A Constellation of Existence

By obscured-radiance

374 39 5


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

25 3 3
By obscured-radiance

Monday morning. My alarm clock sounded even more awful than usual; I sleepily threw my hand out in the general direction of my bedside table and managed to silence it. I rolled out of bed, in the truest sense of the word, and put on the nearest clothes I could find that looked reasonably clean. I peered out from my bedroom window to discover that Nova’s room was dark. I hadn’t seen any movement in her room since after prom, which was weird.

I walked downstairs as the sun was climbing the horizon and was greeted by my parents both sitting at the kitchen table, my father tense and my mother on the verge of a breakdown.

“Sit down Logan.” My father said gently.

I walked over cautiously, wondering what could have possibly happened that had my parents both so worked up.

“They… they identified the body.” My mother said softly, fumbling with her wedding ring and looking down.

My father continued for her, “it was Nova.”

And all of a sudden, time seemed to stop and my thoughts were racing and my mind was empty.

“Logan, I, I’m-” I didn’t wait for my mother to finish; I didn’t need to hear her apology for the fact that my best friend and the girl I was possibly, hopelessly in love with, was dead.

I ran back to my room and climbed back into bed, squeezing my eyes shut and willing my mind to stop thinking. After a couple minutes, I fell asleep.

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