You Hypnotize Me


74.8K 1.4K 482

[ R5 FanFiction ] This story is about a girl, Sydney, who bumps into a member of R5, she doesnt realize it ye... More

You Hypnotize Me
Just Can't Get You Outta My Head
Can't Get Enough of You
The Heat Is On
Can you feel it?
I Just Can't Breathe
You Make Me Weaken
Say You'll Stay
Cali Girls
I Played It Safe
Fallin' For You
I'm Not From That Atmosphere
I Start Acting Crazy
No Good Way For This To End
No One Else Just You and Me
The Way You Turn Me On
Won't Leave Without A Fight
Never Will I Let You Go
Lights Up My Heart
I Can Change Your World
Looking For The One Tonight
I Can't Fool Myself But We Both Know It's True
She's Famous
This Love Won't Go Away
Don't Blink If You Think That I Might Bite Bite
I'll Be Right Here For You My Dear, Always
It's A Matter Of Time
You're My Obsession
Now I Gotta Keep Away
All The Pain And The Heart Ache
Don't Leave Me Lonely
Keep Away From This Girl
Love To Love Her
I Can't Remember What I Did Tonight
If I Can't Be With You
Should've Seen It Coming
I'd Like To Take You
Why Are You So Hard To Find
Going Into Earthquake After Shock

A Fatal Attraction

2.6K 52 4

I spent the rest of my work day basically obsessing over this Ross guy. He was adorable, so sweet, not to mention hilarious. I still couldn’t place why his name sounded familiar. I brushed it off for the time being and tried to focus on my job. WAIT! Oh no, I didn’t get his number! Oh my god I’ll never see him again! UH! Just my luck! Gah! I nee to calm down, hey who knows? Maybe I’ll run into him o the bus again. Hell I’m just trying to be optimistic. We will probably never meet again.

Ross POV

I just barely made the bus after having the most amazing conversation with Sydney. Sydney, she was great, she was short with blonde hair and big blue eye that I just got lost in every time I looked in them. And her laugh, my god it may have been the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard, it was so unique. She was also pretty clumsy, which just made her that much cuter. WAIT, I thought as the bus left the coffee shop, SHIT. I didn’t get her number! Gah! I slap myself in the forehead. I am so lame and stupid… by the time I get back from tour some other guy will probably have picked her up! And she’ll forget all about me, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if she already forgot me. Damn.

I get off the bus and walk the few blocks to my house, sulking, kicking stones on the way.

“Dude what’s wrong with you?”

I look up quickly, startled. It’s my brother Rocky.

“Hey Rocky, nothing, just gunna go pack my bags…”

“Wait, we do have rehearsals, remember?”

“Oh Shoot! Sorry man, totally forgot, I’m a little out of it”

“Yeah I can tell, well lets go get started on practice.”

Sydney POV

Finally my work day is over, I take my apron off and find the hanger with my name above it, I hang it. I lock up the shop, walk over to the bus stop bench and take a seat. Now I’m just waiting, and hoping, that maybe there is the slightest chance that Ross will be riding the same bus three times in one day. “Yeah right, keep dreaming Sydney” I say out loud to myself, or so I thought.

“Dreaming about what?” I hear a teenage boys voice behind me I swiftly turn around, I see a tall black haired guy with a good number of freckles on his face, he is grinning at me.

“What do you want Derek?” I sternly demand.

“Oh nothing, I just knew I’d find you here, at candy’s, I kind of wanted to talk about us.” He says innocently.

“Funny,” I say uninterested and clearly not amused “because there is nothing to talk about.” I turn back toward the street.

He grips my arm firmly and makes me look at him “Listen, baby.” He says trying to coerce me.

“No! Stop!” I yell struggling, my arm hurts, I wiggle out of his grasp only for a second until he grasps my wrist with even more pressure that before and he whips me back to his side, I thought I was done with this shit. He starts shaking me, making me pay attention.

“You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not” He demands, much angrier than before, I stay silent, tears streaming down my cheek bones. They are really warm on my skin on this cold night. “You ARE going to get back together with me, and the time you won’t go tattling on me to your family. You Got It?”

“No! I don’t ‘Got It?’” I mimic him, I may not be physically strong but my god am I headstrong. I know what Derek is capable of, but I’m not afraid, not anymore, at least I can’t show him that I am.

“What did you sa—“he was cut off by the lights of the bus turning the corner and hitting him in the face.

The next thing I know Derek shoves me roughly on the bench and sprints away, ‘coward’ I think to myself. I get up already slightly sore and my wrist where he grabbed it is pounding, it has felt like this before when he abused me, it turned out to be broken then. Luckily my bus also stop in front of the hospital, I hop aboard.

Ross POV

I finish playing the last chord in the song and I look up at my band, I see me siblings

Riker, Rocky, and Rydel, I turn and see Ratliff, or Ellington, our family friend; he may as well be my brother. I stand up and stretch my arms and legs. “Well I’m wrecked, who agrees we call it a night?” I question hopefully.

“AGREED” my band mates chorus. I put down my guitar and head upstairs to my room that I share with my younger brother Ryland; he is also the manager of our family’s band. Ryland is already fast asleep. I take off my clothes till I’m only left with my boxers, how I always sleep. I jump into my bed planning on going to sleep, but my brain had other plans. I find it hard to attain the slumber I was looking for and instead find myself just laying there for hours, thinking of Sydney again, my heart begins to thump faster and harder and my palms get sweaty. I never actually stopped thinking about her, all during practice she was all I could think about… I wonder how she’s doing…

Sydney ROV

I walk through the too familiar doors of the Emergency Room. I am greeted by Nurse Stones.

“Oh no sweetie not again! I know whose handy work this is!” She worries out loud examining my wrist and the bruising on my arm.

“Hey Cynthia,” I reply with a slight frown and a tear in my eye, my face was red hot. Nurse Cynthia Stones, she was tall, fairly young, and gorgeous with red hair. She is always my nurse whenever I come to the hospital, which lately wasn’t often.

“I thought you were done with that jackass?”

“I am,” I explain “he snuck up on me after work, and I couldn’t do anything, I…” I went on and told Cynthia the whole story, she sat concerned for me. She is so caring for me, she only wants the best for me; she is like a second mother to me in that aspect. I could trust her with anything. I explain to her how I suspect a broken wrist.

“Aww hunny,” She embraces me, making sure to be careful with my wrist, and naturally I start crying again. She pulls away from me tilts my chin up and catches my gaze, “Here lets go see the radiologist.”

I follow Nurse Stones to the radiology lab.

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