Here We Go Again...

By imaldonado945

348 23 0

Just a normal sappy love story about a group of inseparable friends and their journeys with their high school... More

The story of Arabella Jane...
The story of Mckenna Wright...
The story of Olivia Rodriguez...
The story of Jessie Wood...

The story of Kayla Jones...

56 5 0
By imaldonado945

I guess relationships has never been my thing. I mean I never actually minded being held by some strong manly arms, but my love life has been the same for years; nonexistent. My "love life" consisted of me sitting in my room by myself, listening to my simp playlist, and dancing, if you can even call it that, to XXXTENTACION. The only time I would date a guy would be on the mobile game Episode. Those mafia leaders do be kinda hot though. I was happy with my love life for a while, or what was left of it after many horrible crushes. Well, I thought I was. Pretty boy, Aidan Sanchez. Track star, smart, unpredictable, and kind of a freak, not gonna lie. How did this turned from a small unrealistic crush to a big messy relationship; I guess you can say it turned my life upside down for the better.

It was another day in school. The sun barely appearing over the horizon. Many students walking into the school with their Starbucks coffee in one hand and their many assignments in the other. The sounds of morning birds chirping my ears off. I barged in the glass front doors of the school building with my hands filled with paper work for student council and multiple projects for my AP classes. My papers wanting to fly out of my hands and my backpack weighing my body down, almost making me drag my shoulders across the tile. This was one of the most  stressful weeks I've had to deal with in a long time. To start off on the checklist, the dance is this Saturday, and I was in charge of all the decorations, the food, the music, and tickets. Not sure why they put a million responsibilities on one person, butI guess that's just the fun perks of being the Student council president. Oh, not to mention I have 3 AP projects due this week, all being essays with more than 1,000 words. My head has been all over the place. I haven't had a chance to breathe, or to really get sometime to relax. Yep, definitely a fun week for me. But, what can I say, I guess I've always been a little over achiever. I'm never satisfied with what I do, or could do, so I can't really blame anyone else for my stress, although I can certainly blow steam on my private story on Snapchat. I walked in almost out of breath from carrying all that stuff from my car to the school. My shoes clicking on the floor and my dress hugging my body, slightly wrinkling. I slowly stopped in my tracks, putting my hands on my knees trying to situate all of my things. I threw my bag back over my left shoulder while organizing the many papers and folders in my other hand. I slowly looked up from the mess that is my school life. I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of someone that seemed a little too familiar. There she was; Her short, brown,straight hair sitting on her shoulders, a couple of strands falling in her face. Her fair skin glowing with the sunlight hitting her face through the window. Her high rise jeans sitting comfortably on her hips while her striped shirt matched perfectly. Her deep brown eyes glued to her phone screen. Her eyebrows relaxed on her face; her light colored lips in a slight pout. Her small manicured hands holding her phone comfortably. Her small figure looking elegant as she cooly leaned against the wall outside of the front office. She was emitting the same quiet but bad ass energy I have gotten so comfortable with. "Olivia!!" I screamed. She looked up from her phone at the sound of her name. She furrowed her eyebrows before seeing me and giving me a small smile. She rolled her eyes before putting her phone in her back pocket. She tucked a couple of loose strands behind her ear before standing up straight. I dropped all my stuff to the ground, well. I gently placed all my things on the ground because it took way too damn long to organize all of those papers. I ran up to Olivia before I snaked my hands around her neck and hugged her tightly in my touched deprived arms. Oh, let me introduce her. Olivia Rodriguez, my best friend since 7th grade. She has always been the very blunt and tough loving friend that would always keep it real with me. She's the type of friend to show her love by constantly insulting me, but I love her to say the least. She has been the one friend to stay by my side through thick and thin always. One of the first long lasting friends I have made.  "Woah. There is no need to suffocate me." She said pressing my chest away. Her brows furrowed and her eyes looking into mine. She giggled before putting her hands behind her back. "I'm sorry. I just missed you a lot. You also missed out on a lot of tea." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Oh really?" She said sarcastically leaning back against the wall. She crossed her arms and put one foot over the over showing the bottom of boots.  "Ok. So, quick run down. We got a new student. Her name is Arabella, and some drama went down between her and Asher, but it's all good now cause they are literally the cutest couple ever. Oh, and McKenna and Ethan are still going strong. Oh, and the fairyland dance is this weekend, and I'm really excited for it." I said in all one breath, using my fingers as a checklist. "Mhmm, you done yet?" Olivia said looking up at me with her brown eyes then looking behind me. "Well, I guess I am now. Anyways, how was your experience at that boring preppy school?" I said moving a piece of my curly hair out of my face. Some strands of hair getting stuck on my lipgloss. "Boring. To say the least." She said looking down at her phone. She rolled her shoulders back as if she was uncomfortable. "You good?" I asked staring at her hair; a strand of hair being a lot lighter than all of the other strands. She subtly nodded her head still keeping her eyes down. I kinda awkwardly stood there not knowing what else to say. She has never been the talkative type anyways. She just stood there, one hand in her pocket while the other was scrolling through her phone. "Welp. I'm glad you're back. Your seat at the lunch table has stayed open." I said while slowly stepping backwards. She lifted her brow indicating that the feeling is mutual. She stared off into the space behind me while I grabbed my stuff off the tile floor and headed to class. She's still the same as ever as she held her tough face and her "I don't give a fuck" demeanor. I'm glad to have Olivia back.

First period was mostly a blur. The class ticked by. Every single second seeming more and more long. Every word coming out of Mrs. Roman's mouth sounding like gibberish. I'm so focused on getting everything done and turning everything in on time that I barely even remembered what class was next. As soon as the bell rang, I quickly gather my things and I darted out of the class and straight to the library to get my 3 projects done as well as print out all the posters and information I need for the meeting about the fairyland dance after school. There was so muchI needed to do in such little time. I sat at the nearest table I could find and immediately got to work. I first went and began typing out the information for the meeting. My fingers aching the whole time. I quickly pressed print then waited for my twenty copies to be printed out at the schools printer. While waiting for all of the copies to successfully print out, I got to business proof reading through all of my essays, editing them and correcting any mistakes. I guess you could see the stress on my face because I was getting looks by everyone. I couldn't care. Too many things to worry about and getting weird stares weren't one of them. One girl, Jessie Wood, came up to me after a while to check on me. Her short, dark brown, shiny hair bouncing with every step she took towards me. Her eyes smiling as much as her actual smile. Her pink cheeks complimenting her olive skin tone. Her blue jean pants hugging her thighs perfectly while her baggy shirt hides her naturally huggable body. Her rainbow Vans tapping on the floor as she came closer to me. Her presence bring warmth and calmness to me. Her signature scent of vanilla and oddly satisfying mix of baby powder filling my nose. Her big light brown staring at me as she came and sat down next to me. The energy around me immediately shifted.  Her perfect smile not disappointing. I've only had couple of conversations with her before, but she can hold a good conversation. The way she always seemed so engaged. She was always ready to carry a conversation. Always knowing something about every topic, and if she didn't, she was always ready to learn. The way her eyes would gleam learning something new. It is the most precious thing ever. She is basically the opposite of awkward. More like a social butterfly, free as ever. "Hey, Kayla. You good? You seem a little umm. Stressed." She asked with her fine eyebrows curving up. She grabbed the head of the chair next to me, pulling it out and and sitting down. "Oh, hey Jessie. Um, yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit stressed cause of all the things happening this week." I said briefly looking over my last essay. She looked down at my essays, subtly reading through a couple of sentences. She rested her hands on the table, tapping her clean nails on the wood table. "You need help or do you wanna talk about it?" She asked taking the pen I had in my hand and placing it in in front of her. Her eyes looking into mine . "Oh no, I got it. It's just I have to do all this planning for the dance this weekend and I have multiple projects due all this week." I said leaning my head on my hand. I pulled one of my curls that fell in my face and watched it bounce back into place. "Oh gosh." "Yeah. So, I guess you can say I'm kinda frantically trying to get everything in order. Oh crap. I forgot I have track practice after school as well." I said literally slamming my head on the table. I stretched my arm out searching for my pen. "Well, if I can think of anyone to get things done, it would be you, Kayla. You're probably the most hardworking student council president we have had for a long long time. And, if I may ask, why do you put so much work on yourself?" She asked looking at me with interest. Her light brown eyes twinkling eager to learn more. She intertwined her fingers together, setting them down in her lap. "Oh, umm. I don't know. I guess I've always strived to be the best I can be. Like if I can't create a name for myself, what's the point. So, I joined student council, took all AP classes, and took on the duty of doing all the relays for this weeks track meet." I replied to her. I touched a piece of hair behind my ear while grabbing my pen to go over my essays one more time. "Wow. That's honestly amazing." She said looking at me in aww. Her smile stretching across her face which just feels me with such a bubbly feeling. "Thanks." I said jotting down bullet points on what I need to fix for my project. "That's honestly one of the nicest thing someone has said to me." I looked into her innocent eyes which showed her sincerity. Her flushed cheeks only adding to the effect. "No problem. Well, the bell is about to ring, so I should probably get going back to class. Catch you later?" She said getting up pushing her chair in. "Yep. See ya around." She waved her hand bye before flashing another teethy smile and left the library as I tried to wrap up my project. "One down. Two more to go." I said as I gather my things in my arms, placing them carefully in my block bag and headed to my next class.

