The Half-Dragon Brother (Male...

By DarkForceWhis

668 7 6

Y/N L/N, the adopted older brother of Claus and Lucas, Y/N is a strong PSI user but what he really shines in... More

Bio & Prologue/Chapter 1 of Mother 3
Osohe Castle, Meeting Kumatora, The Egg of Light

Embarking On a Journey to Find Duster, Club Titiboo

172 4 1
By DarkForceWhis

We open to see Y/N waking up.

Kumatora: Y/N! Are you alright?

Y/N: I'm fine, why?

Kumatora: You and I are going to look for Duster, Geezer's orders, I was to wait for you to wake up then we go and find Duster as well as the egg.

Y/N: Ok.

Y/N gets up but soon has to summon his glaive for support.

Kumatora: Will you be able to walk fine?

Y/N: Just need to gain my footing.

After Y/N gains his footing he and Kumatora leave the village but not before Y/N gives Lucas one final hug before he leaves.

Y/N: I'll always be with you Lucas, mom and Claus are always with you too, right in your heart, remember that, and you'll be fine.

Lucas: S-see ya later Y/N.

Y/N: I'll see you again, that's a promise.

Lucas: Pinky promise?

Y/N: Pinky promise.

Y/N and Lucas interlock pinkies and Y/N leaves accompanied by Kumatora and the monkey.

Kumatora: You know that it isn't wise to make promises you can't keep for certain, right?

Y/N: But I can keep this one, the next time we see each other, I'll be alive and well, ready to protect him.

Kumatora: You sound so confident that you'll be able to.

Y/N: While I'm around, Lucas won't suffer a single injury while I'm nearby him, if I die, I'll come back to life just to protect him.

Kumatora: You're so dedicated, *mutters something*

Y/N: What was that?

Kumatora: *blushing* Nothing!

Y/N: Ok?

Kumatora: Let's set up camp, it's starting to get late.

Y/N: Good idea.


Kumatora: So, what can you tell me about yourself?

Y/N: Well, I'm not Lucas's older brother by blood. I'm adopted.

Kumatora: I'm adopted too, I was raised by the Magypsies.

Y/N: As you've seen, I'm half dragon.

Kumatora: I am too, do you have any strange abilities? Aside from summoning those weapons and PSI.

Y/N: Not that I'm aware of.

Kumatora: I'm... a unique case. I can summon gauntlets.

Y/N: What do they do?

Kumatora: Every 10 or so seconds, the red one will multiply my strength by two and I can even multiply the abilities of someone else. The black one can absorb enemy strength and add it to my own.

Y/N: That's pretty cool.

Kumatora: Thanks! So what's your mom's name?

Y/N: Her name, was Hinawa, she died because her heart was pierced by an altered Drago.

Kumatora: Ohh... I didn't know...

Y/N: It's fine, so, what's your favorite homemade food, mine are omelets.

Kumatora: I like omelets too, we should probably get to sleep.

Y/N: Yeah. *looks though stuff* Fuck, I forgot my bag.

Kumatora: *blushing furiously* W-w-well, um, w-we could share?

Y/N: *same amount of blush* W-we don't have too.

Kumatora: B-but you'll get cold, w-we can share until you get a new one!

Y/N: F-fine.

Y/N and Kumatora get into the sleeping bag facing opposite directions.

Y/N: G-good night Kumatora.

Kumatora: G-good night Y/N.

They both fall asleep and when Kumatora wakes up, she's on top of Y/N and blushes before getting off of him and out of the sleeping bag.

Kumatora: That was so embarrassing!!! Why is my heart pounding?! What did you do to me Y/N?! Deep breaths, deep breaths, at least the monkey nor Y/N wasn't awake for that.

Y/N: *gets out of the sleeping bag and yawns* Good morning Kumatora.

Kumatora: G-good morning.

Y/N: Um, thanks for last night.

Kumatora: Oh uh, no problem. Is this love I'm feeling? Do I love Y/N? But I'm interested in girls? Is this what people call being bisexual?

Y/N: Something wrong Kumatora?

Kumatora: No, I'm just a little hungry, that's all.

Y/N: Well, I do have a bag of Nut bread.

Kumatora: It's better than nothing I suppose.

After they and the monkey eat a few slices of Nut bread, Y/N closes the bag and they get on their way.


We see Y/N in a butler outfit and Violet in a waitress outfit.

Kumatora: Do I really have to wear this stupid thing and have my hair this way?

Y/N: *whispering* You don't want to blow our cover do you?

Kumatora: No.

Y/N: Then the answer is yes.

Kumatora: Fine F/N (Fake name).

Y/N: Let's get back to work Violet.

We see Y/N relaxing in his and Kumatora's shared room when he hears the shower running and soon Lucas arrives with Boney.

Y/N: Lucas? Boney?

Lucas: Y/N!

Lucas and Y/N share a hug then do their secret handshake, (albeit with you sitting and Lucas standing) Kumatora comes out of the bathroom and witnesses it right before it starts.

(You take the spot of MILF hunter Kakyoin)

Kumatora/Violet: What did I just watch? Regardless, somehow we ended up with this fancy room.

Y/N: We had to make it seem like we were married, I forged rings just to make it believable.

Kumatora/Violet: To be fair, we are dating, so it isn't that much of a stretch.

Lucas: Wait you're dating bro?

