Got No Shame Β» l.h.

By irwinsbubbles

7.5K 466 1.1K

"I love the way you're screaming my name." ... When Luke's car began to have engine failure, it wasn't on his... More

00. Playlist
1. She's Kinda Hot
2. Get In
3. What The Shit, Nancy Drew?
4. Sweetheart
5. Rip My Heart Out
6. Date Shoes
8. My Boyfriend
9. Feel So Good
10. Anyone Can Dance
11. Make Out Point
12. Adore You
13. Let Me Show You
14. Jealous
15. Lover

7. Good Girl

463 34 164
By irwinsbubbles


"I've wanted this."

"What do you mean?"

"You, Stel."

I could feel the gap between our bodies close, knowing he could feel my heart banging against the wall of my chest. His intense, intoxicating gaze did not dare to leave my crazed one for a second as the firm words fell from his mouth. His touch was fiery, scorching kisses scattered down my neck and his hot fingertips digging into the back of my thighs as he hovered over me on my own bed.

"I want you."

Those three, simple words sent chills down my arched back. I felt as if I were in a haze as his soft lips dragged up my throat before lingering them above my own.

"Tell me you want me as badly as I want you."

His words made my eyes fluttered shut, soaking in the feeling of his legs tangled with mine on my cold bedsheets. Although my mind was racing, I didn't hesitate to clasp my hands around his neck as one of his hands slowly travelled from the back of my legs to my inner thigh. A breathy gasp escaped me at the static feeling spreading effortlessly through the lower half of my body.

"Tell me, sweetheart. Say that you want me, too."

I was speechless, as I was only able to utter soft gasps and whimpers with every form of contact he gave me. I knew I wanted him, it was blatantly obvious, but why was it so hard to say?

"Stella, please."

His hand creeped closer to where I wanted him; where I needed him. My body instinctively buckled under him, craving the feeling of his fingers touching me in places he's never been before.

I try to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth. Why can't I say anything?

"Stella, baby."

I jolted upward, gasping for air as I blinked up to Calum standing at the foot of my bed, shaking it to wake me up. I rubbed my eyes, grabbing my phone off of my nightstand to check the time as I realized that it was all just a dream. An interesting and very different type of dream, a type that I only ever came close to in my reality.

Jesus Christ, Stella. You were about to have a sex dream with Luke.

If I were to be brutally honest, it was not surprising. The amount of tension that constantly surrounded me at the thought of Luke was suffocating. From the way he would constantly hover over my shoulder in the autoshop to the way he would bite his bottom lip before he spoke to me. I could not get the devious man out of my head, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"You still sleep like a fucking rock." Calum snickered, slapping my foot through my blanket.

"What do you want? It's seven in the morning on a Sunday." I blinked up to Calum in confusion, attempting to calm my heart rate as he stood stiffly with crossed arms.

I watched my brother roll his eyes at my reaction, as I was clearly missing or forgetting something important. Calum knows and respects my sleep, as I am not a joy to wake up, so it had to be important.

"Remember how I told you the building manager is going to come by today?" Calum asked, refreshing my memory of our brief conversation last night.

"Yeah for the inspection. He comes in like an hour, doesn't he?" I responded in the middle of a long yawn.

Calum nodded, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Yeah, so I need you to help move the car out."

My eyebrows raised at his words, eyes squinting as I processed what he said. "Luke's car doesn't have a motor in it and he's friends with the guy? Why would we move it?"

"Not Luke's car," Calum pressed his index and thumb to the bridge of his nose. "My car."

"What? Why do we have to hide your car?" I stretched my arms up, attempting to fully wake myself up.

"Okay so funny story, actually-"

"What did you do?" I cut him off, bending my body to get a look at my brother's guilty face as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck with a small smile.

"Well the manager wouldn't stop offering to buy my car so last time he came by, I told him I sold it to a guy in Sydney so he would lay off." Calum's words grew quieter and rushed with every new word coming out of his mouth.

Calum owned a 1969 Pontiac GTO. Although he was not one to race, my brother loves his classic cars. His shiny, powder blue car caught the attention of practically everyone who laid their eyes on it. Calum loved it with all his heart and only drives it on special occasions due to the infinite amount of head turns he would get, not the mention the racers that offered to buy it off of him. Our building manager was one of the most persistent people, shooting Calum the same offer every single time.

"So you lied to Ralph?" I groaned, pressing my fingers to my temples in disbelief at the immature ways Calum dealt with people. "Why weren't you just upfront with him and tell him fuck off?"

"Because he always brings homemade cookies on inspection day." Calum whined, holding his face in his hands with disappointment. "If I told him fuck off, no more cookies for Cal. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"I hate you. I can't even drive standard." I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs over to the side of my bed before hopping off to get dressed.

