supernatural imagines/smuts

By fiantoxduri

248K 1.8K 1.1K

no longer updating unless i get into this show again i'm sorry 😔 so basically i'm obsessed w supernatural an... More

welcome :)
sam-day in the bunker
dean-car ride-smut
cas-cursed cas-pt.1
cas-bi bi bi
sam-good girl-smut
dean-dance with me
dean-oh no- pt. 2
dean-oh no-pt. 3
cas-shower time- smut?
jack-first kiss
cas- smut :P
dean-one last time pt.1
cas- cursed pt. 2
sam- until i stop breathing
dean-day one
sam-moose and deer-smut
dean-day two
jack-something new-smut
dean-one last time-pt.2
dean-one last time-pt.3
cas-i hate it when you cry
sam-put your head on my shoulder
sam-cmon baby- smut
dean-criminal minds x spn-pt.1
a/n- sorry :(
jack-drivers seat-smut
a/n- some announcements

dean- oh no- pt. 1

6K 45 6
By fiantoxduri

tbh idky the idea of a miscarriage is so, cute to me ? LMAO like imagine having someone like Dean to go through w it. AnYwAyS enjoy this :)

     tw- miscarriage sTUff

     "Dean, drive faster." You said from the backseat of the Impala while clutching your stomach. The three of you were speeding to the hospital after taking out a Vamp nest not too far away. One of them had gotten you pretty bad in the stomach. And by gotten pretty bad, you meant clawed at by a vamp. 

The engine roared as Dean pressed the gas pedal and drove through the highway. Sam kept checking on you while you fell in and out of consciousness. Dean would try to look back at you while muttering a string of curse words. But nothing could stop you from bleeding out on the backseat of Baby.


"You know the plan right, we head in there, kill some vamps and head right out." You rolled your eyes at Dean while the two of you where getting weapons from the back.

     "Yes Dean, this isn't my first hunt i know what to do." You assured him, taking a long blade from the trunk.

"I just want you to be safe." He said, grabbing a few more things before slamming the door shut and turning back to Sam who was standing a little off in the distance. The three of you head to the house, where immediately you were tackled by two vamps from behind. You threw in a punch and used the blade to behead him while Sam and Dean took on another one.

     "You good ?" Sam asked and you gave him a thumbs up before the three of you entered the house, taking on and beheading any nasty vamp that came your way. A few got a good kicks and punches at you, but you shook it off like it was nothing. One of them cornered you into a separate room and you twirled your blade around a few times before taking him on. He laughed before lunging at you and going at your stomach with his long sharp claws. Your frame was small compared to this guy, he had to be at least 7 feet tall. You groaned clutching your stomach but still being able to fight him. You managed to fight him off until Dean ran into the room, taking the vampire on. You fell to the floor, blood seeping from your lower abdomen. It was deep, very very deep.  Dean was tossed to the side before the vampire ran out of the room. Instead of going after him Dean ran to your side, falling to his knees to inspect your wound.

"It's- it's bad isn't it." You said through clenched teeth. The pain was unbearable, you had been shot before, multiple times in fact. But this was something else.

     "No, no no its okay. You be alright." Dean looked up at you, clearing the hair out of you face as Sam bursted into the room.

"There you guys ar- what happened?" He said, kneeling down to see.

     "W-what do you think happened Sammy. Did you get him ?" You asked, hoping he took down the vamp that had caused this.

"Get who?" Sam asked, clueless as to who you were talking about.

     "Dammit. Okay I'm going to pick you up and we're gonna head to a hospital okay?" Dean said, before wrapping his arms around your legs and shoulders.

"No. No we can patch this up at home i'll be okay Dean." He picked you up bridal style as you groaned through the movement. Sam was in front of the two of you while you walked out of the house and back to the Impala.

     "I'm driving you to a hospital you cannot argue about this." Dean practically seeped with anger towards the vampire who hurt you, the one that not to mention, got away. Your response was another groan as he laid you in the backseat before rushing to the drivers, and speeding away from the house. 


"How'd he get away?" Sam asked, earning a glare from his older brother.

     "He ran out of the room I- ughh, we thought you'd get him." You replied, suddenly tasting the all too familiar metallic taste in your mouth.

