That pervy manager - Ushijima...

By Saffers104

219K 5.8K 3.4K

What happens when Shiratorizawa is blessed with a very, very pervy manager, but they can't go back on their w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (End)

Chapter 2

15.9K 324 539
By Saffers104

First day

The school uniform could be better or maybe that's just me not having worn one since I was twelve, bloody hell I feel like I'm being suffocated, and I've already checked if the size was right three times already?! These pleated skirts are doing my head in just how short they are, and at this point you'll be able to see my ass cheeks not that I'm mad though the boys can look all they want just can't touch. But I don't particularly want to be prancing around like some slut on my very first day then again, I might as well ruffle some feathers while I'm at it.

Currently making my way to class after Himari had helped me to the third-year block not even a day after having a tour with her and I still need help, yikes. Her class is just one after mine thankfully but that also means being thrown into the deep end like some penguin jumping off the iceberg for the first time. That's fun. Luckily, I'm only in class 3 so if I need help, she's always a call away but from our chats I'm getting the feeling she's very much introverted.

Stepping into class and immediately the entire room quietens, damn I never knew I had that effect on people, all eyes home in on me. Rather than cower away from them like a scared little lamb would and I'm guessing bitchy Janet would love to see. I stride towards the back near the window like the damn main character that I am and wait, questions are for later but now I like to see how people will react to me.

I am a force to be reckoned with after all.

Soon the good old teacher rocks up to class and I just know everyone is waiting for my audition to class like some helpless little sod. He calls me up and as I walk past a few eyes catching, tasty men catch my attention, a really hot one and a sleepy one; oh my God they're only a few rows away from me. Tall, muscular and from this distance I can safely assume huge, big in my eyes and nothing else can be small about him. Short olive hair, neutral if not passive aggressive resting bitch face, this hot guy sits straighter than any pin boy in here with his crisp ironed-out uniform. I need a man that knows his way around an ironing board or me on that board for that matter. The other guy lounges as if he's never heard of a sleep cycle before, faded sides and spiky brown hair screams fuckboy energy and maybe when I feel fruity, I'll let him ride this stallion.

"Hello, my name is L/n Y/n, but please feel free to call me by my first name. I've recently moved here from America and would really appreciate it if you would treat me well." many of the students blink profusely at my welcoming statement, I'm beginning to think many people in rural Japan have never heard of being bilingual before.

Bowing I return to my seat and this time it's not just eyes of curiosity streaming my way oh no, I feel their gazes, heated and seething to rule above me. Oh boy are they about to have the time of their lives meeting me and once the bell rings and first period begins the pigeons flock over for self-study. Some vultures and whilst others – extremely sexy boys - stick close to the bubble I know they're leaning in closely.

Everyone likes a bit of gossip.

"So, what's America like?" The first question out of many asking me whether I know Lady Gaga or surprisingly enough am her. Others asked if my skin colour is real some even thinking it was funny to rub my hand to see if it would 'come off'.

During the whole curious-fest I know the cats are leaning in close to the edge waiting for their time to pounce, and oh wow does she have some melons on her. I can't really talk when I look at my own chest but that's a different story entirely. Chuggers over here with her bouncing breasts and extremely short if not cloth like handkerchief of a skirt graze my desk, I'm guessing that's a lovely view of her white lacey thong down there for everyone to see.

"Am I right in guessing you're related to that famous professional volleyball player?" Whipping back her horrendous corn like hair that looks more parched than her layered cherry lips.

Everyone quietens for the big girl is talking, which is cute.

Side eyeing my audience trying to be real conspicuous while they're slipping off their seats to hear my response including some other students chewing at their nails to find out if a real-life celebrity is studying amongst them. I chuckle to myself.

"It depends, which one?" Leaning my face onto my palm I watch with amusement as the entire bubble erupts into gasps and gossips about my family.

Here we go again, I guess.

Chuggers takes the seat in front of me with well by the force of the hierarchy revealing itself to me in the classroom, everyone else filters around her and her posse. Time to act nice it seems and after a while I guess she throws her gig out the window and the true bitch comes to the surface when I stop playing ball. Soon everybody else gets the picture that I'm not some new kid waiting to lick the boots of sheep when I can be the fucking dragon roasting them alive.

