Redemption |complete| (SasuSa...

By Mel55_59

510K 14.6K 13.7K

(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the... More

The Rise of Buried Emotions
Strangers or Friends
The Breaking Point
Drinking her Way to Forgiveness
A Journey Ahead of Us
The Delicate Features
The Creation of a Dimension
Arrival in the Lava Dimension
The Labyrinth
I will get her back
He was always the right choice
Stay here
A feeling of vulnerability
The one who turned 20
She wanted to enjoy things as they were
I know what I feel
I am not coming back
Don't make it harder, please
The Land of Birds
You're home now
You better ask her out
That was all it mattered
Timeline 2
I'm happy that you are here with me
Say it
Back to Tsuchigumo
Isn't he the most beautiful
Medical Ninjutsu
The escape
Is this the right time?
What was a part of him
You are part of my heritage now
Then Don't (Lemon version)
Then Don't (No Lemon)
Maybe next time
Hold him closer
New Theory
Tell her that I am sorry
The little boy in the dark room
The second one who turned 20
Are you trying to kill me (Lemon)
Team 7 reunited
Mission starts
The answer
What does it look like?
First night on mission (Lemon)
Me or no one else?
To keep you safe
Week seven?
A castle appears
Back home
A new treatment
I'm a child when I'm bored
I love you (Lemon)
Snowball fight and Susanoo
Final Countdown
Welcome to our world
I wish you the best
Back to Konoha
Just let me hold you
There is something I want to say
Ten weeks
The Uchiha Compound
You are not real
Bright Orange
Take it off (Lemon)
Take it off (no lemon)
Sai and Sasuke
The festival
Please think about it
The bird without a letter ("soft lemon")
A symbolic promise
A pointless thing to do
The threat
Do we have a plan?
Are you two bickering?
I will love you, always
I'm back (Lemon)
Let's play
You know what to do (soft lemon)
Beg me (soft lemon)
I'm sorry for hurting you
I am a bad mother
The Fight
Until her birthday
He will wait for Sakura
Be quiet (Strong lemon)
The Talk
Preparation for the night
Game on
A bittersweet birthday party
A final goodbye
27 years old
The year of the new beginning
Until we meet again (soft lemon)

The day before

4.7K 177 170
By Mel55_59

Saturday, 23dt of September.

Sakura woke up with a banging headache. She quickly got ready before going to Sasuke's room. She had something to tell him.

She knocked on his door and waited for a minute before he opened it. She saw him on the other side and he seemed to just be getting out of bed too.

"Morning Sasuke."


"I hope I didn't wake you up... I just...I had something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?" he moved away from the door and invited her in. She walked to the bed and sat on it hoping that he would too but he stayed where he was.

"Ino wants to bring me to buy the dress, the flowers and everything else..."

"I will pay for everything."

"You...what? That's not what I was asking! I can pay for my things."

"I am supposed to pay for it."

"I don't know I never got married before but I'm the one wearing the dress so... but that wasn't my question. I just wanted to ask you if you still wanted to marry me..." he stayed silent and Sakura started to panic. Maybe she was right, maybe he asked her yesterday but today he felt different about her. "It's fine if you don't want to get married anymore, I mean... I get it, we don't have to. We can just move on with our life and stay friends." she saw him getting closer. Out of panic she stood up. "But please, if you don't want to get married anymore can you say it now? I don't want you to stop the ceremony because it'll be really hurtful. I promise I understand I-"

He poked her forehead gently. "I didn't change my mind. Calm down."

"Are you sure?"

"I told you, I thought about it for three weeks now."

"Sorry I know you don't like to repeat yourself. I just really don't want you to feel pressured or obliged. You've only started to like me but I've loved you my entire life and it's a lot to take in and it means a lot to me. Sorry to bother you with this, I'll go and wait for Ino." she walked away from him.

"Sakura, are you ok?"

She gave him her most beautiful but fake smile and turned around. "I'm fine." Without another word she left the room and walked back to hers.

She lay on her bed and cried. This was supposed to be one of the happiest moment of her life so why was she like this. She heard a knock on the door and a blonde head stepped into the room.


"So! Who's ready for a day of trying on- what's going on, why are you crying?"

