stuck forever

By call_megiggles

47.5K 1.9K 371

This is the 3rd book to my series it's a follow up from " still stuck" soo if Yu did not read that please do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hes okayyyy!!!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Hey babies


626 25 3
By call_megiggles

Libras pov * a week later*

I can't lie I've been thinking about Drew non stop ever since that public apology he gave me and the gifts he sent were really sweet... but of course Derek had a problem with it and now he's talking about confronting Drew🙄 Being with Derek is okay I guess even tho he pretty much jus forced me into the relationship😂 I'm soo used to being with Drew soo I guess I still have to get used to Derek but anyways it's time to get ready for school today is our last day before thanksgiving break I got ready👇🏽

And grabbed a juice outta the fridge I checked my phone to see if Derek texted me but he didn't🙄 I hate that he takes forever to text me back and he's always too busy! He normally takes me to school but today why the sudden change? I jus called my self a Uber and went to school

Kashmere- Oop new bag and shoes I see! Soo Derek is spoiling Yu huh

I smiled and shook my head

Libra- Nah... they're from Drew

She screamed and hugged me and I raised an eyebrow


Libra- Girl!!! Calm down

Kashmere - sorry I'm jus soo happy!

Libra- Well I didn't quite talk to him yet but the gifts were cute and so was his apology so maybe we could be friends

Kashmere- Girl if Yu don't take that man back already Yu and I both know that's your Soulmate

Libra- I guess.. but Yu heard from Monie or Dedra?

Kashmere- Nah why?

Libra- Jus askin ... it seems like everybody is Distant we don't kick it like we used to anymore

Kash rolled her eyes and laughed

Kashmere- Well Yu can thank miracles jealous ass for that! Because we'll never be friends again

Libra- why tho? Like what's the problem between Yu two?

Kashmere- who knows? I thought she was my home girl but she jus turned on me

She said shrugging the bell rung and it was time to get to class we said our goodbyes and I made my way to class

* at lunch*

I saw Drew sitting at a table with his friends and decided to go over there to talk to him and thank him when he saw me walking up to him he smiled and I smiled back

Libra- Hey...

Drew- ... Hey ... glad to see Yu like the gifts

Libra- Yea... couldn't resist Yu know I love pink

He smiled and nodded he patted the seat next to him and I sat down

Libra- I jus wanna say... thank yu... It's not even about the gifts even tho I truly appreciate them but the fact that Yu put yourself out there like that really means a lot to me Drew... That's a big step for a quiet/private person like Yu and I felt the sincerity... and I forgive Yu

Drew- Thanks Ma... i know I have a lot to prove and it'll take a while for me to earn your trust back and that's why I'm willing to jus be friends for now and Yu know build our bond back but ... that's only if Yu want the same

Libra- Yea ... That's cool ... "Friend"

I said playfully shoving him and we both laughed

Drew- Yu got something stuck in ya braces ma

He said looking at me I tried using my tongue to get it off and then I showed him my teeth?

Libra- it's off now?

He laughed and shook his head he grabbed a napkin and gently dapped it against my tooth his warm touch moved against my lips and I couldn't help but smile

Drew- Yu good now

Libra- cool thanks Drew

Drew- You're welcome Libra

We smiled at each other and honestly it felt weird calling him Drew and hearing him call me Libra we literally only say each other's names when we're mad at each other 😂

*later that day*

It's now thanksgiving break and I cannot wait to sleep in! No school or work yay!😂 I was walking out the building when I noticed Dereks car and I immediately thought about Drew I turned around and found him getting ready to walk out the door

Libra- Ayeeeee Drew!!!

Drew- Wsup?

Libra- This way is like soo crowded and yanno ... let's jus walk around the building

Drew- Libra my car is right there I'll be fine ...

I looked at him and scratched my head tryna figure out another way to get him not to walk out that door

Drew- Yu okay ma? Yu scaring me

He said laughing and walking out the door I followed after him Derek was standing right by the door and my eyes lit up I could see the anger in his face Drew turned around looking at me with this Smirk and I jus knew!