Turning my attention back and flipping that fucking switch to thousand I turn and find the delicious treats called 'Japanese high school boys 'sitting patiently and scribbling away at their textbooks. I think they're ignoring me since they got what they needed to in the first place but that doesn't stop me, no it only fuels my efforts even more.

"Oi, sleepyhead you wanna spend 7 minutes in heaven with me?" To that he looks my way blushing like a tomato with his jaw slacked to the floor, I urge my finger at hottie, and he stiffens.

Perfect best to kill two birds with one stone.

Many of the students at this point halt in their movements whilst they find my escapades endearing and amusing to witness. That's right ladies watch and learn as the master works her stuff.

"What about you hot stuff? Do you wanna join in, I can make it work with two?" looking them both up and down, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth letting it slip.

Winking at them and spreading my legs into a cross as my pleated skirt shifts to rise allowing for more thigh highs to fill the space of my seat. I watch as they both audibly gulp and try, big word there, as they try to tear their eyes away from the feast but sadly, they succeed. Valiant effort on my part I do say so myself.

Even they can't hide their embarrassment as I chew my cheek watching them both blow up in pink, the pause in the room is stifling and just as I'm about to add the green giant says otherwise.

"No." Well that was short and snappy, I can admire him for that forward reply and maybe pique my interest in him further.

Still, the sleepy one has yet to reply and with much luck I won't be going back to my dorm empty handed, the bell rings and I get up from my desk and tap his.

"I'll be waiting sleepyhead." Giving him a wink, in which leaves the poor boy in a melting wreck of deep shades of red.

Second period

English class, oh this should be a joy. Walking in only to find my luck in some more astoundingly beautiful boys than before, even in managing on snagging a seat next to one of them. Allowing their eyes to rake all over the new girl as I do to them in return, it's only fair. Licking my lips at the gorgeous bean sitting next to me, a white fox with frosted black tips, a slender muscular build and those fingers. Long and slender just the right size for precarious shenanigans and setting if I've still got a good eye for spotting them in a crowd. The one behind me is a pretty little red head and he's not little by any means necessary but a sort of twisted beauty smiling back at me.

Damn I am in the mood of getting my guts rearranged by the joker impersonator over here if he calls for slashing, of course.

"Hello there, little cutie, I don't think I've seen you around here before." He waves at me with the curling of his fingers.

Restraining the urge to nibble at those delectable treats, I want to suck them and have them have their way with me elsewhere all over my body if I had my way. Biting my lip as fully I engross myself into these boys that I find myself surrounded in, what can I say I'm just some lucky bitch. Perching my head on the back of my hand and resting most of my weight upon the back of the chair, twirling my hair in the other hand.

"No, I don't think that we've had the pleasure, I'm new here and my name is Y/n, please treat me well." Purring out as I lean over to shake his hands them being just as I imagined, perfect in dishing me out.

Wondering what they could do to me, both twinning up with their positions front and back and chasing their ends with me, it gets me scrunching my thighs together as pleasure hits me hard. The red head grins from ear to ear and if I didn't find that smile extremely attractive, I would be running away screaming like the madman I am.

"The names Tendo Satori but please-"

"Feel free to ignore that guy. My name is Semi Eita and I guess we'll be seatmates from now on." the seductive white fox interrupts whatever Tendo had going on for him and honestly steals the show for me.

Bowing softly at the two of them I retrieve Semi's hand in my own and I'm not left disappointed, these are definitely the hands of an athlete. Long rough callouses that shape most of his finger pads press circles atop my smooth hands. These two definitely know how play around with a ball or two, that being their own or a volleyball.

"Alrighty cutie, let me guess you two play volleyball?" The boys' cheeks flourish in pink as they vigorously nod.

I think this is becoming my new past time, how many times can I make these boys blush. I think I'm setting myself up for a clean victory and maybe even a snack if they take the bait and let me feast. Tendo looks at me with one of those grins that screams 'this girl is interesting' and all I can do is wink and wave at the boy. I'm not going to say that I'm not like the other girls because please who is normal but I just know what I want and when I want it, so please call me a bitch but at least I'm no sheep that goes barrrr.

Before we can continue our little chat the teacher strolls in and class begins, I get asked about a question and no shocker to anyone in the room that I manage to pronounce it right. Honestly, I think it's just the teacher wanting an example of what an actual English-speaking person sounds like rather than me answering a question.

