Friends of the gender

De KhronioxPalof

635 48 37

Am sorry I don't know much about describing but I can try .this about friends of the same gender through so m... Mais

chapter two
Chapter four

chapter three.

72 7 4
De KhronioxPalof



Damn it! Yibo curse under his breath after waking up and finding he will be late for the class again ,it's 8:30am ,oh God ! it will start in the next 30minutes! I only have less than 15minutes to prepare,I wish I was a magician ..he ruffle through his hair taking off his pajama and throwing them anywhere ,oh fuck! I have to hurry up before that teacher scold me again for being late,yibo muttered to himself showing an emotionless face, his moving lips moving faster showing like he's angry and his actions in a hurry as he takes the towel from the closet near his bathroom door.
  He comes out from the bathroom fixing his not well dressed uniforms ,tying his laces and taking his bag from his study table. Oh God!this is the day,the day everyone will be on my nerves without me saying anything,I guess this is what they call accepting your fate,he rambled to him self closing his rooms door and running down the stares heading to the door.hey!yibo take breakfast a....she didn't finish when the door was flagged opened by yibo who run outside without saying something or looking back.
   He gets in to the ready near by curb ,remaining nine minutes as he check his watch ,hey! drive faster he splutter to the driver when he got an expected surprise from his watch. That damn teacher will drive you out from class! he will shout at you again, yibo's mind plays with him now and then. And why do I have to wake up late when his classes are in the morning ?that teacher surely cast spells on me  to make me over sleep so he can scold me and watch me do nothing! I just hope to see his children ,I will really pinch them and make them scream. He check his watch again ,remaining 4 minutes .fuck!that boy!how will I cope up with this day?!yibo's mind keep conversing until when he reach the school gate. He gives the driver the fare and runs towards the gate.
    In Lan highschool.

