My Cup Of Coffee- Michaeng

By Penguin_Myoui_

245K 8.3K 8.2K

Mina and Sehun have been planning to get married for a while now. When they visit Sehun's parents, Mina is in... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
The Sequel

Chapter 1

11.2K 272 362
By Penguin_Myoui_

Song of the Chapter:
"Painting" by Lee Bada


My head was pounding and my heart was raising. Heavy rain was heard in the distance and cold wind hit my body. The taste of alcohol from the night before was fresh at the tip of my tongue. My aching bones didn't allow my body to move and cover itself in my warm bed sheets. The sun shined through the curtains as I opened my eyes. It felt like a slap in the face waking up this way, not remembering a single thing from just hours ago. The pounding in my head mimicked the bass from the music last night.

I rolled over hoping to find comfort on the colder side of my bed, one without my own sweat. I had pills for my hangover in my kitchen cabinets but I couldn't find strength in my body to get up and take them. I was cold. The window I had opened the previous evening had been left ajar, filling my room with the smell of rain and the cold morning breeze. I had thrown myself onto my bed with only my bra and my favorite underwear I bought at Victoria's secret hoping to at some extent feel like a ruthless high school student once more. The only comfort that brought was that I in fact, wasn't stuck being underaged and living with my parents as a minor any longer.

The thought of closing the window and finding myself underneath the covers kept on replaying in my mind. At some point, I was fooled and believed I did it for just a second yet my body was hit by the cold breeze and the realization of it just being a thought. As much as I wanted to feel warmth, the fresh air soothed this horrible hang over. I couldn't stand the faint taste of alcohol inside my mouth and felt the need to get up and brush my teeth. That would mean getting ready for the day and meeting my bed at the end of it.

Ring ring ring.

My body jumped up and my eyes shot wide open just when I found myself going back to sleep. I reached for the night stand besides me only to hit the book I had there, knocking it down with a loud thud. I ignored it as I continued to search for my ringing phone with my head hiding in my pillow. My hand kept tapping on the surface of the night stand hoping to feel my phone as I sensed it's vibration near my finger tips.

I found it groaning before answering the call. I didn't check to see who the caller was as it could only be one person calling me so early.

"Morning babe" his sweet and cheerful voice said through speaker causing me to smile and roll over in bed facing my phone "how did my beautiful soon to be wife wake up after the bachelorette party? With a hangover, I suppose?" He chuckled being so effortlessly charming. I was referred to as his 'soon to be wife' which only added to my already wide smile.

"Precisely with a hangover" I say my voice coming out deep and hoarse "how did my soon to be husband sleep?" I cringed at my self right after speaking and brought my palm against my face hoping for it to help me out in some way.

"Just fine. Are you ready to leave? I will be picking you up in an hour. Do not worry, your favorite coffee and breakfast sandwich in town will be awaiting you." My head shot up only to be received by the annoyingly bright sun which was higher than before. The rain was now gone, replaced by blue skies and cool autumn air. "You forgot didn't you?"

Of course I forgot. Why did we think partying as if we wouldn't be driving up five hours to meet his parents was a good idea last night? Because our wedding was coming up soon?

"No no of course I didn't. I'll be waiting" I lied. I'm not ready. I had enough time to pack for the trip through out the week but didn't do much. The only thing I had prepared was my pajamas.

"Alright then. I love you" he said.

"Love you too" I quickly hung up the phone and sat up in my bed. I had one hour to prepare for a two weeks stay at his parents house. Well, maybe a little more than two weeks. As Sehun told me about it I was reading my book and didn't pay much attention.

Last night, was a blur. More than just a blur, it wasn't engraved anywhere in my memories. The only thing I recall is Irene driving me home as Hyuna and Dawn made out in the backseat as if they were still teenagers. Sehun and I had two separate parties, God knows what he was up to. I got up wrapping my nearly bare body in the morning gown that was gifted to me on my last birthday. My feet tip toed on the cold wood floor of my small apartment as I walked to the kitchen and prepared my self some coffee. I found pills to ease the hangover in one of my many cabinets and immediately took them with water.

What do I even pack? I've never met his parents. We had only dated for nearly two years but we were old enough to know that we want to get married. I know I do. In my 23 years of being alive and experience with not just two men but also a woman in my third year of high school, never have I ever felt so sure about wanting to spend my life with someone else. Sehun is such a gentlemen and never fails to make me feel loved and wanted. There's nothing else I want in life other than to spend it with him.

With the pills I had taken an hour ago and warm coffee after a cold shower, I managed to finish packing. My throat felt a bit sore, sleeping with the window open, cold air coming in all night and alcohol rushing through my veins, a cold is the only thing I could expect creeping up within my weak immune system. The clothes I packed were warm and appropriate for the situation. His parents knew I was coming over, what they didn't know was that we are going to get married. It's a bomb Sehun wants to drop on them.

