Malicious Romance

By Ekphrastic

40.4K 1K 261

Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 48

320 8 1
By Ekphrastic

Meanwhile, Dean was busy kissing his woman, he heard a familiar voice called his name. His brows furrowed. He turned his head, to where the sound was coming from, to see Giselle. His hand withdrew slowly from that model's ass as he took a step backward. He didn't expect to encounter her in this motel. Was she following him? What was she even doing in a motel in the middle of the night? He thought. He chose this motel for a reason with the hope of escaping from the sight of paparazzi. He didn't give a fuck if it was him who made it to the front cover but the model that he had been going out with wished to not want any scandals. But out of anyone... why would it has to be her.

Although his anger towards her and her father had not been subsided, Dean still wanted to keep her safe. To him, it was the last thing that he could do, to return her kindness, for what she had done for him in the hospital. Ever since that day, he swore to himself, that if he ever meets her again, she would be no more than just a stranger. If he didn't leave her, his father would not let Giselle go either. It wasn't that he cared. He was just not wanting more blood trailing after him. 

All of this month, Dean had been trying to prove to his father that he had nothing with Richard's daughter. He promised Bowen that he would be the one to destroy Richard Chu's life as long as he promised to not hurt anyone else. When Dean found out that his men had been reporting his actions back to Bowen Winchester, Dean started to go out with random girls, just to put up a show in front of his father's eyes. It had been a month, he thought his feeling for his enemy's daughter had already disappeared. Until today, he came to realize, that his heart was still beating for her. He knew that it wouldn't do him any good. He hated how seeing her face reminded him of all the good and bad memories they've shared. He felt yearned for more. Regardless of how wrong it felt, he couldn't resist that mesmerizing emotion which fluttered inside his chest, making his heart beat so impulsively.

Fuck. Why her? He clenched his teeth slightly, wishing to pull Giselle into a broken bone type of hug at the same time that he wanted nothing rather than to strangle her. She should be taking responsibility of what the hell had happened to him. Her father's words were still fresh inside Dean's head. And it triggered every nerve fibers of his to break every part of her.

Dean Winchester stared her up and down before he replied, "I'm sorry?" His arm raised to wrap around that model's waist and then drew her closer to his body. He couldn't help, but to show Giselle that he had already forgotten her. Apart from him wanted to make her feel jealous and regret of what she had done towards him. Maybe jealous wasn't the right word. He wanted her to feel unhappy, sad, upset, and disappointed. But, judging from the look in her eyes, Dean couldn't tell what emotions were flooding through her mind.

He wanted to yell and ask her a million questions about why she did what she did to him. She'd let her father imprisoned him. It'd hurt him more than anything to just see her stood and watched him, got dragged out by her father. That feeling of hatred started to resurface itself, as Dean clenched his teeth.

"Were you talking to me?" He asked with a fake puzzling look.

Giselle's eyes glanced at his hand that was holding onto another woman. There was a lot of problems in which she had been dealing with already. How come she had to face this situation too? She had been waiting for him and wished that he'd be alright every day. She had been worried and desperately wanted to see him, to explain herself, but this situation, that she was facing, had left her speechless. All along this time, she had been feeling upset and down, while he had been living his life carefreely. At least that was what she was witnessing right now.

Based on how he had responded to her, she felt like he had already moved on, for good. She was glad though that his life was well and freed, and not in the prison. But her guilt of her own father's sins left her unsettled. It felt wrong to just stand in front of Dean. She wasn't sure whether to apologize or let him go as he wished himself to be. The way he looked at her was as if she was a stranger. What she knew was that it was impossible, for him to forget her, because she was the daughter of a man he hated. He should'd be holding grudges and hatred towards her. And she should be his solely enemy, the one in which would be hard to erase. She felt her heart was breaking into pieces when he was hugging someone else. But that was so so wrong to feel when they shared nothing in between. They were neither friends or lovers. And yet there it was, the mixed emotions of how to face him and act in front of him.

Has he always been like this? Is it that normal for him to just go around and make out with every woman? Was I just one of his victims? I know that I was not his first woman whom he slept with. He was too skillful that night. Everything else probably didn't matter to him. I am a fool to think that every heart-fluttering moment we shared was precious and memorable to both of us. I was too quick to assume. Every man is the same. But maybe it is good that way. Maybe it is a good thing that we are strangers to each other now. At least I will not have to reminisce our bittersweet memories. It should be okay. It'll be fine.