Oh God! four minutes is really a torture to me and my body! his mind complained.yibo run as fast as his legs could carry him heading to class , huh ?1minute 30seconds ?am really going to be late, he was still looking at his watch.
Finally when he reached at the door ,his mind couldn't think otherwise . He pushed the door opened and didn't knock ,the first thing to see was the teacher who was holding a booklet on his mouth to see that person who dares push open the door then all the students looking at him and their voices were heard murmuring which made the class filled with noise. Wow!we welcome you governor! please come in and have a sit the teacher suddenly spoke and everybody went silent. he was about to get in when he heard him shout which made him freak out and freach off because of fear . YIBO! get the hell out of my class!you trash!get out!!
Stressing his name yibo hesitated to get out when another yell was heard through out the classroom.
You want me to drag you out?8!you can't even polish your manners ?you hell think this is your house?
!!walk in whenever you want and how ever you like?get the hell out yibo!
   Yibo turned back to leave and closed the door behind him. He felt so bad .why does this particular teacher hate him this much ,why would he call him trash Infront of everyone? Why ?it was only 3minutes he was late.why would the teacher make a fuss out of that ?why so much hate he got for him?yibo was asking all this questions in his mind and couldn't come to the conclusion yet ,he kept his head low walking down the hall way his hands battling with their fingures ,he's step slow as if studying and counting them and his forehead covered with a thin sweat from all the running. Thank God his panting was gone or else he will be looking like a tired wild dog which has not only lost it's prey but also like the one which has lost the hope of living because of the lost prey.
  His ears were so alert not because he was listening it's because everywhere in school was silent ,filled with silence because the students were busy in class listening to their teachers but what about him?wondering around like a Watchman who had lost the keys to the gate afraid of being scolded by the boss therefore step by step looking for them.
He heard steps ,steps that were walking faster and louder than his,he looked at the direction they were coming from and the person he saw was the least he expected to see last or may be for ever for now.
He had heard it all and was praying this person would not say more things to him ,not now, not today!
He would want to run away ,he wanted to but he will not only make himself a laughing stock to this person but also embarrass himself more and turn the situation into a bad one. Oh God! next day please! his mind demanded,this is a bad one and it's yet to be bad.they were about to close ways when his mind was busy conversing with it self.if may be his brain was a person it would be a girl because it talks more and interfer with matters it never understood. His hand was grabbed that his mind got out from its conversing state,he was shocked ,their faces were so close as the said person brought him close to him. He could not make things worse if he continued to stare he brought himself to his mind and finally the only thing he brought himself to say was ,"am really sorry sor..
   Stop it! shut up! he laughed sarcastically looking upset ,Am not the centre of the world,it doesn't revolve around me!Mr yibo am not that great after all and you?you are not that kind of person,you don't chase he hissed mockingly letting a smirk escape from the corner of his lips.
Yibo thought now the guy would let go of him as he looked at how he grabbed at him. Aha no! he only thought ,how unlucky of him that the guy tightened the grip and he heard his voice again.."now let me tell you,you don't ever stare at me,and saying it again don't you ever stare at me!I hate it especially if it's you who's staring at me .The said man lets go of his hand and push him away and like he did nothing walk with his long foot steps that were heard along the hall way.
    Yibo was standing at the same place,his emotions talking another form into a salty water liquid like coming from his eyes which made made his eyes blur the ground that he was staring at.
He run down from there and went straight to the school garden. His mind seemed to have left him alone for sometime more like waiting for him to calm down. Okay is it the teacher or the smiling bunny he thought he was?yibo which between the two made you hurt more?the mind demanded for an answer when it already knew like wanting the heart to confirm and get embarrassed for it answer.
I know it's him!I know it's him! he didn't stop and cried bitterly murmuring things to himself ,he hit the ground so hard and hurt his hands ,he couldn't understand why life is not so unfair to him ,why he felt so hurt.
  Yibo!yibo?!someone was calling him ,he knew who it was and there was no need to hide his tears to this person ,he was kneeling .he stood up and turned to face the person who was calling him ,expressing his red swollen eyes ,his dry pale face and a shinny nose due to all the crying.yuan couldn't bring himself to see his friend like this and run to hug him.
    Yibo,are you okay?who made you like this?yuan couldn't stop worrying about his friend ,yibo didn't answer and cried more at his questions and sobbed more.yuan have never seen his friend be like this ,he wondered who would dare make yibo look this miserable.yibo that's enough ,you don't look fine I really think you should go home.yibo didn't talk yet.
Yuan let go of their hug and hold yibo's shoulders with his two hands ,if asked forming a capital /h/ with one left side higher than the other according to their standing positions ,actually yibo was taller than yuan.yibo could only lower his head but not to bring himself to say anything maybe because he knew he was a hiccup master whenever he was crying.
    Yuan grabbed yibo's hand suddenly and tightened the grip step by step walking out from the garden.
'yuan ,what are you doing ?yuan!yuan?!answer me what are you doing?let go of me!let go of my hand yuan!.yibo kept bellowed at yuan who had turned deaf to his words and kept drugging him along the path way leading to the head offices.
Yuan has attracted alot of attention and girls and boys at school gathered around at school and kept looking at them and then murmuring things among themselves,some shook their heads and some guesturing each other asking what was going on .They didn't get the answers among them since yibo's trouser knees where filled with mud his face dry pale,his nose shinny ,his red eyes red and his messed hair. The only thing they knew was that yibo was chased out from class and didn't know anything else.yuan didn't mind and kept dragging yibo as he was relactant to go where was leading him.
   Yuan seemed to have reached their destination as he stopped at the principals office and knocked at the door twice.yuan what are you doing?yibo ask him and yuan turn to look at him with a questionable face,he dropped it when he heard the principal answer him knock by a come in '. Yuan didn't let go of yibo's hand all the way and seemed not letting him go anyway.,he only loosened the grip when they enter the office and finally let go of his hand as he closes the door behind them.
    Yibo,yuan! please sit down. The principal said guesturing with his hand for them to sit down. He looked up from his book and fixed his glasses like getting impatience and wanted them to talk and say what brings them this early to him,he didn't yet notice yibo's face and knees because yibo lowered his head and hide his kneels with his bag with his left hand,I also wonder why he didn't see yibo untidy and messed hair for the first time.
   Sir,we are really sorry to bother you this early,the  principal looked at yuan who was now talking so confident. My friend is not feeling well therefore i had come to excuse for himself ,please sir if you don't mind i was requesting for you to give him a leave out from school till he feels better ,yuan didn't hesitate to ask this to the principal.
  The principal turned his gaze to yibo and seemed to have looked him with his second eyes and shook his head,yibo?he called him and it's the only thing that made yibo rise his head. He even couldn't bring himself to say something else to yibo ,he turned to yuan and nodded at him and said one week. Yuan knew the exact meaning of this and he tapped at yibo's shoulder telling him to stand up ,they bowed at him and left closing the door behind them.they went to the secretaries office and collected the leave out.
" Yibo don't worry I will come this evening after school to visit you and see how you are doing"yuan said to him when he was about to enter the bus outside the school gate ,yibo didn't talk at all this long and he only nodded at what yuan said.
He can't being himself to talk ,he's not even sick but just a heart ache ,he couldn't say no to this ,he needed a break and everybody else could agree with him.
Yuan was scratching his nape lowering his head as he walked back to school wondering what's the problem with his friend.
Hey!he heard a voice calling and he didn't want to assume that it was not him and so he looked up only to see his dream angel looking at him.
Ahaha senior xiao zhan?how comes you are here?are you stalking me?he said jokingly to zhan who showed no interest to his jokes.
Ahaha how can I help you? he continued to say because the senior have not said anything yet and continued to look at him
You are yuan?friends yibo right?the senior seemed to has come out from his thought and said something .
Aah yeah senior Zhan but he had just gone home he's not feeling well yuan said.
For how long?Zhan asked
I don't know ,I found him this morning at the school garden and he was crying bitterly ,he didn't tell me he was sick all this long and also early this morning the teacher had insulted him and drove him out of class but I brought him to the principal and he gave him a leave for the rest of the week,I mean one week.yuan talked continuously and didn't realize these was their first taking instead he thought this was his old friend who they just ment that's why he talking so much.
Zhan nodded and seemed satisfied as he didn't expect the full details but he got them anyway ,he patted on the latters shoulder and was leaving from there he suddenly turned as yuan had called him.
Yes!he was having a cold face which made yuan shiver and stutter to what he was saying
.I..I ahaha se..senior zha..Zhan am sorry for bothering you but can I have lunch with you later?aha I mean my friend  aha I ..I don't have anyone else to accompany me ,he always does and I don't want to feel lonely he was looking down but not at him,his voice slightly louder than a whisper filled with fear of rejection ,yuan finally got the courage and brought himself to say something
Zhan just nodded,At the corner table of the cafeteria left side 12:30am, he said and left.
  Yuan could not hold his childish smiles all the time as he imagined what he said to his "dream angel".He blushed time to time at his thoughts of being so bold and saying that to him. He waited for so long for him to be friends with him may be he should thank God for bringing such a situation to yibo though he feels bad for him.

To be continued...

Please pardon my mistakes and correct me ,I will gladly accept and correct.

I will be so glad if you vote,comment and ask questions .

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