ᎷᎪᏚᎢᎬᎡ ᎾF ᎻᎾᏌNᎠᏚ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ᵒⁿᵉ{Tre...

By Free_Doodlez

71.2K 2.5K 306

One year. The world had one year. One year to right it's wrongs and make peace with each other. After the one... More

| Prologue |
| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Authors Note |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Trevor |
| Alucard |
| What's going to happen to this book now |
| Trevor continued, Chapter 1 |
| Alucard continued, Chapter 1 |
| Alucard Continued, Chapter 2 |
| Authors Note: It's been awhile |

| Trevor Continued, Chapter 2 |

827 28 5
By Free_Doodlez

It was hard to tell what time of day it was when you woke up, mostly since you were in a massive hole in the ground surrounded by books and dust. Your internal clock was what had you realize it was day. Being a lycanthrope had made you an early riser in the mornings, it was something about the dawn that had elevated your senses. It was helpful since you did most your hunting in the mornings when you'd need to find breakfast. In this case all it did was help you determine what time it would be above ground.

When you attempted to move you couldn't, your mobility blocked by some unknown force on your stomach. When you tried to move again you caused the man next to you to shift, his arm that laid across your stomach to snake around your side. He hugged you tightly, his snoring ever so apparent now.

"Trevor..." You said, hoping to wake him up softly if possible. When you got no response you let out a heavy sigh, unsure on what to do next. Deciding to try a less gentle approach, you harshly shoved Trevor and gave a loud snap of his name. "Trevor wake up!" You shouted.

"Uh-... Huh?" His snoring stopped, your push making him fall on his back and no longer resting on his side.

Trevor stared up for a moment, blinking multiple times to make sense of the space around him. He seemed dazed and confused, though you thought it wasn't far off from how he normally looked. After a moment to remember where he was, Trevor let out a groan to then shift slightly. Now sitting up, he tried his best to rub a now tense spot on his back.

"Damn hard stone floors..." Trevor huffed out, trying to stretch his arms.

You were already getting ready to go, having lit a new torch since the last one was far beyond dead now. The hole stunk and the air had felt damp, you wanted to get out of here already. With your hearing you could tell Trevor was hungry, making you remember your own hunger as well. You needed something to eat and soon now, a starved werewolf was dangerous from what you knew.

Trevor was finally up and about, already ready to go since he hadn't had many belongings to gather. Once you were packed you both headed for the exit, climbing the partially destroyed staircase to reach the rope that would be your exit from the archive.

When you got to the rope you had slung your bag over your shoulder then immediately jumped on, clamping your palms around it to begin your climb. Once you got so far up you could hear Trevor whistle.

"What a beautiful view." He said, staring at your behind.

You stopped for the moment then looked down, squinting at him. "Will you shut up and start climbing!?" You yelled down, continuing your ascent afterwards.

Not so long after you reached the top, your hands grabbing the edge of the hole. You pulled yourself out then stood, dusting yourself off. The ruins of the old Belmont house were still there but somehow looked so peaceful within the morning fog. The sunlight was bright and warm, making you smile as it kissed your skin so lovingly. It made you remember that Dracula was gone, that the days to come would have real meaning and a new hopeful future to them. Your moment of bliss was ruined when you heard a crash from the bottom of the hole, making you turn and look down.

Trevor was at the bottom still, laying on his back after a fall. "...Ow..." He groaned.

"Will you hurry up?" You yelled down.

Trevor stood up again, dusting himself off before his second attempt. It's not that Trevor wasn't strong enough to climb a rope but he wasn't graceful. He had trouble finding his footing, making him slip down again. The sight made you laugh slightly, though you tried to stifle it as not to bruise his ego. After a third attempt he had seemed to of given up.

"For fuck sakes, I think this is rigged." Trevor said, crossing his arms over his chest afterwards. He stared up at you while you waited expectantly, unsure if he was really struggling or just doing it for a laugh. After a moment of silence you let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, tie yourself to the end..." You said.

You pulled the rope up once Trevor secured himself to the end, trying your hardest to pull him up. Buttons had grabbed the rope as well, letting out a low growl as he pulled in a game of tug-o-war with Trevor's body weight. Meanwhile Trevor smirked, he could of actually climbed the rope easily but he didn't want to exert himself. Hearing your struggle to pull him up made him laugh slightly and taunt you.

"That's it {Y/n}, put that wolf strength into it." Trevor called.
"By God I will drop you and not feel bad about it." You yelled, making him go quiet.

When Trevor was finally to the top he pulled himself out of the hole. You fell afterwards, going limp as to relax your muscles from such stress.

"Thanks {Y/n}, that wasn't the type of hole I'd like to be in." He said once you stood up again. After the words left his lips you punched his arm, hard.