"I don't know."

"Hey Sakura, what's wrong?" she ran to her bed and took her best friend in her arms. "Hey talk to me. Why are you crying like that."

"I don't know." Sakura was now sobbing in her arms. All Ino could do was just hold her and wait.

"Do you want me to go and get Sasuke?"


"Did something happen between you two after I left last night?"

"No... I-I had a dream."

A dream? "What was it?" Ino was completely confused at this point.

"He got killed on mission."

"Is that why you're crying? I can make you feel better by just going to the next room and get him here. You'll see, he's fine."

"No! That's not it. I woke up because of the dream." she was trying to understand her friend but the sobs made it really hard. "I spent the entire night thinking about that marriage thing."

"And...? You don't want to get married anymore?"

"No I do but what if... what if something happens."

"Oh!" she laughed a little. "You're just nervous. I get it now. You just got overwhelmed by everything. It's ok, nothing is going to happen, you're gonna get married to the man you love and it's a good thing."

"But I started thinking last night. My brain was all fuzzy but I lay here and thought for the entire night."

"What did you think about?"

"What if he gets married to me just because I'm the only one who gives him a bit of affection?"

"Are you listening to yourself right now? Sakura come on. Ok I understand where you're coming from and I'd worry about the same thing if I were you but look, he spent most of his life without affection, I don't think that he'd need some to survive. I think he'd be fine without it. Also, I saw him hold your hand last night. You two were completely hidin' it but I'm not as oblivious as Naruto and I saw it. D'you really think Sasuke would do something like that to anyone else? Even if I was giving him some affection, he wouldn't care. He cares 'cause it's you. He always comes back to you when he's home from a journey. I think he proved you that he cared about you over and over again. You just have a hard time processing it, that's all."

"Ino... what if he marries me so he can have a child?"

"Maybe he does, don't you?"

"I want one but what if he gets married so his clan doesn't disappear? What if that's the only reason why he marries me?"

"You're talking absolute nonsense. Do you really think that he could manipulate you like this for this long? We both know that Sasuke would've never bothered. And we all want to keep our clan alive but that's definitely not the reason why he went all through that trouble to ask you to marry him."

"You think?"

"Yes, you're just nervous and you end up overthinking. Now let's go find you a pretty dress for tomorrow. Also don't get mad but I took the freedom to send a letter to your parents and the Hokage. I invited all of them to the wedding. Kakashi said that he couldn't come because, as a Hokage, it would be too complicated for him to travel but your parents will arrive tonight. They want to have dinner with you and Sasuke."

"They want what?!"

"Yes, so we'll get you something pretty for that too. Come on young lady, we have a busy day ahead of us. Hinata is coming as well."


Sasuke stepped away from the wall when he heard Sakura's door closing. He walked to the window and looked outside. Was it how she felt? Did he do something that made her think this way? When she left his bedroom this morning, he knew that something was off with her but he would have never imagined that this was going on. Was Ino right when she said that she was just nervous? Of course he wanted a child to keep his name alive but he wanted one even before he started to feel something for Sakura. She made that a possibility but he never thought of her as a way to keep his clan alive.

"Hey Sasuke!" he turned around to his friend who had just walked in. "I just saw Ino and Sakura. They're going to buy her dress, come on let's get you something too. I can't let you go to your wedding looking like this."

"Hn." Sasuke walked to the door. "She invited her parents for a dinner tonight and I'm supposed to be there."

"Ah good luck with that. The whole parent dinner situation is terrifying. You will need to put a smile on this face because you look scary right now."

"Hn." not scary, just worried.


"What about this?" she looked at the dress that Ino was holding. Her face turned into a frown.

"More traditional, maybe?"

"Why are you so obsessed with the idea of a traditional dress?"

"Sasuke is from one of the oldest clan in history. He grew up being forced into following traditions."

"And so you are choosing your wedding dress based on that?"

"And also because my parents will be here. I'm even surprised that they didn't say no to Sasuke marrying me considering that he used to be an enemy to the village. Maybe if I tell them that Sasuke wanted to respect the traditions, they'll love him a bit more."

"What do you think Hinata?"

"I understand her. I come from the same kind of clan and we are very traditional. We don't even like getting married with people from outside our clan."