The day went by. The bell rang, dismissing us to go home. Well, at least for most. I, on the other hand, had to go to an urgent student council meeting then somehow get to the track in time for track practice. Which means I only have so little time for each thing. I need to explain all the details of the up coming dance to the other council members, stay behind just in case they have any extra questions, then zoom down the stairs across the school and into the locker room, quickly change into my track outfit, and dart it to the field just in time to go do my relays. I would probably be out of breath before even running. Doing all of this now is making me light headed. But yep, that's my game plan. I quickly grabbed my stuff. I threw my bag over my shoulder and gather all of the printed papers I had printed earlier this day and rushed back into the library to host the student council meeting. I barged through the big bulky doors which seemed to make my frantic entrance noticeable. All of the other members already sitting in chairs scattered around the library. Their chatter went to silence as they saw me struggling to get everything in order. All the eyes glued onto me as I awkwardly, but casually walked in front of everyone, ready to give them the information needed. "Thanks for the help back there guys." I said sarcastically before placing my bag and holding the stack of printed papers in my arms. "Oh, I didn't know if you needed help. You looked like you had it under control." one of the members said. "Ha ha. Very funny. But anyways, hello, my fellow student council members. Thank you all for making it to this urgent meeting. So, enough chit chatting and let's get started." I said counting the number of people in the room then passing around the piece of information. Everyone got their copy and got to work. All the necessary questions were asked and answered. Many of them being about what needed to be done before the dance and how I was going to handle them all. I quickly assured them that all was taken care of after they showed their very clear concern for me. The student council finished in a span of fifteen minutes. Everyone gather their things before leaving out of the library doors and heading home, something I wish I could do. As soon as all questions were answered, I grabbed my things once again struggling to keep up with the million things I had to hold and darted straight to the locker room, and took off my dress and slipped on my favorite pair of running shorts and shirt. I quickly put on my NIKE tennis shoes, and made it to the field. I quickly did all of the necessary stretches before taking my place on the track. As soon as the timer went off I sprinted the first lap of my mile relay quickly and successfully passing it to the next person. Every timed lap I would take beating the previous one. Practice went good as usual. Other than being dead from the multiple relays, I would like to say this day was a success. I placed all my belongings into my bag before zipping it up. I grabbed my water bottle finishing every last drop of it, quenching my thirst after running to the point my tongue was dry. "Good work out there today, Jones." Coach said while writing down the times she took today in her notepad. Her cap covering her eyes leaving her this intimidating look. "Thanks, coach." I said throwing my duffel bag on my shoulder. I slowly staggered out of the field and into the parking lot. I took out my car keys pressing the unlock button which made my car's lights blink. I slowly but surely made my way to my car just to see Olivia and McKenna waiting there for me. McKenna leaning against my door. Her hands crossed over one another. Her black heeled boots laying flat on the rocky parking lot. Her short curly hair falling in front her eyes. Her black nails resting on her arms with blue jean pencil skirt slightly folding at the bottom, and her black v-neck shirt tucked into her skirt. She held a sinister smile on her face as she turned her head in my direction. Olivia just stared at me walking up, not saying a word. Her hands in her pockets and her hair up in a ponytail. "What are y'all doing here? Not really in the mood to deal with y'all's shenanigans." I said sarcastically while I opened the trunk of my car, throwing my duffel bag and school bag in. "Now, what makes you think that?" McKenna said with a cheeky smile. She got up from leaning against my car. Her slim figure being apparent as she took a couple of steps forward. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause I'm talking to the two most um, what's the word, chaotic girls I know right now. One of them leaking her enemies address info almost leading to him getting his ass beat, which is very much deserved." I said targeting my stare to McKenna as she raised her eyebrow and put on a cheeky smile. Olivia gasped dramatically. "I am offended." Olivia said in a sarcastic voice placing her hand on her chest. "But, I mean. he deserved it. I still have it. I could easily expose him if he crosses me again." McKenna said putting her hands into her pockets while giving my a devilish stare.  I rolled my eyes before putting my hands on my hips and sitting into it. "What do y'all actually want though?" I said unlocking my car. I walked over towards my car door slowly nudging McKenna out of the way. "Well, me, Arabella, Ehtan, Asher, and Olivia here were all gonna go to the skating rink for a bit, and we wanted to see if you would be willing to come and join?" She said while leaning against my car door, again. She held her stare while changing the look in her eyes. As if she already knew the answer, but was hoping it would change. "Seriously?" I said with my "you dumb" face with my hand on pressed against the top of the car, while looking at Olivia's confused eyes. "Hey hey, don't look at me. It was McKenna's idea to ask you." Olivia said pointing her manicured finger at McKenna. McKenna lifted her head up, furrowing her brows at her before chuckling. "Very nice. We love throwing each other under the bus, Olivia." She said slightly smiling while rolling her eyes as dramatic as a McKenna would . "McKenna, you know I'm really busy. I have multiple projects due, I have a dance to run, and on top of all that, I have track. Not really a time to have a night off." I said dropping my hands to my side and looking into McKenna's pleading brown eyes.  "Also, get the hell off my car. I don't want you to leave a dent." I said pushing her away from my car door. "Damn. I'm not that heavy. No need to make me feel all bad." She said mumbling it while crossing her eyes. "And yeah, but I thought since you're really stressed out because of all of this work, you might wanna take a night off and hang out with your best friends. It would get your mind off of all this work for a bit and I can even drive you home early, or you can drive home early if you really wanted too." She said looking at me. Her eyes still locked on mine. "I don't know, McKenna. And also stop with the intense eye contact. It's freaking me out." I said covering my eyes and turning my head jokingly to get on her nerves. "Oh. My bad. I was hoping it would help change your mind." She said looking down at the ground. Her little curls bouncing in front of her eyes. "But please, Kayla. Pretty please!!" She said while gripping her hand around my arm and swinging it like a rag doll. Olivia was just standing putting her hand over her mouth trying to not laugh. "Ok ok. I'll go, but please stop swinging my arm. I don't want to break my arm like that time Ethan dislocated it from raging." I said laughing in pain. McKenna giggled. She let go of my arm before grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers. "Yay!! You won't regret it." her brown eyes twinkling. "And I'm still confused how he broke his arm. It was from a dumb board game then he lost to me." She said while putting her and on her chin. "Yeah. But, you aren't any better. You still threw a fit about not winning even though you won ten times before." I said slightly giggling.  She just shrugged her shoulders. "This better be worth being peer pressured into." I said grabbing the handle to my car door. "Oh, it will. Maybe you might find some fine man." Olivia told teasing me. She rolled her eyes as she put her hand on her hip. "Impossible. Maybe a boy, but no man. And you know my motto. All boys must die. Can stan men. Not boys." I said talking with my hands. "Yeah yeah, but hey, you never know. You might score one tonight." McKenna winked. "Sure, we'll see. I highly doubt it though." I said while opening up my door and getting into the low seated car. I put in my key, starting up my car. "You better not bail, Kayla." McKenna said staring at me. "Oop, you caught me." I said with my hands up giggling. She just looked at me. "I'll actually choke you if you do." She said staring at me with her "intimidating" eyes. I smiled at her as I backed out of my parking space.