Libra- Derek!

Derek- Libra get in the car now bro!

Libra- Why are you yelling at me!

Derek- Aye nigga Wsup with allat Shit Yu was saying on the breakfast club?

Drew- Ohh so Yu a fan huh?

Derek- nigga don't even play me like dat leave my girl the hell alone! She's moved on so I suggest Yu do the same

Drew- and yet you're telling me this because? And don't step to me like that my nigga Don't let this singing shit fool Yu!

Drew said getting in his face and I tried separating them but Derek pushed me away

Derek- I'm not gonna tell Yu again get in the damn car!


Derek- What chu finna do witcho bitch ass!

Drew- Issa street right there nigga!

Things were starting to get heated and When I saw Aj coming I jus knew it wasn't gonna get any better

Aj- Aye Bro whats poppin Yu good?

Drew- oh I'm straight this nigga don't put no fear in my heart!

He said looking Derek up and down

Derek- ohhh so it's two of y'all? Yu wanna fight let's go nigga

Aj- Aight come on! Drew watch my shit

Derek- Nah I wanna fight him

He said pointing at Drew

Aj- nah nigga Yu ain't fighting my brother Yu gone fight me!

Drew- Nah Lemme fight em he talking allat shit ain't nobody scared of his bitch ass

Aj- Yu fight one Yu fight both nigga!

Derek- Man fuck outta here come on Libra

He said grabbing my hand I knew not to even look back at Drew or say anything! When we got in the car he pulled off and started speeding like a maniac I was honestly scared and clinching to my seat when we got to his apartment I was honestly scared for my life he was going on and on and cussing up a storm


Libra- First of all don't yell at me and second of all-

I was cut off by him slapping me in the face and I paused before getting up  hitting him back he grabbed my arm bending it back and I screamed and cried out in pain

Derek- don't ever put cho fuckin hands on me!

He said before pushing me to the ground... I jus sat there.. I felt weak and stupid because I didn't know what to do Drew never ever laid a finger on me!

Drew's pov

I've been calling Libras phone tryna check on her but it's going straight to voicemail! Maybe she's with him and don't wanna talk I don't wanna get in trouble so I'll stop calling but even tho me and Aj aren't on the best of terms right now i do appreciate him riding for me earlier even tho I ain't need his help😂 I knocked on his room door and he opened the door raising his eyebrow

Aj- Yo?

Drew- Yu busy?

Aj- nah come in

He said walking away from the door and flopping back on his bed I walked in the room and it was a mess as always😂 I took a seat on the chair by his bed

Drew- Yu betta clean this room before momma sees it and has a fit

Aj- Yea Yea I'll clean it before her ,dad and the little ones get back from Vegas but Wsup?


Aj- Nigga Yu Forgot we're on punishment?... Momma said we needa stay here and get along

I sucked my teeth and sat back in the chair

Drew- anyways I Jus wanna thank yu for earlier ... I know we aren't close like that right now but-

He cut me off by throwing a pillow at me

Aj- Aye aye aye... cut allat gay shit out nigga!

I laughed and so did he

Aj- nah but real talk... Despite Yu acting like an asshole you're my brother and ima always rock for Yu right or wrong ... I love Yu man

Drew- I love Yu too nigga

It got quiet and I broke the silence

Drew- Yu think I can't fight or sumn?

Aj- why Yu say that?

He said laughing and I laughed too

Drew- cause Yu wasn't gonna let me fight him

Aj- Drew Yu ain't a fighter, haven't I always fought your battles ?

Drew- yea...

I said thinking back to all the times Aj saved me from bullies in middle school😂

Aj- but I ain't gone always be there bro ... Why don't chu let me train Yu?

Drew- No!

Aj- yes!

Drew- Yu too bossy!

Aj- Whateva rather Yu like it or not I'm teaching yo ass how to fight tomorrow nigga can't have Yu going out like No punk!

Drew- I can fight

Aj- Bro Yu be letting me fuck Yu up!

He said laughing and I jus looked at him

Drew- that's because you're a trained fighter!