"So you think that the traditional dress is a good idea?"


"Excuse-me," the woman who worked in the shop came over. "What is the kind of wedding that you celebrate here?" asked Ino.

"Shinto weddings. The clothes for it are over here." she walked over and grabbed one outfit and came back with it. "The bride wears a white or silk kimono called a Shiromuku. She can choose between a hood known as Wataboshi or a hat called Tsunokakushi to complete the outfit."

"So the wedding takes place in a Shinto shrine right?"


"How does the ceremony goes?"

"The purification ritual, then the vows and then the offerings that are given to the priest to thank the Kami. Finally the rings are exchanged."

"Ok so we'll need to find one that is free tomorrow."

"We have a beautiful one in front of the main lake. You can't miss it, the shrine is surrounded by trees and other plants. Our good weather allows the place to be filled with flowers at any time of the year. You can go and talk to the wedding office in the centre of the village. Ask them for this shrine and just register. It's usually not too busy in September."

"Thank you so much. Quick question, is the hood or the hat necessary or can we replace it with flowers?"

"Traditions evolve with time. In the past you couldn't but it is allowed now."

"Perfect, the groom finds her prettier with her hair down."

"Did he get his outfit yet?"

"I don't know his friend told us that he was helping him out. I hope that he will!" Sakura chuckled.

"What is your name, if I may ask?"

"I am Sakura. What is yours?"

"I'm Chibe. Tell me Sakura, would you like me to put flowers onto your Shiromuku? Your name is also the name of a flower, I think that it would be a nice touch."

"If it follows the tradition... then I would be happy too."

"Put that on for me will you? I will make the adjustments so it is all ready for tomorrow."

Sakura moved to the back of the shop and felt the silk fabric in her hands. She rolled it between her two fingers. It was expensive but Ino and Hinata insisted to help her pay for it. Sakura reluctantly accepted. The fabric was so soft and shiny that she wondered if she was even worthy of such thing.

"You need help, Sakura?" she jumped at Ino's voice.

"Yes, please." she needed her best friend right now.

Her friend entered in the changing room. Sakura felt her eyes on her. "What's up, forehead?"

"Is all of this really happening? Am I really getting married to him?"

"Yes you are. Put this on before you start crying and keep your tears for tomorrow."

"I'm not sure I mean look at that!" she held the kimono higher. "I can't wear something this beautiful. I am not from a clan who wears clothes like that."

"Hey, you're a part of one now. You're marrying an Uchiha. Put this on."

Ino helped her and once the Shiromuku was on, her friend looked at her with sparkling eyes.

"You look so beautiful right now. I can't even believe it. Come on, let's show Hinata."

Sakura walked back to the front of the shop. She spun around. "What do you guys think?"

"You look pretty, Sakura-chan."

"It looks gorgeous on you. See for yourself." the woman pointed at the mirror and Sakura looked at it. She stopped breathing for a second.

"Is this me?" she looked like an important person going to their wedding day.

"Tomorrow, when you will come back here, I will call my friend to do your hair and makeup. We will make sure that you feel pretty for the most beautiful day of your life."

"And I'll go to a flower shop and arrange something to put on your hair. You'll be perfect for Sasuke."

Sakura felt the tears coming to her eyes. She felt so grateful for all of what they were doing. Her eyes couldn't look away from the mirror. For the first time of her life, she couldn't see any of her flaws. It was just perfect. She heard a sniff and when she looked on her left she saw Ino wiping a tear.

"I thought we said to keep the tears for tomorrow." she laughed softly.

"I think it's hitting me now. You're getting married." she covered her eyes and laughed. "I'm so happy for you, you don't even realise how happy I am."

She rushed to hug her friend. "Hey I'm not married yet. He might say no tomorrow, who knows!"

"Oh stop it, you two are made for each other and even he can see that now. He won't leave you." Sakura felt the water from her friend's tears on her cheek. They were the same height so now that they were hugging, their faces were touching each other.

"Sakura please wear that tomorrow. I need you to wear that. You look too pretty in this."

"Ok I'll wear that! But stop crying, you're gonna make me cry!"

"Sorry. You've been through enough because of him and now you two are gonna vow to be by each other's side for the rest of your lives."