I had changed into a comfortable hoodie and jeans for the long car ride. I never was a fan of them, and never will be. The only thing I plan to do is read the book I had bought a week ago yet haven't started. It wasn't like me to have a brand new book ready for me to bury my nose into beside my bed every night and not read it. The Woman in Cabin 10. Sounds like a thrilling journey awaiting for me, certainly more enjoyable than dealing with the anxiety and nerves that come with meeting my future parents in law. Will they like me? Will they be pleased with our decisions? If they are anything like my parents, I will not enjoy my stay one bit.

Sehun arrived and helped me with my bags. I'm taking a suitcase and medium bag carrying all the clothing that refused to fit inside my small suit case. He drove a 2014 Chevrolet Truck, painted beautifully white with a fresh rinse making it seem as good as new. In the cargo bed he had his own luggage which was a lot more than mine. Sehun dressed with style and didn't like wearing the same thing twice so often. He always makes sure to look, dress, act and even smile his best. From a distance, I'm always able to sense when he's near, his scent always strong yet attracted me very much.

Neither of us enjoy music, so the ride was silent as I read my book and he focused on the road ahead. Not much was discussed between the two of us as my interest only grew greater for my book the more I read. The first page already had me hooked, I had placed two extra books in case I finish this one too soon, and I know I will. I refuse to put it down until I have to.

Just two hours into the ride I began to feel sick. Car sick. I had finished the delicious coffee Sehun had gotten me and felt like the alcohol and caffeine in my system was enough to make me skip breakfast.

"Mina" I hear his voice snapping me out of my book, right when it was getting more exciting. His eyes stayed on the road with very fancy sunglasses covering them, one hand on the steering wheel as the other rested on the divider. The way he sat and drove made him look so good. "Did you hear me?" He asked taking a glance at me.

"Uh no" I say feeling a bit bad about ignoring him "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" My book had been closed the second he let out a deep breath.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me. We were surrounded by endless green fields of grass. Our direction was north, where the weather was colder, and it became evident as the crops on the field begun to appear drier and drier the more we drive by them.

"Only a bit" I didn't really know how to feel. They hadn't given me a reason to feel nervous, nor had they given me a reason to look forward to it. All I could hope is that they don't like to converse often and like to drink coffee in the mornings. After he didn't say anything back, my book had been opened again and my full attention had gone back to helpless woman who everyone thought was losing her mind.

Throughout the whole ride, I had to take various breaks from reading as I felt very nauseous and slightly opened the window. My shoes were slipped off as I decided to take a nap for a while. The radio had been turned on and Sehun remained quiet, just like he always had. It's what I loved about him. As we passed through fields and farms, the smell of the crops being grown, nature and even cow poop filled my nostrils. Whenever they gave off an unpleasant smell, Sehun would roll my window back up making me feel in a very enclosed space and somewhat anxious.

We arrived. As he carefully parked, I observed the farm. I knew he said it was big, but he didn't mention the beautiful two story ranch house which made it look like it belonged in the middle of the woods due to the style of wood chosen for it. There was a driveway taken up by two trucks bigger than his and a black motorcycle. Although the house was big, the space was quite small for a farm. The fields were empty, no horses or crops. Nothing. Just grass. And it looked absolutely beautiful.

Not much time was given to observe everything as his parents came out to greet us. His father was very tall and seemed quite fit. I would have never guessed he was nearly fifty if it wasn't for his beard fading into a grayish color. His mother was tall, almost as tall as his father. Step mother. Whenever he talked about her it was as if she was his birth mother. Sehun didn't talk much about his biological mother. Mostly because she had passed away when he was young. Sorrow was never shown and he seems perfectly happy with his family now. So I don't bother referring to her as a step mother.

The both of them looked quite young despite their age. And were very good looking, explaining Sehun's looks. They smiled and waved at us to come closer to them as they stood in the beautiful porch inside the house. The sun was right above us, covered by gray skies, making it seem as if it wasn't even there. The cool wind was gently brushing against me, reminding me of how cold it made me feel this morning. As we walked towards his parents, his mother pulled me into a very, very tight hug. I had never been hugged this way by a mother and it made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Mother" Sehun cleared his throat as she patted my back. She let go of me but soon held onto my shoulders. Keeping me in front of her, a wide and youthful smile on her face.

"You're beautiful" she smiled and pulled me into an even tighter hug this time "how did my son get so lucky with such a gorgeous woman like you? Mina, right?" She asked finally letting go. I nodded and greeted his father with a strong hand shake. The both of them seemed very joyful, just like their wonderful son. They soon hugged Sehun and planted kisses all over his face. He smiled in embarrassment as he looked at me and pushed them off. The sight of him this way made him look like a little boy.

