
By Bitofmagic

18 0 0

'Open the door' , you bastard sounds of boots and the howls came from other side of the basement. They were... More



6 0 0
By Bitofmagic

Moments passed with uncomfortable silence. Anton slowly said Did i trouble you a lot by demanding just an hour from you ?Arin looked down and said I guess a lot ,Anton.
Don't talk to me in that way ,i am  your father whether  you accept it or not,spat Anton angrily
So where was your this filial love for me  30 years ago? Dear father.
Okay ,just leave this topic Arin , i don't want to loose patience in front of these mortals.
Why are you here?Arin said carelessly
Arin you already know why?,
Wait can we just order something and eat while  talking.
Okay okay just do whatever you feel like but i am here to talk and i want to have a the discussion
Arin called the waiter and ordered two plates of  dinner.Anton ordered a beer bottle.For Arin this meeting should be as quick as possible but that was not possible because whenever Anton came he came with a lot of time in his hands to threaten him.Arin looked at his meal and picked some of the veggies with his  fork ,he didn't have anything since morning ,he was too busy with his patients that he forgot to eat his breakfast and lunch.
So,what brings you here Anton?
The answer was clear to Arin, Anton  laid his hands on people's lives just to hurt them. Arin first met Anton during a beautiful summer day . He still remembered the peaceful brook which flew down their small wooden cottage. He remembered the dancing tulips all vivid and colourful arranged in series in his garden. Everything was cheerful and spellbinding, and nothing ever predicted the shadow of the  slow storm  coming silently on them.The storm was no one other than Anton and his brothers. They came like a storm and kept everything  of Arin's life in a state similar to the souvenirs of a violent storm.
That day his mom promised him a beautiful dinner in the best restaurant of the village. That was the first time he was allowed to go out, apart from school.
He recalled the knocking from the door , despite his mother's numerous warnings of not opening the door to strangers  he did it and still now ,  that knocking and the remaining incidents remained fresh, like a wound so stubborn to heal.
Are you listening , man?
I am sorry ,  just got lost in my thoughts sir , Arin shook his head of the thoughts.
Anton continued , he hardly heard what he said as his mind was swirling back like a time hole to the same place, time and situation again.
He saw , An Young boy with raven hair to open a door so welcoming that it mistook evil with good and welcomed it. The Guest was like an irony, an evil hidden under good asked him to come with him.
If he was young and his mother would have been ignorant  he would have really gone that day.
The stranger asked to meet his mother, he told her she was in bath , stranger waited , the child didn't understand death thats why he didn't sense his presence so close to him . He was waiting like a panther for attack and so he did when his mother opened the bathroom door to come out , at a single blow he went and broke her neck . There was pain but an ardent determination of survival came from his mother's last sounds. He attacked that man who was no longer an angel to him but all in vain she was already dead . When she stopped breathing the stranger slapped the boy and took him out. He struggled and anyhow managed to look at her mum whose eyes expressed a warning and a request to be alive.

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