"I can't believe it either." she let go of her now crying friend. She looked at the shop owner. "We'll take it."

"Let me do the adjustments. I'll keep it for you tomorrow. Just come back to me when you register so we can book for the hair and makeup tomorrow alright?"

"Thank you so much."

The woman took care of Sakura and once she was finished Hinata offered to go and register Sakura and Sasuke for the wedding while Ino and her were going shopping for the dinner with the parents. Sakura gladly accepted felling more nervous for that than the wedding.

The two friends spent a good hour trying to find something and once they had Ino, offered to do her makeup.

"I don't want you to be too pretty tonight because I want Sasuke to be blown away tomorrow but I don't want you to be ugly either. Come on."

They went back to the room and started her makeup and hair. Hinata came back shortly after.

"The wedding is a 4pm tomorrow."

"Oh no, it's happening. It's really happening!"

"Can you stop freaking out Sakura?"

"Says the one who cried in the shop earlier."

"I'm the best friend, I'm allowed to cry. You're the bride, keep it together."

The three women laughed and spent the rest of their time talking until they heard a knock on the door. Ino went to open and shouted into the room.

"Forehead, your man's here to bring you to dinner." she stood up and rushed to the door ready to go. She looked at Sasuke who was wearing a completely new outfit. His hair was styled and shiny.

The cotton of his outfit looked like it was meant to be worn by him. Her eyes were inevitably staring at the slightly too open dark blue shirt. She could get a good glimpse at his chest. Sakura bit her bottom lip slightly. Was she really going to marry someone this perfect? She was almost upset at how effortlessly beautiful he was. He looked so seductive and innocent at the same time that it evoked a secret desire inside of her. She wanted to touch him, hold him and kiss him. It was the first time that she was feeling this way about him. Hypnotic... that was the word to describe him. Her staring left an unfamiliar ache in her stomach. She wanted him in every single way possible.

A triumphant smirk tilted his lips to the right that made her snap back to reality. She shook her head and tried to step outside but was quickly stopped by Ino's arm.

"Keep your elbows off the table, don't eat with your mouth full, keep a plastered smile on your face and most importantly, you two," she pointed her finger at Sakura and then Sasuke. "Don't do anything that you shouldn't do before getting married. Got it?" Sakura blushed instantly when she heard the last part of Ino's speech.

"Stop it, will you? We're not gonna do anything!"

"Yeah... I saw how you just looked at him."

Sakura's eyes grew wider and out of panic she took Sasuke's hand and practically ran out of the building.

"Why are you walking so fast?"

"Ino, she could still run after us to add something stupid or inappropriate. Don't underestimate her."


"Happy you didn't understand what she meant."

"No, I got what she meant but how was it inappropriate?" she spun around and stared at him in confusion.

"Are you serious?" Sasuke smirked at her provocatively. Was he making fun of her? She tried to defend herself. "You know I wasn't thinking of that when I looked at you! I just like your shirt."

"Thinking of what?" he sounded so confused that she blushed even more than earlier. She was digging her own "embarrassment grave" at this point. He laughed at her reaction and she understood that he was messing with her. He knew exactly what Ino had meant and he knew exactly what she thought of when she looked at him earlier.

She turned away feeling the redness colouring her cheeks. He walked behind her until they finally saw her parents waiting in front of the inn.

"Mom, dad!" she hugged them trying to push the thought of Sasuke's toned abs off her mind.

"Sakura, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine!"

"Nervous, I'm guessing."

"Very, but it a good type of anxiety! You know Sasuke already."

"We do. Son, walk with me to the restaurant."

The two men walked ahead and Sakura stayed back with her mother.

"So he actually asked you. When he came asking for our permission, I didn't think that he would do it."

"I am just as surprised as you are. I mean we were getting closer, I just didn't know he felt so strongly about me. Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you say yes to him? I expected you to dislike him like a lot of people in the village."

"We did at first but you know... I changed my mind when our neighbour, you know the old woman, praised him. Apparently he has helped her few times to carry her bags and he saved her little grandson during a mission." Sakura remembered the group of kids she had seen with Sasuke shortly after he had come back to Konoha. It felt like such a long time ago now. "That was when my opinion of him changed. Besides, we thought that if you said yes to him, it meant that you were happy. That's all we want for you."