"We're almost there just hold on okay?" You nodded, attempting to swallow the blood back but instead you coughed it all up into your elbow. Sam looked back at you with a worried from on his face before turning back to his brother.

     "Dean its not looking good." He said to Dean in a hushed voice, making Dean drive even faster then before.

"I heard that." You managed to say before coughing up more blood. Tears welled in your eyes as you realized this was probably the last breaths you'd ever take. Was this really the end ? Was some stupid vamp really going to be the end of you? With that you became unconscious.

     "Hey, hey, hey ,hey. Cmon Y/n you have to stay awake." Sam said while putting his fingers to your neck, looking for a pulse while Dean drive angrily through the streets, minutes away from the hospital. Your eyes fluttered open before shutting again for a long time.


Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, Y/n's limp body in Deans arms.

     "Help somebody help!" Dean said to grab attention from one of the doctors and it worked, they rapidly rolled a bed to him where he placed you down and they rolled Y/n into a secluded room. Dean and Sam tried to follow but one of the nurses closed the door behind her after explaining that they had to stay back. 

"Should we call Cas maybe he can drive here in time." Sam suggested to Dean, a poor attempt to calm his older brother down who was on the verge of breaking down. The woman he loved was badly hurt and he didn't even know if she was going to live or not.

     "Yea sure, call Cas." Dean said and Sam dialed the angels number, but to their luck he didn't answer.

"Dean look, Y/n's lived through worse and maybe she'll have a surgery but other then that she'll be perfectly fine."

     "Yeah but i love her. And i can't go through this, not with everything going on." Dean admitted to his brother. He thought that Sam was unaware of the little relationship him and Y/n had.

"I know."

     "Y-you do?"

"I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you. The two of you aren't exactly quiet either. It's pretty obvious that your both in love with each other." Sammy told his older brother. It was true, Y/n made Dean happy like no one else.

     The nurse interrupted their conversation and started asking the boys questions, to which they obviously had to lie to.

"The three of us were uh- camping and then something attacked her." Sam explained to her since Dean was a little disoriented and unfocused.

     "And which one of you is the father?" The nurse asked innocently, to which the boys both dropped their jaws to.

"F-father?" Dean said, furrowing his eyebrows at the nurse.

     "Yes, The mother will be okay and well but the baby however did not survive said animal attack." The nurse explained to them but they were still lost.

"Y/n was pregnant?" Sam blurted out, looking at Dean for an answer, but instead the nurse replied.

     "Around eight to nine weeks. Were you not aware?"

"No, no i had no idea." Dean told her truthfully.

     "Well, I'm so sorry for your loss but i still have a few questions i'd like to ask about the patient."

Dean had zoned out after that, leaving Sam to answer the nurses questions. His mind couldn't process the fact that he had gotten Y/n pregnant. Had she known about this and failed to tell him? Or was she just as clueless about the baby as him. She hadn't been showing which was expected for only eight weeks, but a pit in Deans stomach formed anyways.

     He had just lost a child, a child that could have been born and could have been his. All because of the vamp. The vamp he would now be hellbent on finding and getting revenge.

After hours of waiting in silence with Sam, the same nurse came back to the both of them, a small smile on her face.

     "She's awake now, you can go ahead and see her." Dean practically sprinted to the room to see Y/n, Sam hot on his tracks.


You opened your eyes to bright lights and immediately tried to get up before groaning at the sharp pain in your lower abdomen. The memories of what happened prior came flooding back and you looked around the hospital room to see Dean rush into the room and sit at the chair next to you. Sam stood at the end of your hospital bed.

     "Hey you." You said to Dean and he cupped your cheek with his left hand and you slightly leaned into it.

"Hey, how you feeling ?" Dean asked you, a small sad smile on his face. You took note of that.

     "I feel fine, just hurts when I move. Why what's wrong?" You tried to sit up a bit and you hissed at the pain.

"Take it easy." Sam said to you and walked up a bit closer to you.

     "Guys I'm fine seriously. I'll be out in no time." You said to them smiling but Sam gave you a pitiful look instead.

"I-i'm going to get some snacks." He left the room and left you and Dean alone.

     "W-what's wrong ? What'd the doctor say?" You asked Dean, now starting to worry because of the slight tension.