Aj- so what! No brother of mine gonna be getting smacked up and stomped out get some rest nigga cause we're going to the gym tomorrow morning 6am sharp!

I nodded and laughed he turned on his PS4 handing me a controller and we started to play 2k20 together. I'm glad we put our differences aside because fighting with my brother wasn't fun at all!

*later that night*

I heard my phone ring and I planned on ignoring it but when I saw it was Libra that was outta the picture I immediately answered

Drew- Hello?

Libra- Drew?

It sound like she was whispering and that's not normal I sat up rubbing my eyes

Drew- yea Yu okay Mamas?

Libra- Yea I jus wanna apologize for earlier Derek was soo wrong

Drew- Nah don't apologize for that clown you've done nothing wrong baby

Libra- Drew...

Drew- yes?

Libra-... I love Yu

Drew- I love Yu more

Libra- I can hear the tiredness in your voice go back to sleep

Drew- Nah... stay on the phone

I could feel her smile through the phone and that made me smile

Libra- ... okay then

We stayed up the whole night jus talking to each other and joking around it felt jus like old times❤️

Kay's POV

Me and aug wanted to get outta the house but this time we took our beybes and decided to stay a night in Vegas as for Drew and Aj I made them stay home before they go anywhere they needa get it together! I watched aug and the kids play in the sand and I smiled meanwhile I sipped on my margarita soaking up the sun☺️ I was tryna rest my eyes when I heard aug snapping on somebody I sat up and took my shades off

Aug- Aye man what the fuck? I'm askin Yu Nicely ma kids obviously don't want chu takin the pictures get the fuck outta hea befo' I break that fuckin camera!

He jus got outta jail and cannot be going back I marched over there immediately tryna calm him down and the man stormed off

Kay- Babe whats going on why are Yu yelling in public

Aug- these paparazzi muthafuckas gone get fucked up one day they have zero respect me and The kids are sayin No pictures please and he wanna keep snappin shots I shoulda took that camera and slapped em with it

I chuckled and shook my head

Drè- I don't understand why they do that it's weird!

Mir- Yea We're Jus regular people

Siyah- you're regular but I'm not

She said adjusting her sunglasses and I laughed

Aug- y'all hungry cause I am!

Drè- Yea I could eat

Aug-come on let's go

We went to get our stuff and made our way back to our beach house to get washed and ready for dinner and then to the restaurant we went me and aug sat next to each other interlocking fingers and it was the best feeling in the world

Aug- what chu gettin beybe?

Kay- hmm maybe the Lobster what chu gettin bae?

Aug- the steak sounds good right about na'

I smiled and nodded I looked at Drè and noticed he's been on his phone a lot lately! Who is my beybe talkin to y'all?!😭

Kay- Andrè?

Drè- Yea?

Kay- You've been on that phone fa' hours what's goin on

Drè- I'm jus texting a friend.

Aug- A girl?

He shyly nodded and looked down with a smile on his face

Kay- ohh god I'm not ready

I said sipping my wine and aug laughed

Aug- soo how'd Yu meet this friend?

Drè- From school ... Aj helped me talk to her

Kay- ohhh soo dat what allat shoppin was about!

Drè- Yea... he said I needed to step my dress game up

Aug- Yu like ha'?

Drè- Do I ? Shes the prettiest girl in the school!

Aug- looka dat and my boy got the numba! Yu Jus like yo daddy I got with the prettiest girl in school too

Kay- scuse me?!

Aug-  come on!!! I'm talkin bout chu beybe

Kay- Mmhmm

I said playfully rolling my eyes and he kissed my cheek

Drè- aye dad after we eat can we go to the Arcade?

Aug- yea whateva y'all wanna do we'll do it

After dinner we took the kids to the arcade as promised and we were honestly having a good time I was playing a game with Siyah when I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and it was Trey 😬

Trey- hey Kay

Kay- Trey Hi! How are Yu?

Trey- I'm doin fine ma

He said smiling and I smiled back

Kay- yea and uhh at my show say thanks for coming and I wanna apologize fa' the way Chris treated Yu

Trey- oh nah that's fine I get it he's jus being a good friend

Kay- yea .. so Yu hea witcho son?

