Redemption |complete| (SasuSa...


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(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the... Еще

The Rise of Buried Emotions
Strangers or Friends
The Breaking Point
Drinking her Way to Forgiveness
A Journey Ahead of Us
The Delicate Features
The Creation of a Dimension
Arrival in the Lava Dimension
The Labyrinth
I will get her back
He was always the right choice
Stay here
A feeling of vulnerability
The one who turned 20
She wanted to enjoy things as they were
I know what I feel
I am not coming back
Don't make it harder, please
The Land of Birds
You're home now
You better ask her out
That was all it mattered
Timeline 2
I'm happy that you are here with me
Say it
Back to Tsuchigumo
Isn't he the most beautiful
Medical Ninjutsu
The escape
Is this the right time?
What was a part of him
The day before
You are part of my heritage now
Then Don't (No Lemon)
Maybe next time
Hold him closer
New Theory
Tell her that I am sorry
The little boy in the dark room
The second one who turned 20
Are you trying to kill me (Lemon)
Team 7 reunited
Mission starts
The answer
What does it look like?
First night on mission (Lemon)
Me or no one else?
To keep you safe
Week seven?
A castle appears
Back home
A new treatment
I'm a child when I'm bored
I love you (Lemon)
Snowball fight and Susanoo
Final Countdown
Welcome to our world
I wish you the best
Back to Konoha
Just let me hold you
There is something I want to say
Ten weeks
The Uchiha Compound
You are not real
Bright Orange
Take it off (Lemon)
Take it off (no lemon)
Sai and Sasuke
The festival
Please think about it
The bird without a letter ("soft lemon")
A symbolic promise
A pointless thing to do
The threat
Do we have a plan?
Are you two bickering?
I will love you, always
I'm back (Lemon)
Let's play
You know what to do (soft lemon)
Beg me (soft lemon)
I'm sorry for hurting you
I am a bad mother
The Fight
Until her birthday
He will wait for Sakura
Be quiet (Strong lemon)
The Talk
Preparation for the night
Game on
A bittersweet birthday party
A final goodbye
27 years old
The year of the new beginning
Until we meet again (soft lemon)

Then Don't (Lemon version)

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WARNING! Mature content (Sexual and very detailed) if you don't feel comfortable reading it you can skip to the next chapter. It is the same chapter minus the sexual content.

Sunday, 24th of September, 1:26 am.

"I will sleep in the living room, you can have the bed."

"But you said that we will sleep in the same bed once we are married..." she pouted like a little child feeling desperate for his touch. He looked at her and walked to the bed.

"Your choice." he sat down on the edge of the bed. Sakura wondered what he meant by "your choice". Did he just give her the option to back away and avoid any for of intimate contact and she refused it?

Her entire body shivered at the thought of spending an entire night in the same bed as him. She tried to avoid thinking about him possibly touching her. He turned his head to her.

"What is Ino's gift?"

Sakura blushed instantly. "No-nothing. Just girl things."

"Hn... but-"


"Why did she make a big deal of it then?"

"You know Ino... always over reacting!" Sakura tried to avoid the subject but her voice made the fact that she was hiding something obvious. "Do you know when they will bring our bags with our clothes here?"

"Ino told me that she will bring them tomorrow."

A wave of coldness took over her entire body. "I'm gonna kill her..." her voice was a murmur but she knew that Sasuke had heard her. His eyes questioned her but before he could formulate a sentence, she ran to the bathroom. She locked herself up in the room and scanned the room. There was no way she was sleeping in her underwear and the kimono definitely wasn't the most comfortable night outfit.

Her eyes stopped on two robes. She rushed to one and grabbed it in her hands. It was big enough to fully wrap around her body and the length would cover most of her thighs. Hopefully it would cover the garters as well. The fabric was extremely thin but Sakura didn't mind. At least she didn't have to show him the mess that was happening under her wedding outfit. She got changed quickly but couldn't find the strength to leave the bathroom. She sat on the floor and quietly broke down. She never thought that she would be so nervous. All that she had to do was to tell him that she didn't feel comfortable doing it. She knew that he would understand but she felt stupid for thinking this way. She even hated herself for it. She wanted a family and that was a mandatory passage to get pregnant.

