Genderbend Sector V of the KND

By littlerose75

7.8K 51 16

This story is just Sector V being genderbend in the episodes, please give credit to the original series and i... More

Operation: I-S.C.R.E.A.M
Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E
Operation: T.H.E.-S.H.O.G.U.N.
Operation: B.E.A.C.H.
Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.
Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R.
Operation: K.A.S.T.L.E.
Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S.
Operation: C.O.U.C.H.
Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.
Operation: L.O.V.E.
Operation: D.A.T.E.
Operation: P.A.R.T.Y
Operation C.A.K.E.D. F.O.U.R.

Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T

234 1 0
By littlerose75

For borutojumbo1 

Credit in this episode goes to: Mr. Warburton, Alison Wilgus, Andy Rheingold, Kim Arndt, Quack Leard







We open at KND moon base

Numbuh 74.239 (the orange haired scientists with braces and a lisp): Fellow scientists as you all know breaking through the ridiculous barrier has long been one of the key goals of the kids next door galactic exploration program. (We now see a bunch of kids in lab coats, Numbuh 3 & 4 who are wearing space suits, and Numbuh 2)  For years the limits of our technology have kept us with in our own solar system, but no longer (swings hands up in excitement) today these two (swings hands over to show Numbuh 3 who is eating popcorn and Numbuh 4 who just looks a bit annoyed) heroic operatives will become the first to accelerate beyond the ridiculous barrier and in doing so embark upon a journey to where no boy or girl has gone before (there is a lot of hand movements)

Numbuh 4: (looks really annoyed) Yeah yeah so let's say we do break this re-donk-ulos bar-ist-er what happens then?

Numbuh 74.239: No one knows. The experiences a waiting you maybe beyond a child's comprehension.

Numbuh 2: Ok. Well while they're preparing the rocket (grabs numbuh 4 arm) I just need a quick word with the test subject… (numbuh 3 and 4 look at her with a somewhat confused face) uh… astronaut before the launch. (Drags Numbuh 4 away) Look Numbuh 4 you need two are going to be alone in that rocket for like a bamillion hours you have to tell him.

Numbuh 4: What!?! No way!

Numbuh 2: (Numbuh 4 has a worry expression) You can't keep putting it off he needs to know.

Loud speaker: Attention kids next door operatives this is Numbuh 3-2-1 the launch will begin in te-minus two minutes.

Numbuh 2: (pushing Numbuh 4) Just tell him.

We are now in the rocket where we see Numbuh 3 sitting and Numbuh 4 is just jumping in.

Numbuh 74.239: Oh Numbuh 4 I almost forgot you'll need this audiomadic voice capture device. (Hands over device) Just talk into the microphone and it will transmit your findings back to us. That way if you get eaten by some horrible interdimensional beast at least we'll know what happened. (Laughs and closes the rocket's door)

Numbuh 4: Huh, Hey wait!

Loud speaker Numbuh 3-2-1: Te-minus 15 seconds. (we slowly see the rocket is being disconnected from the base) 14 13…

Back in the rocket

Numbuh 4: Uh Kari, now that we're alone there's something I've been meaning to tell ya for a while.

Numbuh 3: (still holding the popcorn) Later Willow. The in-flight movie about to start (a screen that is counting down from 6)

Loud speaker Numbuh 3-2-1: 4 3 2 1 ignition.

They blast off numbuh 3 is saying we're and popcorn is flying out of his popcorn bucket.

Rocket: (a indicator that is like the speedometer in a car only it starts at x and ends at y) Now approaching fast, super fast, stupidflying fast, (it keeps saying it's speeding up as the speedometer is going from x to y)

I don't know what Numbuh 4 says but it's I can't something, I don't know at all what he says next but it ends with I'm getting out of here getting cut off as light enters the rocket.

We open to a field of flowers.

Numbuh 3: (gets up and sees the ship sinking) The ship! No! (Looks around) Numbuh 4? Willow? Where are you? (Sees footsteps and picks up the device that was given to Numbuh 4 and his popcorn bucket) This is Numbuh 3 calling moon base we've crashed on some alien planet, our rocket is now at the bottom of a lake, (starts to follow footsteps) Numbuh 4 is missing I'm assuming she has gone off on her own to explore the planet, and I'm requesting you guys find a way to get us out of here once we are done. (Laughter and a silhouette runs pass her) Willow? Hey Willow is that you? (Turns around and starts to back up hears some type of animal noise) What's that? (Starts to walk off and we see from above that at least two unknown beings are following him) What is going on with all the animal life on this planet. (We see more following)

As he trips over a rock we see a silhouette with red eyes and the screen goes black.