Third period

Funny enough it turns out me and Tendo here have the next class together so of course I follow him like a tick to a blood bag. Not only is he a joker look alike but has the sense of humour of a dark knight, and I'm not surprised when he tattles about his team. No one gets him yet I can see that he's moved past caring what people think and only lives for himself, I can see him being a good friend and that's on me playing my cards wrong.

There's no way in hell I'm letting this slenderman creep away from me into the friendzone without pinching that ass a few times. Me and him try to enjoy history class but there's only so much that I can take about the Onion war or maybe it's the Onin war, whatever lunch is so close around the corner that my mind travels elsewhere. I know exactly what I'm having for lunch, eyes flicking up and down at the string bean himself right now, his back hunched over his desk and damn those arms are long than my thighs.

I think I have a blocker on my hands.


Thankfully my list of gratitude's grows longer as Tendo shows me the way to the cafeteria after having messaged Himari to save me a spot, and I think this is where I realise his true beauty. This fucker is as tall as a giant, taller than me and taller than any guy I've ever met, I can easily imagine he has no trouble touching the ceiling with his whole palm if I asked him to. Tall and lanky, great for the blocker position in volleyball with those slenderman limbs and by God those thighs. Hidden away in his slacks I can only picture the way they contort to each thud of his step, rippling with muscled tension.

Quickly ripping my gaze up and away when I faintly overhear the light chatter of snickering children by the end corridor, of course Barbara and the gang thinks something is funny. I mean come on I know I'm a walking and talking clown but you don't have to hide your laughter not that pig snort could be hidden anyway.

Finally making our way into the canteen and I think I have some sort of short-term memory loss because I blink profusely at the sheer size of this place. Just how many students can fit in here? It feels bigger than the O2 stadium. You can tell when a school is definitely rolling in the dollar-dollar bills. We take our places in the queue, this is where my eyes linger around quickly finding the crowd that gets my pussy throbbing.

I'm a hoe, I know.

The green giant from before and including fuckboy o'clock sits with Semi and the rest I'm assuming is the volleyball team, now this is interesting. You know what they say, smile and wave boys, smile and wave. I must have been doing it aggressively to the point where Tendo looks over his eyes creasing into a furrow.

"Who are you wavi- oh you know Wakatoshi-kun and the others?" surprised to finally get a name for the big boy over there.

Licking my lips when my work pays off with a slight blush cascading down upon his face as well as the rest of the team when a I throw in a cheeky wink in there for a simple pat on the back. Wakatoshi, I think that's him, the one with olive hair turns over and connects the dots like a good boy with that per-usual deep frown coating his lips. I gotta say there are some tasty ass boys in this school, unlike America where I'm almost guaranteed some typical white boy shit.

Taking my chances, I turn to Tendo finding his close proximity just right, leaning in I watch as his entire face flickers in fifty shades of pink as my tongue flicks his nose. Startled he rises back to his full length if not even higher like an elongated spring whilst pinching his blazer cuff and wipes my precious site. Spoil sport, but cute.

"Oh boy do I know them; I know the big one and the one that's practically inhaling his noodles from self-study class." Tendo struggles to comprehend what just happened including the new found information, I'm beginning to like this new startled look of his.

But I do like painting it of shades red and pink in many different hues.

"Why did, did you do that?" Stuttering on his words, trying so desperately to make out a full sentence, I just walk past him patting his arm.

He blooms further into his blush.

He pauses before adding, "You're very interesting."

Grabbing the black tray and bringing up my desired food of ramen and some apple slices, I bid goodbye to my travel partner for now to find my lovely roommate. Himari stops and waves me over to the far side of the hall where I see that she's not alone an even cuter chibi character taken straight out of a comic sits adjacent to her. Taking the seat opposite them quickly finding them both to be very quiet and introverted and even if my heart pounds as my tray hits the table.

"Oh hello, my name is L/n Y/n but please feel free to call me Y/n I just find it weird otherwise but I don't mind either." Yikes. I need to work on my people skills a bit more.

Cringing with a smile I covertly – try – look over my new found friend, that's because she is now mine forever and I'll never let her go. I notice her cute round features topped off with her circular glasses whilst her tray is pushed to the side barely touched and piles of books takes its place. Ah, bookworm.