"Well you only have to drive it out of town, it'll just be a couple of hours. And that's why I called Luke to meet us t-"

"What the fuck?" I groaned, flicking his forehead. "Why did you have to wake me up if Luke is going to drive it?"

"Because I need you to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, you big baby." Calum mimicked my annoyed tone before standing up and flicking me on my forehead.

I understood Calum's point of view and knew that if I had an expensive, classic car, I would not just hand it off to someone like Luke. He was a trustworthy driver of his own expensive car, but that did not mean I would trust Luke with Calum's.

"Fine fine, I'll be ready in ten." I sighed, shoving Calum by his chest to get him out of my room as he gave me the biggest grin.

"Thank you, Stella. You're the best, Stella. I love you, St-"

"Oh shush." I closed to door on him before leaning my head against the wood in frustration.

A couple of hours alone with Luke in Calum's car was not what I planned for my Sunday morning, but it was not the worst news I ever received. It just meant that I needed to bleach the inside of my brain to erase the dream I just had of him seducing me.


"You really can't drive standard?"

"Yes, now can you stop asking me that?"

Luke just rolled his eyes, his famous, knowing smirk painted across his face as he shifted the gear from second to third.

"Damn, this is such a smooth ride." Luke whistled, patting the dashboard of the car in awe of Calum's pride and joy.

"Don't get used to it." I muttered, picking at my nails in annoyance that Luke managed to make me feel, even though we have only been in the car for five minutes.

"I'm sorry, what was that, sweetheart?" Luke tilted his head toward me as he cupped a hand around his ear. "All I heard was, 'I'm Stella and I can't drive stick'."

I sucked in a breath, hearing the word 'sweetheart' rolling off of his tongue in the same tone as my vivid dream. I hated myself for wanting to hear it again, quickly breaking my attention from Luke to look back down at my fingers.

"What?" Luke's brows furrowed, his eyes flickering from the road to me everyone once and a while.

"Nothing." I mumble, noting that I was copying the way he normally answers me.

"Was it something I said?" Luke looked to me quizzically, wanting answers that I did not want to give me.

"It's really nothing, don't worry about it." I attempted a sincere tone but my voice grew softer as I continued to speak.

Although the confused expression remained on his face, Luke finally laid off and focused his attention back onto the road.

I was trying so hard to get the image of Luke's body pressed so desperately onto mine out of my mind. The dream was so real, which was bittersweet for many reasons. Now I was stuck in a car with him going to who knows where with the mental picture of his attractive physique all over me with his lips latched onto my neck.

It was as if he could read my mind, as I watched Luke's hand softly press down on my thigh. It brought back the memory of panicked myself after the race, letting him push down my leg as I was subconsciously shaking it.

"It's like you haven't rode in a car with me before." Luke chuckled, shaking his head as his eyes were still focused on the road. "Why are you shaking your leg, Stel?"

Because I had a hot, vivid sex dream with you and I can't stop playing it in my head.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind." I mumble, watching as the blonde nodded curtly to my reply.

Yeah, a lot of Luke on your mind.

"Anything I can help with?" The feeling of Luke's thumb gently rubbing my thigh made my body tense, biting back a whimper that was threatening to spill from my mouth.

"N-no, I'd rather not talk about it right now." I replied with the most normal tone I could manage, looking out the window to avoid Luke's curious glances.

Don't you just wish his hand would go a little higher or maybe-

"Well I have an idea of how to get things off of your mind." Luke's kind tone caught me off guard as my thoughts easily diminished at the sound. "If you're up for it."

"Depends on what it is." I laugh shortly, feeling his hand give my thigh a soft squeeze before removing it to place on the wheel. I pouted slightly, hating that the lack of his hand was relieving yet disappointing.

"It'll be fun I swear."


"I'm sorry but do you want to die today?"

"C'mon, Stel. It's not the hard once you get used to it."

I was now laughing nervously in the driver's seat of Calum's Pontiac, shaking my head as Luke leans over my body to buckle my seatbelt for me. Learning to drive a standard car in the middle of an empty parking lot was not normally my way of coping with my loud thoughts but I was open to it. Anything was better than a constant replay of Luke's hands sensually ravishing my body.

"I promise, it's not as hard as you think." I gulped at Luke's words as he continued to lean toward me, his face too close to mine. "You just have to follow my directions."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I turned the key to start the car. Luke had his arm on the back of my drivers seat, beginning to point at the pedals below my feet.

"So you're going to push in the clutch with your left foot so you can go into first gear." Luke directed, allowing me to begin his instructions.

Once I pushed down the heavy petal, I nervously wiggled to shifter to first gear.

"Good, now you're going to let up the clutch and push down the gas at the same time with your right foot. Just make sure you don't stall."