She probably had stayed like this for longer than she thought because she heard a knock on the door. "Sakura, are you alright?" she noticed the note of worry in his voice. She didn't want him to see her like this, she really didn't. She didn't want their first night together as a married couple to be like this but she couldn't control her emotions and the tears were pouring out of her eyes. Maybe she simply needed to talk to him.

Her hand moved to the lock and while sitting on the floor, she unlocked it. Sasuke opened it but stayed outside. "Can I come in?"

"Mh." she stretched her legs out and put her hands on her lap. She stared at them and saw his silhouette move in the room. He sat next to her on the floor.

"Why are you crying?"

"I can't say."

"Did I do something?"

"No. No, it's just me. Why did you come here?"

"I heard you cry." Well maybe she hadn't been as quiet as she initially thought. She didn't know what to say to him so she stayed silent. They sat like this for a very long time before he started speaking. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm too ashamed... I..." her voice died down.


"I don't know I think everyone got to my head. For the last two days, everyone made me understand that we have to... you know... be intimate... with each other..."

"We don't."


"We don't if you don't want to."

"But the wedding night is supposed to be the time when it happens."

"No one is here watching us to make sure that we get it done."

"But are you not going to be mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Not even a day into our wedding and I am already a bad wife..."

"That does not make you a bad wife. If you want I will sleep on the sofa."

She shook her head. "No, I want to be with you."

He stood up and waited for her to do the same.


Sasuke walked back to the bedroom and took off the top of his outfit. He purposely kept on the bottom part. She had already seen him topless before and he thought that she wouldn't mind it. He waited for her to lie down before he did the same. He couldn't stop thinking of her nervousness from earlier. He would have never imagined that she would get so worked up over something like this. Of course a part of him expected it to happen tonight, Naruto also made that clear to him but he didn't want her to cry over it like she just did. He had never done anything this intimate with anyone and he was just as nervous as she was. If she wasn't ready then he would simply accept it.

He looked at her and saw the tear stains that trailed down her face. They were a bit darker than her natural skin because of the makeup. He remembered the first time that he saw her before the wedding. She was beautiful under the sunlight in her makeup and kimono. Her eyes were closed which somehow made her even more attractive to him. He remembered not being able to look away from her. He had felt this way about her before, there were times when he had found himself staring at her without her noticing but this time was different. It was more than an admiration for her beauty, it was mixed with other emotions that he had never felt before.

He recalled when he went to get her for the dinner with her parents. He saw how her eyes had been clouded with lust when she had looked at him. It had made him feel the same way, he was simply better at hiding his emotions. Lately the feelings he felt for her shifted into something more personal. It wasn't simply a feeling of wanting to be with her, it was a feeling of wanting to touch her as well. Recently every time she was touching his face or his hair he could feel the needles in his abdomen. The needles resonated in his entire body and made him want to get physically closer to her.

She was turning her back on him. He wondered if she was still upset from earlier or just embarrassed. He turned his body to face her and grabbed a piece of her hair. He marvelled at it. He wondered at the softness and the silky texture of it. He was uncertain about his actions but he thought that it was how people helped someone to feel better. Seeing that her body started shaking he understood that she was crying again.

"I'm sorry." there was a level of emotions in his voice that he had never showed before.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. It's me. I'm sorry for ruining this night."

"Sakura..." his throat tightened. He didn't want her to cry anymore. He wanted to offer whatever comfort he could provide.

"I won't look at you." her voice sounded shaky.

"Why?" was she regretting her decision of marrying him?

"Because my makeup smudged everywhere. It looks awful."

He smirked and traced her arm with his finger. "Wipe it off then." Her shoulders moved up and down following a laugh. He saw her hand going to her face and rolled towards him. He could still see pieces of black on her cheeks and brushed them off with his finger. He had no idea if what he was doing was helping her but she seemed more relaxed already. She was still looking away from him.

His eyes travelled down to her neck. He realised that the robe she was wearing was falling off giving him a glimpse of a part of her chest and her left shoulder. He admired the impossibly smooth skin that she had. His eyes travelled a bit lower but she was covered with the blanket. A jolt ran through his body. He looked at her and decided to focus on her face before things got out of control.

He rolled on his back. He heard her take a deep breath and he suddenly found the left side of his body under her. Her face was buried in his neck and her arm was enveloping his torso. Her breathing was regular now and he could feel it tickle his sensitive skin. His right hand moved to her arm and he stroke her skin hoping that it would make her feel better.

