Living like Kings in the En...

By jshaver888969

19 0 0

A group of teenagers who find out that the zombie apocalypse has just started decide to go on raids of nearby... More

Season 1, Episode 1
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Season 1, Episode 2

5 0 0
By jshaver888969

-HB outside the minivan at a gas station pumping gas and smoking a cigarette-

*Gas pump chimes indicating the vans filled completely*

-HB puts the pump back up and walks inside cigarette still in hand-

HB talking to himself- What do i want from this place... Oh i know, Everything.

-HB puts his cigarette in his mouth, jumps the counter and grabs a grocery bag-

*Rustling noise in the distance*

-HB starts throwing cigarettes into his bag and then walks over to the snack isle once his cigarette bag is full-

HB to himself- 3 candy bars for me and... All the other candy bars for the peeps at my house.

*Growling noise*

HB- Hello? Is anyone there?

-A zombie german shepard walks out from the bathroom, Its face covered in blood.-

HB- Oh. Shit.

-HB's machete gets stuck in the sheath.-

*Dog foot steps*

-HB sets bag on ground-

HB- Lets go, You bitch.

-HB puts up his fists.-

-Dog runs at HB and jumps on him but he grabs it by the neck and snaps it instantly.-

-HB picks up the bag of snacks, walks over to the counter and grabs the bag of cigarettes then walks back to the van-

HB- Fuck this. Im going back home.

-HB throws his bags in the passenger seat and hoodslides across the van then gets in the driver seat and starts the van-

-HB takes his cigarette and flicks it out the window as he drives off-

(Next scene)

Yodz- Yo Larry. Come help me with boarding up these windows.

Larry- Give me a second.

Yodz- what are you busy doing?

Larry- Something important.

-Yodz puts the boards on the ground and walks into HB's room, Where Larry is.-

-Larry is playing NBA 2K14 on the XBOX-

Yodz- What is this? C'mon man we got to get this done.

Larry- We could do it... or we could make Grass do it and you can grab that other controller.

Yodz- Thats exactly what I was hoping we would do.

Larry- Yeah it's pretty great.

-Grass walks into the room-

Grass- Get up and help.

Larry- How about...Hmmm... No.

Grass- Then whos gonna board up those windows?

Yodz- Well it's kinda funny you asked because we were gonna make you do it.

Grass- No your not. I already did the windows me and Theodore were assigned.

Theodore- I helped.

Grass- Theodore you held the bucket of nails.

Theodore- Thats what helping is.

Larry- Technicallly hes not wrong.

Yodz- Yeah he did help.

Larry- Also Grass, If you just did all of your windows then it just means you have more practice fixing windows.

Yodz- Yeah. Go fix ours too.

Grass- Ughhh okay, fine.

*Grass hammering*

*Van engine stops running and door slams*

*Grass continues hammering*

-HB walks in the door-

HB- Whats up dudes.Guess what i just killed with my bare hands.

Yodz- A bear.

HB- No. I killed a zombie german shepard and it felt so right to do.

Yodz- Dont say that. You sound like a psycho.

HB- It was a zombie. I had to kill it. Number one rule that people in zombie movies dont follow then ends up killing them; Kill all zombies.

Yodz- You can say you had to kill one but dont say it felt right doing it.

Larry- Yeah, That sounds like some stuff Murderface would say.

Theodore- Wait. Where is Murderface?

HB- I dropped him off at his house so he could drive his truck over to the lumber yard and pick up some wood.

Larry- He already got wood and came by and dropped it off. Thats how we were boarding up the windows.

HB-Did he get any weapons or tools or anything?

Larry- There are some cordless drills over there and heres 5 hammers in this corner.

HB- No knives?

Larry- He said he picked you up something and put it in the fridge.

-HB walks over to the fridge-

*Fridge door squeking*

HB- Yes. Strait Savage.

-HB pulls a sicle knife out of the fridge with a note on it.-

Murderface's note- I got you this as a going away present. Im leaving and you guys probably wont see me again. I put this in the fridge just because it sounded like it would be funny seeing you pull this huge knife out of the fridge. See ya later you stupid fucks. From Murderface

HB- Guys, Did Murdrface say anything to any of you?

Grass, Larry, Diabetes, and Yodz- No.

Grass- Why, Whats up

HB- Murderface left.

Grass- Does Theodore know?

Diabetes- Where is Theodore?

HB- Oh shit. Look for him.

-Everyone begins searching around the house-

Grass- Theodore!

Larry- Yo, Where are you Theodore?

Diabetes- Guys come here.

HB-Whats up?

Diabetes- Just get in here.

-Everyone walks into HB's room and looks in his closet.-

*Grass and HB start crying*

Larry- Wait guys, there's a note.