Her eyes felt warmer as she said in a sad tone of voice. "I'm sorry to interrupt." All of her thirst and hunger feeling had disappeared suddenly. Without wasting any more second, she turned to unlock her room's door with her trembling hands.

Dean gritted his teeth slightly without realizing as soon as she shut the door. The anger started to take over him when he saw that look of her eyes. He couldn't tell what was going on inside her mind. He wondered if she still remembered him. When his eyes shifted to the other side, he saw his father's men were making their way towards him. "Boss, please make it quick." One of them said at the same time his eyes turned to scan the model, who was hugging Dean's arm.

Dean didn't bother to reply as he dragged his woman into the room. After he locked the door, he pulled that model's hand off of him. She pouted and asked in a soft voice, "Babe, are you upset that I can only do it in the motel? I can't do it in the hotel you know. I don't want to get caught in public. You know how much I hate having scandals, right? My career will be ruined if I have anything leak out."

He sighed out loud as he rushed to sit on the bed. "Stop talking and hurry up. This time, make it loud." He demanded as that model came to sit next to him. She giggled at his reaction before she placed her purse near her.

"Yes, sir. You need to calm down." She replied as she pulled her phone out of her purse. After a few clicks and slides on the screen, she turned her phone's volume to its max. "This one is a bit of aggressive, you know." She murmured as she handed her phone to Dean, to show him the intense sex scene on her screen. "You know, you are weird. You could just do me. Instead, you hired me to just accompany you to watch porn. Which part of me that is not attracting you?"

"Shut up, will you?" He hissed before he dropped himself back onto the bed. While he waited for the porn video to be over, his mind started to wander to think of Giselle. She was right next door. He wondered how she would feel to hear this.

She didn't forget about me, did she? It is good if she didn't because I want to pay back for what she had done to me. I will keep her hidden from my dad to return her a favor for the time that she took care of me. I will protect her from my father, but I am not letting her get away from me. She had made a fool out of me. Now, it is my turn. She told me a lie, so the promise that I made with her might as well be a lie too. There is no fucking reason for me to keep a promise with someone that sent me to the damn jail. That's just sounds stupid and fucking ridiculous.

Dean thought before he yawned. He closed his eyes as he said, "Wake me up when it is over." The girl nodded her head at him with a smile.

After everything was over, Dean made his way back out of the room. He buttoned up his shirt in front of his father's men and demanded, "Send her back to her place first. I will wait here." They gave him a suspicious look before Dean added, "You don't want to see me on the front page tomorrow, do you? If anything leaks out about me, my father won't keep any of you." He raised his brow to give them a smug look. They hurried to bow down and then walked the woman out.

Dean exhaled loudly after he heard the car being driven away. His face turned serious as he spun around to look at Giselle's door. Without hesitation, he walked over to knock a few times. He covered the peephole with one of his hands to prevent her from seeing him. At first, she asked who it was, but he didn't reply. When she didn't open the door for him, he made his way downstairs to the receptionist. "Do you have an extra key for the room A117?"

The receptionist checked the computer screen for a couple of seconds before he replied, "Sir, isn't your room A119?"

"I want A117." He said shortly in a serious voice.

The receptionist man shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but that is against our rule, sir." Dean shook his head slightly as he pulled out the gun from the back. He raised it to point at the receptionist's head while he glared at him deadly. The receptionist's stuttering voice continued talking with both of his hands up in the air. "Give... give me a second. I will find it for you."

"If you're planning on calling the police, I guarantee, you will lose more than just your job." Dean threatened when he noticed the eyes of that receptionist were glancing at the phone and the bell near him.

As soon as he got the key, he walked back upstairs, directing his way towards Giselle's room. He clenched his teeth at the same time he inserted the key into the doorknob. Without any hesitation, Dean opened the door and then locked it behind his back.

Giselle's eyes shifted up to look at Dean in panic. For a second, she found herself voiceless. She didn't know how he could break into her room. She furrowed her brows as she stood up quickly from the sofa to face him. "What are you doing in my room?" She asked with a trembling tone of voice.