Kumatora/Violet: I'm dating Y/N yes. Now, how about you go take a shower, there's a hotspring in there too if that's more your thing.



DFW: Palutena dammit, you can't just break the fourth wall whenever there's a hotspring.

Pit: Fourth wall?

DFW: Nevermind.

DFW drags Pit out and the story resumes.

—Time resume—

Y/N, Kumatora and Lucas discuss everything that's happened in the story so far.

Y/N: ...And that's how we managed to sneak ourselves in here.

Kumatora/Violet: But we'll never find out what happened to the Hummingbird Egg until Duster regains his memory.

Y/N: At this point, there's no telling when the pigs'll get their filthy nature-altering hands on it. Lucas, can you go see Duster and try to talk to him? Maybe he'll remember if he sees you two, didn't exactly work for us, we can't ditch these disguises.

Kumatora/Violet: There're guards outside. They're not exactly bad guys but I don't wanna risk makin' things more complicated.

Y/N: *goes up to a wall panel and flips it to reveal a ladder* Climb up the ladder and go through the attic, Duster's room is accessible from there.

Kumatora/Violet: It's not the most direct way of gettin' there, but you're less likely to get caught.

Y/N: We'll get all the DCMC members together. We gotta explain the situation to them too. See you in a little bit Lucas!

*after they round up the band members*

Lucas and Boney drop from the ceiling.

Y/N: Bro, what took you so long? Anyways, we just finished explainin' everything to the band members.

Duster/Lucky: Tonda Gossa.... Who are you?

Kumatora/Violet: He's the one we were talking about just now, Duster. You two know each other.

Duster/Lucky: Duster? It's true that I don't even remember my real name, but I've lived my life as Lucky for years now.

Y/N: Ok "Lucky", I hate ta ask but, could ya tell him everything you remember?

Duster/Lucky: ...Yeah, alright. I can definitely tell that something very important is taking place here... I had no memory whatsoever before I came to club Titiboo. I had no idea who I was, where I came from, or where I was going. But for sone reason I was clutching a strange egg with great care. I didn't know where I was going, yet I continued to walk desperately. All I knew was that the egg was really important for some reason. I knew I absolutely HAD to keep it safe... So I looked for a place to hide it. And then after walking, and walking, I buried the egg inside a big dirt clod in a valley where I knew no one would ever find it. I still know where it is. I haven't forgotten. You go up a cliff near a giant waterfall and...

Y/N: Unknown Valley, nice thinking Duster!

Kumatora/Violet: The egg we all worked so hard to protect is there! Let's go there right now!

Duster/Lucky: ...But, am I really Duster? If I really am this "Duster" person, that means I'll have to leave the band... Right? Duster or Lucky... One of them will cease to exist after today... Right?! If it turns out I'm Duster, what happens to the DCMC? But if I continue licing as Lucky, then what was that egg thing all about? What should I do?! I just can't decide...

Shimmy Zmizz: ...Of course you can't. All you can do is ask destiny.

Baccio: Yeah! If destiny decides it, then I'll say goodbye to you with a smile on my face.

OJ: Destiny, huh... Yeah, let's ask destiny. We have a way... The same thing we've always done when we aren't sure what to do.

Duster/Lucky: ...Stone-Sheet-Clippers, huh?

OJ: Yup. This Lucas fellow will play Stone-Sheet-Clippers with us. If he beats all five of us in a row, you'll go. But if he loses even once, you'll stay in the DCMC and keep on playing the bass. How's that sound?

Duster/Lucky: Five in a row, huh... I'm cool with that. You there, *points at Lucas* you're ok with that right?

Lucas: Yeah.

OJ: Okay, well, we're ready to begin whenever you are.

*after Duster rejoins the party*

Y/N: Well, we have no reason to stay here anymore.

Kumatora: Alright! Time to get out of these stupid girl clothes!

Y/N&Kumatora: Thanks for everything guys, take care now!

Kumatora runs to their shared room to change.

Kumatora: Out of my way dammit!

Kumatora uses two charges of PK Freeze.

Y/N facepalms and uses PK Fire to burn away his butler outfit and reveals his normal clothes.

Duster: You've had that on the entire time you've been here?

Y/N: Incase we learned where the egg was.

OJ: Lucky... no, Duster, I guess, you were the greatest bass player ever, I'm going to miss you man. I hope we meet again someday.

Y/N: I'm gonna go after Kumatora.

Y/N walks out of the room and arrives at their shared room and sees Kumatora done changing.

Kumatora: Hey Y/N, ready to ditch this place?

Y/N: You bet.

Kumatora: Let's go back to your bro.

They exit the room to see Lucas waiting.

*after the DCMC's goodbye to Duster via song*

Duster exits the building not wearing his wig.

Duster: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Y/N: It's time we get rollin'.

Kumatora: Let's go! To Unknown Valley!

Y/N: Lucas, didn't you say there was a tower there destroying the houses of people who don't have those "Happy Boxes"?

Lucas: Yeah, why?

Y/N: Can we blow it up? I have gone 3 years without a proper fight, and I have the urge to blow something to smithereens.

Kumatora: Is this, a common problem?

Y/N: No, I just really want to blow it up, it's so unnecessary.

Lucas: Blowing it up would probably be best.

And so our heroes embark to Unknown Valley to retrieve the Egg of Light and blow shit up.

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