More Than Words - A Damijon S...

By TheWriterForTheGreen

47.4K 936 276

Both Jon and Damian has had a couple of years to discover their feelings for each other. They both question t... More

The Awakening
A Realization
Learning to Love
In Love
A Mission.
Prepare for Battle
I Love you... Forever.
The Battle Begins: Star City
The Battle Continues: Central City
The Battle Ends: Justice For all
Mini Author's note: A Dilemma
My Love...
A New Year
Prepare for War: Missing
Illegal Weapons
A Date
Mini Author's Note: An Apology
The Search
Mending Hearts
Just You and Me
Overdue Holiday
Final Arc Prologue: An Unlikely Alliance
War is Coming
Dangerous Toys
A New Threat
Metallo Attacks
A Robin's Special Day
A Mother's Love
The War Begins: Invasion!
The War Continues: Saving Jon
The War Ends: The Super Sons
My Whole World
More Than Words
Final Author's Note: Thank you
Mini Authors Note: Announcement
More Than time

The Battle of Metropolis

569 12 1
By TheWriterForTheGreen

Damian sat down, to be able to compose himself. Dick went up to Damian.

"You don't mind me sitting next to you don't you?" Dick asked.

"No." Damian simply replied as he kept staring at the cold ground of the cave. Dick sat next to Damian as he thought to himself. After a while, Dick looked over to see that Damian's eyes began to form tears and he covered his face to be able to catch the tears that rained down from his face.

"Dami..." Dick held his brother, embracing him trying to comfort him. "Dami... what is it?"

"It-It..." Damian sobbed. "It's my fault..." He whimpered. "I-I should've listened to him..."

"Don't blame yourself Damian..." Dick comforted his brother. Damian hugged Dick back as his sobs became muffled. "We'll get him back..."

"If we didn't fight, he would still be here..." Damian sobbed.

"Stop doing that to yourself..." Dick told his younger brother. "We'll get him back..."

"Richard..." Damian looked at his older brother.

Dick comforted his brother and kept hugging him. "We'll get him back."

"Yes." Damian agreed before releasing the hug. "We'll get him back." He looked at his older brother again. "Thank you Richard." He genuinely smiled at Dick.

"You and me kiddo." Dick smiled back. "From the beginning... And all the way to the end..."

"Bruce." Clark's voice boomed from the computer. "Have you found him yet?"

"Still searching..." Bruce replied. "We'll find him Clark."

"Found Brainiac's ship." Tim announced.

"Where is it?" Bruce asked.

"Look at the news." Tim replied. Bruce quickly did as the headlines appeared of an unknown ship that resembles a skull has appeared above the skies of Metropolis.

"There he is." Bruce replied as he reached to call Clark, who is currently at the fortress of Solitude. "Clark." He pressed the communications button. "Do you see this?"

"Yes." Clark answered, it was obvious from his voice that he angry. Bruce watched the news report. Robot duplicates of Brainiac descended from his ship and started to attack the city of Metropolis.

"Why is he attacking the city?" Bruce asked. "He takes them, not destroy them."

"He might want revenge, from last time..." Clark answered. "Either way. We have to stop him."

"Agreed. I'm calling in the League." Bruce replied as he ended transmission with Clark and called the Watchtower. "Attention. Justice League, priority Red. Get to Metropolis. Now." He said as he ended transmission. Bruce quickly turned around, putting on his cowl and looked at his sons. "Suit up." He simply ordered and everyone got to work. Damian hurriedly put on his Robin uniform and took his gear with him. Jon... I'm coming... was the only thing he thought of as he got ready. The family gathered, prepared with their gear. "We're taking the Batwing." Bruce said as the ramp door slowly opened. Damian was the first to board eager to get to Metropolis as quickly as possible. He wanted Jon back, and he will stop at nothing until he does. Batman took control of the Batwing as it took off for Metropolis

10 Minutes Later, Outside of Metropolis

As the Batwing neared Metropolis, they could see the giant ship where Brainiac was. An army of droids descended from the ship and was attacking the city. Tim and Dick gulped, while Damian, Jason and Bruce were just glaring out of the batwing. 

"We're almost there Clark." Batman pressed his comms unit. "Report."

"Brainiac's got a grudge." Superman answered. "We're by the planet where his ship is hovered above. Flash and Green Lantern is covering the perimeter." he said.

"Good we're almost the-" Bruce was interrupted at the view of Brainiac's ship. It started to shoot at the Batwing as it flew closer to the source. The Batwing struggled as Batman maneuvered it to evade the incoming strikes. Bruce stayed silent to concentrate at evading the ships fire.

