Tower Of Mistakes

By Spottedfire-Windclan

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*~* SEQUEL TO HERE COMES A THOUGHT *~* It's been two years since Tord moved back to England and disbanded the... More

Just An Eddsworld Morning
New Shop
Bearers Of Bad News
Bad News To Worse News
Pack Up And Shipped Off
The Underground Red Army
Like An Anime, It's A Filler
Moving Through the Monster's Lair
Red Leader
It's Over, isn't it?
The Boys Are Back In Town
A Medd-ing Rampage
Rise of Power
Tormedd-ing the Beast

All Comes Crashing Down

173 10 9
By Spottedfire-Windclan

Tord couldn't move, his eyes were wide open as he took in the new fusion. He was too late, he was too late to stop it.

'Tom.' thought Tord in sorrow.

Before everyone was a tall woman wearing a deep purple hoodie covered by the blue trench coat of the Red Army. The top of the hair was normal but the back was long with the red hair ties on top. The collar shines a deep red as the fusion stretches. They then open their eyes, showing that one eye was still missing.

"Oh ya, now this is what I'm talking about." laughed the fusion.

"Uh, Re-Red Leader, how do you feel?" asked Rodrick.

"Powerful, oh, and call me Tormi, better than that stupid Torm." they laughed.

Paul and Patryk were stunned, what could they do now? Tom was now fused with this clone of their leader and with the collars in place, he was powerless to resist.

They look to Tord who was silent, clenching his fists. Then, he whips out his pistols and shoots the ceiling, causing it to fall on the fusion.

"Stupid bitch, you think I won't fight you?!" demanded Tord.

The fusion bursts out of the rubble and faces the red hooded man, smiling big.

"Oh, don't do that, you'll hurt your precious Tommee." said Tormi.

"Not really, you do realize that all I have to do is knock you out and you automatically unfuse, right?" he asked with a snort.

Tormi is silent before looking at her soldier who just shrugged.

"I-I never fused before, so I don't know." he said.

"God dammit, Wheat, you had ONE JOB!" yelled Tormi.

Rodrick flinches and Tormi grabs their guns and starts firing. Tord rolls away and faces his two soldiers.

"Take out Rodrick if you can, this bitch is mine." growled Tord.

The two nod and pull out their guns, causing the man to squeak. He runs from the bullets, taking cover before shooting at them.

Tormi runs at the devil horned man, who leaps away and jumps onto their back. Tormi shakes and runs around, trying to dislodge the man.

"I am not letting you take Tom from me, you will never be a real fusion." he roared.

"I am a real fusion!" they yelled back.

"No, you are a forced fusion, with only one mind front and center, and this, oh, this will be your fatal mistake." laughed Tord.

He then kicks down at the base of their neck, making them yell out and fall. Tord hangs on before wrapping his arm around their throat.

This was the quickest and easiest way to knock anyone out.

Tormi coughs and struggles, still trying to reach the man. Tord only tightened his grip.

'Just a few more moments, they'll run out of air and pass out, then they'll unfuse and Tom is free.' thought Tord.

The fusion was still struggling but now the struggles were getting weaker. This was it, they would soon pass out.

Suddenly, a gun shot sounds and Tord loses his grip, falling off the fusion's back. His shoulder, he was just shot in the shoulder!

"Tormi, I'll protect you!" yelled Rodrick, aiming his gun at Tord again.

He didn't get to fire again as Paul tackles him and Patryk takes his gun.

Tord goes to sit up when he gets grabbed, hauled up to face the furious fusion. Tormi stares before laughing menacingly.

"You really thought you could beat me, I am superior to you in every way Tord, just as I am superior to Torm, Tom belongs to me!" they laughed.

"No, Tom doesn't belong to anyone, not even me, he makes his own choices, you'll never be better than Torm because he's a true fusion, not a fake like you who is fused by force." growled Tord.

"You say that, but look who's won." said Tormi.

They then pull out their gun and aim it at his head.

"Good night, brother, it was fun while it lasted and don't worry, I'll take good care of Tom." they said.

Tord glares at them as he hears Paul and Patryk call out to him while Rodrick yells to Tormi. Finger now on the trigger, Tord continues to stare into the eyes of the fusion.

He refused to flinch, refused to be afraid. If he shows any weakness than Tori really did win. If he's going out, he's at least taking this win from his clone.

They stare for a long while but soon, the fusion's smile fades away. Tord is confused till he looks at the trigger.

Tormi's finger is twitching, but was refusing to pull it, it was like they couldn't.

Suddenly, Tord is released as the fusion yells out, hands going to their head and stumbling about.

"Wh-what is happening, no, I am in control!" yelled Tormi.

Then she shakes as they punch themselves in the face.

"No-not for long, bi-bitch, you don-don't tell me wh-what to do." grunted Tormi.

Only, their voice came back more male, more...

"Tom!" cried Tord happily.

Tom was fighting back, he was fighting the collar!

"This can't be, Wheat, he should be under!" yelled Tormi.

"He should, but only one of the collars allows that, meaning there may have been a weakness in the collars as they merged." said Rodrick, who was bleeding quite heavily from Paul and Patryk.

Tord's eyes widen at that, the collar was weakened, Tom could break free!

"Tom, teach this dumb bitch who's in charge." said Tord.

Tormi then grins and throws themselves back into the wall, banging their head as well.

"No, I am in control, you do what I say!" yelled Tormi.

"Fuck you, clone, I don't listen to anyone but me." growled the fusion.

'Ain't that the truth.' thought Tord.