I looked to Luke hesitantly, as his words seemed much simpler than the task at hand. Although I never drove one myself, I knew gas cars were much harder to drive in standard than a car or truck with diesel. Calum's car was gas and I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of stalling my brother's prize possession. Although I knew it would not cause much damage, it would be an embarrassing first drive that I would remember for the rest of my life.

I followed Luke's instructions, instantly feeling the car jerking rhythmically. I tried to stay persistent and worked with the two petals that were being betrayed by my feet. One last jerk was what topped off the short lived experience, as Luke had his hands pressed onto the dashboard as he shouted, "Brakes! Please!"

I pressed down on the brake and clutch, watching Luke slightly scramble to shift the gear back into its neutral position.

"Jesus Christ, Stel." Luke chuckled lowly, taking a deep breath as he held his face in his hands.

Although he was being somewhat kind about it, I could not help be feel embarrassed as tears were brimming my bottom eyelids. I kept my foot on the brake with my hands in my lap as I tried my best to not cry in front of Luke. I would consider myself a perfectionist, so the idea of learning new things were often thrown out the window the second I failed. If I wasn't good at it from the start, I had to quit.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't do this." I whispered, reaching down to unbuckle my seatbelt but Luke's ring clad fingers stopped me from doing so.

My watery eyes were not on my side today, as Luke gentle placed his fingers under my chin to raise my gaze to his. I watched his demeanor change in an instant at the sight of my eyes. His lighthearted expression turned soft and somber, quite similar to the gaze he gave me at the diner.

"You're doing just fine, Stel. It's normally to be a little rocky at first." Luke's words were nearly as comforting as his small smile, nodding my head to his statement.

As I pulled on the sleeves of my hoodie to soak up the threatening tears, I could see Luke in my peripheral vision as he held a hand to his face thoughtfully.

"I think I know how to explain this better." He seemingly spoke more to himself, as his eyes were looking out of the windshield.

Luke turned to me, return his previous position with his arm relaxed on the back of my seat.

"So imagine the gas and the clutch are dating, like madly in love. The brake is like a side bitch right now." He began, looking at me intently as I held back a smile while he began to explain once more. "The clutch is kind of crazy so he likes to take control of things. He's in charge of shifting the car, but obviously you know that already."

I laugh, my shoulders easing as he continued to speak.

"Now, he's a little rough around the edges. As much as he likes control, he can't go anywhere with the gas leveling him out. She has to be really smooth and gentle with him, so when he starts letting up, she needs to start pushing down at the same time to take over. Equally. He'll jerk up a little but then she smoothes him out and they ride out the gear together. Once she's ready for the next gear, she slacks off and lets him take control again."

"A balancing act." I comment, having a better understanding with the new way he explained it.

"Exactly." Luke chuckled, a successful smile appearing across his features. "Let's give it another go, shall we?"

I nodded, placing my hands on the steering wheel and the shifter once again. I was able the imagine the small narrative that Luke told me as I pressed the petals with less caution and more confidence. It felt rewarding as the car only jerked in the slightest before rolling forward smoothly as I began to gain speed.

"I'm doing it!" I could not contain my excitement, looking to Luke as he held a proud smile on his face.

"Yes, you are!" He replied with as much joy as I did. "Now you're gonna shift when I tell you to, okay?"

"Got it." I giggle, grabbing the shifter once again in preparation of the next gear.

"Okay and-" Luke pauses, listening for the right moment to queue me. "Shift it."

I slacked off of my gas pedal, pressing the clutch in as I shifted to second gear considerably smooth. It felt much easier to let off of the clutch once the car was at a higher speed, causing me to bite my bottom lip in satisfaction as I glanced to Luke.

"Good girl." Luke nodded in approval with his knowing eyes, casually uttering two words that made me feel as if my heart fell to my uterus.

I could not prevent the blush that scattered along my cheeks, quickly looking away from the blonde's smirking face.

Whether he knew it or not, I felt that I was the gas to his clutch.

I also knew that I was probably going to have another heated dream of Luke's dark blue eyes while he calls me a 'good girl' in my bed.

"What?" I hear Luke chime, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of my face as I continued to drive.

I just shook my head, biting back another smile that wanted to make an appearance.

"Don't worry about it, handsome."


whaaaaaat did i jus write omg ahahahaha

i hope you all enjoyed that as much as i did bc i jus had to write something steamy to keep you all entertained (: i do fear it was bit much for the seventh chapter but idc bc we deserve this ahaha and shes a long chappy so that was a treat haha

Q: whats your fav petname to be called?
mine is either baby or pretty girl (((: ugh i love those ones so much, they make me
M E L T !!!

my last chap got 45 comments in like a day i am so happy :,) like asdkfjwejkfl

i hope you all are safe and well <3 i can't wait to read all your reactions!

so much love !!!


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