Feral~ Harley/OC/Joker

By MilkToast_172

100K 2.2K 164

You're there, With all the attention directed your way. They're intrigued to say the least. You prove yoursel... More

Chapter 1~ Gold
Chapter 2~Can We Keep Her?
Chapter 3~Instinct
Chapter 4~Mistake
Chapter 5~Caught
Chapter 6~Reunion
Chapter 7~Crash
Chapter 8~ Bullshit
A/N/UPDATE/Important Info(?)
Chapter 9~ Heartache
Chapter 10~ Normal
Chapter 11~ Well.. You know what they say..
Questions And Considerations
No worries!
Chapter 13~ Mercy
Oh jeez
Chapter 14~ Home.

Chapter 12~Want

2.9K 75 4
By MilkToast_172

"You gonna fight with us?" Deadshot asks and diablo sighs "What if I lose control?" He responds "Then maybe we'll have a chance." Deadshot says leading us into the room behind some pillars. Harley peaks around eyes wide "Hey, everyone can see this trippy magic stuff right?" She asks wearily "Yeah. why?" Flag asks "I'm off my meds." She says smiling "So that's your old lady huh?" Deadshot asks and Flag nods "Yeah." "Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? get up there and smack on her ass tell her to knock this shit off."

Deadshot says and flag frowns "I do not think that would be wise." He says shaking his head "I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him." Flag says and you all glance at each other."You know, we should get a drink sometime." You hear Boomerang say to katana and you shake your head He's an idiot.. You nod in agreeance

"I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows I won't bite" the witch says, her voice echoing around you and Harley shrugs and starts walking out from behind the pillar before Deadshot grabs her and you sigh "Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller." You glance at flag "Why do you serve those who cage you?" She says and you frown 'Why..' "I am you ally. And I know what you want. Exactly.. what you want." She says and suddenly your in your bedroom back at J's mansion laying on the bed as Harley and J dance.

"Come on Chiot, Dance with us" Harley says and you smile "I'd rather watch you" You say and J laughs "Enjoying the show Pup?" "Si papi" You say with a sigh as you stretch under the silk covers when suddenly you here a shout 'Its not REAl!" and your vision sways "what..?" "-Right.. It- not REAL" a new voice booms and you gasp as your world shatters.

You blink and suddenly your back behind the pillar surrounded by your friends and you frown. Diablo storm out from behind the pillars and you all follow "How long have you been able to see?" The witch asks "My whole life. You cant have them. These are my people right here." Diablo says and you smile "But it is our time, The sun is setting and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change." She says and Deadshot scoffs "Lady, You are evil!" He shouts pointing and she scowls calling out in an unfamiliar language to a large figure approaching and Deadshot balks "Oh. Wow."

"Who is this?!" Boomerang asks panicked as the glowing figure descends the steps "It's gonna be bad!" Flag yells and Deadshot nods "We should run." He says holding up his fists "Holy shit!" You yell as it approaches and Flag opens fire as it flings a type of tentacle at you and you all duck before running for cover as it starts firing at you with its tendrils.

Boomerang attacks but his weapon is swat like a fly "We gotta get him is that corner. That's where the bomb will be." Flag yells and diablo nods "I'll do it! I'll get him there." He says as the Figure kicks a bench into Boomerang and goes to fire at him before he's hit with katana's sword chopping his hand off. It proves to be of no use as he grows it back quickly and retaliates " I lost one family, im not gonna lose another one!" Diablo shouts and your heart warms. You Take off like a shot jumping at the beast and driving your gauntlets into his back snarling before he grabs your hair and throws you off of him.

"Look, think it through." Deadshot says and diablo nods "I got this. Let me show you what I really am." He says before running out in front of the beast with an "Over here!" Before hitting him with a stream of fire the figure screams backing up trying to guard himself from the inferno before pushing forward and kicking Diablo in the chest sending him back into one of the rooms.

Harley comes our from behind a chuck of concreate as Deadshot starts firing at him until he get sent flying into a pile of rubble grunting in pain. You Snarl an take off running slashing at the beats leg as Harley and boomer and attempt to attack his front only to be sent into the ground as well. The beast kicks you across the floor and into Harley with a grunt as the wind knocks out of you both.

Suddenly a giant flaming skeletal figure emerges from the rubble "Ahora si cabrona!" It exclaims and you smile. Diablo Attacks the creature with a blast of blue flame before throwing punches back and forth until Flag yells "Diablo, back him into the corner!" and Diablo obliges pushing the beats backwards with surprising strength before sinking his hand into the creature chest and the beast screams, fire billowing through his mouth and you scream out "Fuck yeah!"

"Get him, mate!" Boomerang yells as Diablo starts to push the beast to his knees "Yeah, do it!" Deadshot yells but Diablo slowly starts to dim and the beast lunges and grabs him by the throat pinning him as his power vanishes and you gasp Oh god..! "Diablo, get clear! Get out of there!" Flag yells but Diablo shakes his head "Blow it!" He screams and you shake your head looking at Flag but Deadshot nods "Bow it." he says and you gasp "No!" You shout and look at Diablo but he just shakes his head.

Flag pales and brings the walkie up "Now, GQ. Now." He says and Harley shouts "No!" and Flag yells "Everybody, down!" And you all duck as the explosion rocks the building.

(Well.. Here we are guys! We've almost made it.. somehow XD Im so sorry for taking so long and for my recent posts being pretty shit ;-; My home life has been rapidly declining and so has my mental health as well as I now have a roommate (we are sharing a bedroom) so I haven't been able to have the quiet I need to actually sit down and write something decent but I'm trying! I just re watched the movie which has inspired me to sit my ass down and get in some work so here we are :] Thank you all so much for over 500 votes! I literally wrote the first chapter of this last year not expecting it to go anywhere but you guys like it apparently so I thought why the hell not and kept at it ('^.^)/ But anyway I just wanted to thank yall and thank everyone who has commented and Added this.

Ps. I was thinking of re writing this (not a lot just some touch ups and fixes) Since my writing style has changed so much since starting this \(>.<)/ Let me know what yall think! Until next time -MT <3

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