All In the Family (A Law And...

By hockeygirl41

18.1K 537 76

When a wealthy middle-aged widow is attacked in her own home, Stabler, Benson and Amaro team up to solve the... More

Chapter 1: Reunited
Chapter 2: Too Easy
Chapter 3: Mistake
Chapter 4: Attraction
Chapter 5: Cruel
Chapter.6 Greed
Chapter.7 The Blue Box
Chapter 8 Disbelief
Chapter 9 Control
Chapter 10 Insanity
Chapter 11 No Regrets

Chapter 12 Change

822 27 2
By hockeygirl41


"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Linda asked. She bit her lips nervously and tugged at her sweater.

Olivia gave her a warm smile. "I know you are."

"Do you think he'll forgive me? Even after everything?" Linda asked.

Olivia sighed. "I don't know. But I do know that you're doing the right thing, and I have a feeling that eventually he's going to see that."

"I hope you're right," Linda whispered.

Olivia felt Linda grasp her hand tighter as Adam walked into the squad room, his eyes searching until they landed on her. He scowled and turned to Olivia.

"I thought you said this was just you and me," Adam said. "What's she doing here?"

"She needed to speak with you," Olivia said.

"I don't have anything to say to her," Adam said, refusing to look Linda in the eyes.

"She has something really important to give you," Olivia continued.

"Don't really care," Adam muttered.

"It's from your father."

Adam met Linda's eyes for the first time. She was still frozen with nerves.

Olivia slowly handed Adam the envelope Linda had given her. Adam carefully opened it and pulled out the check inside. When he saw the amount written on it, his eyes went wide with shock.

"...What the...where the Hell did you get all this money? And why are you giving it to me? How did you-"

"Your father hid it in the basement when he was really sick," Linda explained in a soft voice. "He...he wasn't thinking clearly, because the cancer spread to his brain-"

"I remember," Adam said.

"And, well, he just...he never got to tell us where he hid it before he died," Linda said. "I just found it a few days ago."

"But why are you giving it to me?" Adam asked.

"Because you're my son," Linda whispered.

"In blood, maybe," Adam said bitterly. "But you haven't exactly been there too much, mom."

Linda sighed. "I know, I know," she said. "I was just so...angry when you... you got that girl pregnant."

"Her name is Callie," Adam spat. "And she's your daughter in-law. She's the mother of your grandson."

Linda looked down at her feet. "Look, Adam, we both made mistakes here, and I know it's going to take a while and a lot more than a check to get things back to the way they were. But...but I want to get there, Adam. I'm really trying now. I know I haven't always been around for you...but I want to be now. If you'll give me a chance."

Adam paused. "I...I don't even know where to start," he said.

Linda looked at him, her eyes starting to water. "I...I'd like to meet my grandson, if you don't mind."

Adam looked at her with thoughtful eyes, as though he was trying to figure something out.

"Are you busy now?"

"What?" Linda asked, looking stunned.

"I can meet him today. You know, if you're not busy..."

"-No! I mean, not at all. I'm not busy," Linda said quickly. "I'd...I'd love to meet him."

"Gabriel," Adam said.

"That's right," Linda said, giving Adam a genuine smile. "Gabriel. I'll finally get to meet little Gabriel."

Linda paused for a second to look at Adam, really look at him. Suddenly, she went right over to him and hugged him tight. He didn't hug her back really, but he didn't move away, either. It was a start.

When Linda finally released Adam from her arms, he seemed a little less uncomfortable. Olivia could tell it would be a while before he really trusted her again. She could tell eventually he would. It would take time, but he would.

"Alright, so do you want to get going?" Adam asked.

Linda smiled, and for the first time Olivia could see it in her eyes as well. There was no mistaking that happiness.. "Yeah. Let's go."

Right before they left, Linda went off to the side where Olivia and Nick were standing. Her eyes were wild with excitement and nervous energy.

"Thank you, detectives," she said quietly. "Thank you for everything. You've given me my family back. And that means everything. "

"We're just happy you're doing better," Olivia said, giving Linda a warm smile.

"Really, I mean it," Linda continued. "I know I've hurt a lot of people and made a thousand mistakes, but...I can never thank you enough. You've given me a second chance with my son. I think that's all I ever really wanted."

Olivia gave her another sincere smile. "You did the right thing, Linda," Olivia said. "You deserve this. This is your chance to start over. I know you'll do the right thing this time around."

"I will," she said. "You have my word."

"Take care of yourself," Olivia said as Linda and Adam headed out the door.

"You too, Olivia," Linda replied. "Thanks again, for everything."


As Rollins was about to leave for the night, she decided to check if Nick was still there. Sure enough, he was sitting at his desk, looking over some paper work.