"Idiot." You sighed.

Before Trevor could whine, your stomach twisted with hunger. A loud growl came from your stomach, making you shut your eyes and set your hand over it. You needed something to eat, quickly. If you got too hungry you worried you'd turn feral, meaning you'd go after whatever was in your path which meant Trevor. The man had heard your stomachs growl and it made him chuckle to himself, but also reminded him that he was hungry as well.

"We should get moving, try to find some breakfast." You said, turning towards the still ever ominous castle to collect your dog.

Now with Buttons in toe, you left the area in search of breakfast. While you walked you held a smile, one born of humor. A soft chuckle escaped your lips, catching Trevor's attention as he walked beside you. Even with the friendly chirping of birds and the light sound of leaves being ruffled in the wind, he heard your chuckle.

"What's so funny?" He asked.
"I'm just reminded of how we met." You explained.

Trevor let out a small snort as the memory came back into mind. It was a memory that had ended with his face in the mud, so it hadn't been a lot different from most his memories. It wasn't a fond memory, the only good part of it was you. You had been unwanted company at the time but now he wasn't sure if he'd split away from you. "Why'd your mind go there?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Because we're off to look for breakfast, again." You said. There was a small pause in conversation before you continued. "Minus the shit pipe this time though." You added.

"Don't rule out the shit pipe yet, it's the future if travel." Trevor joked, actually managing to get a audible laugh from you.

A small and genuine smile played at his lips when he watched you laugh. Your eyes had closed as you leaned your head back slightly during your laugh, later your expression relaxing again. Seeing you happy had made him happy, made him smile. It wasn't long before his smile was gone and he had turned just grumpy now. The more distance you both walked, the more energy he used, the hungrier he felt. During the whole walk you hadn't shut up either, but it wasn't hard to allow you to tire yourself out with one sided conversation.

You had always traveled with your dog, having another person there felt extremely different. It was a nice change, even if in the end he hadn't talked much.

Suddenly you felt the need to stop, an odd scent coming into light as it invaded your nostrils. It hadn't smelt familiar, it was foreign but something about it resembled something you had picked up before. The odd scent vanished soon after as something new took it's place, something you knew very well. This familiar scent was a rabbit, and it wasn't too far.

"Wait here." You said, slipping your bag off. Your bag hit the ground with a thump, a small dust cloud forming around it after it hit the dusty ground. You slipped your bow off your back and pulled an arrow from the quiver, loosely setting it in the bow as you scented the air again to determine the direction the rabbit was. Once it was decided you commander Buttons to stay as well, he would be much help hunting such small game. You vanished into the bush, leaving Trevor and your dog behind.

Trevor sat down when the dog did, resting his arms on his knees since he bent his legs slightly.

"... So do you fetch?" He asked the dog, not really expecting to get an answer. The dark pelted hound turned his face to Trevor, panting slightly as he tried to cope with the heat. Buttons' tongue flopped out of the side of his mouth, giving the dog a dopey smile. Trevor smiled and patted the dogs head, Buttons emitting a whine amidst his panting when Trevor stopped. "Of course you fetch, you're a good dog." Trevor said before standing up again.

He pulled a stick off a bush then turned to the other side of the road which was a mostly dead field. The field looked abandoned, it hadn't been tended to since the night creatures first appearance most likely. Many of the farmers either died or fled to the cities, their land unattended and left to become entwined with weeds. The ground that was once plowed regularly was now hard and unfertilized, nothing would grow here anymore until somebody decided to put in a lot of time and hard work. The only thing that was in the dead field was the occasional weed, the only green that attempted to sprout would be something thought of as an eyesore.

Playfully, Trevor would wave the stick back and forth in front of the faithful hound, gaining his attention. Buttons' folded ears would shift, watching quizzically to see where the stick would go. The dog had an intelligence in his gaze that showed he understood what Trevor was trying to do. Trevor would throw the stick, it cutting through the air towards the field as the dog immediately took off after it.

Meanwhile, you had finally come upon the rabbit, the scent strong in your nose. You'd inhale then hold your exhale, being able to hear it's breathing, feel it's heartbeat quicken then slow as it relaxed. Your senses had grown tuned to this, hunting had become second nature.

You pointed the arrow in the bow ahead of you, waiting for the unsuspecting hare to come out from behind the bush. When it would show it's head you released your arrow, the arrow whistling through the wind before embedding itself through the small creatures neck. It went straight through then into the ground some when it sloped downwards.

Once you collected your kill you would take a longer route back, trying to see if you could find anything else for you all to eat tonight. You would almost fall over at a sudden stench that invaded your nostrils, one you recognized all too well.


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