"I am happy."

"Then so am I. My heart aches for him... growing up without a family must have been really hard. He should be proud of himself."

"He isn't, but he'll get there eventually."

"I hope. I want a grandchild before I die as well so get to work." Sakura showed a disgusted face to her mom.

"Are you serious? Why is everyone trying to talk to me about this?"

"I am not everyone. I am your mother and I don't agree with the idea that subjects like this should be taboo. I think it is important that you get answers to your questions if you have any."

"You're probably the only mom in Konoha who thinks this way."

"Just get ready. It's supposed to happen the night of your wedding." Sakura stayed silent for a minute. She didn't think that she was ready for something like that. "If you don't feel comfortable with it, just talk to him." The idea of talking to Sasuke about this was freaking her out. She had no idea how she could even approach the subject without feeling stupid or blushing. "So what kind of wedding are you going for?"

"I don't know about his clothes, but I am gonna wear a Shiromuku."

"Oh traditional, I like it. I can't believe it! My daughter will marry an Uchiha."

"I can't believe it either."

They laughed and talked about random topics until they found themselves sitting at the table of the restaurant. Sakura felt reassured now that her mom had told her that they had nothing against Sasuke. She realised that the blessing of her parents was more important than she imagined and she was glad that they were here with her. She needed their support for the big day.

The dinner passed by quickly and they all found themselves going back to the inn. Her dad seemed to enjoy Sasuke's company. They had been discussing over the course of the entire dinner leaving Sakura and her mom feeling ignored. Every time she had been looking at her dad and her future husband talking, she felt a ball of happiness in her stomach. Things were good.

Her parents went to their room and Sasuke stopped Sakura in front of her door.

"Yes?" she asked.


"Our last night not being married." his eyes closed while he listened to her. "I just want you to be sure of yourself."

"Sakura, stop asking me this question. You know the answer."

"I know, I just... I'm nervous I think."

He poked her forehead. "You shouldn't be. I will see you tomorrow."

He watched her go into her bedroom. She waited until she heard him close his bedroom door and she jumped into her bed. She landed on something harder than her mattress.

"AH! You could've killed me!"


"Who else could it be you idiot. Who jumps into their bed like that?"

Ignoring her question she replied. "What are you still doing here?"

"Well I'm guessing you're nervous so I didn't want you to be alone. Move away from me, you're heavy." Sakura rolled to lay by her side. "How did the dinner go?"

"Pretty good, surprisingly. My dad and Sasuke talked for the entire dinner."

"Sasuke talked?!"

"Yes, he did. Stop joking about that, he is making a lot of effort."

"I know, I'm only teasing you. I actually enjoy his expressionless face. It's fun to talk to someone like that boldly and see them decompose in front of you."

"You're cruel, you know that?"

"Nah, I just like pushing people out of their comfort zone."



"Thanks for being by my side. It means a lot to me."

"Why're you getting all sentimental and all? We said to keep it for tomorrow."

"I don't care. I just want you to know that I am lucky to have a friend like you and I appreciate it."

"Yeah well, I'm happy to have you too. Go to bed now, you have a wedding to attend tomorrow."

"You laugh about Sasuke having trouble expressing his feelings but you're the same." Sakura yawned. "You just hide it by being funny and outgoing."

"Ah, don't try to analyse me now, just go to bed."

"You know I'm right. Good night."

"Mh. Good night."


For those of you who don't know these are the outfits. I had to research quite a bit about Japanese traditional weddings and I hope I got it right! I wanted to respect the settings of the world of Naruto. If I made a mistake about it just let me know and I'll correct it


I need you to vote for something by commenting what you want. We are getting close to their first time sooo do you want:

- me to just skip over it and only imply that they did it

- a full lemon type chapter (soft)

- a lemon chapter (descriptive)

- a lemon chapter with warning and the same chapter with only implying so people can choose which one they want to read

I just want people to feel comfortable reading as I know some can be uncomfortable with lemon but I also want the others to be happy if they want lemon soooo just let me know ahah (If you're uncomfortable writing a comment with your choice just message me personally and I'll check the majority)


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