The contact of her thin fabric on his skin felt odd at first. He could feel the shape of her underwear under it and his mind tried to focus on something else but he was stimulated from everywhere. Between her breath hitting his neck and the closeness of her body, it was hard for him to keep it together. He tried to think about Kotaka or other people that he disliked to calm himself down but his mind kept going back to Sakura who seemed extremely calm. She had no idea what she was doing to him right now.


He swallowed his saliva with difficulty and replied. "Yes?" he gasped out the word.

"Can I... touch you?"

He let a moment pass debating with himself. His head nodded on its own. He felt her hand move to his face and it traced his features. It moved along his cheek down to his jawline. Her touch was extremely gentle on his skin which was not helping the situation he was already in.

He felt a soft kiss on his neck. Sasuke found himself fighting against his own body at this point. Sakura trailed her hands down from his neck to his chest. She caressed every inch of his skin. She ran her fingers along his abdomen feeling every muscles shaping his skin. Something stir deep inside of him and his private part reacted to it. The blood pulsed down there until he felt it growing. Sasuke moved his hand to the bed sheet and grabbed it trying to hold onto his senses. She probably could feel him trembling under her fingertips. His heart was racing in his chest. If she didn't stop he would need to leave her alone for a moment until he could calm himself down. One stroke on his lower abdomen made him tremble even more. He cursed to himself. His hand grabbed hers.

"Sakura..." she looked at him innocently. So she did have no idea. Her breasts were pressed against him and he couldn't think of anything else. He could feel himself getting harder by the second. "Stop for a minute." her confused eyes moved to her hand. She stopped her movement and painfully looked at him. He felt guilty for making her think that he didn't want her to touch him but he couldn't handle it anymore.

"What's wrong?"

He clenched his teeth and tried to get it together. It took him a minute before he could answer. His mind must've been still worked up form her touch because he couldn't control his words "If you touch me like this, my body will react on its own."

"What do you mean?"

"Just... stop that. Please." he didn't want to scare her by making her think that he wanted her right now. He felt horrible considering the fact that she cried an hour ago because of this but he couldn't control his instincts. He was trying his best now even if it was physically painful not to release himself.

He felt her body move away from him and he could take a deep breath again. "You don't want me close to you?"

His emotions were so all over the place that he felt angry at what she had just said to him. "What?" the word came out a bit more aggressive than he expected.

"You just pushed me away... did I do something wrong?"

"No." he initially thought that her being away from him was going to hep him calm down but it was worse. Free from any real stimulation, his mind was letting his imagination run free and it was making it harder for him to form a coherent sentence.

"Why are you being so defensive then?"

"I'm not. You're not the problem, Sakura."

"What did you mean by your body will react on its own?" he wanted her and the thought that she thought that he didn't was killing him. "Why did you marry me if you didn't want me close to you?" her voice was shy and shaky. After hearing that, he snapped and lost the control he had over his body.

Out of frustration, he moved on top of her. He had no intention of saying what was going on out loud because he had no idea how to explain it, so he wanted to make her understand on her own. His elbow rested on the side of her head. He kept his face as far away from her as possible. Her wide emerald eyes stared at him even more confused. He looked at her for a second without moving.

Placing his knees between her two knees, he forced her to spread her legs slightly. His entire weight was resting on his elbow as he was trying to make sure that the bottom half of his body wasn't touching hers. Sakura let out a little scream not expecting his sudden move.

"Sakura." his eyes wandered over her body. He wanted to touch every part of just like she had touched him. Her robe was untied because of the movement of her legs. The fabric revealed her bellybutton to him and some lacy fabric that got lost in the shadows of his body on hers. Probably her panties, he thought to himself. His words got stuck in his throat and he struggled to think again. His nails were digging into his palms leaving a crescent mark."Don't worry."

"What?" he let go of his weight on his elbow and gently fell on her body. Their hips locked. "You..." her eyes grew wider. "You... But I didn't do anything!" he could feel her stomach against his sensitive part and it was slowly driving him insane. His nails dug deeper almost until it became painful. The pain helped him focus on something else.

"You did enough." he took a deep breath. "That's why I wanted you to stop." she moved under him slightly and his words got stuck in his throat. He took a second to refocus. "I can't control this.

"Then don't..." her voice was a whisper. His mouth got dry as he tried to swallow. Her innocent eyes looked back at him and she stared into his eyes. His were probably clouded with so much lust that he wondered if she could even recognise him. He bent lower so his face was close to hers. He couldn't even recognise himself anymore. Did she really want him to do it?

