Couple Next Door

By silentapathy

79.9K 1.7K 107

He's easy-going, she's aloof. He's confident, she's always unsure. He's keen, she's gullible. He's experience... More

Couple Next Door
Chapter 1: His "Little Buddy"
Chapter 3: His Pride
Chapter 4 : Her Insecurities
Chapter 6 : Her Cure
Chapter 7 : The Conflicts
Chapter 8 : Hoodie and The Wolf (And The Raging Dragon???)
Chapter 9: His Possession
Chapter 10 : His Supposed "Little Buddy's Day"
Chapter 11: Taking Someone's Advice
Chapter 12: What Are Brothers For?
Chapter 13: The Girls' Intervention
Chapter 14: Her Initiative
Chapter 15: A Bunch of Nuisance
Chapter 16: Her Plan, His Surprise
Chapter 17: Accepting Defeat
Chapter 18: His Mission
Chapter 19: Battle of the Proposals (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Battle Of The Proposals (Part 2)
Of Sunrise and Sunset

Chapter 2: His Long Awaited Leave

5K 97 2
By silentapathy

''Aisht! I'm telling you, we really need to find another apartment, love.''

''James...You know Sean's still not fully recovered. He can barely move his left arm. What do you expect? We're neighbors and besides he's Sean. He's not just any other people. What's troubling you, seriously? He's your friend. He's like our little brother. Why are you suddenly being like this, James? If you want to find another place then you go. I will never leave that apartment. That's my space in the first place.''

Jiyong snapped his head towards his girlfriend. Shit! He thought. She's mad now.

''Love, I don't mean it that way! Ya---'' he tried to tell her but she already stepped out of the car and slammed the door closed.






James snapped his eyes open and scrambled up his seat. He looked around only to see three pairs of eyes glued to him.

*Crickets... Crickets...*

Dream... It was just a dream.

Wait... No...

It's a fucking  nightmare!

''Loveeeeeeee--- Hahahahahaha!'' Dylan and Yves high fived each other as they try to imitate James' tormented wail while ago.

''Aigoo, James. Can't get enough of Sam? Hahahaha! Aigoo.'' Sebastian laughed at him and tapped his shoulder.

James shut his eyes close and raked his hair as his mouth twitched and mouthed curses. He fell asleep inside the interrogation room and who would not if you just came in from a mission last night and you missed your girl and you planned to cuddle and snuggle with her since you missed her a lot only to sleep late frustrated and 'in pain' and to get up early the next day with your neighbor panda pestering you first thing in the morning?

''Aisht!'' James stood up and scratched his head. ''What the fuck are you doing here?'' he asked the three.

''Bro, we've been looking for you because Thomas needs us in his office, just in case you wanna know. Let's go.'' Yves said before grinning once more and turning his way to the door.

''Come on, let's get this done. I need to go home early.'' Sebastian shook said as he shook his head and followed Yves.

''Aigoo... Seb's wedding is just a few days away.'' Dylan said. ''How about you, man? Don't you have plans yet?''

James straightened up and fixed himself as he walked past Dylan. ''Samantha's just been starting to live her life and I think she's happy with her new experiences. I think I should let her adjust to all the changes a little more.''

''Makes sense...'' Dylan nodded and closed the door behind him.  ''By the way, it's a miracle Sean didn't drop by. Where is he?''



''Aisht! I knew it! Why do I always have to deal with cats???'' Se!n slapped his leg as he scowled at Dadoong who's beside him on the couch.

''Yah... Just when I thought I'm so over being your nanny, here you come again!'' he said as he pointed his finger on the cat. ''Better be good umderstand? If not for Sam being so nice to me, I won't dare take you in and baby-sit... I meant cat-sit you!''

Sean then shifted from his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. ''I should've known better. Hmp! James will not me go easily for ruining his moment with noona this morning. Aisht! All I want is some tasty breakfast! Now I won't be able to go to the headquarters, damn!''

Since he got injured from an encounter two months ago, he wasn't able to move his left arm properly. He's still seeing his therapist and he had an agreement with his parents and their superintendent Thomas, that he can only go back to Seoul PD once he fully recovers. But that doesn't  keep him from visiting their headquarters. He misses the action and staying inside his apartment is like living in hell for a him especially now that everyone's busy and he's not. Good thing, her girlfriend visits him from time to time coz if not, he'd be dying out of envy to James who's now living next-door with Samantha.

