Unleashing Demons | D.D. Bk...

By jean_fiery

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| Book 1 of the Demons Duology | ❝What if you're the key to the destruction of the world? Would you open the... More

Chapter 1: The Vision
Chapter 2: The Encounter
Chapter 3: The Hunter
Chapter 4: The Suspicion
Chapter 6: The Request
Chapter 7: The Truth
Chapter 8: The Prophecy
Chapter 9: The Professor
Chapter 10: The Acceptance
Chapter 11: The Awakening
Chapter 12: The Death
Chapter 13: The Links
Chapter 14: The Visitors
Chapter 15: The Plan
Chapter 16: The Necklace
Chapter 17: The Investigation
Chapter 18: The Basement
Chapter 19: The Blindside
Chapter 20: The Traitor
13 Words For Halloween
Chapter 21: The Reunion
Chapter 22: The Sacrifice
Chapter 23: The Aftermath (Part 1)
Chapter 23: The Aftermath (Part 2)

Chapter 5: The Call

927 66 32
By jean_fiery

I sat up abruptly, panting for air. My clothes drenched in sweat and clung to my body-constricting me. I frantically turned my head, disorientated and confused at the unfamiliarity of the place.

Where the hell am I?

I struggled to recall what happened. I curled up as I held my head with my clenched hands, trying hard to remember.

I snapped my head back up when realization finally hit me. I was at Gideon's apartment presumably, in his bedroom. Why am I in his bedroom? Bewilderment took the best of me; I tried to recall more of last night.

Suddenly it all came to me, like some unknown force striking; demons and secrets along with the sensation of falling. Yes, especially the falling. Did I pass out?

Panic swept through me; this had never happened to me before. I waited for my nerves to calm down and my racing heart to slow. But the room started to revolve around me. I lay back down on the bed, until the spinning subsided.

Just when I thought I have seen the last of that nightmare, it came back to yet again haunt and terrorize me. It was like déjà vu only the dream had taken its turn for the worst. I closed my eyes; I could still see the pair of red eyes, as if imprinted on my brain.

I sat back up as slowly as possible to avoid any incoming wave of dizziness. The faint sunlight shined through the curtains of the window, which only meant it was morning. I gazed at a digital clock on his bedside table and saw it was half past nine.

There was a framed picture beside it. A young man dressed in a graduation toga beamed at the camera alongside with an older gentleman. Both men had an arm around each other and looked genuinely happy. This-without a doubt-was Gideon during his graduation ceremony with who I guessed could be his father.

I couldn't help but noticed how the picture lack the presence of a mother; which left me wondering on how such a young, care-free man evolved into who he was now; tough, cold and as though carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

I glanced around and examined the small room; the décor itself was an exact replica of the whole apartment-black against white. There was a study table positioned by the window, but was bare besides for a few books and a lampshade. A built-in closet was at the left side from the door and a black-leathered loveseat sat by a vacant wall. Perched on the upholstery was my backpack.

I got off the bed and was surprise by the coolness of the tiles beneath my feet; I hadn't realized I was barefooted. I suddenly felt a pang of guilt on the burden I've caused them. Guess I'll have to thank them.

I snatched my bag and searched for my hygiene kit, opting to at least freshen up a bit before leaving the bedroom. I gingerly opened a door closest to the bed and was pleased when it was a connecting bathroom. I took my time as I scrubbed my face, as I attempted to remove any lingering tension of last night. I examined myself in the mirror and cringed; my long and thick auburn hair was all over the place, my eyes had designer bags underneath them and my skin was pale as a ghost. I've noticed a small purplish bruise at the left side of my forehead; I must have hit something when I fell last night. I cautiously applied a small amount of pressure on it and surprisingly it didn't hurt much. Deciding that's the best I can do to recover my appearance, I headed out of the room with my bag.

# # # # # #

Alex had a close call last night. Even before she fainted, I knew she sensed what I've already felt. A dark and sinister presence lurked nearby, probably just down the hall or maybe out the building. But it was close. Close enough for its energy and hers to clash, and sent her completely drained like a battery.

After I moved her into my room, Vaughn and I immediately did a quick sweep around the building. Vaughn scanned around with one of our gear; a Thermal Imaging Camera to capture any strange temperature drop while I inspected the area for any ominous aura, but I knew we wouldn't get anything. The dark, negative energy subsided when we returned back to the apartment.

"Okay dude, explain to me now what the fuck just happened?" Vaughn asked once we were seated in my study, each with a beer in hand.

I absent-mindedly drummed my finger on the arm of the swivel chair, deep in thought. "Whatever presence was here, I'm sure it was the same one that Alex and I encountered earlier; it had the same energy flow and level of power on it. But like I said, something about its characteristic seemed-off." I shook off my uneasiness. "They were looking for her specifically, like some fucking search party of demons." I didn't say anything more because I too, was mystified by this predicament.

Vaughn-who sat on the couch-stroked his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "It's probably that they're just attracted to whatever energy Alex possesses. As you said so yourself; there's more to her than meets the eye. But it is rather peculiar, though."

After half an hour of speculating, Vaughn retired for the night and crashed in on one of the couches at the living area. I was left to review the videos of his investigation on the old house. Since there were four videos and several Electronic Voice Phenomena recorders to study, it would probably take me 'til morning to go through all of them, which was fine by me. I was too wide awake and alert to even bother with sleep.