I went home and got dressed in prepared for a night I got dragged into. I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet before heading out my front door. I got in my car and drove off to the skating rink. "I really need to stop letting McKenna peer pressure me into going out." I giggled. "I can't say no to her though." A couple of minutes later, I pulled into the skating rink's parking lot and walked into the loud and crowded building. I went to the front and got me a pair of skates before walking into the dining area.  I saw my very persuasive group of friends sitting at a table, all eating a fresh piece pepperoni pizza. They were all laughing and talking. Their smiles being apparent. I walked up to them, setting down my things onto the table. "Wow, y'all seriously gonna eat that without me? I'm disappointed." I yelled in a comedic tone. I specifically gave McKenna a dirty looked while crossing my arms. "Wow. How does it feel actually stepping outside your house and not sitting at home being a loser?" Ethan said mocking me. He held his drink in his hand. The black nail polish on his fingers chipping. He was wearing a wrinkled stripped black and white shirt and his signature baggy pants. His favorite accessory, his chains, hanging off of the belt loops. He looked at me in the eyes hoping to get under my skin. "Can you ever go one day without a stick up your ass." I shot back. His blue eyes dropped as he pushed his blond hair back with his fingers. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?." Ethan raised his voiced. McKenna smack his head which caused me to giggle. Ethan staring at her dead in the eye and getting pissed because it didn't phase her. She winked at him as he rolled his eyes and held his head low once again. "Come on, luv. We saved you three slices." Arabella said grabbing my arm to come and sit down with her and Asher. Arabella's white knitted shirt glowing in the black light of the skating rink. Her small delicate hands finding Asher's on the table before intertwining them together. Her naturally waving brown hair done perfectly and effortlessly, having a complimentary white headband sitting on the top of her head. Her cute little button nose and pretty smile catching my eye first. Asher looked over to me with his hazel eyes shinning from the light. His brown locks constantly falling in his face. His perfectly pressed t- shirt already having stain from some type of spill. I'm assuming it's from Ethan throwing something at him for mouthing off.  "I'm glad you chose to come, Kayla." Said McKenna smirking as she took a sip of her iced sweet tea. "Didn't really have a choice. You forced me, remember." I said giving her the look. "I don't recall that happening." She said while smiling at me and closing her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her. She always drags me into stuff. Got to love her for it though. "Well, are y'all gonna get up and skate or what?" McKenna said while getting up and pulling Ethan by the arm to get up as well. "What the fuck, dumbass?" he said as he looked up at her with his mean eyes that always soften when she's around. He tried pulling his arm away from her but she insisted he get his ass up too. I just shook my head and continued to chow down on my pizza. "Kayla, get your butt up and come skate with me." McKenna yelled. "Can I not enjoy my pizza first?" I said with my mouth full. She skated over to me and grabbed my hand in her long and soft hands. The rough pads of her finger tips gripping on to my wrist. "Your pizza can wait." she led me to the skating floor, not letting go of my hand. "Oh my gosh, I can never get a break with you." I yelled trying to smack her hand off of me. "You know you love me." She winked, her long lashes batting. I just rolled my eyes. We both stepped foot on the skating floor. Arabella and Olivia following us. We all skated in a group. Arabella stumbling every other second causing me and Olivia to jump and almost bumping into each other. McKenna took off with Ethan, turning a friendly hangout into a competition as they raced around the rink. They were both neck and neck, speeding passed many people until Ethan cut her off, barely missing getting rammed from the back, causing her to stumble and fall on her ass. She sat there for a bit, fire in her eyes as Ethan skated around her, doing a little victory dance. "HAHA. I WON. WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!" Ethan yelled, taunting his win in McKenna's face. She quickly got up before approaching him. "THATS BULL SHIT. YOU CHEATED. WHO THE HELL JUST CUTS SOMEONE OFF?" she yelled at him. She was getting all up in his face as he just looked at her unamused. He looked down at her just staring at her with a mischievous smile. "A win is a win. Maybe next time try not to suck." He said leaning down closer to her face. He sly smirked as he patted the top of her head and skated back out to the dining area.  As he turned his back, McKenna threw her middle finger up ten or more times, waving it around like a psycho. She came and skated back to us shortly after. She was fuming, steam was escaping her ears. We all looked at her trying to conceal our smile before she murders us. "Had fun?" Arabella said trying to cover her cheeky smile with her mouth, holding onto the wall for support. McKenna just glared at her. If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure everyone in that area would've been dead as a roach. "He's an ass. And that ass made my ass hurt." She said as she rubbed her butt silently wincing in pain. We all just laughed about it. We continued to skate around the rink for hours. I had to admit, McKenna does really know how to get my mind off of stressful stuff. I wasn't even thinking about any of the work I had piled up on me. It felt good to be hanging out with my friends. I guess I was so distracted, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going at all. I trailed off from the rest of the group and I ran into a very tall person, and they somehow ended up falling on top of me. My mind went blank as the weight on top of me felt heavy. I threw my head back on the floor, looking up at the lights of the rink. "Ow. That hurt. A lot." I said while grunting in pain. I said putting my hands over my head. "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry." A very deep voice said above me. I opened my eyes to see a very fine boy literally hovering over me. Oh. My bad, did I say boy? Oh, I meant one fine ass man!! Like gosh, he was gorgeous. His beautiful dark brown curls were perfectly in tact, even after falling on me. His deep brown eyes looking directly into mine, almost putting me into a trance because of how seductive and attractive they were. His skin was glowing from sweat complimenting his beautiful dark, tan skin. The amount of dominance this guy had was alarming. The way he looked at me. Yes, he looked scared he was going to get sued for almost crushing my body, but he still looked hot. I could feel his fast but steady heart beat as I stared back into his eyes.  This guy blessed my eyes. "Um hello? Are you ok?" He said pushing himself up and dusting off his red collared shirt and his blue jeans. He reached his big and strong looking hand out towards me trying to help me up. "Oh, oh! Yeah. I'm good. It's good." I said lifting my head off of the ground and awkwardly trying not to smile like an idiot. My hands placed behind me. He stood there still reaching ghosh and out towards me just looking at me. I blacked out staring at his tall and lean body, making sure to take in every single inch. I quickly snapped back as I looked dumbfounded. "Oh!" I grabbed his big strong hands as he pulled me back up to my feet. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. His deep eyes reminding me of the bark on a tree, strong and sturdy. Able to withstand and thing that hits it. He gave me a half smile before running his hand through his curls. "What the heck?! How does he exist?" I quickly dusted off my shirt and pants before looking back up at him. He towered over me. Fuck. "Oh ok. Great. I thought I might've crushed you for a second." He giggled as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "Oh no. I'm great. It felt great. I FEEL GREAT!" I said freaking out a bit. I struggled trying to find and cool and comfortable place to put my hands as I stood in front of him constantly fidgeting. He lowly laughed and blushed as he looked off to the side. "Well, I'm glad you're ok." He said with a pearly white smile. I nodded my head out of embarrassment. I don't want nothing stupid to come out of my mouth anymore. He turned around. His back facing me. The sweat from his back making his shirt stick to his skin which just only defined the muscles he was hiding under there.  He picked up his speed and skated away back to his group of friends. All of them laughing and picking at him as he stood in the middle looking unamused. Oh, how I can relate to that. Speaking of which McKenna, Arabella, and Olivia skated up to me with some shocked and exciting looking faces. McKenna being the only one with a smirk plastered on her face"What happened there?" McKenna said pointing her finger in between me and the boy. Her eyes low looking for trouble. "Wow, great of my best friends to come and help me." I said while removing anymore wrinkles in my shirt. "Well, it didn't look like you needed help. Or wanted help. Seems like Mr. pretty boy got you covered." Olivia said pointing at the mystery boy. "Who him? No, he just helped me up." I said stuttering a bit. My cheeks getting hot thinking about him. "It looked like you wanted him to stay on top of you, not gonna lie." Arabella said in a mischievous voice. Her eyebrow raised as she slyly smiled at me. Her arms crossed over one another. "Arabella, shut up." I said pushing her. She lost her balance for a quick second almost falling back before McKenna grabbed her arm and lifted her back up. "What? From the way you were looking at him, it looked like you didn't want him to leave." She said teasing me, but holding onto McKenna's arm. "And no need to be so hostile. I nearly fell on my ass like McKenna did earlier." Arabella said looking up at McKenna. I snickered. "Arabella. I will literally destroy you." McKenna said gritting her teeth while psychotically smiling. "Whatever. I just ran into a very very attractive guy. No biggie." I said trying to conceal my blush. "Mhmm. No biggie, except for the part you completely undressed him with your eyes. Like I'm talking you played a whole smut scene in your head in that moment. We all know the first thought you had was wondering how much he packed. We all know the first thing that came to mind was 'oh no. I'm stuck. Can you help me step bro?'" McKenna said with her eyebrow raised. She cheekily smiled at me while giving me a wink. I hate when she does that. "You know I'm right." "Yeah yeah. Keep talking." I said skating out back to the dining area.

It was getting late, and everyone was pretty beat up. We all grabbed our stuff before going outside and heading back to our cars. I walked over to my car and took out my keys from my pocket. I unlocked my car before approaching the handle. Everyone else was all heading back to their individual cars. McKenna and Ethan heading back to her car, Asher and Arabella heading to theirs, and Olivia getting a ride with me. "Bye guys. See y'all tomorrow." I said while waving bye to everyone. They all yelled back to me before getting in their cars and leaving. Soon after, I grabbed the handle on my car door and pulled it as the door swung open. But, I was caught off guard by a voice from behind calling out to me. "Hey! Wait, real quick." The same deep voice from early said. The pit in my stomach dropped as I turned around to see once again that eye candy in front of me. I look up into his dark and friendly eyes. He looked even better out here in the street light that seemed to hit him perfectly. His silhouette being able to seduce me by itself. A strong scent of sweet Cologne filling my nose. I'm guessing he freshened up because not only did he smell nice, he looked a lot more put together too. "Hi." He said smiling in a sweet and soft tone. He leaned back putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down at me. "Oh! Hi. Um, good to see you again." I said looking down and biting my lip out of nervousness. I tucked a hair out of my face before looking back up at him. He giggled. Keep in mind his giggle is the cutest thing I have ever heard. It was very different from his voice, sounding more high pitched. It sends butterflies to the pit of my stomach. "Well, I just wanted to say sorry for uh landing on top of you earlier. And then awkwardly standing there after." he said looking down at his shoes and shining a perfect smile. His pearly white teeth seemed to beam. "Oh. It's fine. Sorry for not paying attention." I said with and awkward smile as I put my hands behind my back . "And, I also... I felt really bad for falling hurting a very pretty girl like yourself and kinda wanted to see if I can get your number? So I can make it up to you, of course." He said slyly yet shy as he looked up at me with soft eyes. "Oh, um. Y-Yeah sure. I- Here ya go." I gave him my phone nervously almost dropping it, so he can add his number to my contacts. His fingers grazed my skin as he grabbed the phone from my hand and programmed his number into my phone. "Oh, I forgot to say, I'm Aidan by the way." He looked up, or down I guess. You know what. He looked AT me as he handed me his phone. "I'm Kayla." I said smiling at him. "Kayla, I like it." The way he said my name sent shivers down my body. Gosh, him simply breathing can turn me on. I can't help but admire his pure beauty. But, haha. We have school tomorrow. I grabbed the door and began to slowly sit down in my car, putting my foot on the brake and my hand on the steering wheel. "Well, it's late, so I should get headed back home." I said buckling myself up with the seatbelt. "It was nice meeting you though." I said taking a peak at his addicting eyes one last time. "It was nice meeting you too. See ya." He said while walking backwards into the building. I waved bye as I closed my door. "Oh. My. Gosh. That did not just happen. Cute boy, like me. No no no." I said to myself freaking out. "Are you done yet?" Olivia said scaring me. "Holy shit. I forget you were in here." I said looking at her. She wasn't phase as she continue to look down at her phone. "Yeah yeah. Now that you're no longer talking to pretty boy." "Aidan. his name is Aidan." I corrected her while looking at her. " Ok. Now that you're done talking to AIDAN, can we leave?" she asked giving me a sly smirk. I rolled my eyes. "What? I'm tired. And I still need to take a shower." She said crossing her arms. "Ok ok. We're leaving now." I said as i reversed the act and backed out of the parking lot.

