Photographs of Refund High

By MochiMochi117

3.3K 73 6

Xu Ye dies? She's now in the underworld, what will happen? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

119 4 0
By MochiMochi117

I wake up to the crows cawing loudly in a tree nearby, I rub my eyes and look around, a large blazer was dropped across my body as if to keep me warm, I stand up, "Hey, where'd the sea serpent go?" I cock my head, I look up at the sky, it was bright, and the sun wasn't above me yet, it must've been morning still, I dust my skirt off and take the blazer and sling it over my shoulders on top of mine, "Hey guys!" I wave, Aru, Sua, Sehui and Aru were walking into school, "Where were you! We were so worried!" Sehui runs up to me, I rub the back of my head, "Oh I was out in the forest, I must've fallen asleep," I chuckle, I look at my clothes, I was still in my E class combat uniform, everything was slightly damp except for the boy's blazer over me, I flinch, "Hey, what are you wearing? That isn't our uniform?" Sua looks at my clothes, "O-Oh! I wore it yesterday, it was one of my gifts I got, it was my PE uniform back when I was alive," I kick a pebble on the ground, "I'll be back, I've got to change into my proper uniform, you guys go on ahead, I'll meet you in the classroom!" I wave at them and start running back to the dorms. 

I quickly pull my skirt on and before heading out I grab the male blazer and dash out my door, I look at the name tag: Mook Lee. I smile to myself, 'I'd better return it and thank him once I get to class' I quickly slide down the corridor. I was panting and I sat in my seat, "Wow that was fast," Aru looks at my tired state, I lift my head up and grin, "Hey Mook, thanks for lending your blazer to me yesterday, how'd you find me out there anyway?" I turn around and hold up the neatly folded jacket, "Oh... I was just walking around that area in the morning and I saw your clothes were damp from the rain last night, I figured you'd catch a cold if you didn't keep warm," He takes it and puts it on, I nod, "Thanks Mook! Remind me to repay you!" I smile, he blushes and I turn back around. The door slid open, "Hi everyone~ are you having fun preparing for the festival? The student council is going to give 'Lucky Boxes' to students who worked hard and participate in the festival so try your best guys!" A senior walked in, "Wow! It's the seniors!" "The uniform for the seniors are so pretty~!" Everyone gushes, "And we need a video to introduce our school for the festival. Are there any volunteers?" She holds a camera up, "I think it would make our school look awesome if Mook, our role model, were in charge of filming the video!" Our tentacle classmate stands up, "That's right~" "Mook would be perfect!" Everyone else cheers, I turn my head and snicker at Mook's confused and shocked expression. It was lunch and I see Mook fiddling with the camera he was given to film a part for our school, I chuckle lightly, "What are you doing silly? You should turn on the power," I press a button on the video camera, it whirrs to life and he jumps at the sudden noise, 'So he's technologically challenged' I scratch the back of my head, "Want me to go with you?" I look at him, he averts his eyes and slowly nods. We spend the rest of the day hanging out together, we took a few pictures and videos, I kept laughing at his flinches when the camera blinked or made a noise, "Mook, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a camera!" I jump up to him, he nods and blushes. After a while, we decide to part ways, "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I start to walk back, "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at class," He nods and waves goodbye. I see Mari, Aru, Gunn and Sehui, "I'll see you tomorrow in front of the fountain." Gunn starts walking to the boy's dorms, "Okay! Good night Gunn~" Aru waves, Mari perks up and so do I, we look at each other and grin, "Good Niiight~ Gunn~~" Mari and I sneak up behind Aru, "I-I-I didn't say it like that!" Aru jumps back, "Yes~ You did~ Guuuunn~" Mari hugs herself tight, "It did sound a little bit like that Aru~" Sehui giggles.

"It's been decided that our class will do a 'Horror Maze' for this festival, just so you know, anyone who hasn't joined a club will be participating," Our teacher writes on the chalkboard and yawns, "Do we have to dress up like ghosts? I hate that kind of stuff," Sua holds her head, "I don't think you'll have to." Mari leans back in her seat, Sua grabbed Aru's arm and dragged the two of them somewhere. Mook and I started to hang out more, we talked and laughed together, one day we were heading back to our dorms when a senior approached us and handed Mook a memory capsule, he was just about to swallow it, "No! Mook!" I hear our teacher say from the staffroom bt Mook already ate it, he was lost in his own mind for a while, the senior left and Mook shook his head, "Hey, are you okay?" I look up at him, he looked at his hands and they sparked blue electricity, I jump back, "H-Hey, it's fine, I won't hurt you," He stops discharging electricity, "But I think I need to head back to my dorm, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He says, I nod, "Just don't do anything stupid, trusting you, you'll 'accidentally' electrocute the entire school," I make air quotations and giggle, he playfully rolls his eyes, "Okay, I promise I won't do anything stupid, now you better head back, it looks like it might rain soon," We both look up at the clouds, they were dark grey, I nod, "See you tomorrow then," I grin, he hums, "Good night," He waves and we part ways. 

