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After the death of his mate, Tyler Harrington couldn't handle to stay at his home town as there are alot of m... More



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I wake up to the sound of people talking and laughing. Looking at the time it is 7 am and it is Monday, so I get out of bed heading directly for the bathroom. I do my morning routine. Looking at the wardrobe to see if I could have anything to where since my whole wardrobe is of an eleven years old kid. Searching and searching I managed to come with a black T/shirt, great!. Putting on, making the bed and I am out of the room.

Reaching the living room I see Emerson and the twins talking about something, laughing so hard. At least he is getting along with my family. I walk to the kitchen without interfering with their good moment to find Papa fixing the twins' lunch.

" Good morning Papa", I greet kissing him on his head. I had to tiptoe, by the way, he is super tall.

" Goodmorning baby", He returns the kiss. " How I missed hearing your voice in the morning".

" Me too", I say taking a seat on one of the stools observing him. " Where is Dad?"

" He had early rounds today at the hospital" He replies closing the twins' lunch boxes.

After a moment of silence.

" I am sorry Papa for not visiting", I tell him feeling guilty of staying away for too long.

" Ooh...Baby", He stops what he was doing and comes to where I am taking my face into his hands. " Don't ever feel bad for staying away, you needed time and we were happy to give that time to you. So don't you dare feel guilty about it. You are a good boy and I love you so much".

" Thank you Papa and I love you too", I hug him and he hugs me back.

" Group Hug!", Devyn and Daizy shout coming towards us.

"Okay kids time to go to school", Papa tells them which they only groan walking to get their bags.

" Hey", Emerson greets taking a seat next to me putting his hand on top of mine squeezing it a little. " Are you okay?"

" I am okay", I smile at him which I receive a glare from Papa. " It is not like that Papa, he is my friend but we share a bond because he was also mated to Myron".

" What?" Papa asks confused.

" Papa time to go", Devyn shouts at the door.

" Okay baby, Papa will be there in a sec", He shouts back. " Do you care to explain?" He tells me.

" Well, Myron was supposed to have two mates because he was a dom and we are his subs even though we are not mated to each other. But unfortunately, Emerson didn't get to meet him". I try to explain to him.

" Yes I have heard about that before but it only happens to people of the same species but it looks like you guys are exceptional. How did you know that Myron was your mate, it has been so long since he died and it is not like his scent was anywhere near you?" Papa asks Emerson.

" At first I thought it was Tyler but my wolf denied that it wasn't him and then, later on, I came to find out that he had something that belonged to Myron. On the day I thought he was my mate he was wearing Myron's jacket and when I went to his house for the project I smelled Myron's scent in his room since he has plenty of Myron's stuff". Emerson says.

" Papa we are going to be late", Daizy pouts.

" We could take them to school", I offered and the girls cheered happily.

" Okay but we are not done talking about this", Papa tells me handling Devyn and Daizy's lunch.

" Bye Papa, See you later", Daizy and Devyn hug Papa and we are out of the house.

Getting inside the car, I being the driver, Emerson sitting next to me and the girls are sitting at the back. Ten minutes and we are in front of the school, my once so-called school. I never got to finish here since I transferred to Silver Moon.

" Tyler are you going to be home when we come back?" Daizy asks.

" Yes, I will be home when you get back". I tell them.

" You too Emerson?" Devyn asks.

" Yes". Emerson replies with a smile.

" Promise", They both ask.

" Yes, we promise, now get to class".

They take their bags and lunch boxes and off they went inside the school. Leaving us in the car staring at their school silently.

" Are you okay", Emerson asks noticing my little distress.

" Yes am okay. It's just I remembered all the times that Myron used to drop me at school".

" Ooh...", He says silently.

" Speaking of Myron, do you want to go and visit him?" I ask looking at his face for any indication that he is not comfortable.

He smiles, " I would love too".

I turn the car around taking the road leading us to the packhouse. The Packhouse, just thinking about it I get chills it has been too long since I stepped in that place. All of my uncles are working there and I didn't even tell them that I was going. In fact, I didn't tell anyone before I decided to drop at our house.

I don't even know how will they react when they see me, especially Uncle Alex. What am I doing by overthinking too much?  I drive to a flower house first buying two large bouquets of blue roses. Reaching the packhouse I parked and we both get out of the car.

" This is the most amazing looking Packhouse. Not even our packhouse looks this good", Emerson says admiring the house in front of him.

" Tell me about it", I sigh taking his hand leading him away from the house and into the forest. Thankfully no one saw me.