Two days past like the speed of lighting. All of my chores for the week pretty much done. It was the day of this weeks track meet. Everyone was eager for this, and so was I. I mean I've been eating for this all year. But, my stomach turned inside out as my palms got sweaty.  To say I was nervous was an understatement. I had a bit on my mind that day. Number one, being of course the track meet. I was so scared to mess up. This was the first track meet of the year. This would be the start of the season. Everyone's eyes were on me. I was a bit scared to start this season off horrible. Then, the final project that was due. I completed and turned in the other two, but I still had another one due. It was almost done, but because of the track meet, I wasn't able to finish it in class, so I'll have to do it at home. The dance is coming up in two days. I ordered all of the decorations, and they should be coming in tomorrow morning. It took a bit, but we found a Dj as well. Everything was needed was there. It was just putting everything together was the thing stressing me. Of course, that fine piece of Mexican candy. His beautiful face staying on my mind since Monday. His voice stuck in my head. I just wanted to run into him again. So badly. He texted me a couple of times after that day, but not enough for me not to worry about it. It was probably just a fluke. Like how it always is. I quickly slipped on my track uniform and spikes. I tied my hair up into a tight bun on the top of my head. Some of my baby hairs sticking straight up. I grabbed my bag which had my many snacks for fuel and a large bottle of water. I headed straight to the field and set my things down on the bleachers that were filled with many supportive parents and students. Many of the student from other schools were out in the field stretching and warming up before going on the track. Many of the field activities taking place as I took a gulp from my water bottle. Many of the races went on. Our school either always ending up in first or second place in each race. The field activities went well too. The sun was slowly going down. One after the other, students competing in the relays slowly making their way down to the field, me following after them. I walked through the gates that separated the competitors and the spectators. I stood on the side of the track, doing my thorough stretch in my arms and legs before getting distracted by McKenna who was behind the gate yelling my name. I looked up at her. Her arms resting on the gate and her hair put up in a high ponytail. "KAYLA!!" she yelled cupping her mouth with her hands. I turned my back to here the opposite way of her continuing my stretch routine. "KAYLA. I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!" She yelled at me even louder. I whipped my head around and looked at her. I put my hands up while mouthing the word "what". "LOVE YOU. GOOD LUCK. DON'T SUCK!" She said giving me an innocent thumbs up and a smile. I rolled my eyes giggling at her. My relays were about to come up, and the nerves were slowly appearing. My hands began to shake and sweat. I jumped in place up and down shaking out any nerves in me. I took a deep breath through my nose and out my mouth. "Can we have all girls 800 meter relay runners out to the track, please." The announcer said on the loud speaker. Many girls took off heading for the track. "Here we go." I told myself as I quickly got to my place on the track. Many parents cheering out their child's name. All the girls did their finally stretch's before getting ready to go. All the girls got set. My heart was beating out of my chest. I closed my eyes and took a breath before getting into my zone. "LETS GO KAYLA!" someone yelled from on the field. The voice was deep and rich, sounding very familiar. I didn't have time to look over to see who it was. I know it wasn't McKenna, that's for sure. A person on the side of the track lift the pistol into the air. "3,2,1 go!" the man shot the blank and I took off taking the lead ahead of everyone else. My legs stretched as far as I can, not looking back or slowing down. I kept on breathing while staring forward. My face of determination plaster on probably making me look a bit psychotic. My strides were extending longer than I have ever done as I picked up the pace, sealing the deal. The person in front of me reaching their hand out while speeding up. I took one final step before handing off the baton to my partner as she quickly darted forward. Our school was put in the lead. I walked off the track, placing my hands behind my head while trying to catch my breath. I have to give myself a pat on the back because my hand off was pretty good. "First place for the girls 800 meter: Westbrooke high." I closed my eyes while smiling in satisfaction. My team cheered as we celebrated the first win of the night. We all clapped and cheered before I quickly took a big gulp of my water and rested before my other two relays. The process continued again as I took my place on the track again. My other two relays went great. My 400 meter; we got third which is amazing considering we were last for half of it, and my 1600 meter; we got first once again. It was a good win for us. I was very pleased with the way we started this years track season. After my last relay, I took a physical and mental break and sat down with my back leaning on the gate.  I watched the boys 1600 meter relay go on. I stared at every single person from the other schools as the boys took their places while stretching. All of the boys looking good in the stadium light, but only one caught my eye. I stared in aw as I saw Aidan stand up on that track. I could see his muscles pulse in his arms. The way the light hit him at night made him look like a master piece. His hair gelled perfectly and his uniform showing off his pretty muscular arms. He slyly walked onto the track, looking un phased by all of his other competitors. His smirk becoming prominent as he stretched his arms which only defined his muscles. I was lost staring at him in aw. He looked gorgeous. His tan skin glowed as his deep brown eyes twinkled with anticipation Gosh, he had me drooling all over the place. Only God knows how much I was simping over this man. He turned around and stopped his gaze on me. He slyly smiled at me before giving me a wink which sent butterflies down my spine. He quickly got set before the man fired a blank and all the boys took off. I watched as Aidan's long legs stretched out far. He effortlessly took the lead. His arms and legs pumping. The balls of sweat running down his face and legs. The look of determination made him look ten times more attractive. I leaned my head back against the gate still keeping my eyes on him. "Who's that?" Jessie said with a cheeky little smile on her face. I got started and quickly struggled to get up to my feet. I turned around and faced Jessie as I rested my arms on the wired gate. "Oh, hey Jessie. And, who are you talking about?" I said playing dumb. I tucked fly away hairs behind my ear while trying to conceal my very apparent blush. "That's her little boy toy, Aidan Sanchez. She met him at the skating rink two days ago by him falling on top of her, and her not wanting him to leave." McKenna said in a mischievous voice coming from behind the bleachers. She stood by Jessie leaning against the gate with her. Her eyes wanting nothing but trouble.  "You know nobody asked you, McKenna." I said raising my voice a bit. She just smirked at me while nudging her head out onto the track. I turned to see Aidan quickly over powering everyone else and passing on the baton to his teammate. "Your boyfriend is kinda hot though." she said teasing me. Her eyebrow raised while she bit her tongue in the corner of her mouth. I gently pressed her shoulder back. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it causing me to tell pain. "DAMN IT MCKENNA." I said yanking my hand out of hers. "Why did you do that?" She glared at me. "Shouldn't have pushed me." she said as she looked past me. The light from the stadium lighting up her eyes. Her smile growing mischievously. "I BARELY TOUCHED YOU THOUGH." I yelled. She shrugged her shoulders. Her aggressiveness will always be a thing I will never get used to. Accidentally bump into her and you'll be on the floor within seconds. I glared at her as she played stupid acting as if nothing had happened. "Oh, it seems like he got his eyes on you." Jessie interrupted. Me and McKenna turned our gazes onto the field. My heart fluttered as I see Aidan staring at me with a smile. He pushed his hair pack with his hand. Some of the strands getting stuck to his forehead from sweat. His tall lean body moving slowly, yet gracefully across the field. His eyes never leaving me. His pearly smile beaming in the light. I quickly blushed. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. My heart beating. I turned back around to face McKenna and Jessie. "So, you gonna ride that stallion or not?" McKenna said smirking at me. Her eyes low, yet full of mischief. My cheeks got bright read after McKenna's comment. "Yeah, I mean if I was you, I wouldn't mind if he fell on top of me again. Like in fact I would invite him to do so." Jessie said in a flirty manner. She threw her hand over her mouth trying to keep in her smile. I just looked at both of them. "Y'all are some horny mother fuckers." I said rolling my eyes. McKenna laughed along with Jessie. They continued to mock and laugh about my crush on him behind me. McKenna would occasionally come up to my ear while whispering something dirty about Aidan, making me blush every time. I would push her face back as her and Jessie would die about it. "Y'all need some serious help." I said sitting back down on the floor. I looked back at the track. The next all boys relay about to start. The boys got in their ready position. Aidan was one of those boys once again. The veins in his legs and arms pulsing and protruding out. The racers took off after the blank was shot up into the sky. Aidan's long legs gave him a big advantage because he immediately zoomed off ahead of everyone, once again. Not only was he good looking, but he was good at running. The way his hair flowed while the wind blows through his hair. He flew by past me, causing a gush of wind to blow through my hair. The way he was so confident made me gush. I think I'm catching feelings. I could watch him all day. Not trying to be creepy. Aidan fastened his pace as his teammate reached out his hand behind him. Aidan took a couple of long strides and handed it off to his teammate perfectly. The sweat running down his face somehow made him look 100 times more attractive as he slowly hogged off the track. he placed his hands on his knees while looking at the others zooming by. The sly smirk on his face appearing. He stood up straight as he threw his head back. His jawline and adam's apple looking defined in the bright stadium lights. His dark curly brown hair sticking to his forehead. His slow staggered breathing causing his chest to pump. Everything about him making my stomach turn. I stared at his brown eyes, twinkling with satisfaction. I guess he caught me staring because we locked eyes. He teased me by giving me a dirty smile and winked at me, biting his tongue in the corner of his mouth. He placed his hands behind his head still keeping his dark eyes on me. His gaze becoming heavy. I could feel my face get hot. I could feel a smile slowly grow on my face. He looked amused knowing his staring was doing something as he slyly glided his thumb across his lip, wiping off any sweat.  I looked away out of embarrassment. My cheeks were way to red at that point. I could still feel his gaze on me which made me melt. I grabbed my water bottle and chugged the rest of the water left before proceeding to watch the last of the events. The rest of the events carried on. Westbrooke being one of the top three during the whole meet. It was interesting seeing the other schools, seeing how they got along, how they comforted each other after a bad run. I even saw a couple of really horrible fails. The end of the meet finally came ass all the other school gathered their things and headed back towards their busses. Aidan's school being one of them. I didn't actually get to have a conversation with him. Despite the constant staring we both did, we stayed distant from one another. Not sure if it's because it's a school activity or because he didn't actually want to talk to me. I gathered my stuff from the bleachers. I looked at everyone leaving the field before I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed down the bleachers. I went through the gates to the stadium and made my way to my car. But, I was stopped half way there by McKenna and Jessie who was still laughing about earlier.  "Did you have fun?" Jessie said putting her hands in her pockets. Her short brown hair blowing in her face from the win. "Yeah. I had a good time. I mean in all my relays we made top three. That's a way to start the season off right." I said putting my keys in the pocket of my bag. "You did great today, Kayla. Not that I was surprised by you, but K was surprised by you. You're so fast. Like damn. My eyes had trouble keeping up with you." McKenna said her expression lifting. Pieces of her curly hair was flying into her face. She rested her hands on her hips as her eyes stared at me. "Thanks." I said. "You know, I'm surprised y'all haven't brought up pretty boy for a bit. What happened to y'all teasing me?" I said putting my finger on my chin, looking dumbfounded. "Oh honey, we don't need to tease you." Jessie said trying to hold back a smile while looking behind me. "Why is that?" I asked. "We shouldn't be the ones you're worried about teasing you." McKenna said with her gaze behind me smirking. She placed her finger on her temple as she looked back n forth between me and the space behind me. "What are y'all doing? Y'all are actually all weird." I said looking at them while crossing my arms. Jessie started giggling. as McKenna began to smirk. "Hey Aidan." McKenna smiled. My heart dropped. "A-Aidan." I said my throat becoming dry. "I wonder who this pretty boy is?" The same deep charming voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Aidan standing right behind me looking down at me. He was holding his duffel bag over his shoulder. His curly hair in a beautiful mess as the light hit it making it appear shiny. His brown eyes full of mischief. A look i'm very familiar with. Cough. Cough. McKenna. His light pink lips having no lines, looking soft to the touch. His muscular shirt showing off his defined arms as they rested by his side. I froze in place looking up at him.  "I'm gonna go ahead and go now." McKenna said while giving me a side glance. Her smile being very much noticeable. She winked at me before whipping her head around dramatically before walking towards the opposite direction. "Um, I'm gonna go with you." Jessie said following her. Jessie jogged up to McKenna, grabbing her shoulder. I could hear them burst out into laughter as they got further and further away. McKenna falling to her knees as she died out in laughter. Jessie having trouble catching her breath. Man, they are perfect for each other. "Those are your friends I'm assuming." He said pointing his finger behind me. A smile plastered on his face. "Um yeah, sadly. They're pains in the ass, but I love them." I said adjusting my duffel bag over my shoulder. "Mhm." he said nodding his head. His hand running through his hair. "I am still curious on who this pretty boy is though? I wonder who might be that lucky guy on that sweet mind of yours?" He said with a sly wink and smirk. His low eyes staring at mine.  I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. A slight blush was slowly appearing in my face. "Are you done?" I said giving him the look I usually give McKenna. He laughed. "And, I didn't know you did track." I said nudging him on the shoulder. He took a step back while looking down. A smile growing on his face.  "Well, you didn't seem to share that you did track either. And, I love having fans stare at me while I'm on the track. You know really...boosts my confidence." He said while looking to the side with a smirk. He bit his bottom lip before tilting his head while staring at me. "Wow, big ego. I see. And I wasn't staring. I was seeing the competition from other schools. Jeez, cocky much." I laughed scratching the back of my head. I could feel my cheeks blushing. "Yeah, sure looked like you was seeing the other competition with your eyes just glued on me. And I'm not cocky, I'm simply just confident." He said while running his hand through his curly hair, again. "Um, excuse me, but please explain how you knew I was staring at you? It's not like you have eyes on the back of your head." He looked down at the ground and smiled. His brown eyes looking defeated. . "I rest my case." I said smirking. "Ahh, you caught me." He said putting his hands up. "I sure did." We both giggled. The silence grew between us making it a bit awkward. I was constantly moving around and fidgeting trying to find some comfort. He quickly broke the ice while stepping towards me with his sly look still on. "Um hey, you know we should go and get a bite out to eat sometime. You know, really get to know each other." He said looking down at his feet. His eyes panned up and stopped on mine. His eyebrow raised, feeling confident about the answer he might receive. "Hmm. Let me think about it. I might need to check with my boyfriend before I get back to you." I said trying to tug at his skin. His face dropped before he stood up straight and nervously laughed. "Boyfriend? I had no idea you had a boyfriend. I-damn." he said scratching the back of his head. He looked seated as he tried to keep a smile on his hurt face. "I'm just kidding. I don't have boyfriend." I laughed. Aidan took in a deep breath of relief. "Oh. Scared me for a second. But you are actually down?" he asked. The excitement in his voice rising. "Actually, would love that. Sounds like a date." I said innocently smiling. My heart was beating outside of my chest though. "A date?" He asked with a sly look. He licked his lip while looking at me. "You know what I mean." "Alright, a date it is." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes at him. He was just amused by how easily it was for him to get under my skin. "You're just-" "I'm just what?" He said as he took a step closer to me. I had to lift my head all the way up to look at his eyes. He was there looking down at me. His eyes full of lust and trouble. I could feel the warmth from his body against mine as he stood close to me. His gaze falling low and his energy shifting. That same dominant energy I mentioned before really peaking through as he didn't remove eye contact with me.  Him being that close, sent shivers down my spine. There was so much tension between us in that moment. I wanted him to kiss me right then and there. I wanted to press my lips against his and just be impulsive. But, we all know that ain't happening. This isn't a Wattpad story. "Forget it." I said with a smirk on my face, my cheeks burning. He took another step towards me. "You sure?" He said with his voice getting noticeably deeper. His eyes still on me. "I'm sure." I gently bumped into his right shoulder before walking back to my car. He laughed in the most seductive way possible. His head falling low as he watched me walk away. "You're gonna regret that." He said jokingly. "Goodnight Aidan." I said as I continued to walk to my car.