The next morning Mari, Aru, Sua, Sehui and I were sitting in our classroom waiting for our teacher to walk in, "Who're you going to ask out during truth time at the festival tomorrow?" "Dude, do you even have to ask? Xu Ye Karasuma or Aru Kim, obviously~" "No way, I'm asking her out," We see a group of three boys muttering and playfully slapping each other, "Class President! Who're you going to ask out?" They ask Mook who opened the door, "I'm not interested in any of that," He walks in, I see him walk through the door and I light up, "Good morning Mook!" I slightly lean back on my chair, he smiles softly and sits in his seat, "Good morning Xu Ye," He smiles at me. "Now let me take attendance," Our teacher stands at the front of our room, Aru was scratching her head and staring at her desk intently, "Are you going to ask him out?" Sua whispers, Aru immediately slams her hand over Sua's mouth , "Oh! You mean Gunn right-" Aru's other hand cups over mine in a flash, Sua and I sweatdrop, "BAHAHAHA! AS IF YOU'VE EVER GOTTEN ASKED OUT BEFORE!" MARI LAUGHS, "S-Still it's lame if you ask him out all of a sudden," Sua touches her mouth which Aru slammed her hand against, "For your information, I've been asked out before!" Sua blushes, I touch my chin, "Now that I think of it. I think I was used as bait once to bring in all the boys from the main campus up to our disappointment of a classroom to rake in the cash, that was when I was alive though," I swing my legs back and forth, "BAIT!" Aru stands up, I flinch, "Nah, we wanted to beat A class so everyone in E class, my class decided to push me down our mountain to bring up all the boys along with Isoagi. We were crowned King and Queen last year even though we were in E class, it's genuinely terrifying seeing a sea of boys and girls run after the two of you," I cry aggressively on my table and slump down.

After class, we were painting flowers to create a garden on the wall opposite our classroom, "Wow~ This is a real work of art Sua!" I look at the two flowers she painted, they were beautiful, "It looks awesome Sua!" Aru walks up, "Hehe, it's no big deal," She rubs the back of her head, "You're too modest," Sehui comes up, 'CHHH!' "Who did that!" Mari shouts, there was a huge streak of red spray paint across Sua's painted flowers, "Now it looks more like a work of art~ Hehehehe!" We see a boy behind us, his gang behind him laughing and mocking us, I walk up to him and snatch the spray paint can off him, "Do you mind Sua?" I look at her, she shakes her head, I stand back for a second and look at the painting, I work the can around the red streak and create an entirely new flower based off that one streak, I toss the can up and down, "What a shame, my favourite medium just so happens to be spray paint," I grin and throw the can back at him, "Wow that's beautiful Xu!" Sua looks at my painting, I combined both Sua and my flowers together, making it look like a flaming lotus blooming, 'WHACK!' we turn around as we see the dream smack the boy's head with a roll of paper, "HEY-! WHO DID THAT?!" He shouts "Do you think- it's okay! To spray paint! On another student's drawing?" He whacks him in between every sentence, 'nice sir' Sehui, Aru, Mari, Sua and I were thinking. 

We were back in our room, Sua moved in with us, she said her other room was too rowdy, "I WOULDN'VE BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM IF I COULD!" Mari shouts, "It's best to just avoid people like that~" Sehui tries to calm her down, "It's going to be just as rowdy in here, at least if we kick Mari out it'd be quiet," I snicker and Sua giggles lightly, "Whatcha writing Aru?" I peek over her shoulder and snatch the paper out, "To Gunn~ Hey Gunn! It's me, Aru!" I start to dictate her letter, she starts to freak out and blush bright red, Mari takes the letter away from me and continues reading it, "I liked you from the moment I first saw you~ Gunnnn~" Mair puckers her lips, I fall on the floor laughing, "I wanna see too!" Sehui walks up.

The next day, we were setting up for the festival, I was hanging out with Mook, we were starting to hang up streamers and fake webs on the ceiling, I furrow my eyebrows, the last piece I needed to hang up was too high, I was just shy of reaching it, I go up on my tippy toes, Mook was holding on the ladder making sure I wouldn't fall, "Hey Xu Ye, be careful, you'll hurt yourself if you fall down from that height," Mook looks up at me, I nod, "Okay, okay, it's just a small jump, I promise I won't slip," I giggle to myself, I stick my tongue out and leap up hooking the web onto the hook and landing back on the ladder rung, "See Mook! I told you I wouldn't slip up!" I grin, he just shakes his head and chuckles lightly, I was stepping down from the ladder and my foot slipped on the second rung, my face was blank and I realised I was falling down, "XU YE!" Mook ran on my side of the ladder and caught me before I fell in a bridal carry, we looked at each other and both of us blushed bright red, "Umm... I'm so sorry Mook," I squeak out, he didn't say anything, he just kept staring at my face but he shook his head and he was back, "O-Oh, it's fine," He let me down on my two feet, "I told you to be careful," He lightly knocks my head, "Y-Yeah... um, is it ok if I take a quick five minute break? I'll be back soon, I just want to have a look at how Aru, Gunn, Mari and Sehui are doing," I look up at him, he nods, "Okay," He packs up the ladder, both of us a blushing mess and I quickly scurried out the door.

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