Reaching the cemetery, everything is soo quiet as if we just entered another world, no wonder people say cemetery creeps people out it is not the size of the graves or the arrangements it is its quietness. To much quietness that you can hear a pin drop. Few more steps and we are standing in front of Myron's grave.

" Hello, Myron. It has been so long since I stood here", I say removing all the dried falling leaves from the grave. I put one of the bouquets on the grave. " I have someone I would like you to meet. This is Emerson, your other mate".

" Hey", Emerson says unsure of what to say next especially to someone who is not here. So he places the other bouquet that he was holding. I hold his hand to give him the courage to speak, " I wish to have met you sooner but it looks like we were out of luck but from what Ty told me it seems like I have met you before. I promise to keep him safe and to be there whenever he needs me".

We hear a twig snap from behind us, looking to see who the person is and am being met by Uncle Alex also holding blue roses. The one person whom I was not ready to see today.

" Tyler?" He wonders stopping at his truck. " Tyler is that you?"

" Hey Uncle Alex", I say almost looking down.

" OMG, It is you", He rushes to where I am giving me the best hug, I could wish for. " It has been too long kid".

" I am sorry", Is all I could say as tears start to well up.

" What? Why?" He asks after we part.

" I didn't call you, or talk to you not after or before the funeral", I sniff.

" No. No, you needed time and so did I. For that am also sorry. But no need for you to blame yourself". He says wiping my tears away.

" Thank you, Uncle".  I say calming down a bit noticing He is looking at Emerson. " Ooh...This is Emerson, Myron another mate".

" What?" He asks confused so I had to explain to him how it works.

Few more minutes at the cemetery we decided to go to the packhouse and I am sure I am ready to meet the gang. Walking at the packhouse Uncle Alex tells me about his family. He now has two children a boy named after his cousin Myron and a daughter, Meredith who are five years now. How he wished I was there for his wedding with Uncle Liam.

" Are you ready to meet my Uncles?" I whisper ask Emerson.

He shrugs, " I have met your sisters, Dad, Papa, and Uncle Alex, what could go wrong?"

" You haven't met Uncle Max or Uncle Darius yet, so a lot could go wrong". I smile at his pale face the moment I mentioned my notorious Uncles to him.

" I forgot about them".

" I think most of them are in the office by now", Uncle Alex says looking at his watch.

Opening the office door Uncle Alex walks on first. " Look who I found this morning".

" Who?" I hear Uncle Chris's voice from inside the office.

I take a deep breath cause I am going to need it. I walk inside the office all smiley but terrified inside.

" Tyler?" Uncle Jordan asks.

" Yap that's me", I half-wave at them but none of them seem to get what is going on.

" Tyler?" Uncle Max asks again. I just smile at him. Now is the moment I wish Pete was here or maybe He would have probably left me also.

" It is Tyler", Uncle Liam says coming towards me." I have missed you", He says hugging me.

I think something clicked inside the rest of them, they all stand up coming towards me. It is Jordan, Max, Chris, Darius, Alex, and Liam in the Office. No Idea where the rest are. After we all hugged and greet each other I introduced Emerson to them, also they were confused about the part where he Is also mated to Myron.

In a moment Uncle Mark, Nick, Cole, Avery, Matt, and Levi walks in laughing but they stacked the moment they saw me.

" Ooh... It is my Tyler", Uncle Mark comes with tears already forming his eyes. " I thought I will never see you again", He sobs hugging me tightly.

" Tyler", Uncle Matt whispers my name as he joins the hug and the rest of them joins in still shocked out of my presence.

" You have really grown", Avery says touching my blond hair. I slap his hand away leaving everyone laughing.

Again I Introduce Emerson to them, at least this time I had help from Uncle Matt to explain how our mate situation works. You see Uncle Matt was once a loner with Myron before they come and settle in Forest Hills so he has knowledge of a lot of things out there plus he has lots of books for almost everything. Some times I used to compare him with Grimm.

" Sorry, guys we are late none of our kids wanted to go to school today so it was......Tyler?" Uncle Dylan calls my name the moment his eyes lands on me.

" Tyler", Uncle Trevor breathes My name.

" One and Only", I say playing with my fingers.

Without wasting a minute I was crushed by a hug from both of them. Asking me a lot of questions at the same time without giving me time to answer them but in the end, Uncle Max snatched me away from them.

" Give the kid some space", He tells them.