Trey- Yea .. Yu ?

Siyah- my Daddy is right over there just so Yu  know!

She said rolling her neck I looked down at her and Trey laughed

Trey- she's really cute anddddd sassy

I laughed and thanked him meanwhile Siyah rolled her eyes I apologized for siyahs actions when I noticed a girl walk up to Trey with a cute little boy

Trey- This is my sons mother Jessica and Jessie this is my good friend Makayla 

Kay- Hello

Jessie - Hi nice to meet Yu I'm a huge fan

She said smiling and I smiled back

Kay- well thank yu ... you're very well appreciated

I felt aug wrap his arms around me and kiss my neck

Kay- and this is my husband August... Aug beybe Yu know Trey and that's-

Aug- yea I do

He said dryly and I sighed it was quiet and awkward for a moment and we said our goodbyes to them the kids were sleepy so we went back to our beach house aug was quiet the whole ride home and I knew that meant he had an attitude no sex for me tonight 🙄I got washed braided my hair down and slid on my Pj's he was in bed on his phone and Siyah was knocked out laying next to him😂❤️

Aug- Makayla

Kay- Yes?

Aug- Ima say this in the most respectful way...Stop talkin ta' olè boy cause ima have to end up fuckin em up

Kay- Okay

Aug- Yu sayin okay but I'm serious ion knoe what it is but he jus keep poppin up and I ain't wit dat! Jus like for some reason he popped up at cho show and Yu ain't even tell me

Kay-August....why would I tell Yu some shit like that and spoil the moment?

Aug- Did or did I not tell Yu when I saw olè girl ?

Kay- Yea Yu did! That's soo different tho I saw Trey the night Yu came home! Yu think he was on my mind?! I literally brushed that shit to the side because it didn't matta! And it's not like I talk to em behind yo back when Yu knew we were cordial

Aug- ion give a fuck bout none of that cordial shit cause that cordial shit gone get his head split! Trust me I fucked em up befo' and I'll do it again and I ain't gone say it no mo'!

Kay- Okay

I said nodding I grabbed my phone and got comfortable in my spot I'm really horny right Na' but ehh aug on his period 😂

Kay- and how are we supposed to make a beybe if she sleeps in here every night

Aug- Kayla please we had this same problem with Mir and we still made Asiyah leave my daughta alone!

He said kissing Siyah on her cheek and I rolled my eyes ima em have that one lol

Aug- and I've been thinking...

Kay- what?

Aug-About this miracle situation... we get a test done jus to be sure and if he's not ma son I wanna get a restraining order against her but tryna get her jail time outta the picture

I jus looked at him and I could tell he felt my attitude

Kay- there Yu go being captain save a hoe

Aug- Yu don't undastand Kay... it's not about me protecting ha' ion give a fuck bout dat girl! I'm jus sayin she has children and being locked away in prison away from yo kids is something I'd neva wish on a soul! That shit hurts and makes Yu go crazy!

Kay- Aight I hea Yu....

We got quiet for a moment and I couldn't help but ask

Kay- Yu think he could be yours?

Aug- I hope not.... Did Yu see the kid?

Kay- yea I saw em... cute kid

I said looking down

Aug- Does he favor me or any of our kids?

Kay- No, but I ion knoe  if dats cause ion wanna see it ... Maybe ... ion knoe babe

Aug- Well I wanna get the test done as soon as possible... It'll be hard if he is one of mine but ... I ain't gone leave em out dea' like dat

Kay- I know .. and I honestly wouldn't want chu to...

I said looking at him he grabbed my hand kissing it and I gave him a small smile we talked alittle more and then went to sleep finally

Authors note

Hey loves☺️

Welp I think Libra is starting to see the real side of Derek😬

At least her and Drew are friends now right? Meanwhile Aj and Drew finally made up☺️

Anddd Trey wanna keep popping up and aug wasn't having it

Kay and aug are gonna try to get a test done on miracles son how Yu think it's gonna go ?

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