We open to Numbuh 3 groaning with his head on a table sitting a heart chair and a yellow rainbow monkey tea cup next to her. 

Numbuh 3: (sits up still with his popcorn) Huh? Oh good something to go with my popcorn. (Grabs the cup a takes a sip) Hey! (Turns cup upside down to see nothing in it) It's empty. (Put cup down) At least I still have my popcorn. (Takes a bite)

???: What's wrong don't ya like ya tea?

Numbuh 3: Hey you're rainbow monkeys.

We now see two rainbow monkeys (RM) a blue boy one and a yellow girl one. They are holding clipboards

Blue RM: Of course we are.

Yellow RM: Would you prefer some sugar in your tea?

Numbuh 3: (looks dumbfounded) There's nothing in that cup.

Blue RM: Oh but of course there is. It's pretend tea. The very best kind.

Numbuh 3: No my little sister makes me drink pretend tea all the time and to be honest I kinda hate it. She doesn't know that because I try to be a nice older brother but it's rough sometimes.

The RMs gasp

Yellow RM: So what your saying is, I mean what I'm wondering is…

Blue RM: Are you a boy?

Numbuh 3: Yeah. I thought it was obvious? (Tries to get out of chair) This chair is really hard to get out of. Hey can you tell me where my friend Willow is so we can find a ship and go back to our planet.

Yellow RM: Don't worry we'll help you find your friend if you just answer a few questions for us first.

Blue RM: (hold up a colorful ink-bolt) What does this look like to you?

Numbuh 3: (Eats some popcorn) I wanna say caterpillar with it's guys all squashed out. Or a butterfly.

Yellow RM: And if I say snuggle-wumple-lious what's the first word that comes to mind?

Numbuh 3: (getting annoyed still eating popcorn) What? Oh it's one of those extra girly lines my sister likes.

Blue RM: Ok and which of these do you like better. (Holds a picture of a girl doll and a cat)

Numbuh 3: (getting angry while gripping onto the popcorn bucket) The cat. Now I want to know where my friend is!

A boy green RM comes in.

Green RM: What is going on here?

Blue and Yellow: General Hugs.

Blue RM: We're so glad you're here sir. This morning our snuggle squad captured something amazing. A real life human boy.

General Hugs: A boy!?! Preposterous! No boy has been seen in these lands since the beginning of recorded history. It's obviously just a very ulgy little girl.

Numbuh 3: (furious) What! Who are you calling a girl!?! (Finally gets out of the chair and is about to attack but is caught by General Hugs) Hey let me go you candy colored creep! (Trying to break free)

General Hugs: Oh rainbow! I think you maybe right professor Puff-bottom. Only boys can be thoroughly unpleasant.

Yellow RM: But he's not unpleasant at all. He is positively cuddle-lious.

Numbuh 3: I'll show you cuddle-lious! (Still trying to break free)

General Hugs: Boys were once discourage of rainbow monkey kind Professor Snuggles they're an abomination and must be destroyed.

Professor Snuggles: You can't. He should be protected, studied. He may be the only one of his kind.

General Hugs: So you say but we shall let the tribunal decide. What to do with him. (Laughs)

Rainbow monkey court room

Professor Snuggles: And in conclusion we remind you all that this boy is an endangered species! (She touched Numbuh 3 shoulders he is looking so over everything) he may be different from us yes, but perhaps we could learn from him.

Professor Puff-bottom: And maybe we could even learn something about ourselves.

All rainbow monkeys Aww

General Hugs: Preposterous. It's we'll know that boys stand for all that is cruel and vicious. But to prove my statement is beyond all doubt. I shall call an expert witness.

Numbuh 3: Are we really doing this? Fine, bring in whoever they are that knows about boys. (Continues to eat popcorn)

We pan over to see Numbuh 4

Numbuh 4: I was abused by cruddy rainbow monkeys.

Numbuh 3: Willow where were you?!

Numbuh 4: I was walking and then I was captured and now I'm here. What are we doing?

General Hugs: So tell me little girl, would you describe this boy as angry.

Numbuh 4: I mean sometimes yeah.

Gasps are heard all around.

General Hugs: And does he have violent tendencies.

Numbuh 4: In battle yeah.

Numbuh 3: Willow this is serious!!! (Drops popcorn bucket RIP)

Numbuh 4: I'm just trying to get out of this rainbow land.

General Hugs: Does this creature, this boy, like hugs?

Numbuh 4: Yeah. I mean I assume he does. He never really specified if he did.

Court starts to talk a lot

Judge RM: Order in the court. We have heard enough this monster must be disposed of for the good of all rainbow monkey kind. This concept here by sentences him to be hugged to death.