"Hold on!" Nightwing told his brothers as they held on for dear lives. The Batwing maneuvered, somersaulted to dodge incoming attacks. A sudden beeping sound appeared within the console. "Batman! Missiles been locked on!" Nightwing reported.

"I know! engage Flares!" Batman replied as he kept evading the ship fire. Missiles from the ship was fired. 

"Scanner indicate 20 missiles!" Nightwing reported once again.

"Engaging Flares!" Batman said as he pushed a button. The sides of the Batwing released flares as the missiles drew closer. Some of the missiles exploded leaving a ball of fire in the sky as the Batwing emerged from it flying away, still dodging both the missiles and the ships fire.

"Batman?" Clark reached his comm unit. He looked up to the sky and saw what was happening. "Batman!" he flew straight up, destroying a couple of duplicates as he did. "Batman report!" he reached into the comm link.

"We're fine!" Batman yelled over the comms. "Concentrate on the ground, there might be people that need your help!" 

"But Batma-" Batman interrupted him.

"We're fine! Go!" Batman replied as Superman stopped in mid air. He hesitantly flew back down to continue fighting.  The Batwing kept on evading the ships fire and the 2 missiles that remained. They flew into the air doing a barrel roll in order to confuse the missile. As the Batwing barrel rolled, the two remaining missiles spun in the air until they both smacked into each other, causing for them to explode. The Batwing leveled itself as everyone in the family sighed in relief.

"We were luck-" Red robin got interrupted as a sudden blast from the ship hit one of the Batwing's wings. The side of the Batwing smoked and flames erupted as they began to lose altitude hard.

"We're hit!" Batman yelled, as he gritted his teeth trying to steer the Batwing as it lost altitude. The Batwing spun in circles as it descended into the ground. "Grab onto something!" He yelled back at his sons. He maneuvered the Batwing so the front was sticking upwards as it spun. Batman activated the Batwing's landing gear to soften the inevitable impact. "If... I get this right..." He told himself as he clenched his Jaw trying to find the right angle to land in. The Batwing itself, hit the ground just a block away from the Daily planet. The Batwing landed, front first, and skidded on the road, digging into it. After a while, the Batwing halted to an abrupt stop. "Everyone okay?" He asked his sons.

"I'm okay." Nightwing and Red Robin said.

"I'm okay Father." Robin replied.

"Slight loss in dignity. So nothing's changed." Red Hood replied, as he got up.

"Okay. Let's go." Batman said as he threw an explosive ramp door of the Batwing, busting it open. From the smoke emerged the Batfamily, as an army of duplicates appeared before them. 

"There's too many!" Nightwing pointed out.

"I see that." Batman replied coldly. He grappled upwards then released after a suitable height. Batman glided down and threw explosives at the duplicates, decimating them. The three brothers followed their father as they slowly advanced to catch up to Superman and the rest of the league. After a while, they managed to catch up to Superman with great difficulty. He was with the heroes of Mount Justice and the rest of the league, they were fighting as duplicates kept on coming. 

"Batman!" Superman called out. "What's the plan?"

"We need to get into Brainiac's ship." Batman replied. "We need to take the main one down."

"And get Jon." Superman added.

"Yes." Batman replied.

"How do we go up there, without encountering fire?" Superman asked.

"Working on it." Batman replied as he started to think. He then reached to his comm link. "Lantern."

"Yeah? I'm a bit busy here..." Green Lantern replied.

"I need you to punch a whole on Brainiac's ship. A big one." He said.

"On it." Lantern complied.

"And make sure you get us in that hole." Batman added. "Help him Superman." Superman nodded as he flew into the sky to help Green Lantern.

"On it Bats." Lantern replied. Green Lantern flew up to the side of Brainiac's ship to meet with Superman. Green Lantern provided shield while Superman began to punch a hole on the ship. Superman started to punch a dent on the ship, little by little. The Ships defense system came to play as they came under fire. Green Lantern struggled to keep the shield intact as he came under heavy fire. "Supes do it quickly... Can't... hold it...." He struggled.

"Almost there." Superman replied as he punched and used laser vision to punch a hole. A few seconds after, he managed to finally to punch a hole. Superman ripped the metal to be able to fit in. "Lantern!" He called out. "It's time!"

"Alright!" Green Lantern replied as he transformed himself into a gigantic flying robot. "My turn." He said as he began to shoot with his mini-gun on the Robots that were shooting at him before. When the area was cleared enough he flew down to get Batman, while Superman covered him. "Bats let's go." He said.

"Alright." Batman replied. Robin ran up to the two of them.

"I'm coming with you." Robin said.

"Robin, you're needed down here." Batman replied.

"Superboy needs me Father. I'm. Going." He glared at Batman, standing his ground.