"Nice job on the case, Amaro," Rollins said with a flirty smile. " Olivia told me you basically solved it yourself."

Nick laughed. "I didn't have half as much to do with it as Elliot and Olivia. She gives me too much credit," he said. "They make a good team."

"They do, don't they?" Amanda said thoughtfully.

Nick just smiled. "I think we make a pretty good team too, you know, in my humble opinon..."

"Fin's my partner, Amaro, in case you've forgotten..."

"Oh, okay, I see how it is," Amaro said playfully.

Just then, Amanda heard a phone ringing.

Nick took his cellphone out of his pocket and sighed.

"I should probably take this," he said. "It's Maria."

Rollins nodded and backed away to give him some privacy. She tried not too listen in on his conversation, but it was too tempting to ignore.

"Hello, Maria...yes, I do have plans, as a matter of fact...really? Thisweekend? could've at least given me a heads up, you, it's not that...of course I'd love to see her, it's just...okay, alright. Fine...Yeah, you're welcome. I'll talk to you later."

Amanda heard the phone snap shut and looked over to see Amaro scowling.

"Everything okay?" Amanda asked.

Nick sighed. "Yeah, everything's fine," he said. "She just decided to spring Zara on me this weekend without letting me know. It's not that I don't love seeing my daughter, of course I do, it's just that..."

"I know," Amanda said, interrupting him. "Our plans. But we can always reschedule, right? I wouldn't want to keep you away from your daughter, Nick. I know you don't get to see her as much anymore. I get that."

Nick smiled. "You always do know the right thing to say, huh?"

"That's my specialty," Rollins said, grinning back.

Nick glanced down at his watch.

"Hey, you know how you said we could reschedule sometime?" he asked.

"Yeah," Rollins said. "What about it?"

"How about now?"

"Now?" Rollins asked, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, now," he repeated.

"I don't know, Nick," She said. "We have work tomorrow..."

"Yeah, tomorrow. I'm asking if you're busy tonight."

"...I don't know..."

"Well, are you busy right now?" He asked.

"Well, not exactly, no..." she muttered.

"Then let's go," he said, taking her by the hand. "Let's get something to eat, shall we?"

Before she knew it, Nick had coerced her into going to some Chinese place down the street that she'd heard was horrendous.

"Wow Nick," Amanda said as they walked down the street. "This isn't like you. I have to say, I'm surprised."

"What's not like me?" he asked.

"...I don't know. This!" Amanda said, still flustered. "I've just never really taken you for the spontaneous type. At all."

Nick smirked. "Are you saying I'm boring?" he asked playfully.

Rollins smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't put words in my mouth, Amaro."

"You never answered the question, Rollins."

Amanda sighed. "No, I don't think you're boring at all," she said. "More like...down to earth."

"Which is a really nice way of saying 'boring'."

"That's not true," Amanda insisted. "All I'm saying is that this is not something I'd normally expect you to do. You're a little different tonight, Nick."

"In a good way?" Nick asked.

Rollins thought about it for a moment. "...Yeah. In a good way."

"Good," Nick said.

"Mind if I ask what brought about this change all of a sudden?" Amanda asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Nick said thoughtfully. "I guess I've been trying to change lately. For the better."

"Oh Nick," Amanda said. "You don't have to change. You're a great guy just the way you are."

Nick smiled. "Maybe 'trying to change" wasn't the best way to put it."

"What do you mean?" Amanda asked.

"I mean, I haven't exactly been trying to change. It's just been...happening."

"How do you figure that?" Amanda asked playfully.

"Oh, I don't know," Nick said, eyes sparkling. "I guess somebody's been rubbing off on me."

Amanda couldn't help but blush a little.

"You know what would really cement your new status as 'fun guy'?" Amanda joked.

"Not a clue," Nick said.

"You know, I've never gotten a chance to go ice skating at Rockefeller center since I moved here."

Nick laughed. "Me neither."

"...Well?" Amanda asked expectantly.

"Well what?"

"Do you want to go?" Amanda asked excitedly.

"Now?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, now," Amanda said.

"I don't know..." Nick said hesitantly. "We do have work tomorrow, like you said...."

"Yeah, tomorrow. I'm asking you about tonight," Amanda said playfully.

"Hey, you stole my line!" Nick joked.

Amanda only shrugged. "It was a good one."

Nick looked down at his watch. "I might have time for that, now that I think about it."

"I thought you might," Amanda said.

Nick paused for a moment. "You know, I've never exactly been ice skating before," he admitted. "I don't even know how to get there..."

Amanda took his hand and started walking towards Rockefeller.

"Don't worry, Nick," she said, flashing him a beautiful smile. "I'll show you the way."

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