Tom never listens to anyone, even when Tord tries to get him to do something simple like throw away his bottles, he'll yell and throw the bottles at the wall. He always had a problem with authority.

Rodrick tried to get to the fusion but Paul and Patryk tackled him again.

"Stay down already, you piece of shit!" yelled Paul, punching the soldier.

"Why is it so hard to kill idiots, why can't they die?" asked Patryk.

"No, idiots have to live, other wise Matt will have no chance." said Tord.

The two nod before resuming their beating of the deluded man.

Tormi is still beating themselves up, Tori inside trying to keep them together while Tome tries to separate them.

As the fusion fights themselves, a strange, purple smoke escapes from their eyes. Tord's eyes widen as suddenly, the fusion seems to mutate.

Sharp, purple horns grow from their head as their hands grow claws and a black color appears on them, spreading over their hands and up their arms. The pants shred as the feet share the same fate as their arms. A long, black tail burst from the back as their mouth opens in a silent scream, showing the fangs that have grown.

"Tom!" called Tord.

He has no idea what was happening, was this, was this some kind of mutation? As he watches, Tord realizes no, this wasn't a mutation.

He remembers from old news stories of some fusions fighting themselves but still refusing to separate. While this can cause some to remain stuck together, it can also cause some kind of corruption.

Tom and Tori fighting it out inside Tormi's mind is causing them to become corrupted, and once a fusion becomes corrupted, they lose themselves to instinct.

They have to unfuse before it's too late.

Tormi lets out a roar as they slam into a wall, the black spots now getting bigger on them. Tord ducks as the tail swings his way and he jumps onto the corrupted fusion's back.

He tries again to put pressure on their neck, but the tail just grabs him and flings him away. The red hooded man hits the ground hard and he rolls to his side, holding his still bleeding shoulder.

Tormi was now growing spikes along their back, this was no good.

'How can I knock them out when I can't get close, damn that tail.' thought Tord.

Though, now in his head, he pictures Tom with the tail, maybe some cute matching ears? He shakes his head, this was no time for a goddamn fantasy, he can look into it later.

Right now he needs to get them separated.

"Enough, I am in charge, you do as I say!" roared Tormi.

Tord narrows his eyes as the fusion struggles to turn, soon facing him.

"If he won't listen freely, then I'll break his will with your demise, brother!" growled Tormi.

The fusion rushes at him and Tord only has a split second to roll away.

Tori must be losing it, not only with Tom refusing to bow to her will, but also with Tord refusing to go down and die.

'I used to get this frustrated, but Tom and our friends helped me keep a level head, same when I left and had Paul and Patryk with me.' thought Tord.

He then silently gasps to give a mischievous smirk.

That's right, Tori is still a clone of himself, and she has no one to help her keep a level head, that was her weakness. He'll use her own explosive aggression against her!

"You think this will end with you on top, ha, you're nothing compared to me." said Tord, standing up.

"Shut up, I am superior to you, I am you without your restraints." yelled Tormi.

"And yet you can't fuse perfectly with Tom, I can, and I can do it without corrupting ourselves, look at you, you look like a mangy mutt with brain damage." mocked Tord.

Tormi roars in rage and charges him again only for Tord to jump away and have the fusion crash into the wall.

"Man, you have zero coordination, what, you a no eyed mutt too?" laughed Tord.

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, I WILL END YOU AND THEN TOM WILL FINALLY BE MINE!" yelled Tormi in blinded rage.

They charge again and Tord rolls out of the way, and another crash into the wall.

"He will never be yours, in case you missed it, I'm a boy and you're a girl, it's very obvious Tom prefers dick to your va-" started Tord.


"Saying is different from actually happening... also you look fat." said Tord.

Okay, that was a weak insult but he was out of anything clever to say.

However, that fat comment seems to have been enough. Tormi was now fuming, purple smoking coming from both her eyes and mouth.

"I'M NOT FAT!" they yelled.

Tormi charges faster than before but Tord just side steps and they miss, crashing into the wall. The room shakes a bit and just as the fusion stands back up, more of the ceiling falls on them.

Tord smirks at this to roll his hand in the air a bit before taking a bow.

"Thank you very much." he mocked.

He turns to his men who stare in awe and shock.

"How the hell did you know that would work?" asked Patryk.

"She's my clone, remember, so like myself, she has anger problems, only difference is I'm working on mine." said Tord.

Paul raises an eyebrow and it falls off, plopping on the ground, still singed from earlier. The man chooses to ignore it this time.

"And you choking me out in the cells was what exactly?" Paul asked.

"I said I'm working on it, how did you miss that, or are your eyebrows also your ears?" asked Tord.

"Shut up." groaned Paul.

He reaches down and reattaches the burnt eyebrow when the rubble behind Tord moves. The devil horned man steps away as Tormi bursts out, covered in wounds but still standing.

"Ha, you think that was enough to take me down, you'll have to do better than that, brother dear." sneered Tormi, stumbling a bit.

"Dammit, what else could knock them out?" wondered Tord.

As he says this, he notices his soldiers looking away from the fusion. They were staring at the window at something.

"What are you looking at?" asked Tord.

Paul remains silent but raises a hand to point.

"Is that a giant robot?"

NOTE: And once again I end the chapter on a cliffhanger.

I want to give special thanks to Iccicle for present the idea to add monster Tom to the mix. It gave Hollytail the idea to make monster Tom into like a corrupted version of Tom that heightens a person's instincts as well as their aggressive behavior. Thankfully this allowed Tord to exploit Tori's explosive aggression.

Also, how did a giant robot get here? Honestly, I think you all know. Well, until the next update, stay tuned~

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