"We don't have time to argue." Green Lantern said as he surrounded all three of them with a bubble, then took off to where Superman is. They landed inside, where Superman was fighting duplicates.

"We need to hurry!" Superman said as he fought off some robots. "They're not going to last down there..."

"Lantern." Batman looked at Hal. "Help with the fight down stairs.

"Got it." He replied as he flew out to help the others fight. Robin, Superman and Batman were left on the ship. They started to go forward. Robots appeared in front and behind them. They started to fight, beating the Robots as they moved forward.

"How are there so much Robots?" Superman asked. "There were more this time than before..." he said as he used laser vision to eliminate a bunch of Robots in one fell swoop. 

"I don't know." Batman replied as he threw an explosive batarang at a swarm of Robots, destroying them at once. "And I really don't like not knowing." 

"We need to get to the central hub at the middle of the ship." Superman said as tried to scan, but couldn't. "Whole ship has lead in it can't see through." He said.

"We need to access a ship computer." Batman replied. 

"I'll just fly through this damn thing." Superman got ready to fly but Batman stopped him.

"No Superman." He said.

"Why not?"

"If you fly through this ship. There's a chance that you take this down. Brainiac and Jon along with it. Batman explained. "The ship will crash right on top of Metropolis. A ship this size can Decimate the city."

"Yeah..." Superman realized. "Yeah, you're right... It's just, Jon..." he lowered his head.

"We'll get him back Clark." Batman placed his hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. "We need to find a ship computer."

"We can't waste time." Superman said as he continued to walk. As the three heroes walked further into the ship itself, they were met with more resistance. Superman, Batman and Robin fought their way through the robots that came after them. Once the hallway was cleared of Robots, they finally had found a terminal.

"Here." Batman said as he started to walk to the computer to access it. Just before he could get his hands on it, a bigger, meaner Robot shoved him away. "Argh!" Batman grunted as he through the air. Superman caught his best friend.

"You alright?" He asked, as he let Batman stand.

"Fine." Batman replied, coldly standing up and getting ready to fight. "Just caught me by surprise."

"Surprise? You're getting slow in your old age..." Superman teased. Batman just turned back, he glared and gave Superman a menacing look, which terrified him. "Sorry." He apologized quickly. Batman charged at the Robot and started to fight. Superman and Robin quickly followed from behind. Batman threw another explosive batarang at the Robot, which exploded upon impact. But it wasn't able to scratch it, Batman charged and kicked the Robot, to no avail. Robin unsheathed his sword, and tried to slash the robot. The robot simply shoved Robin, as he flew and hit the wall. Robin groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Superman flew and punched the Robot catapulting it towards across the hall. The robot hit the wall, and slowly got back up. Robin and Batman recovered.

"I've got this." Superman said. "Search the computer for a route to Jon." he said as he flew to the direction of the Robot. They both fought while Batman started to hack the computer. Batman struggled to hack as Brainiac was connected to the ship. Sparks flew from the computer as it locked him out, Batman punched the wall out of frustration. The computer then showed Batman and Robin, a map. The map led straight to the central hub of the ship. It showed two blips.

"That must be Brainiac and Jon." Batman pointed out, as pointed at the two blips. Robin hoped it wasn't too late.

"If it's showing us that..." Robin said.

"It's a trap." Batman finished the sentence. "He's inviting us in." As soon as he concluded, the head of the Robot that Superman fought landed in front of them. Superman landed shortly after.

"We can't waste time." Superman said. "Let's go."

"Agreed" Robin said as he ran first.

"Robin. Wait!" Batman called out.

"I can hear his heartbeat Bruce." Superman pointed out, as he watched Robin run. "He's terrified for Jon."

"I know." Batman replied. "We need to go." He said as he ran past him, to follow Robin. Superman followed suit. Robin ran, he memorized the map and followed its lead. Jon... I'm coming... He thought as he ran. Robots appeared in front of him. Damian was ruthless as he unsheathed his sword, brutalizing the robots. He knew they were machines and he just didn't care. All he wanted was Jon, he wanted him back. Nothing could stop love. He arrived in front of the central hub, but the door was locked shut. Robin started to bang on the door, then used his sword. His sword split in two as he swung. Batman and Superman finally caught up.

"Superboy!" Robin banged on the door, his bangs were desperate... He wanted Jon back. "Jon..." he whispered. 

"Robin! Stop!" Batman yelled as stopped Robin. "Look... we're going to get him back." 

"I can't wait father..." Robin replied. "He needs me..." he was desperate as continued to punch the door.

"Damian." Superman placed his hand on Robin's shoulder. "I know you love him... we're going to get him back..."