She lifted her head and brushed her lips against his. He backed away slightly fearing the reaction of his body to it but she followed him. Her hand grabbed the back on his head and she crashed their lips together. She moved under him making him groan quietly. She stopped and rested her forehead against his. "We can do it."

It was enough for him to abandon the little bit of self control he had left and he gave himself to her fully.


He felt one of her leg move against his thigh. Instinctively his fingers travelled down her hip to her knee. He brought her leg up and she wrapped it around his body. Automatically his member got closer to her core. He felt the heat from it and nearly lost his mind but bit his lip to calm down. He felt the piece of fabric rolling down to her hip. He tried to look down but all he could see was his own body. Frustrated he lifted himself up a little bit to get a better view. He saw her underwear and the stripes holding her tights. It made him feel completely dizzy.

She tried to reposition the fabric but he grabbed her hand fascinated by her body. "Don't." his voice was rasp and low. He didn't think that he could grow any bigger but he did. Blood pulsating even stronger than before he realised that he needed to release himself quickly or else it was going to be painful.


He snapped back to reality and he looked at her big and wondering eyes. "Can you feel it?" he said while pressing himself against her so she could feel the hard bulge in his pants. He felt her panties getting warmer through the fabric as Sakura gasped. "That's what your body does to me. Don't hide it."

Her hand grabbed the back of his head and brought him closer until her lips locked with his. Her fingers played with the locks of his hair. The slight scratches of her nails against his scalp was making him feel dizzier. He felt her body trembling against his as they kissed. He felt her other knee being brought up to his hip and she wrapped it around him. He had a better access to her entrance now. Her chest was going up and down heavily. He started moving against her stomach.

"What are you doing? It feels... intense."

Sasuke moved her legs a bit higher to get an even better access as his head moved down to her jaw. He left a trail of tiny kisses on it and moved down under her chin. He couldn't even remember what she had answered him, all he could think of was touching her. She gasped again but louder this time. Her nails moved to his back and he felt the scratches intensify. The pain turned him on.

As he kissed her collar bone, his hand travelled to the side of her kimono. He travelled under it and held her hip. His fingers pressing hard against her skin while he rocked his hip forward rubbing her clit. A quiet moan left her lips as her thighs trembled against his skin.

"Sakura..." the name was only a whisper in his mouth. Removing the hand from her hip he moved up to just under her breasts, pushing the fabric at the same time. "Does it feel good?" He grinned his hips a bit harder. Sakura brought her hands up in embarrassment. She attempted to cover her face with them but he didn't give her the time to. Using the hand that was resting under her breasts, he brought one of her hand and placed it on his shoulder hoping that she would touch him again. Still rocking gently his head moved back down and nipped at her neck. He wanted to see her half opened eyes rolling back. He wanted to see her lip getting bitten because of his movements.

His hand moved back to where it was previously. He moved a bit higher as he was staring at her. He wanted to see if this was too far but she didn't even seem to notice. As he continued to steadily grind against her, he moved his hand on her breast and he felt the fabric of her bra. Out of frustration, he backed away from her and sat on his heels. He grabbed her kimono and fully opened it. Sakura gasped again and covered herself up with her arms. His eye twitched and he gently took one of her hand and put it down. "Sakura, can I?" she slowly nodded and brought her other arm down. He stopped breathing as he looked at her body. Her legs were wide open and her chest was moving quickly. What she was wearing under was driving him to the edge. He couldn't focus anymore and let his hand run freely on her body. It moved on its own until it found its way to her breast again.


He massaged it thought the fabric. A small cry escaped her lips. Sasuke felt the whole world spinning around him. "Can you take it off?"

She nodded and unclasped it at the front. He moved down to her and kissed her lips. He moved his left leg out of between her legs to shift his weight on it. He kissed her as he massaged her breast harder. He felt her nipple getting harder after each stroke. She was moaning quietly in his arm. Her sound was filling his body and making him more aroused. He had no idea how he hadn't came already. He was more focused on her pleasure than his.

He pushed away the bra on both sides and his tongue travelled down from her lips to her right breast. His right hand took care of the other side while his mouth circled around her nipple gently. Sakura was panting and it only motivated him to go harder. He pressed his thumb against the tip of her nipple. He could feel her move under him until she eventually hit, with her hips, his already extremely sensitive member. His teeth clenched uncontrollably, bitting her nipple.