He was just with his woman earlier. He acted as if he didn't even know her. Now, he just barged into her room when he wanted to. Was fucking another woman earlier not enough? Giselle thought as she closed her hands into fists.

Dean glanced around the room as a smirk appeared on his lips. Step by step, he made his way into the middle of the room. "I don't think I see your name written anywhere in here. " He replied before he dropped himself to sit down on the bed, uninvited.

She bit her lower lip in hesitant. She debated among herself whether to ask him her burning question, which she was having, or not.

When his eyes glanced over to her direction, he continued talking mockingly. "Are you not going to ask me whether I am fine or hurting?" He paused before he chuckled. "Oh yes. I forgot this is not a hospital. It is not your duty hour either." He shrugged out loud dramatically as he glared her up and down. "Do you not want to know what had happened a month ago? You always wanted to know everything about me, so I thought you wanted to ask. A month ago, after your father dragged me to prison, are you not curious about how I felt back then? Or what I did in the damn jail? How I slept? Who I met? And what I did to get myself out?"

Giselle stood in silence while she forced herself to listen to his mocking words. She took a few steps backward slightly while holding her gaze with his. She wanted to tell him 'yes', but the way he talked and looked at her, made her felt wrong and guilty. Everything he said was a complete sarcasm. She knew that what had happened a month ago must have had hurt him a lot. He probably would have thought that she had betrayed him. Although that was not true, Giselle felt like he would never going to believe her words again, even if she tries to explain.

When she didn't reply, Dean clenched his teeth in anger. He thought, that everything he had said, must've been true when she chose to stay quiet. Immediately, he got up on his feet. His piercing gaze glared deadly in her direction without a blink. He narrowed his eyes as he took a long stride and came to a stop in front of her. "Speechless? Is it because everything I said was true?"

For a split second, he wanted to just get rid of her. He wanted to put a bullet inside her head for just standing there in front of him. Whenever he looked into that pair of eyes, they brought back all of the memories, that he and she, had shared. It restricted his cruelty. He hated to be restrained by something that can't fucking be seen. Her intention for him was never consistent with her actions. He thought that she was the first person in his life to care about him. He thought that he could finally find someone, who he could learn to trust and lean on. Everything turned out to be a lie. It was a pure lie from a woman with an innocent face like her. All of the good feelings, that he had for her, had also disappeared on the minute that she turned her back on him. It was too obvious to witness just how fake she could be.

Dean laughed a little underneath his breath while he lifted her chin, with his index finger, to force her to look at him. "What's with this frown on your face? I didn't know that you can stay quiet too. You were always talkative back then. I can remind you if you can't recall." He gulped as he continued with his heartless sound. "For the first few times we met, you fought back against me, a lot of time. Do you know how kind I was being, to let you slapped me and cursed me like that? It didn't take long for you to change though. As soon as you find out that I was going to get rid of your father, you started to play weak. Well, I admitted that I did believe in you. You succeded in winning me over." He pushed her chin away a little as he took a few steps back. "In the end, you had your father arrested me. Out of anyone, I got wrongly accused of killing my own two favorite men. Do you even know how much they're worth to me? Do you think I am that heartless and cruel, to kill those who had been serving me for years? Come on, now. Just how worse can this shit get? You don't even fucking know me and yet, you're accusing me of killing my own people. Do I look like a fucking criminal to you? I don't know what your father has been brainwashing you with... but you don't fucking know me. Your quick judgement will lead you to your own fucking down fall, Giselle."

Giselle shed her tears uncontrollably as she shook her head. She made her way forward to grab onto Dean's arm before she said, "No. I don't know anything. I swear I didn't do any of that. I'm sorry. I didn't know about any of that."

Dean yanked his arm away before he glared at her sharply. "Of course, you would say that!" He raised his voice before he took a deep breath to calm himself down. "You exchanged your body to make me forgive your father, didn't you?" He asked as he shot her a disgusted look. When she shook her head in disagreement, Dean cuts her off. "Whatever you say, I won't fall for them anymore. That is all I am coming here to tell you. Just remember, that everything you do from now on, will be under my watch. I told you to leave me, but you wished to stay." He lifted one of his hands to wipe the wet tears, that were on her cheeks, with his thumb. He gritted his teeth as he added bitterly, "I will make it come true for you since that was what you wanted."

After that, Dean rushed out of her room, leaving her sobbed hardly alone.


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