just inches from his and suddenly his heart was beating faster though he didn't understand why. This was Zoey. His Zoey. The little girl he'd known all his life. So why could he think of nothing, but bridging what little space was left between them to touch her.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

And the moment was broken by Zoey's phone.

"Urg probably just those stalker parents checking up on us," Zoey sighed. "I already texted to tell them where we were going out. What do they expect, a play by play?"

Zoey moved a few steps back to answer the call, her phone at her ear. "Hey," Zoey said into the mic.

And then there was silence. It took only seconds for Max to figure out something was wrong.

"What do you mean hospital?" Zoey said, her voice breaking as her eyes filled with tears.

Max stood frozen, the hurt on her face affecting him. All he wanted to make her hurt go away. He thought of pulling her into his arms and comforting her, but somehow he didn't think it would help. He wished he could hear what she was hearing, but at the same time he almost didn't want to know. He'd never seen that look on her face before. Something was very very wrong.

Zoey hung up the phone. Her breathing, shallow and tears pooling in her eyes. "I have to get to the hospital," she managed to say through her anxious breathing.

Max couldn't help it. He moved towards her, desperate to give her even the slightest comfort. "Okay no problem," he said, calming, holding her tight. Her shaking eased slightly and she was able to look up at him.

"Come on," Max said gently as he guided her towards the exit. Zoey just nodded and followed his lead. It was like she wasn't really all there. Max felt like if he hadn't been here with her Zoey might have just curled up on the floor and not moved an inch until someone came to get her.

Never before had Max seen her like this. Was this fear or loss? He couldn't tell, but either way he would have given anything to wipe the tears from her eyes and put a smile back on her face. He knew somehow that there wasn't a thing he could do to make this better.

Max put Zoey in the cab and then got in beside her. He instructed the driver and soon they were moving. Zoey still hadn't said anything. Max wanted so much to ask her what was wrong, but didn't dare for fear that it would make her feel worse to repeat it. From the look on Zoey's face it was like her mind had gone blank, but Max's thoughts wouldn't stop going round in circles.

When the cab finally stopped Max paid the man a month's allowance and they got out of the car. They walked inside and past a little gift shop. There was no reception desk that Max could see. He hadn't been to a hospital since he'd visited his grandmother years and years ago with his parents and that time he'd just been tagging along. How was he supposed to know which floor to go to?

"Zoey," Max said gently, holding her shoulders tightly to try and offer what comfort he could. "Who are we here to see?"

"Dad," Zoey said softly. "Mom said, third floor."

Max followed signs as he led them both towards the stairs which were closer than the elevator. Once on the right floor Max managed to find a nurses station and ask them which room Mitch was in.

It wasn't until he saw Maggie sitting just outside the room that Max truly believed Mitch would be behind those doors.

The moment Zoey saw her mother she ran into her arms. Max stood back and watched, glad Zoey could find comfort there at least. Maggie had clearly been crying, but was more than happy to embrace her daughter.

The moment seemed to go on forever. Eventually the two women pulled away from each other and Maggie began to lead Zoey into the patient room to her left. Max suddenly wasn't sure if he was supposed to be here. Was it only family visiting time? But then Maggie turned to him and gestured and he knew he was expected to come as well.

"Zoey!" Mitch's voice was the first thing anyone heard when they entered the room.

Mitch was in the hospital bed, with machines beeping all around him. He seemed in good spirits though which Max took as a good sign.

"Daddy," Zoey cried out as she ran to him.

"Gentle with her father," Maggie cautioned.

"You're okay," Zoey said, ecstatic. "Mom made it sound worse on the phone."

"Your dad had a heart attack," Maggie said. "It's a big deal. They put stents in three of his arteries."

"What does that mean?" Zoey asked.

"Stents are little mesh devices that go into arteries to hold them open, "Maggie explained. "He'll be on a doctor recommended diet now and medication to prevent blood clots. And more regularly check ups."

"Oh don't burden her with all that," Mitch said with a wave of his hand. "I'm fine really."

"No, you are not fine!" Maggie snapped. "I saw- I saw your heart stop." Zoey just stared. Even Max was surprised. He'd never heard Maggie yell before, and especially not with that level of fear in her voice.

But just as soon as the outburst began Maggie deflated, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yeah but love they got it going again," Mitch said, clearly trying to comfort his wife. "Big electric shock restarted my motor."

Maggie was still crying, but she allowed her husband to comfort her, moving closer to let him hold her hand.

"Has anyone told Andrew?" Zoey asked.

"You're right," Maggie said, wiping her tears with her free hand before reaching into her purse. "I need to call him."

"Don't worry him too much," Mitch offered. "Really it's no big deal."

Maggie didn't rely, but instead moved away to make her phone call. Zoey followed her mother, holding Maggie's hand and Max found himself standing alone beside Mitch's bed.

"I hope Andrew doesn't think he needs to uproot his life and come back just cause of me," Mitch sighed. "Everyone is making such a big deal."

"Because they love you," Max said simply. "You can't stop them."

"I suppose," Mitch said. Then his tone changed and he turned his gaze from his wife and daughter, out of earshot across the room, to Max standing beside him. "And speaking of love, have you told my daughter yet that you are in love with her?"

"I- um- what," Max stuttered.

"Oh please," Mitch chuckled lightly. "I've watched you be in love with her for most of your life. I actually figured you two would have ended up dating once you started high school, but here we are weeks from graduation and you are still just friends."

"Best friends," Max said.

"If you say so," Mitch said with a mischievous smile.

"I- um... yeah," Max mumbled totally caught off guard with no idea what to say.

Maggie moved back, returning to her husband's side and saving Max from having to come up with a reply. She held out her phone to him. "Your son wants to talk to you."

Mitch took the phone.

"How did you guys get here so fast?" Maggie asked while Mitch was on the phone.

"Cab," Max explained when Zoey looked a little puzzled.

"Yeah that's right," Zoey said as if putting the pieces of her memory of the evening back together.

"I'll give you both a ride home then," Maggie smiled. "The doctors wanna keep Mitch overnight for observation, but they said I could pick him up tomorrow."

"Thanks," Max said gratefully.

With many hugs and promises to return tomorrow the family made their farewells, Maggie still making that same unhappy face whenever Mitch pretended like everything was fine.

They drove home in silence. Zoey was sitting in the back with him, her head resting on his shoulder as if she could barely stay awake. The emotional toll of the night had caught up with her. When they parked, Max supported her inside until she was fully awake before giving one last hug and turning to head home. Max walked across the street and into his own house where he greeted his parents and told them what had happened.

A sudden wave of exhaustion hit him and Max knew it wasn't just Zoey who'd be crashing early tonight. As he lay there, his eyes closed and his mind working on sleep Max couldn't help but think about what Mitch had said. He knew how important Zoey was to him, he always had, but did he love her, love her, like that way? And what had that moment today been about, before the phone call? Max had never felt his heart race like that with her before.

Sleep put an end to his train of thought. Now they were questions for another day.


Sorry for the slow update. I just kinda got lazy and busy in the least productive ways. Once I had this chapter done I decided it's time to update even if I don't have any of the next one done so no sneak peek this time. I'll add it here later when it's ready. I hope you enjoy and sorry again so the slow update.

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