It was the day of the dance. I had a lot to get done. Luckily, I had just finished my project the day before and turned it on exactly on time, so no more worrying. Thank God! I was in the school gym ordering people to move decorations around. I wanted to make this dance look amazing. I made sure all tickets were sold and that all posters were hung. The Dj booth was set, and the snack bar was definitely going to be my hang out spot for most of the night. The lights were in order, and the tables were set up perfectly. I guess you can say I got the job done. "Ok guys! Good work with the decorations and set up. Y'all are all free to go home and get ready for a spectacular night!!" I yelled to the whole student council members. They all cheered before leaving the school gym one by one, all scattering as I grabbed my things and headed for McKenna's house. It's a tradition we have. We always get ready for dances and big events at one of our houses. We all want to make memories together. What better way to do that the time have a get ready with me session in the comfort of our homes. I pulled in front of McKenna's house. Arabella's car parked outside as well. I took out the key and grabbed all of my things including my makeup bag, dress, shoes, jewelry, and a load of other crap. As I walked in Kenna's house, I dropped my things on the couch and ran up to her room, passing by the many family portraits and a picture of me, Olivia, and McKenna sitting together at a park back in 8th grade. I approached McKenna's door and knocked on it. "Come in." McKenna yelled from outside. I turned the knob and opened the door to find McKenna, Olivia, and Arabella were all sitting in her room eating snacks and scrolling through Instagram. McKenna still in her pajamas, Arabella's hair have straightened, and Olivia being the most put together, wearing a decent outfit. "Umm hello? Is this a Sunday night after your boyfriend broke up with you or is this a get ready party? Come on. Get y'all's asses up and let's get to work." I said picking up rolled up wrappers from candy. "Oh, I didn't ask to bring your workaholic business to my house, you know." McKenna said sarcastically as she looked up from her phone. I shot her a look. "Ok ok. We'll do as you say." The next two hours were spent of us destroying McKenna's bathroom and trashing her room. But, hey. Let me tell you, it was totally worth it in the end once we finished looking like the bad things we are. "So, you invited your little boyfriend to the dance, Kayla?" Arabella asked mocking me. She was sitting on the bed wearing a red silk dress that stopped at the top of her knees. It had a black lace layer on the skirt. Her heart shaped neck line  was complimented with these beautiful vintage pearls. Her small dainty silver earrings matching her pearls. Her red nails giving you sexy and elegant. Her makeup, done by McKenna, really exaggerating her already perfect features, and the matte red lipstick topping off the look. Her hair perfectly pressed and her black lace wedges completing the look. "Aidan is not my boyfriend. He's a friend." I said while looking in the mirror, slightly blushing at the thought of him in a tux. "Yeah, cause we all look at our friends like we want them to pin us against the wall, and blow our backs out." McKenna said being the smartass she is. She was looking in her mirror putting in her silver hoops. Her black slim dress complimenting her figure as she grabbed the black leather jacket that was on her bed and threw it on. Her curly hair styled perfectly and her makeup well done. Her smokey eyes and long lashes fit her whole aesthetic, putting on a dark cranberry liquid lipstick. Her black heels completing her look. I threw a crumbled piece of paper at her to show that I'm beyond annoyed with her. "What?" She said laughing while leaning against her dresser. "No need to be a smartass, Kenna." I said putting on a ring. "I wasn't. I was just calling out bull when I see it." She said smiling at me. "Ok, but whose car are we taking?" Olivia asked getting up from the bed. Her pink silk dress matching her light makeup and curled hair. Her small gold necklace twinkling in the light as she took her manicured hand and tucked a hair behind her ear. Her flat silver shoes tapping on the floor as she took a couple of steps towards me. "Oh um actually, Jessie is coming to pick us up. She somehow got a limo to fit us and the boys, so that's what we taking." McKenna answered while putting on a layer of clear lipgloss. "Oh I see you and Jessie have gotten closer. I should probably warn Ethan. She stealing his girl." I said looking in the mirror. I fixed my light blue dress. The rhinestones that framed my neck line shining when it hits the light. I tighten the straps around my silver wedges. My eyeshadow which McKenna insisted on doing, really bringing out the richness of my dark brown eyes. My clear glossy lip topping off the look.  "Haha, very funny. Actually yes, we are getting close. She's great actually." McKenna said.m spraying her vanilla perfume on her. I giggled as I looked at all of us. Damn. We look hella hot, not going to lie. "Tell me who I need to beat up, dumass." Ethan said from the bedroom door way. His deep red tux oddly matching his cold blue eyes. His pants pressed perfectly and his black dress shoes shunned. He smelled and looked clean. His hair done all nice. He had a small diamond earring and his nails neatly paint black once again. He slyly smirked while looking at McKenna, really admiring her. "Welp. I guess the boys are here." McKenna said giving Ethan a kiss on the cheek. Ethan snaked his hand around her waist, holding her in his strong grip as he followed her lead, walking out of the room. "Well, are y'all gonna stand there or what?" McKenna yelled from down the hall. We all laughed. Arabella meet with Asher, wearing a classic black and white tux. His brown locks falling into place perfectly as he wrapped his arms around Arabella. We checked for a couple of things before we headed to the limo waiting outside the house.

