Irhaboggle Pride (2020) Quara...

By Irhaboggle

502 33 365

Just like last year, I'm doing one story per day for Pride Month, only this year has a theme: Quarantine! So... More

Virtual Reality
Six Feet Apart
Sleeping In
Defying Quarantine
Toilet Paper
Digital Celebration
Cringey and Memey
Bi Buddies
Learning Experience
For the Foreseeable Future
Less Hair, Less Hassle
Travel Bans
Stimulus Check
No Work, No Worry
Home Improvement
Online Shopping
Stay In and Rock Out
Video Games
Table of Contents

Working Out Working Out

7 0 0
By Irhaboggle

"Oh, calm down, Storm, it's not like you're going to lose all your hard-earned muscle in just a few weeks!" Iris sighed. For the past 10 minutes, Storm had been pacing the living room and venting her frustration that she could no longer go to the gym to work out. It was a problem everyone was facing, but people like Storm, who were huge fitness nuts, were taking the blow much harder than the rest of the general populous.

"But for every day I don't exercise, that's another day down the drain!" Storm tried to explain. "Of course I know all of my years of muscle won't just vanish, but I'm not just worried about my body. I'm worried about my mind. If I become too complacent, I'm going to stop caring entirely."

It was after hearing this that Iris' amused exasperation turned into sympathy and understanding. Now that was a valid fear. It was something Iris, herself, was sort of going through. She'd never been big on exercise, but just because of Storm, she would sometimes allow herself to be dragged to the gym. But in light of quarantine, she'd been more than happy to watch her tone decrease and weight increase. So Storm had a point that if they were too idle for too long, that would make it mentally hard to get back into the swing of things once the gym reopened.

"Think of it this way, we're all out here gaining weight and losing muscle," Iris snickered. "It's not just you."

"Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right," Storm growled. "Besides, this is something that I want for myself."

"I understand," Iris said. "I'm sorry for teasing you over it."

"No, you're fine," Storm gave a frustrated sigh, but they both knew it was not directed at Iris. It was just life in general, and the maddening rules of quarantine. It was funny how sometimes the smallest things hurt the most. Of all the things to be mad about in 2020, Storm was upset about the gym.

Welcome to 2020, a year of police brutality, government corruption, an endless pandemic and quarantine, masks and social distancing, no toilet paper, murder hornets, global warming, work and school going virtual, everything shutting down, Antarctica recently hitting over 100 degrees, international conflict, internal conflict, an unsteady economy, raids and riots... and gyms being shut down indefinitely. As one of their friends had so eloquently put it: little dungheap (the world) was on fire.

"I guess I just admired my muscle, so to lose it is disheartening," Storm said, quieter now. "I don't like how undisciplined I've become."

"I understand," Iris repeated gently, and she did. Although she was way more chill than Storm would ever be, that didn't mean she couldn't get it. "Let's see if we can try working out working out," she suggested. "That can bring back some routine to your life."

"What?" Storm echoed dumbly.

"I mean, let's see if we can try to make some sort of exercise plan right here and now. I know our house isn't the same as a gym, but..."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Storm's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Because it'll make you happy!" Iris smiled. "Besides, I could probably use a workout..." she joked, patting her stomach. It didn't look any different now than before quarantine, but Iris was sure she was still out of shape.

So for the next half hour, the pair planned. They decided what muscle groups they work, and how. Once that was done, it was just a matter of being creative and utilizing things around the house in order to help them reach their goals. Iris jokingly offered herself as a bench-press.

"I'm 100 lbs, just lie underneath me and go for it! I'm sure you'll get a decent workout like that!" Iris laughed.

"The funny thing is, you're probably right," Storm agreed with a snort as she looked Iris up and down. The girl was very tiny, but even though Storm could probably lift something heavier than her, the repetition would still be good no matter how heavy or light Iris was. Besides, 100 wasn't bad.

"Or I could sit on your back while you do pushups!" Iris suggested next.

"Aren't you supposed to be working out with me, though?" Storm teased. "Just acting as my equipment does not count."

"Oh, dang, I thought you wouldn't catch onto that!" Iris pretended to snap her fingers in disappointment.

"I may be brawn, but I'm also brain," Storm reminded the smaller girl with a teasing smirk.

"Ugh, of course, how could I forget? You're a strategist! Of course you never miss a thing," Iris pretended to grumble, but she was smiling.

But once the plan was done, all that was left was to pick dates and times.

"Can we start after I take a nap?" Iris asked, half joking and half serious.

"Iris!" Storm chided with a sigh and a shake of her head. "You just woke up from one like an hour ago!"

"You can never have too many naps!" Iris cried, trying to hold in her laughter. "I'm defending my title as the Ultimate Sleeper!"

"And this is why you're out of shape," Storm deadpanned.

"Ouch," Iris pretended to be offended, but they both knew it was true.

"We'd better start now before you lose motivation," Storm stood up.

"Ooops, too late," Iris chuckled weakly, pretending to fall asleep on spot.

"Nope," was all Storm said. She grabbed Iris' arm and lifted her up easily. Because Iris hadn't expected that, she gave a very undignified yelp.

"At least I know you're awake now," Storm snickered.

"Yeah, and you scared me well enough to give me a heart attack!" Iris griped.

"Good, that means your heartrate is up and your blood is pumping!" Storm gave her a dry grin. "Now, it's time to hit the ground running, soldier!"

"Oh great, what have I just dragged myself into?" Iris' shoulders slumped, but Storm only continued to give her that infuriating smile.


"Why did I ever agree to this?" Iris asked herself, feeling tired after only five pushups. But beside her, Drill Sgt. Storm was merrily counting away as she went up and down with ease. Iris couldn't believe she'd ever worried about falling out of shape!

"Show off!" Iris managed to gasp as she, much slower, continued to rise and fall. Storm was too busy counting to respond, but Iris saw that cheeky smile spread across her face again.

But at the same time, Iris was still happy. Storm looked genuinely thrilled to be working out again, and seeing her happy made Iris happy. It was just enough to make the burning pain in all of Iris' body seem worth it. At least at the moment. But Iris could already tell that by the end of the workout session, she was going to be dead... But it was too late to go back now. Instead, all she could do was keep at it, Storm still counting away.

AN: I'm the perfect opposite of fit and athletic, but to everyone who DOES miss the gym, Storm can relate to you!

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