BTS in the Nutcracker

By Caladwen

127 2 0

Seven boys Seven characters Seven different stories What could go wrong? More

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

16 0 0
By Caladwen

That night Jimin was thinking about the strange tale, and he couldn't fall asleep. After a long while of laying awake, he heard a voice whispering in his ear.

It was the Mouse Queen with the Mouse King behind her. They had come back. The Queen said to Jimin, "Feed me your sweets, or I will make my Mouse King bite off the head of your precious nutcracker, and he will spit it out where nobody will find it, including your ingenious godfather."

Jimin was so afraid of the Mouse Queen and her threat to hurt his friend, that he got up and found some sweets for the Mouse Queen. She gobbled them immediately, leaving none for the Mouse King who stood behind her. Once the sweets were devoured, the Queen demanded more. Jimin went down to the pantry and found some cake, and she ate all that too, and the Christmas pudding, and the newly baked biscuits. Still she wanted more.

The Mouse King gave the food a longing look, but was unable to eat without the order from the Queen. Jimin had noticed that the Mouse King hadn't eaten any, and it made him curious, but kept quiet due to the Queen demanding more sweets.

"How much more shall I give you?" whined Jimin.

"It is for me to say to stop. Give me more. More I say!" The Mouse Queen said with a biting tone. 

Jimin then began to tear up, the stress of the situation and the thought of what his mother would think when the cooks discovered the sweets and biscuits had been eaten. As he was crying, the Nutcracker came striding into the room.

The Mouse Queen turned around and saw the Nutcracker. "Prepare to die, oh ugly one. Mouse King, go and fight the nutcracker. And make sure you win this time." The Mouse King tried hard to fight the order, making his moves uncoordinated, allowing the Nutcracker to take the lead. The Mouse Queen was furious, "Mouse King! Fight properly, I did not curse you to defy me." She waved her hands to cast magic on the Mouse King, making him fight properly.

Jimin's tears had calmed when he heard the Queen and saw her magic. His eyes widened with the thought of the Mouse King being cursed and forced to obey. "That would explain his actions with the sweets." He mumbled. He looked up and saw the Nutcracker start succumbing to the Mouse King. He quickly grabbed his slipper and threw it at the Mouse Queen, now knowing she was the one controlling the Mouse King. The slipper hit the Mouse Queen and she collapsed, the impact knocking her out. With the Queen unconscious, the King stopped fighting, shaking his head. The Nutcracker took this as an opportunity, and went to kill the Mouse King. But before he could kill the Mouse King, Jimin had picked up the Nutcracker. "Wait, the one that cursed you and the one that you need to kill is the Mouse Queen, not the Mouse King. Please spare the King." Jimin then set the Nutcracker down, noticing the Mouse King had run and was now hiding behind the leg of a nearby table. The Nutcracker looked at Jimin before going over and biting off the Mouse Queen's head.

Suddenly a bright light shone, and when Jimin could see again, he saw everything had grown. He was speechless, spinning to figure out what happened. He then looked over at the Nutcracker. Except instead of the Nutcracker, there was a man. He had gray hair and brown eyes. He was taller than Jimin as he only came to the man's nose. 

(with grey hair :D)

His eyes widened and looked around. His eyes landed on a crumpled body behind the table leg. He quickly ran over and knelt down to shake the creature. It rolled over and Jimin was face to face with another boy with black hair and dark eyes. He wore a black and red sweater with dark jeans. 

Jimin was stunned by his beauty before he shook his head and offered a hand up to the boy. Once the boy was standing they turned to the Nutcracker, who had been waiting for the two. He walked over. 

"Thank you for breaking the curse." The Nutcracker bowed to Jimin.

The boy also bowed. "Yes, thank you."

Jimin tilted his head. "You're welcome. But who are you?"

The boy smiled, showing a smile that resembled a bit like a bunny. "My name is Jeongguk. I was the son of a mouse catcher. I would often be the one who would try and coax the mice out while my father would exterminate them. At one house, as I went in to find where the mice were, I stumbled upon the Mouse Queen. Later I learned that the Mouse Queen had been thinking of getting herself a Mouse King. The Mouse King would have to obey her and not be too stupid so that he could fight for her. Unfortunately her subjects were obedient but cowardly, so when she saw me, she casted a magic spell on me. I didn't know what happened. One moment I was in a house, the next moment I was eye to eye with the Mouse Queen and unable to disobey her. It scared me and when I tried calling, my voice wouldn't come out. The furniture was also very large, and then I realized I was a mouse myself. I had been cursed by the Mouse Queen to be her Mouse King. I couldn't speak or do anything unless she ordered. I didn't know how to break the curse, so thank you." Jungkook bowed again. 

