I am an ordinary person

By mycolourisgrey

111 6 0

I'm someone normal who don't have any special trait, even my name sounds normal.If life is a game then I woul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

31 3 0
By mycolourisgrey

Hi, Hiroshi here.Your average dude who somehow become your host for the day.Right now, I am in front of the mirror in my house's bathroom, checking out my normie face.No, I'm not a narcissistic person who decides to date himself.I'm just wondering what is different about me and the other horny guys.

I wash my face and wear my school uniform neatly as today is Monday as in the first day of school in the week.After eating the breakfast, I ride my bike to the school.Along the trip, I think about random things in my life.

All my brief life, I has been ordinary and I like it.The ability to have minuscule amount of presence enable me to blend with the background easily even if I dresses like a clown and dances madly like a courting rooster.

For example, there was this one time I sat with my judo club's friends during lunch.They were sitting opposite me and suddenly the hot martial arts genius senpai started teasing the cute guy beside him.The brown haired kid blushed intensely that I suspected he had heat stroke and babbled incoherent words to senpai.I didn't understand what they were doing so I quietly ate my lunch.When I lifted my head again, they were playing pocky game.I was baffled.What were these guys doing? And where did they got the pocky? Damn...why didn't they share with me? These questions came to my mind.I looked at their untouched food and looked again at the engrossed guys.

I looked around the cafeteria.Yep,the other students seemingly ignored them but did these two forget I'm here? For some reasons, I lost my appetite after the two's mouths which should be chewing their food now, almost touched.Luckily, I had finished eating.

"Takano-senpai, Akita-san, I'm gonna leave first."

I said and simply left as they were too deep in the act to notice me.And also because I didn't wish to sustain any trauma.

That was what happened two months ago.I had simply brushed it off as hormonal things.At the time, I didn't know that small situation would be the catalyst for the bigger chain reactions that would occur around me later.

I walk into the class while muttering 'Ohayo' back at the students that greeted me.Akagami-kun which I had call Riku now was asleep on his desk.His head shimmer when the sun light scattered on his red hair.Masaya who's sitting on my chair is looking at him with a gentle expression plastered on his pristine face.To be honest, it's kind of scary how he observes Riku sleeping every day.

"Masaya-sama, don't you have your own chair." I said jokingly at Masaya who seemed flusters at the mention of his dark history.

"Ok, ok but can you please don't say that name,Hi-chan." Masaya hastily get up from my sit and swiftly put his hand to cover my mouth.

"It's not me who used to wanna be called that." I said after he pulled away his hand.The nickname he single-mindedly decided for me sounds embarrassing to my ears.There had been several times I asked him to just call me Hiroshi like Riku, but he stubbornly stuck to that nickname.To no avail, I just let him do what he wants.Though, I suspect it's because I always tease him with 'Masaya-sama'.

"Anyway, why are you always looking at Riku like a father?" I know that Riku is good looking but after seeing that face for 6 years straight, I'm immune to him now.

"So that's how you see it."



The positions of our seats are decided by drawing lots.By change, I'm seated with Riku in the last row with him seating at the window seat.I guess that it is the seat reserved for the protagonist.

Masaya was flung far away from us, he's at the first row and a desk-mate with the studious Kamiya-san.They make a contradicting duo with one being an ikemen and the other a plain, thick black rim glasses dude.Like every morning, Kamiya-san is studying what we would cover in class today.With such diligence, you would expect that he would be the number one nerd in our grade.However, he's actually the second as the first in grade has always been I.

After my family's financial situation stabilised, I stop receiving sponsorship from Akagami-san.I wouldn't be able to face Akagami-kun if I were to thickened my skin and ask for his dad's money shamelessly.Of course, my family's income is just so-so, I wouldn't be able to pay the expensive school fee if I rely on my parents.Fortunately, I didn't have to transfer as the school has a scholarship program to support poor students provided they have excellent grade.It is a piece of cake for me.

Kamiya-san had always aced every exam before I came into the picture.For he who had never suffered any setback, it must have been very shocking.It might be my imagination but I think he had been studying more vigorously than before to reclaim his throne.I feel it is good for students to aim for the best academically but I still couldn't help myself wondering weather he has a life outside of textbooks.

The first period is about to start.Miura-sensei who teaches Mathematic walks into the classroom which immediately make the the class quietens down.He's a young handsome teacher who has deep green hair and  is quite tall.He's the main object for the female students' idea of teacher-student relationship.But I'm sure Miura-sensei wouldn't make their dreams a reality if he don't want to go to jail.

"Stand." The class's monitor says follow by the choruses of  "Miura-sensei, ohayou gozaimasu." by the class's population then they bow deeply.

During Miura-sensei's lesson which is easy to understand as Riku commented before, I am staring at Kamiya-san black hair instead.He's truly the epitome of nerd weather from the way he dresses or how he conducts himself.If someone ask what's his hobby, I bet he wouldn't hesitate to say studying.What about his goal, though?

Like in any other school in Japan, he's the ideal type for bullies and he's loaded as well.That being the case, I used to wonder why he wasn't bullied.Is it because of his height?But because he's too tall, Kamiya-san appeared rather skinny.After I ask Masaya, I got to know that he's family is too loaded for others to dare offend him.In addition,I heard that he's the only heir in the megalodon-size empire.Maybe, Kamiya-san's parents wanted to avoid sibling rivalry when they decided to had one child.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.Unlike, Riku's and Masaya's parents who're well alive until now, Kamiya-san's parents were involved in a traffic accident which costed them their lives.He was only eight years old when he lost both of his parents, leaving him an orphan. His grandfather who was about to enter retirement came back to manage the company from the members of the board of directors who wanted to monopolies the shares and be the next chairman after the dead of his son-in-law.Personally,I think humans are foolish.They get greedier as their wealth increases.