Yes. He's now alone in his apartment while there's a couple next door.

''Aisht, really!'' he stomped his feet and stood up as he fished his phone from his pocket using his right hand.

''Aigoo... Why isn't she picking up?'' He looked at his phone's screen in wonder.



''Couz J!!!'' Charlotte ran towards a man in a black trench coat over a checkered polo and blue pants. He immediately took off his shades upon recognizing the girl who's headed towards his way.

''Charlotte!!!'' the man let go of his luggage and opened his arms wide and stopped midway, waiting for the girl to crash into him.

''Waaaah! I told you it's  Charlz!!!'' Charlotte said and lightly slapped the man's arm. ''Welcome back to Seoul!'' she beamed at the man widely.

''Aigoo... I still prefer you to be our little baby Charlotte.'' the man then pinched the cheeks of the girl. ''Yeah... I missed Seoul... It's been a while.'' He said as he looked out of the glass paneled walls of the airport before turning back to her with a smile.

''Yeah! I almost didn't notice you... If not for that handsome smile you got there on your face. God damn it! We really have good genes!'' Charlotte proudly said. ''Yah, tell me, do you have a girlfriend now? Are you settling down already? Aigoo...''

''Silly. I am not and I don’t even have a girlfriend right now. You know we work hard in U.S.. Besides, I don't want to disappoint mom and dad.''

''Aigoo, don't tell me you're here because of business? Seriously now!!! Give yourself a break.'' Charlotte stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest.

The man just smiled at the girl. How long has it been since he last set foot on this place? But no… Right now all he wants is to surprise his cousin once he works with her.

''I heard SB & Co's doing well in the fashion industry?' How are the girls? Teddy and Se7en?'' he asked as he draped an arm around her and pulled his luggage as they walked towards the exit.

Charlotte grinned before turning her face to him. ''I skipped a meeting this afternoon,''

''Yah! I told you you don't have to fetch me!''

''Let's surprise them!'' she suggested.


''Let's go out tonight!''

The man thought for a while. 2 decades... No. Twenty one years to be exact since their family flew to U.S. where he continued his studies. He earned himself a business degree since it is a must in their family but later on he was allowed to follow his heart’s desire… and he finally became a professional photographer.

His mom is Charlotte's dad's older sister, making him and Charlotte first cousins to be exact. He used to be schoolmates with Teddy and Se7en, just two batches lower in an exclusive school for boys. Li's, the Griffin's and the Park's... and the Kim's years and years ago were known to be really close clans. During their childhood days, his parents along with Charlotte's would take him to parties held at the Parks' mansion. There he met Brooklyn, and Misty... And a shy little girl so unusual he would never forget her even he just saw her a few times before.

''Tonight?'' he asked once more.

''Yes, tonight.''

“How about let’s just move it tomorrow? I need to get some rest too you know?” the man told her.

“Alright! Then tomorrow it is then! I’ll tell the girls right away as well as Teddy and Se7en.” Charlotte told the man.


''Thank you sir for choosing us to be a partner in your next season.'' Brooke said as she shook hands with the Korea's Next Top Model executives.


''Aisht, it's our pleasure to work with you girls.'' the man then turned to Samantha and Misty and shook hands with them too.

''We're sorry, Charlotte wasn't able to make it today.'' Samantha said as she bowed.

''Aigoo, that's okay, Ms. Samantha. We already met a few days ago prior to our agreement on her being one of the judges.'' the man beamed at her making his assistant nod and second his statement.

''Yes... I just hope that apart from being the show's official partner in clothing the contestants, you would consider being one of the judges too, Ms. Samantha.''

''OMG... I'm sorry but...'' Samantha looked to her left when Misty nudged her and eyed her but she couldn't get what she meant. She turned to Brooke when she felt the same and furrowed her brows.

''Ehem! Excuse me sir I just need a sec with my cousin here?'' Brooke excused themselves for a bit and as soon as the executives nodded, she immediately pulled the girls to a corner and gathered them around in a close circle.

''Yah! You should think about that offer, Sammy! That screams free promotions!'' she told the girl.

''Brooke's right. And this is your chance for a new experience Sam.''

''But... But why me?''