Jimin nodded and looked over at the Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker offered a hand. "My name is Namjoon. I was given this curse by trying to take it off Princess Amber. Thank you so much for breaking the curse." He smiled, making dimples show up. Jimin had to fight the urge to poke them. 

Jimin then gasped. "Namjoon?! Oh my! I had just heard of the curse today! Taehyung misses you and oh my god!"

Namjoon laughed. "Yes. Taehyung tried his best to help the curse. Eventually we decided to turn me into a real nutcracker and hopefully have someone help break the curse. In which you have, for both of us."

Jimin smiled. His eyes disappearing into crescents.

Jeongguk tapped Jimin's shoulder. "Now that you know who we are, what's your name?"

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Jimin. I was given the nutcracker by my Godfather Drosselmeyer. It is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed in introduction. "Now that introductions are finished. Now what?"

The three look between them. Jeongguk then cleared his throat. "Um. I could show you guys a path to the parlor." He said, getting quieter near the end when the others look at him.

Namjoon smiled. "That sounds like a great plan." Jimin nodded.

Jeongguk smiled, showing his bunny smile before leading them toward a crack in the wall. He showed them a few other rooms before getting to the parlor. Throughout the journey, the three talk and quickly become friends. When they arrived at the parlor, many toys came to see them, noticing the curse was lifted on the nutcracker. With the news ringing through the air, the toys dragged the trio to a ball that was behind the tree. The lights from the tree allowed the right amount of light and made it almost magical. Jimin and Jeongguk had paused many times and the toys giggled at his reaction.

Behind the tree, the friends looked around and watched the toys Celebrate. A group of three men came and stood in front of the newcomers. One had pink hair wearing a pink silk shirt and dark pants. He reminded Jimin of the Sugar Plum Fairy ornament that he had given Godfather. He smiled as he welcomed the trio. "Hello! My name is Worldwide Handsome Jin! I am the Sugar Plum Fairy and rule over the Sweets Kingdom. Welcome to the yearly Christmas Celebration!" He laughed, tilting his head back. 

He was then hit on the shoulder by a shorter blonde haired male. "For snowflakes' sake Jin, calm down." He then looked over at the three newcomers. "Hello, my name is Yoongi, I am the Snow King." He wore a white turtleneck with suspenders. He smiled gently, showing a gummy smile.

 "Hi!!" A loud voice suddenly came from next to Yoongi. He smiled wide, and the lights off the tree reflected on his dark red hair. "I'm your hope, I'm J-hope or Hoseok! I am the monarch of the Angels! It is lovely to meet you!" 

The three smiled back, and introduced themselves.

Once introductions were said, the six started talking and finding the snacks. Throughout the rest of the night, the six had a lovely time. They all became friends and when dancing was happening, they were encouraged to dance. After a bit of prodding, Jeongguk and Jimin were able to get Yoongi on the dance floor, much to the surprise of the other toys, including Hoseok. After dancing there was a performance where toy dancers and soldiers told stories, mostly Christmas centered. Never before had Jimin had so much fun with friends.

In the morning Jimin couldn't wait to tell his mother all about what he had seen. When he began to explain about the Mouse Queen and the brave Nutcracker and the kings, his mother simply said, "Jimin, your imagination is running wild. Don't you realize that what you saw is just a dream?"

"But look mother," said Jimin, reaching into his pocket. "Here is the wand and crowns of the Mouse Queen and King!"

"Just toys!" Said his mother. "Stop being silly. Can't you see I'm busy?" So Jimin went into his room and sat down. He saw Yeonjun playing with some soldiers. When Yeonjun saw Jimin, he offered to play soldiers with him. Jimin accepted and as they played, Jimin told Yeonjun about the night before.

"Honestly, you would've probably enjoyed it. At least the battle. And if the Nutcracker and Mouse King and the others were people, I would be their friend again. We could all play together and joke with each other. You could play with us too, Yeonjun."

As they spoke and played, they heard the doorbell, followed by their Godfather's voice in the hall. Jimin got up to tell him about his dream and about his new friends, when it wasn't needed. Godfather Drosselmeyer had come with six boys, one being Taehyung, and the others looking suspiciously like his friends from the night before. All looked at each other. Drosselmeyer then told Taehyung to go explain things as he went to play with Yeonjun. Taehyung nodded happily before grabbing Jimin's wrist and pulling him into Jimin's room along with the five other boys. He sat Jimin on the bed.

"Hi Jiminie. May I introduce Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jeongguk. You might know them better as the Sugar Plum fairy, the Snow King, the Angel King, the Nutcracker, and the Mouse King." He smiled his boxy smile, as the realization dawned on Jimin's face. Before long, Jimin had launched himself into hugs from everyone. This broke the tension and the seven boys became friends. They spent the rest of the day hanging out. From then on, the seven had many adventures after that, growing together and having fun.

The End


TaDa!!! Yay! The end! 

I hope you enjoyed! 

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