Girl Meets Jessie The Sequel

By not_so_famous_writer

503 21 5

If you couldn't tell by my creative title, this is The Sequel. As in, The Sequel to Girl Meets Jessie. ... More

Mrs. Chesterfield's POV
Zay's POV
Maya's POV
Zuri's POV
Bertram's POV
Lucas's POV
Riley's POV
Josh's POV
Smackle's POV
Missy's POV
Mrs. Kipling's POV
Farkle's, Stuart's, Topanga's , Katy's POV
Cory's POV

Jessie's POV

41 1 0
By not_so_famous_writer

"Hey, Jessie, is it cool if Riley comes over with Farkle, Lucas and Maya?" Emma asks, walking into the kitchen with her phone in hand.

                  "I sense that there's more people coming over than what you say there are." I raise an eyebrow at her, waiting for a confirmation to my suspicions.

                      Emma looks down at her phone with raised eyebrows as she reads the other names. "She says that their two other friends, Zay and Smackle, want to meet us. Something about how Farkle told them about befriending his family's rival, and one of them is pretty skeptical about the whole thing."

                     Bertram isn't going to like having ten teenagers in the penthouse, but I'm sure he'll get over it eventually. If he doesn't, then there's always that new sauce pan he's been going on and on about for the past two months.

                 "You know I have nothing against other teenagers being here. Just don't tell Bertram anything until the last minute." I tell her, looking around the kitchen to make sure Bertram isn't anywhere in hearing range.

                       "Yay!" Emma exclaims excitedly. Her fingers start to fly across the keypad on her phone, and she walks out of the kitchen up the kitchen stairs.

I hear the elevator ping in the living room followed by a knock on the front door. A knock and a ping in two different rooms can't mean anything good.

I get up from my seat and walk up the two steps to the door.

"Don't open that door!" Luke runs into the kitchen only to place his hands on his knees and start panting.

                    Choosing to ignore Luke's words, I unlock the door and open it only to come face to face with Ms. Chesterfield. I should've listened to Luke and not opened the door.

                        "Ms. Chesterfield, what a lovely surprise!" I say, plastering on a fake smile.

                    "Save it, Bessie." She scolds me. "That Ravi hooligan trespassed into my apartment and stole something from me." She points directly at Luke with her rather pointy finger.

                 "It wasn't your heart, that's for sure." I hear Luke mutter to himself.

                     "Luke, give Ms. Chesterfield back whatever it is that you took." Placing my left hand on the door and looking back over my right shoulder, I say.

"Suit yourself," Luke shrugs, holding a dartboard in his hand.

Out of all the things in Ms. Chesterfield's apartment, Luke decides to take a dartboard? He really has lost his game.

Something on the dartboard catches my eye as Luke walks over to hand the dartboard over to Ms. Chesterfield.

"Is that a picture of my face?" I ask to no one in particular, taking the dartboard out of Luke's hand. "You could've at least found a more decent photo of me."

"Why don't we just call it even." Ms. Chesterfield suggests.

"You're calling this even on a tool that could help me later?!" Luke says with wide eyes. "I knew I should've played it dumb and hid the evidence." His face morphs into an annoyed expression, and he heads back in the direction of the living room.

"Right, well, I'd like my property back now, Bessie." Holding her hand out, Ms. Chesterfield says impatiently.

"Alright," I shrug and unstick the awful picture of me from three years ago. Ms. Chesterfield looks at the picture in my hand and lets out an annoyed huff.

"You didn't have to take the picture off of the dartboard." She states.

Placing the dartboard in her hand, I say. "You said to give you your property back, so I gave you your dartboard back. Besides, it's rather disturbing to know that you have a picture of me in your possession."

"You can thank Tony for that." Not bothering to elaborate on what Tony has to do with my picture, Ms. Chesterfield says.

"What a strange woman." Watching her retreat back down the hall towards the elevator, I mumble.

I close the front door and lock it back up. How many people secretly have a photo of me?

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Ravi asks, walking into the kitchen and over to the fruit bowl on the table.

"Do you know anything about Tony giving people my picture?" Knowing that Ravi has probably known this fact for quite sometime, I ask.

Ravi looks up at me with a red apple in his right hand. "No idea. Ask Zuri, she usually knows everything that has to do with being nosy."

"Why don't you just ask Tony about it?" Zuri asks, popping her head out from the screening room.

So much for having a gossip group and fact checker. Taking the steps down from the front door, I press the button on the wall and wait for Tony to respond.

"This is Tony, what's up?" Tony asks from the other end of the speaker.

"Did you give Ms. Chesterfield an awful photo of me from three years ago?" I ask him, skipping any form of polite greeting.

"She must've taken that out of my wallet when I left it on the desk in the lobby." Tony groans.

"What moron leaves his wallet on the lobby desk for anyone to take?" Ravi asks, taking a bite out of the apple.

                     "Why does he still keep a photo of you in his wallet if you two broke up two years ago?" Zuri asks, looking at the speaker with a scrunched up face.

                       "So, she only had the one photo?" Starting to feel slightly relieved, I ask him.

                   "Uhhh... yeahhhhh. I have to go, it's getting kinda of busy in the lobby." The buzzer beeps and the other side goes silent.

                       "We have some guests to get ready for." Clasping my hands together and diverting the topic away from Tony, I announce.

                    "Who's coming over?" Opening the trash can lid and dropping the apple core into it, Ravi asks.

                          "Riley, Maya, Farkle, Lucas, and two of their other friends." Zuri answers for me before disappearing back into the screening room.

                       "Does Bertram know?" Ravi asks, looking around to see if Bertram magically appeared.

                        "No, and we aren't going to tell him until the last minute." I inform him.

                       "Huge mistake." Shaking his head and walking back towards the living room, Ravi says.

             A/N: I'll release the next chapter in a few hours. If you have any thoughts on this story, then let me know.

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