Letters [YOONSEOK]

By sangdo_the_mango

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Yoongi is Hoseok's secret admirer. More

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By sangdo_the_mango

"Yoongi, do you think we'll do good on our presentation?" Hoseok asked the older boy. It was one day before the project was due and presentations started and the two were spending it at Hoseok's house going over their work. They wanted to be ready in case they ended up presenting tomorrow.

"Of course," Yoongi smirked. "You already memorized your stuff and I'm halfway done with mine. We scream A-plus."

Hoseok sighed. "I wish you would've already memorized all of your parts though."

He wasn't trying to be rude to Yoongi, he knew it was heard to memorize things, especially large pieces of information that you had to say in front of people. He was just feeling a bit nervous about the presentation.

The way Yoongi and him worked on the project  was very different from how Jimin and him usually did things. He was yet to see the outcome of their work.

"Don't worry Hoseok, I'll have it all down before I leave today," Yoongi reassured Hoseok. "Now stop worrying and get practicing."

Hoseok smiled and nodded.

They picked up where they left off before Hoseok asked if they would do good. They had minor mistakes (some from Hoseok, some from Yoongi), but overall, they did pretty well. Of course, the parts that were mostly Yoongi's territory were where they moved a bit slow but Hoseok helped Yoongi out anyways.

("I can take up some of your parts if you want?" Hoseok offered.

Yoongi shook his head. "That wouldn't be fair.")

By the time the sun had set, Yoongi had 98% of his parts memorized. As for the other two percent, Yoongi assured Hoseok that they would still get an A-plus. 

Yoongi gathered his things to get ready to head home. He was driving himself home that night. His parents had let him take the car over to Hoseok's house.

Hoseok sighed as he put the posterboard up against his desk. 

"What's wrong Seok-ah?" Yoongi asked as he put his book bag on.

Hoseok shook his head. "I'm just a bit nervous about the presentation. "

"Hoseok, you're really smart, there's no way you'll forget everything. Plus, if you do, just know that I happened to have memorized one of the things you have to say." Yoongi smiled. 

Hoseok laughed. It sounded a bit forced so he smiled at Yoongi instead. "I don't know how that will cover for everything else I have to say but thank you Yoongi."  

Yoongi walked over to Hoseok and placed his hand on the younger's shoulder. "If you forget everything you have to say and I say one of the things you have to say, it's most likely that the things you forgot will come back to you."

"Oh," Hoseok said. "That's actually smart Yoongi."

"I know, my friends and I have done it a bunch of times." Yoongi said proudly as they walked out of Hoseok's room.

Hoseok laughed. "Has it worked every time?"

"Don't worry about that Hoseok. I probably won't even have to say your part. We're going to do great, ok?" Yoongi said, smiling at Hoseok.

Hoseok nodded, smiling back. "Ok."

The two reached the living room, which was where the front door was. Hoseok's parents were in there watching television. They didn't notice that Hoseok and Yoongi had entered the living room until Hoseok cleared his throat.

"Oh! Leaving already Yoongi?" Hoseok's mother asked, peeling her eyes off of the television program but not getting off of the couch. "I hope you two had fun."

"We did, thank you for letting me come over," Yoongi replied.

"No problem Yoongi. You should better get going though, it's getting dark and I don't want you to drive in the dark." Hoseok's mother said, her eyes now back on the television.

Hoseok opened the door to let Yoongi out.

"Bye, be safe, and see you tomorrow," Hoseok said.

Yoongi smiled. "See you tomorrow Seok."

Hoseok watched Yoongi walk over to his car before he shut the front door. As soon as he did this, his mother spoke up.

"Couldn't you have worn a different pair of jeans Hoseok? The seams look like they're about to bust." She scoffed, not even bothering to look at Hoseok.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I just got these jeans mom."

"Well, you better get them a size bigger next time we go shopping. How did you even get into them?" She asked, her eyes still on the television and not on her son.

Hoseok was very close to going off on his mother but he knew better. Although both his mother and father seemed to not be paying much attention to him, they were waiting for him to get upset. They were waiting for him to give them a reason to punish him.

"I'm going to my bed, goodnight." He said. It was better for him to leave to avoid any possible conflict that could happen if he stayed a little longer.

He didn't wait for his parents to say anything back and ran off to his room. He shut his door and tried his best to not look over at the mirror in his room but failed. He stared at his reflection, examining his legs. He usually didn't let what his mother said about his appearance get to him but sometimes he couldn't help himself.

Especially today. He had thought he looked good in the outfit he had picked out and now his mother had gone and ruined that state of mind. He stared at his legs, tracing the seams of his jeans with his fingers. 

My jeans look fine, He thought as he stared at his reflection a little longer. They fit just fine. Why did she say they didn't?

Hoseok gave himself one last look before he began getting ready for bed. At least his mother had been nice enough to not make a comment about his jean when Yoongi was still there. That would've been embarrassing. It would've led to a conversation Hoseok didn't want to have with the older. Not that he didn't trust Yoongi, it's just he hasn't talked with anyone about how his parents, especially his mother, are about his appearance.

It's a conversation he doesn't want to have with anyone. It's his problem and he could deal with it alone. Even though he thinks he does a pretty good job of ignoring his parents' negative opinions on his weight, sometimes the messages actually come through and stick with him. This comes with its own consequences as Hoseok sometimes ends up joking about having to lose weight which results in people giving him a concerned look. 

Jimin even pulled Hoseok aside one time and asked him if he genuinely thought he should lose weight. Hoseok had said no and he felt bad when he saw the relief wash over Jimin's face when he said that. He hadn't meant to make Jimin worry. Jimin had hugged him and told him that he was perfect just the way he was and that he shouldn't change a thing. 

And even though Hoseok knew he was fine as he was, Jimin saying that had made him feel better.

Hoseok laid in bed, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. How he wished his parents would try to bring him up rather than down. 

And how he wished he'd be able to completely ignore their comments one day.







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