"Come on inside. It will rain soon" his father said helping Sehun with the baggage. The bags and suitcases were placed at the foot of the stairs as we entered. The first thing I noticed was how beautiful it was inside. Very refreshing with the same style of wood used for the inside making it appear like a cabin. The kitchen was huge, the counter somewhat more modern than anything holding such a welcoming gesture. There was a living room beside it, a huge flatscreen tv placed on the wall as two huge couches were placed in front of it. The carpet looked so soft in the middle of the living room.

On the other side of the stairs, there was an area with a huge dinner table, making it look so fancy but still held onto to a warm gesture. Further down that hall was what looked like a fire place it was far too hidden behind the dining table to be made out clearly. I looked around noticing all the pictures they had. None of the family. More like memories of places they've visited. The Eiffel Tower, a view of New York City, snow at the tip of some mountain and so much more. The whole house was so neatly decorated it was incredible how welcoming this truly felt.

"We didnt know if you would want two separate rooms or one, so we prepared two" his mother smiled, examining me "Mina, you're so naturally beautiful. I love your hair" she said. Sehun and I have never actually slept together. He had his small apartment, I had mine. Sometimes he'd visit and maybe spend the night. When he did, we slept at an awkward distance from each other. Sehun respected the fact that we weren't married yet and wanted to wait until afterwards in order to share a bed properly. It's something I don't mind, I love how much he cares.

"Two separate rooms is okay. Thank you mom" he smiled.

"Why dont you two to settle in your bedrooms first before we do all the catching up?" His dad said. Sehun nodded and looked at me waiting for some sort of response. I simply nodded as well not feeling like I had much authority right now. I managed to take my own things up as Sehun was given a hand. The hallway upstairs was long. There was a small balcony at the top of the stairs giving you a full view of what indeed was a fire place surrounded by comfortable couches.

The room I was given had a view of the south side of the house. What seemed like endless fields of grass and hills in the distance was beautiful. There was a small workshop and shack across from each other not far from the house. I'm assuming it's their property due to how close they were. My bed was quite big and there was a night stand just like the one I have at home beside my bed. On the opposite side was a small closet. The walls were painted a mix of gray and blue, the floor was hardwood making the room resemble an old fashion style. I felt so welcomed here. I placed my suitcase on the bed and stood at the entrance not wanting to take a long time here.

Sehun's room was at the end of the hall. I don't know what the room next door to mine was and it's not my business either. Across from my door was a bathroom which is very convenient. I rested beside my suitcase feeling the car sickness getting to me. Drinking two cups of pure black coffee wasn't doing me any good. And neither was all the alcohol from last night. My body felt exhausted. More than exhausted, it hurt. I was sore from all the dancing I suppose I had been doing the previous night.

"All ready?" Sehun asked knocking on my door, startling me a bit "everything okay?" He softly asked walking in. I sat up and gave him a small smile.

"The hangover isn't doing me any favors" I lightly laughed. He sat beside me pushing the suitcase to the side and caressed my hand in the most comforting way.

"You can rest if you want. My parents can wait. I'm sorry if they're a bit, overwhelming. They already love you" he chuckled. It was more than clear I had gotten on their good side without having to say or do anything. They immediately accepted me. I'm guessing they knew Sehun to be such a gentleman and trusted his liking.

"That's okay. I can rest tonight. Let's get going?" I asked looking up at him. He gave me kiss on the cheek and took my hand leading me out of the room.

"We completely forgot to introduce ourselves!" His father threw his hands up after two hours of sitting near the fire place and talking about politics which I had no clue nor care toward. I left Sehun and his parents to that as I aimlessly zoned out trying to soothe how bad my head hurt.

"Right" Sehun laughed clapping his hands together very comfortable with them now. "This is my mom Soyi, and my father Dohun, this is Mina" he smiled taking my hand.

"We are sorry about that. Dinner should be arriving soon. I hope you like sushi and fried rice." Soyi said getting up. "You haven't met my daughter yet." She said to us. Sehun looked between the two of them, a bit of panic arising inside him.

"You didn't mention her living here" Sehun said not seeming upset or pleased about it. Just surprised. He never mentioned having any siblings.

"I know. She arrived two nights ago and has to stay here a while. I hope that doesn't bother you Mina" His mother said to me with apologetic eyes.

"That's okay" I chuckled uncomfortably shifting in my seat. The atmosphere had become incredibly awkward and dead silent. "Where is she?" I asked wanting to put it to an end.