Numbuh 4: Isn't that the opposite of what you stupid cruddy monkeys do?

General Hugs: Tough love what can you do.

Numbuh 3: I can probably make you stop the punishment just by (grabs plant) Saying I'll hurt this flower if you do.

Red judge: No not little miss Daisy waisy.

General Hugs: Put that flower down this instant!

Numbuh 3: Ok right (throws it) There. (RMs run to save the flower) Come on. (Drags Numbuh 4 away from court room)

Numbuh 4: Finally I was getting tired of all the kindness and sharing of the cruddy monkeys.

Numbuh 3: I'm starting to see why you hate them so much.

They run into both Professor Puff-bottom and Professor Snuggles.

Numbuh 4: More of this crud.

Professor Puff-bottom: Come on we found a way to get you home again. (Opens door) 

They all leave and we see RMs are still chasing them in the Court's hallway. They stop running when they see unicorns.

Numbuh 4: My nightmare keeps getting worse.

Professor Snuggles: Quick get on.

The unicorns carry them to a rocket.

Numbuh 3: (he and the RMs jump off there unicorns I thought it would be a harder escape then that. (Falls off the unicorns) Great we can leave now.

Numbuh 4: Yeah let's just leave.

General Hugs: Stop that rocket!

Numbuh 3: Wish I can thank you more but we got to leave.

They start to climb the ladder of the rocket

General Hugs: Don't let them escape! Fire! (Arrows are being shot at Numbuh's 3&4 who are now in the rocket.

Numbuh 4: How do you make this thing go? Let's try this one. (Presses go button) we made it. Kari now that we are safe I can't put off telling you this any longer, it's been ages now and I think you have the right to know that- (video game noise looks at screen and it says mission over please leave)

Speaker: Mission has ended please disembark.

Numbuh 4: Wow that was quick. (They leave the rocket and are on the ground) Hey this isn't right. This look just like- 

We see they never left the planet.

General Hugs: Prepare to be hugged to dea- (robot noise and it falls over)

Man: (He was standing behind General Hugs) Oh man stupid animemotronics still haven't gotten all the bugs out yet.

Numbuh 3: So we have been surrounded by robots.

Man: Well duh. What you think that you landed on some kind of rainbow monkey planet with this rumbley-tumbley rainbow rocket as your only means of escape.

Numbuh 3: (he and Numbuh 4 who did think that put on a face of yeah we knew it was robots) Of course not.

Man: Look the parks closing you girls should get out of here.

Numbuh 3 is annoyed about to say something but doesn't and he and Numbuh 4 walk off.

Cut to them leaving the rainbow monkey amusement park

Numbuh 3: So should we tell the scientists that we didn't crash landed on a planet but crash landed in the Rainbow Monkey amusement park.

Numbuh 4: Yeah if we don't I think they'll be mad but I have been trying to tell you something all day and it can't wait any longer. (They are both blushing) Numbuh 3 I-I I… (grabs his hands)

Numbuh 3: Yes?

Numbuh 4: You got a popcorn kernel in your teeth! It's been in there since this morning and I thought you should know!

Numbuh 3: (became sad in an instant pulls out a mirror looks into it to see a popcorn kernel) (inner monologue: That's not what I wanted her to say plan b reaction) Huh why didn't you tell me!?! (Throws the mirror away and swings at Numbuh 4)

Numbuh 4: Because whenever I do you start hitting me!

Numbuh 3: I do not! (Inner monologue: Yeah I know to make it look believable)

Numbuh 4: Uh why do they always make me tell him.

Later at the sector v treehouse.

Numbuh 5: So instead of going to a different planet you ended up at an amusement park?

Numbuh 4: Yeah.

Numbuh 1: Where you thought it was a planet with real live rainbow monkeys only to turn out it was just a bunch of robots.

Numbuh 3: Yeah.

Numbuh 2: Well that sucks. Hey Numbuh 4 did you tell Numbuh 3 yet?

Numbuh 4: Yeah I'm getting real sick of you guys telling me to tell him about food in his teeth. (Leave the room)

Numbuh 2: So she didn't tell you.

Numbuh 3: No.

Numbuh 1: Why does she always think when we tell her to tell you it's about food in your teeth?

Numbuh 5 Because she's an idiot and we're idiots for not saying tell Kari how you feel.

Numbuh 2: Why doesn't Numbuh 3 confess first?

Numbuh 3: If I do she will just say it's gross or something that why she has to confess first!

Numbuh 2: That makes sence.

Numbuh 3: Whatever I'm going to my room.

Numbuh 5: Wish they just confess already.

Numbuh 1: Don't we all.


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