''Haven't you heard them? Aisht! You became one of the best fashion designers here and across Asia since that day we revealed you were behind this company's designs! And people were just as curious about you and they need you in their show for their ratings while we need them for our business.'' Brooke explained.

''D-d-do you think I can do it?'' she felt confused and overwhelmed.

''Of course Sam!'' Misty tried to boost up her ego. ''Besides, Charlz's gonna be there too!''

The three then straightened up themselves and headed back to face the show's representatives.

''Uhmm sorry for that. Ehe...'' Brooke bowed before them.

''So... Back to what we're talking ab---''

''I'll consider your proposal, sir. I'll be thinking about it and I'll let you know about my decision as soon as possible,'' Samantha bowed her head as she stated something that made the three men before them smile in anticipation as they clasped their hands.

''That's wonderful Samantha-darling!'' the gay representative said as he looked at her dreamily.

''Aigoo... I'm looking forward to a positive answer, Ms. Samantha. Until then... We need to get going. It's always nice meeting with you girls.''

''Same here, sir. We're really looking forward to this project. We'll do our best.'' Misty guaranteed them before calling their staff to assist the visitors out.


“One mission’s done and a whole lot more to come, Aigoo!” Yves said as he munched on his sandwich.

Earlier, Thomas congratulated them for finally solving the case that he handed them a few weeks ago and said he’s proud of their improvements. Sebastian, since he’s wedding is just a few days away was granted a week’s leave while the rest of the boys were given two days to rest.

“Brooke's gonna kill me! I was somehow hoping for a month’s off! Damn. How can I even make sure I’ll be able to produce a Sebastian Jr.  in one week’s time? That’s not just enough! Aisht!” Sebastian scratched his head in irritation.

“You should just stop whining and think of a plan to make the best out of that one week for your honeymoon.” Dylan said. “Or at least start consulting Sean for the best way to get a girl pregnan--- OUCH!!!” he shrinked back in pain when Sebastian’s knuckles landed on his head.

“You idiots are not helping at all, seriously.” He said as he glowered at them before his gazed on the grinning James whose cheek was resting on the palm of his hand as his eyes were on the ceiling as if he was 16 year old teen daydreaming.

Sebastian nudged Dylan and eyed Yves, gesturing him to look at James who’s mind is wandering off again. Yves chuckled and thought of an idea. He cleared his throat before saying something that he knows would wake James from the trance he’s in.

“Omo!!! Is that Sam?”

“WHERE??!!” James immediately shot up from his seat and looked towards the direction Yves was pointing at. He looked around but there was no Samantha in sight. Realizing the boys were playing tricks on him again, he could just mentally curse and turn to face them only to see their hilarious expression all over their face.



He smirked and could just care less with these idiots. Finally, he’ll be able to spend all his two days with his baby girl after being away for days. He’s pretty confident Samantha would agree to his plan… Probably a visit in his hometown Busan or a getaway to Jeju…

He sighed in content... Finally... two days without Sean who's basically like their adopted child since he just lives next door and the rat has a habit of being nosy he prefers to pester them rather that Yves and Dylan.


“Bye… You keep safe!” Samantha said as she waved her hand at the girls when they dropped her off her apartment.

She then turned around to greet the guard before walking her way to the building. She sighed as she took her keys out of her bag.

“So, he’s not coming home again…” she said despondently as she walked up the stairs to her unit... It doesn’t matter if that would take her longer or faster to her apartment. No one’s waiting for her inside anyway. She was so happy last night that he came home finally and she wasn’t able to hide how much she missed him so they ended up making out only to get him disappointed again.

 Ever since they started living together, it made her feel more attached to him. Every time he goes out on a mission and would go telling her he can’t make it for the night, or for the dinner, she’d automatically feel empty even if she always tries not to. She used to live in her apartment contentedly alone… But that was before he came into her life.

She lazily inserted the key, turned the knob and pushed the door open ever slowly. She stepped out of her high heeled shoes and wriggled her foot a bit before changing into her comfy slippers. Walking further in, she settled her things on the table only to see a faint light coming from the balcony. She furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes as she caught a silhouette by the window. Her heart started to hammer in her chest.

“J-j-ames?” she called him as she took her time to pace towards the balcony.