"The uh- the nurse said you were pregnant." Dean said quietly, reaching out to hold your hand.

     "W-were pregnant?"

"You didn't know?" He asked and you gently shook your head, biting your lip.

    "Yeah it was, about eight or nine weeks along." You nodded your head to his statement, still not fully processing this new information you were given. You could've had a baby with Dean, the idea wasn't new to your mind, in fact you had thought about it often but never was this close of fulfilling it.

"A-are you okay?" He asked before laying his other hand over your wounded stomach.

     "Are you?" You asked back and as expected, he didn't answer. The two of you just looked at each other until it finally hit you. It was only eight or so weeks old, but there was a chance of you and Dean starting a family and having a good, normal life. A few tears slipped past your eyes without you noticing and Dean was quick to wipe them away with his thumb.

"Hey, listen to me. It's going to be okay. W-we can try again if you want to and if you don't then thats okay too but we are going to get through this together." Dean said to you and you nodded into his hand which was now cupping your cheek again. You quietly sobbed into his hand and you even noticed a few tears slide past his cheeks too. Suddenly the doctor came into the room and Dean regained his posture, wiping at his eyes like nothing happened.

     "So I'm guessing you've been told the bad news. Well i have more, along with good news." You sighed and wiped at your face as Dean practically glared holes into the doctor.

"Bad news is, the animal attack was deep and caused irreversible damage to your uterus which results in you never being able to have children."

     "Okay and the good news Doc ?" Dean said, slightly irritated.

"You can go home tomorrow afternoon." You let out a sigh.   

     "What about tonight?" You asked, missing the comfort of your bed.

"We still have to make sure everythings okay and run some tests." The doctor said and you nodded before he left the room.

     "What time it is ?" You asked Dean, not really wanting to talk about the elephant in the room.

"2:43 am, why?" Dean asked while attempting to get closer to you.

     "Just asking. Do you think they'll let you spend the night with me?" You hoped they would or else you'd put up a serious fight about it.

"If not i'll put up a fight." Dean said smiling and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You chuckled at what he said, even though it slightly hurt.

    "Do you wanna talk about it?" Dean said in a whisper.

"Since when do you like talking about things ?" You stated, making him smile.

     "I'd do anything for you." Dean said which made you smile.

"You think the two us can fit here?" You asked, patting on the bed.

     "Cant hurt to try." Dean replied while you gently moved to the side of the bed and making room for Dean. He laid on the bed and placed one arm under your head, pulling you closer to him. You tried to lay your head on his chest and somehow managed to.

"Be careful, don't rip your stitches." Dean said, making you roll your eyes.

     "I know i know- ah fuck." You groaned, grabbing your stomach. Goddamn vamp.

"Shouldn't they have given you painkillers ?"  Dean complained.

     "I'm fine, I'm a big girl Dean-o." You said before lazily yawning into the side of his chest.

Dean looked down at you, already sleeping against his chest. Must have been the sedatives and pills. A few tears slipped down his cheeks as he realized what he had lost and how much hurt Y/n was going through. Sam came into the room and stood by the doorway when he saw his older brother softly crying.

"Is she uh- is she going to be okay?" Sam said in a hushed voice, worried for the answer. He cared for Y/n deeply, more in a family kind of way.

    "Yeah she's going to live, but she won't ever be able to have kids." Dean said, wiping at his tears once again.

"Hows she taking it?" Sam asked.

     "She's strong, we both know that."

"And you?" Dean stared at the wall behind Sam blankly. He really didn't have an answer to that question.

     "You know we could get through to Cas he'll happily heal her."

"Thats the plan." Dean said, leaving the room silent for a while before Sam spoke up again.

     "You want me to park the car? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep in there." Sam told Dean. Dean carefully took the keys from his pocket and Sam walked towards his older brother to take them. Sam left the room, leaving Dean to his thoughts but soon enough he fell asleep in Y/n's hospital room with her.


     a/n- bro this chapter is SO long also if the doctor talk is wrong then sorry bc I'm not like a pRo w tht stuff idk. anyways there will b a part two to this and MAYBE  part three but lemme know if you liked this chapter. don't forget to vote and comment.


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