"kun, Nakazawa-kun! Please solve this question.I believe you've mastered it as you dare to daydream in my class." I was pulled away from my musings by Miura-sensei's stern voice.I look confusedly at my classmates  who were staring at me.Riku urge me to go quickly before Miura-sensei come to our desks.

I walk to the black board amidst my classmates murmurs.I can hear them saying things like Miura-sensei is too sly for making me answer the topic we had just covered half or serve me right because I am too arrogant for being good at studying.

I glance at the question chalked on the high quality black board with disdain.I wouldn't have all 💯 and 99 percent on languages marked on my exam papers if I couldn't solve this meagre level of difficulty.

They did say Miura-sensei had just finished explaining half of the topic to the class while I was staring into space. This topic, I had it covered long ago.Even the forever second place Kamiya-san studies in advance, how can the first place slacks off ?

I write the answer accurately.Every edge of the alphabet and digit leave the impression on the author's character.Sharp and decisive.

"Please check it, Sensei."

"Y-yes, you can sit down."

I make my way to my seat through the silent gap between  the desks.

"It's correct." Miura-sensei voice resounds in the classroom as he announces the result.

"As expected of the genius of our grade." Riku looks worshipfully at me.

"Don't say that, I just prep earlier."

Oh,please.If I am really a genius as he said then I would have jump grades and go to Harvard or Princeton straight away but I'm still here, enjoying school life with him and Masaya.

"Tsk, so humble!" I hear Riku mumbles under his breath and smile slightly.It is always better to be humble.


The last period has just finished but I can't go home yet.The class's duty for today are me, Orihime-san,Kamiya-san and Haruno-san.I bid Riku and Masaya goodbye then proceed to clean the classroom.

"Nakazawa-san, can you please throw the trash?" Orihime-san said to me softly.She was an elegant black hair lady with a beauty spot on her chin.I'm not really interested in flowers hence I don't really know about her family other than they specialise in flowers arrangement and is quite infamous in the circle.

"No prob."

I walked to the big trash bin and throw the black garbage plastics in it.I'm about to return to the classroom when I hear sounds of punches sinking in flesh coming from the corner of the building.I'm going to ignore it as I don't really like pushing my nose in the other people's business.

"Now,look what you have made me done.You should just give it obediently,Kamiya-sama."

Kamiya? It can't be that forever second place Kamiya, right? Ah, shush it.It's not like there's only one Kamiya in this school,after all.

"Your parents up there would be sad if they see you like this."

Another taunt sounded.Shit,it's really that forever second place Kamiya! I had suspected that he lost his way after he went to fetch the rag to clean the windows as he didn't came back even after half an hour.Masaya, you are wrong about one thing.There are still idiots in this world who's not afraid of anything.

I run stealthily to the corner and saw Kamiya-san curled up in fetal shape.His expensive clothes are smeared with dust from laying on the ground.I look at the three thuggish students with piercings and dyed hair who in turn glare at me with displeasure.It's clear that they didn't like their fun to be interrupted.

I walk closer to them.The guy who stand in the middle like he's the boss shouted at me.

"What the fucking fuck do you want?! Fuck off if you didn't wanna get beaten!" The crass words irritate my ears instead of intimidating me, as if a rebellion kid could scare me.


How is he a delinquent when he didn't even know that he should deliver the first blow? He's just a snotty brat.

The other two brats try to attack me.One of them shoots a punch at my face while the other lifts his leg to kick my abdomen.I avoid their attack with a twist of my body.They come at me again with their supposed leader who I had punched at the beginning but their attacks aren't much of a chore.Clearly not practiced in any form of martial art, their movements reek of stupidity and how they had reduced Kamiya-san to such a state with their nonexistent skills annoy me.

"Do you want to do this again?" I crouch in front of the three losers who grovel in front of me.

"No, we don't want, aniki!!!"

"Who's your aniki?"

"N-no one!"

"Good.Go away."

The three students who were trashed brutally until their faces become swollen like a pig run desperately as if a tiger is chasing after them.

"Are you alright?" I help him up carefully, afraid his bruises would hurt.

"Of course not." Kamiya-san replies with a hiss as his bruises sting.In his arms, there is a tiny orange kitten which look scare.I had expected this as Kamiya-san focused on protecting his stomach and not his head before.

Unbeknownst to me, my lips curled warmly as the sight.

"You're unexpectedly a sadist,smiling at the sight of my injured state."

"Did I?"

Hearing him says that, I try to straighten my lips but it end up looking crooked.

"I was just surprised that you would protect a kitten,Kamiya-san."


We walk back to the classroom which are both empty and clean.It seems that Orihime-san and Haruno-san had both went home.

Kamiya-san's chauffeur has arrives and we are walking side by side to the school gate.When Kamiya-san is about to enter the car stomach, I said to him.



"See you tomorrow."


The door closes and the car drove away speedily, from afar, it looks like a tiny black dot.

I'm the one who said that but I was absent from school for a whole week.

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