After hours of talking and catching up with our lives it was lunchtime thankfully am starving I haven't had anything. Uncle Trevor has four kids, Uncle Mark has three kids, Uncle Max three kids, Uncle Matt has three kids, and Uncle Jordan as two kids. Uncle Levi is a high school principal, Uncle Cole started a school for magic kids( Witches and Warlocks), Uncle Darius is head of the warriors replacing Myron and Uncle Liam owns a five-star hotel just outside the pack's border, just the one we were last few nights back no wonder it was expensive. I really have missed a lot.

After another hour of spending with them after lunch Emerson and I had to go home. On the way back home Emerson drives. Reaching home we find Dad in the living room watching a movie.

" You are home early", I say giving him a kiss on his head.

" I had few patients to see today". He says moving a little so he could give us space to sit with him, which we both do.

" So how was your day?" He asks Emerson this time.

" Good, we went to visit Myron, and then I got to meet his fourteen uncles". Emerson says with a smile.

" You counted them?" I ask.

" I had to catch their names ...so yes I counted them". Emerson says proudly. "You really have a lot of powered uncles, I mean each and every one of them has a powerful aura around, no wonder your pack is one amongst the powerful packs in the world".

" The moment you become an Alpha come and ask for a treaty", Dad tells him.

" Really? Do you think I could get one with this pack?" Emerson asks surprised.

" Well you were once mated to one of us, so practically your still one of us", Dad tells him.

 " I will be so happy when I get to have a treaty with this pack", Emerson says excitedly.

Hours Later Papa comes home with Daizy and Devyn. We make dinner together when we're done with dinner Emerson took the twins in the living room leaving us space to talk.

" So have you thought about what you're going to do about your mate situation?" Papa asks.

" Not really", I say looking at the table.

" Tyler baby..what do you want?" Dad asks this time.

" I don't know what I want but I do know what I don't. I don't want a mate Dad".

" Are you serious about that? I mean they are your second chances to love". Dad says.

" I can handle heart breaks for boyfriends but I can't handle heartbreaks for mates. I don't want that pain anymore".

" Tyler we don't want to tell you what to do but Look at us. I mean Your Dad is my second chance and I didn't even think twice to hold his hand and make him mine forever because I know when you find something like this you are not supposed to let go. Imagine if I didn't take a chance with your Dad, do you think our family would have been this happy? I would have never met you or your sisters". Papa tells me putting his hand on my arm.

" You need to take a leap of faith Tyler and everything will work out".

" Do you love them?" Dad asks.

" Yes I do, since before we knew we are mates".

" Then what is the problem?' Dad asks again.

" The problem is that we have a love triangle".

" Love Triangle?" Papa asks.

So I tell him of our love triangle, which they just laughed saying young people we are crazy.

" You know when you agree to become mates all of that love will magically equalize itself. All you got to do is accept them. Look at your uncles they love each other equally now and they have a beautiful family. So why don't you give them a chance", Papa tells me.

" Okay I will", I tell them.

" Good", Dad says ruffling my hair.

We hear a knock at the door, so we all get up to see who is it. Emerson opens the door revealing Steven and Stephen.

" Hey guys", I greet them. " This is Steven and Stephen, Emerson's betas"

" Hellow", Dad greets them.

" We are here to take this guy home". Steven says pointing at Emerson.

" Right now?" I ask shocked. Looking at my phone it is almost ten.

" I still have school Tyler and I really need to attend. Thank you for letting me stay at your house, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Harrington". Emerson says picking his bag, that was in the living room. I didn't even know he wanted to leave this soon.

" Well, it was nice to have you around Emerson, although we didn't get to spend a good time with you". Papa says.

" Maybe next time".

" Maybe. Drive safely", Dad says this time.

" Let me walk you to your car", I take his bag from his hands and walk outside first leaving him to close the door behind him.

Reaching to the car I give the twins his bag. " What happened why so soon?"

" I really need to get back there Ty...I still have lots of things to do plus I want to keep a clean record since am new to the school and all. I have missed two weeks, I need to catch up".

" Okay, I will be there soon", I hug him and he returns the hug. " Drive safely and tell the boys I will be there soon and thank you for being here with me".

" You are welcome and I will tell them". He climbs to the driver's seat. " Take care".

" You too". I wave as they start to drive away.

Leaving me in the driveway alone.

" Tyler are you coming inside?" Daizy calls from the door.

" Yes I am", I walk towards her and we both get inside.

I hope they get home safely.

I hope Kyle and Robin are okay.



Till next time.

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