"Ah!" her hands moved on his head and she pressed him closer to her. He continued giving her pleasure until he moved back up and kissed her gently on the lips. "Can I do something?" she nodded. He moved his fingers down to her panties. He played with the elastic of it. He had no idea if what he was doing was right but her reactions made him think so. It felt like something else was controlling his movement.

He slightly grabbed it and pushed it down on her legs. Sakura stopped him and he stopped right away. Moving back closer to her face, he kissed her making sure she knew that he wasn't mad at her for refusing.

He took her hand and moved it down his body closer to his erection. He let go of her hand and she curiously caressed his abdomen. He could see her eyes looking down there and he let her experiment. She played with her fingers until they met the tip of his erection. Sasuke couldn't stop himself form hissing in pleasure. Her fingers moved back to his abdomen. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

He smiled at her and caressed her face. "You can do it again."

Her eyes widened and she moved her hand back to her face. "I'm sorry... You know what you are doing and I'm here not moving. I'm sorry I-"

"Hey, you don't need to do more than you are."

"But... I am making noises that I can't even control and you are here completely normal."

He arched his eyebrow. "Normal? I don't make any noise because when I do you back away nervously."

"You want to make noises too?"

"Every time you touch me." he lowered his head and kissed her lips. "Every..." he kissed her neck. "single..." he bit her skin. "time." He continued playing with her neck while she moved her hand back down again. This time, her hand travelled under his clothes and touched him. He sighed in relief and moved his hand on top of hers. He rolled his fingers around her and guided her around his member. He moved her hand up and down slowly. "Like that." he kissed her neck again trying to keep it together.

At this point, another moan from her would make him come. She stopped suddenly and played with her fingers not touching him.

"What is it?" her voice sounded curious.

"Hn?" he couldn't get any words out.

"The liquid thing."

"Let's say it is the same liquid that you have." he knew that it wasn't correct but he didn't want to embarrass her. She gasped and he tried to lift his head back to her. She seemed terrified. He slowly took her hand and brought it back up.

"We'll try something different."

He removed his clothes and took off her panties. She crossed her legs. "I don't want you to look."

He smiled. "Then I won't." While staring into her eyes he opened up her legs and lay back down on her. The contact of her naked skin against him nearly made him come. He swallowed his saliva and placed himself at her entrance. He could feel the wetness dripping on his tip. "Tell me if it hurt, ok?"

She nodded and he pushed the tip of it inside of her slowly. He saw her body getting more rigid so he stopped. She wrapped her legs against him again. He took that as an invitation to move a bit deeper inside of her. Her walls closed and when he looked at her she seemed in pain. He ran his finger on her cheek. "It won't go inside." her voice was only an ashamed murmur.

"It will if you relax. Why are you nervous?"

"Because I am bad at this."

"Sakura if I don't get inside then I will finish. I wouldn't be this way if you were bad. How does it feel?"

"Weird but good."

"Focus on that."

He moved in a bit deeper. She arched her back and covered her mouth to stop a moan. As he continued moving he whispered close to her ear. "Don't hold back, your moan is perfect."

Sasuke buried his face in the nape of her neck. He kissed her and bit the skin leaving a mark. "Feels... so... good." he smiled against her skin. Kissing her again he moved deeper. He moved his right hand to her clit and played with it. She threw her head back in pleasure. He felt her inside getting looser.

He heard Sakura's broken moans in his ear. He moved his mouth to her ear and bit the lobe. She moaned even louder. His tongued played with it until he found himself nearly completely inside of her. Sudenlly her body froze. "Give me a second."

"Does it hurt?"

"It's uncomfortable."

"I can stop if you want." he hoped that she would say no because he was fighting so hard against his own body that he needed to release himself soon.

"I don't want you to stop, just give me minute."

Sasuke gritted his teeth holding himself back from moving too quickly. It was nearly impossible for him to stay under control. He closed his eyes waiting for her to tell him to move but she didn't. He decided to kiss her to change his mind. He played with her lips until he sucked on her bottom lip. He bit it and caressed it with his tongue. His pre-cum was coming out already and he silently asked her to continue.

"It won't fit." she said moving away from his kiss.

"You have to relax."