The dance was a success so far; the Dj was great, everyone was having a great time dancing and hanging out with friends. The snack bar was packed, as expected. The dance was running smoothly. I was again proud of myself for putting together a great dance. Me, McKenna, and Jessie were dancing on the dance floor. McKenna was stealing the show as she let the music take over her body as she danced. Jessie was struggling to keep rhythm and was constantly confused on what was going on. We were having a good time. While dancing with McKenna and Jessie, I had to leave and got called for a special announcement. I made my way through the wave of people and waited by the stage as my principal grabbed and microphone as began speaking. "May I have everyone's attention please." The principal said on the loud microphone. "Before we continue with tonight's festivities, I would like to thank a hard working person for making this dance a possibility, let's give it up for Kayla Jones, your student council president!" The room filled with cheers. I'm bad with public speaking, so I was totally um, what does Arabella say? Oh yeah, awkward random. I walked up to the stage, almost tripping on air as I grabbed the microphone from the principal. My hand was shaking as I took a deep breath and spoke. "Well hello, my fellow Westbrooke wolves. I hope you're having an amazing time. I would just like to thank my student council members for also helping me make this happen, and also y'all for showing up and have a great time. I'm not gonna keep y'all from dancing any longer. Thank you and have a good rest of y'all's night." The cheers ran through the gym as I gave the microphone to the Dj behind me and carefully walked off the stage. McKenna, Olivia, Arabella, and Jessie all came up to me. Smiles and bright eyes flashed towards me. "Good job, student council president, luv." Arabella said poking my side. Her earrings and eyes twinkling in the light. "That was so bad. I looked so awkward up there." I said twiddling with my thumbs. "Yeah I can tell. Can sense it from all the way over there." McKenna said with a straight face. Her arms crossed across her chest just staring blankly at me. I just gave her a dirty look. "I'm just kidding. You did great." She said dropping her shoulders and giving me her flashy smile.  "That's better." I smirked. "Hey, Kayla." Asher said coming up and hugging Arabella from behind. He rested his chin on Arabella's head as she held his hands that were seemingly bigger than hers. "What's up Asher?" I asked looking at him. "Oh, um some lady said that they ran out of sodas in the snack bar, and she wanted me to come and ask if you can go and grab more from the back of the school? Right outside basically." he said before giving Arabella a kiss on her neck. "Alright, tell her I'm on it."I said.  "And get a room next time, thank you!" I said while walking out of the gym to the back. I opened the doors that lead to the outside. The loud music still vibrating the ground outside. The cool breeze hit my bare arms as I quickly grabbed the sodas. I picked up the case of HEB brand sodas and turned around. The plan was to simply get the sodas from point A to point B, but as you can tell. Nothing ever goes as planned for me. There he was. Aidan was there. His back pressed against the brick wall. His blue and white tux reflecting the moonlight off of it. His hair done perfectly like it always is. His eyes carrying the same sly look. I could smell his sweet cologne from where I was standing. He looked gorgeous as he smirk while looking at me up and down. "Wow. You must be obsessed with me if you follow me around everywhere." Aidan smirked while leaning against the wall. His pants not having one wrinkle and his shoes being nice and clean. "Uh says the one who showed up at MY school to go to a dance I organized." I said putting down the sodas for a bit. "Oh yeah, you didn't mention that you were student council president." he said giving me a side eye.  "I know you didn't come all the way out here to create some small talk. What you doing here, Aidan?" I said crossing my arms. Another cool breeze blew through my hair and his hair. He looked so attractive as the moonlight hit his eyes, making his dark eyes look full of light. "Wow. No need to be hostile. And I did not come here to stalk you although I would like to say you look beautiful tonight." he raised a brow. "Thanks and continue. Don't stop there." I teased. "I was here with my cousin, but she ditched me for a football junky, so I'm kinda here by myself." He said getting up from leaning against the wall to walking up to me. My body got hot the closer he got to me. He looked down at me slightly licking his lip. "So, what does this have to do with me?" I looked back up at him, trying to conceal my blush. "Wow. Straight to the point I guess. Remember Thursday when I said that we should go out and get something to eat. You know, that 'date'. Why don't me and you ditch this dance and go get some ice cream?" He said moving a piece of hair from my face. His gaze staying on my strongly. The energy emitting from his body sending me into orbit. Gosh, that sent shivers down my spine. "Ditch a dance I worked hard on? Um, I don't know about that." I said walking past him. "Please. I promise it would be worth your time." He said grabbing me by the arm which caused me to turn around to look at his perfect face. His warm palm was pressed against my skin. The pads of his finger tips grazing against my wrist. His eyes were piercing through my soul as he looked at me so desperately. "Fine. But, let me take these sodas inside then we can go." He did the biggest smile I have ever seen. His cute dimples really showing. I walked in the gym with the case of sodas in my hand and Aidan walking in behind me. I quickly dropped off the sodas and texted McKenna that I left. Of course, she texted back with "go get that man candy*wink emoji*" We exited the school building and walked to his car.