“James? Is t-t-hat you?” she felt herself panic when she didn’t get any answer. Unsurely and now scared, she slowly pushed the glass door open.



“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” James rolled on the floor laughing upon seeing her expression.

“James!” Samantha’s face turned red in shock and anger. This man really needs some scolding. “Why did you just do that again?”

Ever since James saw her first shocked expression, he couldn’t help but love it. It never fails to remind him of their first meetings, the first time he looked her in the eye, the first time he kissed her… the first everything. Yes… It’s always that gobsmacked… that dumbstrucked expression on her face he would never get tired to look at. She looks really cute and fragile and addictingly innocent everytime.

“Love, Hahahaha!” He laughed some more before standing up. “Aigoo. That expression’s really priceless.”

Samantha could just furrow her brows and pout her lips as she looked away from him. “You told me you’re not coming home… Now what? You came home only to scare me like that.” She said before going back inside.

“Hey… baby… ” James followed her inside and hugged her from behind. “I’m sorry… I just can’t help it… you really look adorable I just need to see you with that face. I’m sorry… I won’t do that again…”

Samantha could just purse her lips together. “Y-y-ou always do that… You always make fun of me.”

“No! Who says I’m making fun of you? I’m really sorry I’m not going to do that again, promise, baby girl…” he said as he tightened his arms around her and pecked on her cheeks making her blush once more. “Surprised?”

“You planned this didn’t you?” she asked as she wriggled herself free but he just held her tighter.

 “Hmmm… Yes. And I know you’re starving and tired I already prepared us dinner.” He proudly told her before pushing her to walk towards the kitchen, his arms still around her tiny waist.

“I’m pretty sure you ordered all these…” she chuckled at the food on their kitchen table. Knowing her boyfriend, all he knows to cook is scrambled eggs.

“Hmmm, I don’t want to poison you with my cooking so that’s the best solution I could think of… But it’s not that I’m giving up trying. Of course I wanna cook for you too.”

“W-what’s the occasion? Why are you home early and what’s with all---”

“I have a surprise for you…” he said with his husky voice on her ears.

“W-w-hat is it J-j-ames?" Samantha could just mentally bang her head on the wall upon stuttering just by hearing his voice sound like that.

“Busan or Jeju? I was wondering if you’re free… Or is there any place in your mind you want to go?”

“Huh?” she could just wonder what’s going on as James turned her around so that she’s facing him.

“Got two days off!” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows. “My long awaited leave…”

Samantha’s eyes widened. “R-r-really?”

“Yes… So… where do you wish to go?” James asked as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear.

Samantha grinned and thought for a moment… She’s done with the big meeting with the show’s top executives… and she really needs some time to relax after working nonstop since SB & Co.’s launch. Besides, she has to consult James with regards to the proposal to her to be one of the show’s judge.

“I just have to call grandpa… and dad and mom… and Teddy… and Brooke and the girls…” she said.

“So that’s a yes?” James looked at her hopefully.

Samantha just nodded eagerly and smiled. “How about Jeju… I heard some people saying it’s really nice there. I’ve only seen it on TV and…----“

“We’re going to Jeju, then.” he said before cupping her cheeks and tilting her face up as looked into her eyes. “I’ll make up for the times I was away and wasn’t able to take good care of you.”

“Aisht, that was never a problem James… I know how hard your job is and I do understand---“

“So you don’t miss me whenever I’m away?”

“O-o-f course I do… you know I do…” she said uneasily when she felt his gaze boring through her.

“And I miss you too… so bad… always…” he said before leaning down to claim her lips when…


“Oh don’t mind that.” James said as he leaned down once more but before he could even feel her lips he already heard the most annoying voice he’s ever heard.





James could just hang his mouth wide open. What the hell?

He was still planning a hundred and thousand ways to murder Sean in his mind when he felt Samantha’s tiny little fingers pushing his chin up, closing his mouth.

“Don’t you dare scold him… We owe him a lot for taking good care of Dadoongie.” Samantha warned him as she giggle at his frustrated face before turning away.

“Yes,… Coming, Sean…” she said as she walked through the hallway.



Sean, the bersabol maknae! Hahahaha

Another character added, who could be Charlotte's mystery cousin? What could be his role to James and Samantha's relationship?

Thank you for patiently waiting for my update chingus!!

Enjoy reading!!! ♡♡♡

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