"At the workshop, she loves spending time there but I will have her come introduce herself before dinner" has she been there this whole time? I suddenly became more curious. Not only because I've never heard about her, but because of how they reacted to mentioning her. Was there a problem? "I'll be setting the table up."

"Would you like any help?" I asked wanting to bond with my future mother in law.

"It's okay. Thank you" she said shaking her head and excusing herself.

"About my sister" Sehun said turning to me.

"You never mentioned her" I say feeling a bit upset about the fact I wouldn't have found out if she wasn't staying here.

"I know. She just isn't the best type of person" he sighed "I didn't know she would be here at this time. I'm sorry"

The door was heard opening and I imagined it to be his sister. There was some discussing heard in the kitchen but couldn't be made out from here. All I know is that it grew louder and the next second there was stomping heard up the stairs. I looked towards the kitchen finding Sehun's parents talking among themselves seeming a bit frustrated about what had just went down. I felt a bit still and didn't want to move afraid to do anything to further bother them. Sehun exhaled heavily and looked at me his eyes filled with worry.

"We can visit any other time if you'd like?" He said to me. Something told me he would prefer to leave but it didn't sit right with me. I didn't see a reason to want to drive hours back for one discussion we didn't know the reason behind.

"It's okay. We still have to announce our wedding. Let's enjoy this" I said resting my head comfortably against his chest. He didn't respond, but simply kissed my forehead taking me into his warm embrace.

"I love you Mina" he quietly said making me smile.

"I love you too" I responded knowing that agreeing to marry him was the best thing I've ever done.

The mysterious sister didn't show up for dinner, much less to greet us before it. The door had slammed shut after she left some time ago. Her mother apologized which wasn't necessary. I didn't mind it mostly because it wasn't my business and only cared about hitting the comfortable bed awaiting me up stairs and shutting my eyes closed. I was hoping dinner wouldn't take that long but his parents wanted to drink some wine and discuss politics and what not which I had no interest in.

"What's your take on this Mina?" Soyi asked me after cleaning up the dinner table. My take on what?

"Im sorry?" I said apologizing for not understanding what she was talking about and needing her to ask again.

"Mina do you want to rest now?" Sehun asked me.

"It's better if I do. I'll excuse myself for the night. May I use the shower?" I asked beginning to get up.

"Of course you can, it just takes a while to heat up, turn it on before you get your clothes" his father said to me.

"Thank you. Goodnight"

Finally. I'm going to rest after taking a warm shower. I did as I was told and turned the water on before heading to my room to get a change of clothes. As tired as I was and just wanted to sleep, I didn't want to be dirty. Showering twice a day does not sound so convenient but I needed it.

I cut my shower short after rinsing off my body and washing my hair. Maybe ten minutes were spent in here before I headed out. As I opened the door and stepped out I heard footsteps heading up the stairs. In hopes of it being Sehun, I waited before entering my room. The footsteps weren't his, nor his parents. I was surprised to see a short figure turn to look at me. At the first look I would have guessed it to be a boy. The second our eyes met I realized it was girl with short hair. She was somewhat short but beautiful. My presence didn't seem to surprise her as she kept walking down the hall in my direction.

"I'm Mina" I say as she got closer. I'm not sure why I felt so panicked. She looked up at me and stopped walking. I was barefoot and the floor was cold. My towel and used clothes in my arms.

"Mina who?" She asked with a serious tone in her voice as she looked me up and down "one of Sehun's girlfriends?"

"Girlfriends?" I cleared my throat and stood up straight. She gave me what looked like a smirk and clicked her tongue.

"I'm Chaeyoung. Didn't mean to make that plural, Mina. Night" she said and proceeded to walk right past me, unbothered. Stepping into the room beside mine. That's what the mysterious room is. And that was the mysterious younger sister who right off the bat, didn't seem like such a nice person indeed. I walked into my room after a few seconds of looking at the closed door. What's up with her? And what did she mean by many girlfriends? Should I be worried?

Deciding not to pay attention to the girl with clear attitude I laid in bed. There was chatter heard in the room next door, Chaeyoung's room. Only one voice was heard but these walls were thin. Her voice grew louder then quieted down. Nothing else was heard from her for the rest of the night. And the only sound that filled the room was the wind ruffling through the tree tops wanting to break into my window. I suddenly went back to my book. I found certain comfort in connecting with non existent characters.

They were the only thing that kept me company as a child whenever my parents would argue. And now, they were the only thing that made me feel as if my life isn't as bad. Knowing that somewhere else, not in the real world, but in my own world of books there will always be many pages and stories awaiting me is like home. They will wait until I open those pages and they will keep me intrigued until I can no longer read. I learned to be a decent person from those books, not my parents. And those non existent characters were the ones who held me tight as I wanted to escape my own world.

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