-Larry picks up the note Theodore left beside him.-

Theodore's note- Im sorry guys. I had to do it. When me and Murderface were in Walmart he got bit because I couldn't defend him while he was climbing to get something off the top shelf. He was bit on the ankle and he is going to turn into a chomper. I was clearly the weakest of the group so I cut the weakest link and now you guys are stronger than ever. Murderface left and so did i. Please burn my body. Thank you.

Larry- We better get the body out.

HB- Yeah. Grass go get a blanket.

Grass- Why?

HB- Were gonna wrap him up.

Larry- Yeah he asked to be burnt.

HB- Larry go get a can of gas from the van.

Larry- Okay.

-Larry goes to get a can of gas and comes back into the house-

-Theodore is wrapped up and Larry puts him on his shoulders-

(scene ending)

*Fire crackling*

Larry- You wanna say a few words?

HB- Just give him a moment of silence.

Larry- Yeah. He always hated your voice.

*everyone laughs softly *

(scene ends and everyones back inside when the next scene starts)

(screen cuts to a man getting his face beaten by a police baton)

-Once the man on ground is dead the killer of the man reaches down and pulls up the dead mans pant leg to reveal a prosthetic leg.-

-Killer steals the prosthetic and puts it on his leg where it had been cut and burnt off.-

(camera zooms in to reveal Murderface killed him and stole his prosthetic)

-Murderface starts walking away fine now with a prosthetic leg-

(End of scene)

(Start of next scene begins and everyone is sitting around the table in HB's room with snack cakes and soda piled up around us.)

HB *stuffing his face with zebra cakes*- I wonder if anyone else saw the bomb drop and made it to a bunker or somewhere.

Larry- We did, and were some stupid dudes so i guess some smarter people must've got into an actual bunker.

HB- My house is pretty much a bunker. It's stocked with food and weapons.

Larry- That's the truth.

-Larry begins making microwave nachos and stirring the cheese with a giant knife-

Yodz- Where did you get the nachos?

Larry- I don't know. Ask HB.

HB-I didn't get those from the raid. Those have been in my cabinet for a couple of months.

Grass- Gross, They're probably expired.

Larry- Nah their still good.

-Larry continues eating the expired nachos-

Diabetes- Yo larry, Lemme get some of those nachos dawg.

Larry- Of course bro.

-Larry hands diabetes his nachos and he begins eating them-

Grass- Yo what about my mom?

Larry- What about her?

Grass- She could be dead.

HB- Yeah why do you care about her. Shes Larrys mom too and he aint worrying about if shes dead or not.

Larry- 90 percent of the people we knew are probably dead.

Grass- Yeah but shes still our family. We need to check on her.

Larry- HB shes probably right. Jeff might also be there.

Murderface- I wouldnt mind seeing Jeff right now. If you know what i mean.

Larry- Murderface, Is there a time when you dont want to see Jeff.

Murderface- Nah man, Your sisters hot i'd love to see her anytime of the day.

HB- Well since all of us want to go check on Jeff and Rhondo, We better start walking up to The Mansion.

Murderface- No one better tough ther Murderblade. Its mine.

-Everyone grabs their weapons and walks outside-

Diabetes- Well im gonna drive my truck down to the pharmacy and grab some insulin before some idiot runs in there and steals it all, Leaving me dead.

Larry- Ill ride with him to the pharmacy and raid it for -Air quotes- Valaubles -Air quotes end-

HB- Great idea. Grass, Murderface, Yodz, and I will all go looking for Jeff and Rhondo at The Crackhead Mansion. Be back in 20. Were locking up and leaving the minivan here.

-Diabetes and Larry drive off as everyone else walks the opposite direction-

(Next scene starts with Larry and diabetes walking into the pharmacy)

Larry- Go grab you insulin. Imma run over to the back and check what meds they had in stock for pain.

Diabetes- I know what to do bitch.


-Larry is walking thorugh i aisle grabbing anything good that he sees as he talks to himself.-

Larry (to himself)- Xanax, Thats good. Kpins, Those are good too.

Oh cool, Dont mind if i do. -He says as he grabs all of the Oxycodone-

-Objects rustling and moving in the distance-

-Pill bottle falls onto floor in the aisle beside Larry-

Larry- Whos there. Im armed and not afriad.

Jeff (from other aisle)- Larry?

Larry- Jeff is that you?

-Jeff walks around the aisle with a trashbag full of supplies she stole from the pharmacy.-

Jeff-What are you doing here little bro?

Larry- Me and Diabetes came here looking for his insulin.

-Diabetes shouting from other room-

Diabetes-Larry, Who are you talking to.

Larry- Its Jeff. Shes here stealing drugs too.

Jeff- Hi Diabetes. How are you?