An hour had past since we left the dance. The dance was well over by then. Honestly, I'm kinda glad we left because I was having a great time eating ice cream and talking to a very fine male. There was so much more to him than I thought. Not only is he in track, but he is also in NHS, baseball and basketball, and is a mentor around his school. He loves helping out and achieving things that seems to be out of his reach. Something I can relate to. Gosh, I scored a good one ladies and gents. We had a lot in common. The only difference is that he's outgoing and I'm awkward. But, I guess he balances me out perfectly. After ice cream, we got in his car and he took me back to McKenna's house. He slowly stopped and parked the car looking at me. "Well this is my stop." I said unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car. "Hey, wait a second. Let me walk up to the front door." I rolled my eyes as I continued to walk up with him following behind me. "Aye. Hold up." He called as I heard his heavy feet touch the ground. I turned around to see him standing over me with a bright smile. The moonlight once again doing him justice. His features became prominent as he looked down into my eyes. His lips quivering with anticipation and his hands placed in his pockets. His hair still in tact like before. His curls slightly moving from the breeze. "I just wanted to tell you I had a great time tonight. With you obviously." He said looking at me. My eyes wandering to his pink lips. "Thanks. I had a great time with you as well. We should do this again sometime." I said looking back at him. "Yeah we should." He said getting closer to me. His natural scent filling my nose. His energy shifting mine. I don't know why, but I got this urge to kiss him. He just looked so beautiful in the moonlight, and after knowing him more, he seemed even more perfect; beyond his amazing looks. I placed my hand on his cheek before getting on my tippy toes. I went in and kissed him on his soft cheek to show my interest because I ain't bold enough to actually kiss him. I pulled away and looked him in the eye one last time.  "Thanks for tonight." I said smiling, the blood rushing to my cheeks. I turned around ready to end this night on a high note. But, Aidan wasn't done yet. He grabbed my hand while I was trying to walk away. His thumb rubbing the back of my hand. He spun me to face him. He grabbed my waist, lifted me up just a little. He stared into my eyes before smirking and pressed his perfectly soft lips onto mine. The warmth of his lips flowing onto mine. I wrapped my arms around the nape of his neck as he deepened the kiss. His hot breath hitting my lips every other second which made me crave more of him. He grabbed my face so gently with one of his hands as he placed his other hand on my lower back, which he used to pull me closer to his body. His fingers gently caressing my skin as his sweet lips stayed locked on mine. My heart beating out of my chest. My lipgloss smudged all over mine and his lips as he continued to deepen the kiss. Pulling away ever so slightly and then placing them back on mine. His hands holding me, making me feel safe in his strong and warm arms. Can I just mention, he is a great kisser. Like immaculate. He is so passionate with it too. Every movement had a motive to it. His breathing so slow and peaceful. His lips feeling like the perfect place for mine to be. I think I even felt a bit of his tongue. Maybe, I'm not sure. All I know is, that kiss started something. Something amazing. We both pulled away with smiles plastered on our faces. My lipgloss smeared across his lips. Our breathing matched together as he slowly let go from my body and looked at me in aw. His cheeks becoming rosy and his eyes narrowed down at me. "I think I might like you." I said teasing him. "You think you might? Aw nah. I'm not doing that." He grabbed me again and pressed his lips against mine, making sure he got his point across.

Three months. Three months we have been together. And can I just say, best cuddle buddy. Better than McKenna, but don't tell her I told y'all that. He is just amazing. The only thing is because we go to two different schools, and I'm really busy with student council, and school work, and I'm always trying to make time for my friends, we rarely get anytime together. I have had to turn down so many dates and parties and even meeting his parents because of school, work, and friends. I hate doing it, but school and student council and of course, my main girlfriends are very important to me. I try to separate time equally, but it's too much. Sometimes he gets mad because of how many times I have had to call off going out with him. I love him, I really do, but school is mandatory. But, there's moment likes these where I enjoy them the most. After a hard and stressful school day, I was sitting at the park with Aidan just laying in his strong and welcoming arms. The heat from his body spreading onto mine as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. It was a typical date. Just me and him sitting in nature and talking. The sun slowly going down. The sky was in an array of colors. The weather being perfect. "I'm glad we're out here doing this again. You have been so busy with school and work that you barely have time for me. I missed this. It feels like old times." He said while giving me a kiss on my forehead. He placed his hand on the top of my head before running his perfect fingers through my hair, tugging at a couple of strands just to watch me curls bounce back. "Yeah. It's been a hectic time. I've been thrown at so many school situations and the girls wants me to go out every other week; I barely have time to sit down with my amazing boyfriend and just relax. But, I'm glad we're doing that now. It feels good to get away from all that chaos and just chill with my favorite person." I smiled as I looked up at his face. His glowing skin reflecting the light of the sun. I grabbed his chin and brought him down to my face before planting a kiss on his cheek. He held me tighter in his arms as we just watched the clouds float by. "I like this. I like this a lot." I said snuggling up in his arms. His low chuckle vibrating my body as he wrapped his arms around my body. "Well if you like this, you are sure gonna like the surprise I have for you." He said with his cute little cheeky smile. "What surprise, Aidan?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. "Oh, you'll see. You will see. I bet it'll make your day." He said as he lifted my head up before getting up from the bench. "Come on. Follow me." He said as he grabbed my hand. I slowly got up as he tugged me forward and took me into the trees of the park. "I swear, if you're taking me to the woods to murder me I'm breaking up with you." I said looking around. The shadows of the tree making patterns along our faces. The leaves crunching underneath our feet with every step we took. The sounds of birds and small animals surrounding us. It truly felt like a magical moment as I looked at Aidan as he lead the way. "Now, why would I do that? If I was, it would be at night." He said winking at me. "Not funny." I said glaring him and squeezing his hand. He let go of my hand before coming to a stop. He took off his leather men jacket and placed it on my shoulders, patting away any wrinkles. He took my hand again and lead us both further into the wooden area. "Are we almost there? My legs are killing me." I complained. "Wow. Never thought I'd hear the words 'my legs are killing me' from a track star." he said giggling. "Hey, this is a long walk." "Yeah yeah, you just complain a lot." He said smirking at me. "No I don't. Jerk." I said snatching my hand from his. "Wow, the name calling is just the icing to my cake." he said turning around and looking at me. "Mhmmm. Now, where is this surprise?" I said looking around. The sun getting lower and the golden light hitting both of our faces. "Actually it's right here." He said pointing to a bare part of the forest. There were lights dangling from each tree, there were flower pedals scattered all around on the grass and leaf floor. There was even a big poster that said the words "Prom?" written on it in glitter. I can even see in the bottom of the poster the words "help by McKenna, Arabella, Olivia, and Jessie." Everything looked beautiful. It was the best time of the day to come here as well. My heart swelled with happiness. "Those girls." I giggled still admiring the beauty for it all. "Yeah. Your friends helped me a lot with this. You got a good group of friends." he said looking around his surroundings. "Yeah. I do, don't I." I laughed while looking ack at him. "Aidan, this is beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you though." I giggled. His cheesy ass. "No, but really, when did you have the time to set this up? Like it looks so beautiful." I said looking at him. The lights from around us twinkling in his eyes. "I would wait days if it meant I get to talk to you, only if it was just for a second. I don't really think it matters when I did it." He said walking back towards me. He stopped in front of me. He took my hands into his, the pads of his fingers gliding across my skin. He took a deep breath in through his nose and out his mouth. "Ok, so we have been dating for a bit now and I remember the night of the dance. The same night I first kissed you, I remembered how beautiful you looked in that dress. And then, I thought, it would be so much more better if I actually had you on my arm as my date then showing up with my cousin. I have only mentioned my school's s prom to you a couple of times, but I would love it if you can accompany me to my school's prom. It would mean the world to me." He said looking into my eyes the whole time. His hands were shaking a bit from his nerves. I found it cute. His innocent smile growing on his face. "Aww, Aidan. You didn't have to go through all of that for me." I said trying to conceal the inner freak out I was having. "But I did. And I even thought it out perfectly. Since you already got your dress for your school prom, and since my prom is a week before yours, you could wear your dress to my prom, get it dry cleaned, then the next week you can wear it again. It's perfect. So, what's your answer? Please be a yes." He asked with a shine in his eyes. "Yes, silly. I would love to go with you." He came and hugged me. He kissed my forehead held me in his arms so tightly. He rocked me back and forth while resting his chin on my head. I could feel his fast heart beat as he held me close. His arms snaked around my waist as he held me tighter. "Just asking, so I can mark this in my planner, when is your prom?" I mumbled into his chest. "May 4." his low voice vibrating my body. "May 4? Umm. Gosh." I said as I lifted my head. "What? What's wrong Kayla?" he said looking down at me. "May 4 is also the day I'm supposed to be hosting the student council party." I said biting my lip from nervousness. "Oh, that's fine. Just have someone else fill in for you. It's all good, see." He said continuing to hold me. "Um. That's the thing. I can't." I said holding my breath. He let go and looked at me, his face dropping. "What do you mean you can't?" he said, the mood around us changing. "If I don't go, I won't get the participation credit for it which can ruin my record. And everyone is counting on me. I'm sorry, babe." I said trying to hug him. He pushed me away, the look on his making my stomach turn. "So, you're seriously gonna ditch me and prom because of a stupid student council party? Are you kidding me?" His voice was raised a bit. His eyebrows furrowed. I could see his fist clenching from anger. "It isn't stupid, Aidan. I have people counting on me to be there." I said looking down fiddling with my fingers. "Here we go with that again." He said rolling his eyes and throwing his arms to his arms to his side.  "With what?" I said raising my brow. You can hear the slight attitude in my voice. "This. You do this every time! You ditch me every time. You have canceled more than ten dates because of school, friends, student council. Anytime I asked why, it's the same thing. It's either student council needs me. McKenna is counting on me to go out tonight. Arabella wants me to go to the mall. I have projects due. It's the same excuse." He said with anger in his eyes. His aura becoming red. "Well, I'm sorry that I have a life and have people expecting things from me. I'm sorry that I'm trying to be the best I can and get work done. I'm sorry that people count on me, Aidan!" I yelled. A lump in my throat started to form. "Well, when are you ever going to stop trying to solve everyone's problems? When are gonna finally realize that you don't need to be the best all the time? When are you gonna realize that other people besides your friends and student council depends on you? I'm happy that you're trying to be the best and I'm happy that you're so dedicated to your work and school and friends. I'm happy that you are some big over achiever that like to go above and beyond for others, but-" "but what?" I said trying not to burst into tears. "But, I'm tired of always putting my feelings away just so I can be happy for you. I'm tired of saying, 'it's fine go take care of it, it's fine you can go, it's fine I'll cancel the registrations for dinner'. I'm sick and tired of being a second thought to you. It's always school, student council, and friends. And if it's convenient for you, then you add Aidan, your boyfriend. You seriously cancelled meeting my parents because of a dumb student council meeting!! My mom made food for you; my dad was looking forward to seeing the girl that stole my heart. You know how bad and stupid I felt having to tell them that you weren't coming. Especially when they asked me why; 'why isn't your girlfriend coming, Aidan?' Oh. She had a fifteen minute student council meeting that requires all of her time and focus that after the meeting she can't come and talk to my parents for not even an hour. Do you know how that feels? And now you're blowing off my prom. The thing that is important to me; all because of a party. I'm tired of putting the things I care about to the side, so it can be convenient for you. I'm not doing it anymore." He said with his voice cracking throughout the whole thing. His teeth gritting. The veins in his forehead and neck popping out. I could see the glisten of salty tears in his eyes as he stared at me with pure and utter disappointment. His gaze made my heart hurt. "Aidan. I'm sorry." I said trying to approach him. I reached my hand out, but he grabbed it and pushed me away. He looked at me trying to hold back all this pent up frustration. "You don't need to be sorry. You apologize to your boyfriend, you don't have to apologize to me." My heart dropped. He lowered his head. A single tear falling on his cheek and racing down his face. His hand placed in his pockets. "What do you mean?" I asked looking at him. My vision becoming blurry as tears started to form. "It means I'm done. I'm through. It means," he took a long pause to catch his breath, "it means I'm breaking up with you." Tears left my eyes. The lump in my throat wanting to escape. He kept his head down, refusing to look at me. "Aidan, please don't do this." I started crying uncontrollably. My heart hurt. My hands were shaking. Tears were running down my face. He turned his head to the side, biting his bottom lip, so he wouldn't cry. His eyes closed refusing to see me like this. "Aidan. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave." I said pleading. "I'm sorry Kayla." He said with hurt in his eyes. I looked him in the face. Multiple tears streaming down his cheeks. His lips pouting. His hands shaking. Trying so hard not to break down in front of me. He walked up to me. The silence between us hurting like a knife to the heart. He grabbed his jacket off of my shoulder. I look at him in his eyes that were full of grief and pain. I placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb. He closed his eyes as more and more tears fell from his eyes and landed on my hand. He opened his eyes and looked at me, I saw nothing but pure sadness. They were glistening from tears. My heart hurt. He grabbed my hand in his before taking it off. of his face and placing it back on my chest. I gave him one long look before he shut his eyes in pain and left. He threw his jacket over his shoulder while turning his back towards me. The leaves crunching underneath every step. My heart breaking when he was finally out of my sight. He didn't even look back at me once. "Aidan!!" I yelled. The lump from my throat finally escaping. I stood there hurt. It was dark. He left, and I was the reason to blame. Tears ran down my face as I tried to process everything going on. My head and heart ached. I felt sick to my stomach knowing this was my doing. Seeing his weak self pained me. Knowing I caused him that built up pain. He's felt like this for a while and hasn't said a thing so I can be happy. And I do this. Yeah. You can call me a shitty person. I know. Nothing I have experienced can top the pain I felt. The one person I loved got up and left. And, I couldn't do nothing about it. Nothing at all. I got out my phone and immediately called McKenna. My hand was shaking as I held my phone. "Heyyyy girl." She said with excitement. I can hear her smile through the phone. She must think that everything went out as planned, but like I said before, nothing ever goes as planned with me. "Can you come get me?" My voice cracking in between every word. More tears falling down my face. "I'm on my way, girl." Her mood changed as you could hear the concern in her voice. As soon as she hanged up, I broke down into tears.