She moved her hips as he was trying his hardest to survive at her movement and slow paced action. He was about to just explode inside of her. He was trying his hardest not to just thrust into her. He bit his lip hard until the pain changed his mind. She moved her hips down pushing him completely inside of her. He couldn't control the guttural moan coming out of his mouth.

"Give me a second." he moved his finger over her face trying to change her mind. He forced himself not to move but it was getting impossible. "You can move." he slid slowly back out and moved inside her again. She screamed out loud and clenched her walls. He was stuck inside without being able to move.

"Sakura... I won't last longer." he said between his teeth. "Let me move."


"Let me move."


He moved back out a bit faster this time. He could feel that her body was adapting to him as it was easier for him to move inside of her. He rocked in and out of her.

"I like the sounds you make." he opened his eyes. What sound? "You're making the same sound as I do. I like it." No he wasn't. She smiled at him and moved her hips down pushing him inside of her fast. He followed the movement and moved faster.

"Do you like that?"

"It's better when you're faster."

He smirked. "Don't tease me."

"I'm not. It's better. I want to sit."

He moved away from her bringing her with him. She moved her legs around him. His hand grabbed her ass and he helped her rock on him. He could go even deeper than before. His mouth found her shoulder and he sucked on it. He could hear Sakura but it seemed so far from him that it did not matter to him. He could feel himself growing closer to his climax.

"Sakura... I can't hold it." he grunted against her shoulder.

"Then don't."

As his body shook he bit on her shoulder. A muffled moan came out of it. Sakura kept moving which drove him over the edge. "Hold my hand." he did and she screamed. Her walls clenched even harder against him. Sakura panted in pleasure as they both felt the liquid drooling out of her. She stayed on him until she could catch her breath. Sasuke lay her down and pulled himself out of her.

He rolled by her side exhausted. He felt her hand on his face and he opened his eyes to see her face close to his. She was smiling. "We didn't do too bad!" she said joyfully.

He frowned his eyebrows before he laughed. "We didn't." he replied with a chuckle. She kissed him. He felt her tongue on his lip and he let her in. The kiss turned into a make out session. They rolled on the bed not letting go of each other. The only time they stopped was to remove the blanket. He couldn't let go of her.

They spent the night locking their bodies and their spirits until the morning came. When the sun starting making its way to their window they fell asleep, her body resting against his.

They woke up hours later with a knock on the door.

"It's Ino. The receptionist told me that you didn't leave the room. I won't come in but I brought your bags."

Sasuke saw Sakura putting her robe on and rushing to the door. He looked at her confused. He heard the door open.

"Don't you dare walk away now! We need to talk!"

"Oh hey Sakura! You look like a mess. What's up?"

"What's up? What's up?! Why didn't you bring our bags last night?"


"Don't answer! Do you know how stupid I felt when I realised that I was gonna have to sleep in these things that you gave me?!"

"You found a robe."

"Yes I did. And-"

"Hold up. You're not wearing my gift anymore, you're glowing, you look like a mess and you seriously need a shower. My gift served you well, I see."

"Oh shut up!"

Sasuke laughed. He looked on the floor at the pile of light pink lingerie. So that was Ino's gift. It did serve her well. It made her look incredibly sexy and made him loose control.

He heard Sakura shout one more thing before she slammed the door. She came back into the room fuming. Her eyes met his smiling face. "Don't you dare say anything." He raised a hand in the air. He had nothing to say because he had nothing to ask. "By the way, if you want to go back on mission and skip the honey moon I understand. I know it's not your thing."

"Is it your thing?"

"My thing is to spend some time with you."

"Then come with me."

"On your mission?"


"For someone who just vowed to keep me safe, I find you very sure of yourself."

"Last time I left you alone, you found yourself in a village that would have kept you hostage. You are safer with me."

"You don't think I would've made it out of that village?"

"Not with that Genjutsu."

"I am not going to start a fight with you right now."

"Were we fighting?"

A smile formed on her lips. She approached him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "No we weren't." she bumped his nose with hers and kissed him softly. "When do you want to leave then?"

"In two days. We need to rest a little bit first."

"Oh, I won't let you rest."


She giggled and kissed him again. "Nothing!"


Ok so that was a long chapter. Longer than I expected. I hope you liked it! It's the first lemon I write in years so I'm a bit rusty. I wanted their first time to be all lovely and all but the next ones won't be as innocent and slow. If you guys want more lemon ahah

As always thank you for reading and leave a little comment xx

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