"It's my fault..." Robin lowered his head. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't anyone's fault." Superman replied. "Knowing Brainiac, he would've got to Jon one way or another." he smiled. Robin smiled back, but his smile was pained. All of them heard a hissing sound. The door opened to reveal the giant main hub, with screens that surrounded the room itself. In the middle was a throne-like chair with a helmet hanging just above the chair. All three heroes entered, cautiously. They surveyed the room, Wires hung like snakes across the ginormous hub. Footage of the news reports on the mysterious U.F.O above the daily planet. In just beside the throne-like chair, stood someone. He was shirtless, stood still and his face was motionless, almost entire devoid of life.

"Jo-Jon?!" Robin looked at his boyfriend who stood there, motionless. He quickly ran to him, Batman and Superman couldn't stop him. Robin ran to the standing Superboy. "Jon?" he asked but there was no reply, Jon just stood there, eyes open, but empty. Robin started to caress his cheeks. "Beloved? I'm here... I'm here... Jon? Can you hear me?" Damian asked. "Jon please... answer me..." He begged him as he hugged him, but there was still no reply. Jon just stood. "Please..." Another figure stepped out from behind the throne.

"Greetings, Kal-el." Braniac said as he appeared before the world's finest. Robin just stayed by Jon, hugging him. He longed for him, wanted him back.

"You." Superman growled "What did you do to my son?!"

"My associate?" Brainiac asked. 

"He is Not. Your. Associate." Superman snarled as his eyes turned to bright red, his rage flowing through him. 

"Let's see, shall we?" Brainiac replied as he turned towards Jon. "Let them see how powerful I have made you become." he ordered. Suddenly, Superboy began to move. Robin was still hugging him.

"Robin! Move!" Batman barked out, but it was too late. Superboy broke Robin's hug.

"Jon? please hear me- Argh!" Superboy pushed Robin, shoving him back a distance. Robin grunted in pain as he fell. Jon began to slowly walk towards Robin, who was still recovering from being shoved. Superman flew over to his son, while Batman prepared to fight Brainiac.

"Jonathan! Stop!" Superman held his son back pleading him. "He's your boyfriend! Stop!" Superboy threw a punch at his father, which knocked him back. "Ughnn... What have you done Brainiac?!" He asked.

"I have improved him." Brainiac replied.

"I'm going to end you..." Superman said as his eyes turned red, Superboy used superspeed to kick his father back, smashing the wall behind him as he went through. Batman threw a flashbang on the ground, which momentarily confused Brainiac. He grappled upwards and threw a flying kick at him, knocking him back slightly. He managed to knock the man of steel out.

"Inferior species." Brainiac said as he shot beams out of his hand. Batman somersaulted, dodging his shots, they continued to fight. Robin ran up to Superboy and jumped on his back to stop him, but it didn't work. 

"Jon... please stop..." Robin begged as he saw a microchip embedded on Jon's neck. "Jon... please hear me." Superboy stopped walking as he reached for Robin who was on his back, grabbing his collar and throwing him off. Robin hit the ground hard, grunting in pain as he did. Robin slowly got back up reaching behind the back of his utility belt. He took out brass knuckles that were made from Kryptonite and wore it. "Jon, I don't want to hurt you." He pleaded. But Jon ignored him and walked to him as Robin prepared to fight. Jon threw and combination of swings at Robin to which he dodged, before punching him in the stomach which caused Jon to grunt in pain as he stumbled to his knees. "Jon... hear me..." Robin pleaded. Superboy ignored him as he got back up and threw a punch straight at Robin. Robin tried to block the punch but in doing so he was sent flying back. Robin once again hit the ground hard, he panted as he got back up again. He forgot that he was still exhausted, and the couple of hours of sleep didn't improve his condition. Superboy used super speed to run in front of Robin, he then once again threw punches at Robin, to which he barely dodged. Superman was slowly regaining consciousness, he let his guard down. Superboy caught Robin with a punch to the gut.

"Argh! Ughnn..." Robin grunted in pain as he spat blood, then groaned as he began to slump over, but Superboy caught him and grabbed him by the neck. Robin struggled to breathe as Superboy lifted him off the ground, his hand grabbing Robin's neck tight. Robin struggled to be free from Superboy's grip. Robin gulped and grasped for breath, struggling against Jon's firm grip. 

"Jon... Please..." Robin begged as he felt life slowly slipping away. "He-hear me..." Robin tried to pry his fingers away, but was slowly losing consciousness.

"Yo-you're Ki-killing me..." Small ragged gasps escaped Robin's throat. Struggling as he felt Jon's hand slowly closing his esophagus. "Jon..."

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