"What do you mean he broke up with you!?" McKenna screamed with anger. Her fist clenching as she paced back and forth. "Kenna, calm down. Let her finish first." Jessie said listening. "He broke up with me." "Ohhhhhh no, he ain't bout to get away with that on my watch!! Where is he? I swear I will rain all hell on him." McKenna said jumping around. The fire in her eyes beaming. "McKenna, sit your ass down." Arabella said grabbing McKenna to sit down. She crossed her arms like a toddler put in time out as she sat beside Arabella. "Ok, you were saying?" "But don't blame him. It was my fault. And before you go crazy Kenna, let me explain," and I told them everything he said word for word. I was breaking down while remembering every single detail. "Ok, now I'm kinda siding with Aidan on this one." Olivia said sitting up. "Thanks. But anyways, now I have no clue what to do, and I'm not sure how to get this situation fixed. I'm so stressed and I'm so hurt cause I loved him. I still do. Please tell me what to do. Y'all are the most wise people I know, and I just want some help. It's the first time I ask for help instead of giving help." I said looking down. The lump in my throat growing again. "Ok, from what you have said, it sounds like he just simply wants attention from you. He wants to know that you're fully committed to this relationship. He wants you to show it. He doesn't want to hear you just say it. He wants you to show it." McKenna said holding me. Her energy changing. "The perfect solution is actions speak louder than words." Arabella said looking at me with her big brown eyes. "But how? I doubt he wants to hear from me right now, let alone see me. How do I do it? How do I prove I love him and is committed to him and the relationship?" I asked trying not to sob. "I think I have an idea." Jessie said standing up and walking to me.

It's been a little more than two weeks. Aidan hasn't called or texted me. It hurt not seeing his name pop up on my phone, but tonight, I'm going to make this right between us again. I stayed the night at McKenna's, and woke up to have a day full of prepping. I went to multiple salons. Got a facial, my nails and toes done. I got my hair professionally styled and went to Sephora to get my makeup done, even though McKenna offered to do it for me. I kind of felt bad for declining. Anyways, not the point. I grabbed my prom dress, a long silk black dress with a slit that stops half way on my thighs, and slid it on with the help of Olivia and Arabella. McKenna let me borrowed the perfect pair of heels that match perfectly with my dress. The whole day was spent running around town and getting ready for the night that could bring Aidan back to me. The next stop was Fallbrooke high; prom night. We drove all the way across town for this one night. "You ready to do this, Kayla?" Arabella asked sitting next to me in McKenna's car. "Yeah. I'm ready. Kinda nervous, but I'm ready." I said grabbing my purse and unbuckling myself. I grabbed the handle to the door and swung it open before leaving the car. "Hey, and if he breaks your heart again, tell him me and him are going to have problems." McKenna yelled from the car, her smirk indicating he's serious. "I got it, Kenna. Bye, love y'all. Wish me luck." I said as I waved bye. They all poked their heads out of the windows waving bye. I walked into the building. Their prom was packed. Luckily, it wasn't that long until I saw him at the fruit punch bowl. His black tux making him stand out. His hair done perfectly like always. His eyes keeping the same deep look it always has. I got up the courage and walked up to him. I came up behind him before catching my breath and tapping on his shoulder. He spun around. His face looking gorgeous as ever. His lips just asking for me to taste them one more time. He was definitely shocked. "Kayla, what are you doing here? I thought you had that party to go to." He said looking at me up and down. His brows furrowed with confusion. "Well, that party can wait. There are more important things to be done." With that being said, I grabbed his hand and took him into the hall. It was a lot more quiet as I stood him in front of me. He looked down at me, keeping an unamused expression on his face which made me nervous. "Um, what are you doing? I thought you had more important things to do." he said leaning back and placing his hands in his pocket. His eyes looking low as his expression kept the same look. "Um hey, it's my turn to talk." I took a deep breath in. My heart pounded. My hands became shaky and sweaty. "I love you. And I am so so sorry I didn't give you the time. The care. The love that you deserved from me. It was always me getting that from you and never giving anything in return. I am sorry for my selfishness. I always felt like I had to be the best student council president. I always thought the people that needed me the most were the people that always called my help, but really, it was the people that never asked anything from me. You were the one that needed me the most. You were the one that I should've had my attention on. And I'm sorry I never gave it to you, Aidan. I'm sorry." I said trying not to ruin my makeup with my own tears. The lump in my throat joining the party again. "But, I am here now. And, I'm willing to be fully committed. No more canceling dates, or putting you last. I promise. So, please let me make it up to you; it'll be worth it." I said as I took his hand and stared at him in his deep eyes.  Aidan smiled at me and just stared at my eyes. "You done?" he asked, a smile growing on his face. "I think so." I said looking down at my shoes. Even in heels he was way taller than me. He placed his thumb and index finger on my chin, gently stroking my skin. My skin became hot as he lifted my head to look at his eyes. "Good. Cause I've been waiting to do this for a while." He pulled me and pressed his soft lips against mine. I pushed back grabbing his face and pulling it closer to mine. I felt him smile while in between kisses. He grabbed my waist and pulled it to him making sure no space was left. His soft warm lips made me realize how much I craved for him. His tongue making an entrance while it danced with mine. My lipgloss smearing over his lips once again as he drowned the kiss, gripping onto me even more. I pulled away looking in his eyes while messing with his tie. "You look handsome tonight." I said patting away the wrinkles I left in his tux. His hand snaked around my waist wince again while the other one tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before he rested his hand on my cheek. The pads on his fingers grazing the skin leaving a tingling sensation. "Oh, nothing compared to how gorgeous you look. I swear you make me wanna-" I pulled him by his tie and kissed his sweet lips. He grabbed me and lifted me up. "I love you, Kayla." He said kissing my cheek. His low voice sounded muffled against my ear. "I love you, Aidan." I grabbed his face and continued to kiss him. The night went on. And I moved on with him.
                              The End

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