Girl Meets Jessie The Sequel

By not_so_famous_writer

504 21 5

If you couldn't tell by my creative title, this is The Sequel. As in, The Sequel to Girl Meets Jessie. ... More

Mrs. Chesterfield's POV
Jessie's POV
Maya's POV
Zuri's POV
Bertram's POV
Lucas's POV
Riley's POV
Josh's POV
Smackle's POV
Missy's POV
Mrs. Kipling's POV
Farkle's, Stuart's, Topanga's , Katy's POV
Cory's POV

Zay's POV

54 1 0
By not_so_famous_writer

    "So, let me get this straight, Farkle met his family's rival only to befriend them?" The thought of Farkle ever befriending his family's rival just doesn't add up in my head.

It almost sounds too good to actually be true. Then again, he did befriend his own rival a few years ago. Why don't I ever get invited to these strange adventures?

"Did you use the laser beams in your eyes and tell them to dance monkey?" Smackle perks up, looking at Farkle with an inquisitive look.

"I don't have laser beams in my eyes, Smackle." Farkle tells her calmly before answering my question of disbelief.

"Technically, it was a rival between our parents. We just got caught in the middle of it." He explains to me.

His words get lost somewhere in the air, my attention diverting to his hands. Does he always make hand motions when he explains things to people?

"I don't think you were caught in the middle of a rival, Farkle. On the contrary, it sounds like you just needed a reason to not get along with your parents' rivals' children." Smackle says matter of factly.

She starts to explain herself even more, but her hands are moving just as fast as what Farkle's were when he was explaining himself. I wonder if I do that too when I'm explaining something.

"You alright, Zay?" Lucas nudges my arm lightly with his, a look of concern on his face.

"Do I make weird hand motions when I'm explaining something?" I ask him without thinking too much about my question.

Lucas looks over at Smackle, I'm starting to think that this is more of a monologue than an explanation, and watches her hands for a few minutes. "I'm pretty sure everyone makes hand motions when they're talking. What else are you supposed to do with your hands when you're trying to explain something to someone?"

"This is why I don't pay attention in history." Maya butts in, leaning forward slightly to look over at me. "I think hand motions are way more intriguing than the words that come out of someone's mouth."

"Why do you say that?" Looking down at Maya with a curious look, Lucas asks her.

"I feel like hands are more expressive than what words are. Someone could be talking all monotone and boring, but their hands can be making all of these motions to show their passion about a certain topic." Maya explains with her hands clasped tightly on her lap.

"Hand motions are so distracting, but they're the good kind of distracting in a boring situation." I state.

"We should get together with the Ross family!" Riley exclaims out of nowhere, drawing the attention back to one conversation rather than two.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Lucas shakes his head.

"Just because Luke got you involved in a stupid prank doesn't mean Jessie's mad at you." Riley reasons with him.

Riley's mention of Lucas being involved in a prank with this Luke person catches me off guard. "You cheated on me with another guy?" Turning my body to face Lucas, I ask with mock hurt.

"If it makes you feel any better, the prank was pretty lame." Maya says from behind me.

"And, what was this lame prank?" I ask, keeping my attention on Lucas.

"Luke basically turned the lady that lives one floor below into a chicken by using egg yolks and feathers." Lucas shrugs nonchalantly.

                      "Yeah, that is a pretty lame prank." Nodding my head feeling satisfied by his answer, I turn my body away from his and relax back into the couch.

                         "So, are we going to hit the Ross clan up or not?" Riley asks, looking at Maya, Farkle and Lucas with a hopeful look in her eyes.

                   "I would like to meet this Ross clan that you speak so highly of!" Smackle raises her hand up in the air like she's volunteering for something.

                    "I wouldn't mind seeing Emma again." Maya says casually.

                    "I'm not sure, you guys." Lucas says hesitantly.

                       "That's not the Lucas I grew up with back in Texas." Shaking my head in disappointment of his hesitation, I frown.

                       "Lets take a vote," Farkle suggests, eyeing Lucas suspiciously. "All those in favor of meeting up with the Ross clan, raise your hand."

                        We all raise our hand simultaneously. Well, all of us, except for Lucas. He looks around at all of us like he can't believe what he's seeing. We start to put our hand back down one by one.

                      "You don't have to meet up with them, if you don't want to." Maya tells him reassuringly.

                       Lucas shakes his head at her words. "It's summer, and I don't have anything better to do. I might as well make the best of it while I can."

                      "Terrific!" Riley beams, standing up from her chair in a flash. "I'll just confirm with Emma that everyone's on board! I can't wait for this reunion!"

                  We watch as Riley skips out of Topanga's happily. She's such a bubble of joy and happiness. Does she eat rainbows and sunshine for breakfast each morning?

                     "Why am I not surprised she told Emma about her idea for a reunion?" Lucas mumbles, looking up at the ceiling as though the answer would show itself.

                     "That's my best friend!" Maya says cheerily, grinning from ear to ear.

                    "That's my girlfriend!" Farkle shakes his head but there's a slight grin on his face.

                  "I better go get my list of questions ready!" Smackle exclaims, getting up from her seat and hurrying out the door in a rush.

                  "Should I have a list of questions prepared too?" I ask, looking over at Lucas.

                      "You can establish your questions while we watch Infinity War on Netflix." Looking over at me, Lucas says.

                    "Deal." I agree, getting up from my seat.

                  Lucas stands up and looks over at Maya. "I'll see you later." He leans down to give her a quick peck on the cheek before straightening back up.

                     We walk out of Topanga's in silence. My mind is already racing with questions but not as many questions as what Smackle is no doubt going to come up with.

A/N: I have decided to come up with a system where I'll update two new chapters each day. This makes it a little bit easier and gives me some motivation to complete this story in a shorter amount of time than my other stories.

            Let me know what your thoughts on this story are so far. If you didn't notice, the first two chapters are from the points of view of characters that aren't exactly part of the main line up. So, various characters from each show will possibly be making an appearance throughout the story.

                       Also, I'm going to try to make each chapter a point of view from one character so it won't be as confusing for me or for anyone else.

              Until tomorrow:

       - not_ so_famous_writer🙃

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