-Diabetes walks into the room where Jeff and Larry are.-

Diabetes(To Jeff)- You got any insulin in that bag?

Jeff- Nah, I grabbed important stuff.

Diabetes- I hope HB's place has a working fridge. There was only 4 coldpacks of insulin back there so i took all of them.

Jeff- I got a generator in my trunk. It runs on gasoline so we can go fill it up on the way back and plug the frige into it.

Larry- You have a car?

-Jeff chuckles-

Jeff- I stole the neighbors Nova. They left their keys in it right before the bomb dropped and then i saw them walking around looking like zombies so i just drove it out their driveway and went cruising over to my girlfriends.

Larry- Which one?

Jeff- Their both dead. Turned to zombies.

Diabetes- You had more than one girlfriend and i cant even get one?

Jeff- Yeah but now i have none.

Larry- Okay. I got everything i want and im guessing the only reason Diabetes wanted to come was for insulin so since we got all of that do you wanna drive back to The Trap with us.

Jeff- Sure, Im parked around back.

Larry (to Jeff)- Ill ride with you.

Larry (to Diabetes)- Swing over to The Mansion and pick everyone up then meet us at HB's.

-Jeff and Larry walk out the back door and Diabetes walks out the front to his truck-

-Both vehicles start and drive off-

Jeff- So what did you get from the pharmacy?

Larry- The usual. Oxy. Xanax. Some other stuff.

Jeff- Cool cool.

Larry- Bounce over to the dollar store. Dont go straight to Hb's

Jeff- Sure thing, Man.

-Jeff and Larry pull up to the dollar store and both of them get out of the car.-

Jeff- Lemme grab my flamethrower from the trunk before we go in.

Larry- Flamethrower?

Jeff- Yeah. I had a feeling this whole apacolypse thing was gonna happen so about a month ago i rigged up a sprayer used to spray weed killer, FIlled it with gasoline and put an automatic sticker on the end.

Larry- Oh thats cool. Imma just run in and grab all of the cigarettes.

Jeff- Thats pure genius. Ill grab all the Marlboros.

-Jeff throws her flamethrower onto her back like a back pack and walks into the store behind larry-

-Larry walks behind the counter and grabs a grocery bag and begins filling it with Menthol Kools as Jeff does the same but grabs Marlboros-

Jeff- Why are we getting all of these right now?

Larry- If we dont get all of them now someone else will come in and take all of them before we come back.

Jeff- Dude, Were the only people left in this entire town that aint zombies.

-As soon as Jeff says "zombies" three of them walk out from behind thr aisle and start ruinning at us-

Jeff- Stand behind me.

-A Gas spraying sound coming from Jeff's flamethrower as she aims it at the crowd of zombies.-

-Jeff pulls the trigger and ignites them all instantly-

-Zombies hissing-

Larry- I didnt think that would work so well.

Jeff- Its perfect. Now hurry this up and grab whatever you want so we can get to HB's

-Door bell rings as someone enters-

Rhinestone- Yall better not be taking all of the Camel Crushs.

Larry- Rhinestone?

Rhinestone- Yep.

Larry- Damn. You got fat since last month. I thought you was gonna be at your dads for a bit.

Rhinestone- I came back a couple days ago. I was down the road and saw you hopping out thaty sweet nova.

Larry- Yeah, Thats Jeffs car now.

Rhinestone- She bought it from the Jensons?

Larry- Stole it when the bomb dropped.

Rhinestone- Savage.

Jeff- Larry we gotta get going. Their probably waiting on us at HB's.

Rhinestone- Yall are going to HB's? Ill meet you there imma grab some cigs and some food.

Larry- Okay man. Here take this.

-Larry hands Rhinestone his Gladdius-

Larry- Stay safe Rhinestone. Meet us at HBs' Whenever you get your shit. Knock on his door with the usual knock so we dont think your a zombie.

Rhinstone- Gotcha.

Larry- Also grab all of those xbox games on aisle 4. HB said he wanted one a couple days ago but i forgot which one so just grab all of them.

Rhinstone- Yep. Tell him ill be there in ten.

-Larry and Jeff get into her car and drive off-

(Next scene begins with Diabetes picking up everyone from The Crackhead Mansion.)

DIabetes- We found Jeff.

HB- Didn't you go to the pharmacy.

Diabetes- Thats where she was.

Grass- Makes since, That Sounds like my sister would be held up.

HB-Yeah. Is she at The Trap?

Diabetes- Her and Larry headed back as soon as I left. They're probably sitting outside waiting for us to unlock the door.

Murderface- Well let's get in the truck then. I can't wait to see my Jeffy Poo.

-Murderface hops into the bed of the truck and slaps the side a couple of times once everyone is in to inform Diabetes that its safe to drive-

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