Bowing my head her way trying not to come off any more than friendly, soon enough she tells me her name is Hashirama Yui and that she's part of the chemistry club which does explain the books. Somehow or another I manage to get her to give me her number after many back-and-forth's of getting her to open up some more. She and Himari were just chatting about my new position as part of the volleyball club.

"Now how did you even get it? Most girls, if not all in this school would kills and - I don't literally - or not for that position." Yui leans forwards whispering that part about them beings serious or not, I can't withhold the smirk any longer.

Despite the poor girl being unable to hold one hundred percent eye contact with me or that most of her words came out jumbled or spat out too fast, I just can't help but like this girl anymore. I just shrug, leaning back into my seat already done with lunch whilst half my gaze lingers on the backs of the volleyball lot. I'm sure they can feel it and know who's looking.

"With my charm and good lucks, of course. Plus, there was no way in hell that I was going to pass the chance at seeing the godly bodies of those guys be passed up like a cocktail." Wiggling my eyebrows at that they both fluster red.

Pointing at the table to even prove my point further, both Himari and Yui turn around facing the boys noticing that they've all stopped to watch the show. Tendo waves and so do I, even giving him a wink or two. Wakatoshi? Goes back to his food unfazed and not even batting an eye at me, I guess that one will need some greasing up before coming to like me. We all swivel back around, laughing at their explosive blush covering each of their cheeks.

"This is so exciting; it's already making me so wet inside." they both splutter out their drinks and whatever the two of them were munching on and spew the contents all onto me.

They begin grovelling and profusely apologizing; hm chicken noodles. Getting up I tell them that it's fine but that they should start getting used to that sort of behaviour because that's just me in a nutshell, I'm a right old nutter and a half. Going to my dorm, changing into a spare shirt as I text them not to wait up for me.

Fourth period

I barely make it by the skin of my teeth in time for maths, taking up the last remaining chair sad to find it up in the front. But those feelings are short lived when I find out my seatmate is none other than hot stuff from self-study class. To be honest who even cares about my maths when I have the rippling body of a god besides me taking all my undivided attention away from it. God damn his eyes are indeed olive just like his hair, I can imagine now my fingernails raking through the coarse – fine – silky hair? I don't know and I don't care I just want to touch it.

"I guess we can have that seven minute in heaven now after school, huh?" popping one of my all-time greatest smoulders and wink at the boy only for the bullets to bounce off his iron walls.

I don't know maybe he's a tough nut to crack but lucky for him I have a nutcracker on my hands and I love to squeeze them. Maths grows mundane and boring as maths can get and I'm not going to lie I picked up about three percent of what the teacher just said. That's British and American school system for you, it's shit. Writing down most of the lecture in my book with the writing worse than most doctor notes with only the formulas written by the hands of a God.

But like I said most of my attention is elsewhere, that being right next to me and I'm not even upset by it. Upset that he won't look at me but damn sure am I happy to look at him. Thick arms bulge the tight blazer, as if the fabric was sculpted around his form, the button over his chest struggles to keep the sinking ship afloat. Please trap me against a wall now, with your lower half pressed firmly and deeply into my groin and grind there. Yes please, I would like that to go.

He's tanned and not just the - I stepped outside for thirty minutes tanned – but he's got that natural dark skin that's already got that golden haze to it. Or maybe that's just his sweat either way I want to lick it and have his taste savouring upon my lips. Not only that but his chest is broad as well as his shoulders, I'm not forgetting the pin straight posture from before. Nibbling nearly all the way through my pencil, and I think some dribble smears my work a few times as I get lost in his trance.

Not that he needs to spell one out, the poor sucker pretends as if my existence is better off as air, at least he'll be breathing me in so that's a win on my behalf. Sadly, the class comes to an end and just before he gets up to leave my sights for the day, I slip in my number on a scrap piece of paper doubting much will come from my many efforts of today. It's okay, he's a slow burner and I'm not here for a short time but for a long time.

Last period

Sadly, the last class have no golden gems in them both male and female leave me dryer than the Sahara Desert. At least I manage to pay attention, even chatting with some people. Look at me making friends. Now I'm springing my way towards the only gym that will be my home for the next year. 


This has been edited - 14/11/2021

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