As I numbly watched hour's worth of still videos and listened to an endless white noise from the recorders I synced. With no such luck on activity or sound whatsoever, my mind wandered to Alexandra. Why were these demons after her and how was her past linked to my dad's and indirectly, to me as well. I need to help her; I'm all she has left to save her. These were the exact cryptic words he imparted to me. Save her from whom? But he never had answered that question, at least not directly. The past is never dead, son.

I brooded for the next couple of hours and before I knew it, the sunlight slowly spread throughout the apartment. It extinguished the dark shadows in declaration of a brand new day. When there's darkness, there's light. And the light, my son, will always prevail.

After a couple of beers, I shifted to consume some caffeine instead, so I made the first fresh pot of the morning. While I waited for it to brew, I took out a box of muffins Vaughn bought the day before, and heated it in the microwave.

Ten minutes later, I was back to work on my laptop with a steamy cup of strong coffee and half a muffin devoured. While almost an hour onto the video, I sensed Alex's cautious and timid presence nearby, her eyes on me. I mentally noted to give her a minute or two before I greet her good morning.

* * * * * *

I tiptoed out and shut the bedroom door noiselessly behind me. I paused and looked around; Vaughn was fast asleep on one of the couches, and snored too loud for comfort. Gideon was nowhere in sight. An opened door by the kitchen caught my attention. I walked closer and peeked in.

Gideon was at a desk; he had on a headset while he watched something on his wide computer screen, which I assumed were the videos of Vaughn's investigation last night. There were several equipments on the built-in desk; two hand held cameras and two larger ones. There were also several similar items which looked like small recorders of some sort. The rest I wasn't familiar with, some very high-end ghost hunting gear no doubt.

As I stood there on the threshold I studied Gideon. His demeanor was noticeably more relaxed and laid back this morning compared to his cold and stiff behavior from the night before. He leaned back on his chair; arms crossed while a hand stroked his lightly stubbled chin. His brows were furrowed as he reviewed the video intently. His long mile legs were stretched and crossed at the ankles at the corner of the desk.

I took the opportunity to look around the room; this would be Gideon's personal office space. Aside from the built-in, "L" shape desk that occupied one wall, there were also installed cabinets above it. A couch laid on the right side with shelves that held more volumes over it. Across from the couch, hung a large corkboard that almost occupied the whole wall, filled with diagrams, newspaper clippings and notes. There were several steel suitcases-similar to what Vaughn brought with him last night-stacked into two piles at the bottom of the corkboard.

Even though the interior never strayed from the main theme, this room felt more like...Gideon. The space had more personality compared the other rooms, which were bare and lack a sense of character. It was evident that he spent most of his time here than any other place-his private sanctuary.

I peeked at what Gideon was watching. It was a view of a small empty room-almost like a bedroom-in night vision mode. I didn't know what to expect, if there was supposed to be a boogey man to suddenly materialize or something related to that. But after five minutes, nothing at all occurred.

If this was what paranormal investigating was all about, then it certainly did not lived up to my expectations as I've seen it on television. There was this one instance where I caught an episode of some paranormal show Lauren was watching. But as it turned out, it was like watching a comedy show; the three full grown men would just goof off on some scenes and play with a merry-go-round, which I found rather adorable and comical.

I don't know what to believe about the paranormal. I never had the chance to dwell much on that aspect. But I've always known that there is a place for all of us after death. Like how my parents found theirs. Maybe I was a skeptic after all.


My gaze darted from the computer screen to his face as he stared straight at me. I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to even register him noticing me. A smirk crossed his face as he caught me looming over like a ghost-a deer in headlight moment. I lowered my gaze and I felt myself blushed in embarrassment. It there was one thing I hated, it was the feeling of inferiority. I gazed back at him a little more confidently and smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry." I apologized.

He pause the video and turned to face me entirely. "Not a problem. Help yourself to some breakfast, there's a fresh pot of coffee and some muffins on the counter if you want, I'll be out with you in a minute." Before I could reply he went back to his computer.

I headed out to the kitchen area and set my bag on the floor by the breakfast bar. Two empty mugs were already on the counter and I started to make myself a cup.

Gideon came out a few minutes later. He flexed his neck from stiffness, which made the hard muscles of his biceps more distinct. He joined me at the breakfast bar with an empty mug and poured himself another cup of strong coffee.

"So, how are you feeling? You had got a nasty fall last night." He gave a concerned look on the purplish bump on my head.

I gazed down at my cup, cradled between my hands. "I'm alright. I want to thank you though, for putting up with me last night. I know what a burden I've been and I'm so embarrassed." I paused. "Did...anything else strange happened?"

He seemed hesitant at first, like there was something he didn't want me to know. But I guessed that was just my imagination. "Nothing at all, and it's no trouble for us, I-we were going to offer you to stay in last night anyway so it wasn't a problem." He cocked his head at me perceptively. "Why, have you felt something different or...dreamt... anything strange?"

Spot on. I unconsciously chewed on my lower lip, and thought about the dream I had. I certainly wouldn't impart that bit of information to him, so I just shook my head. "Um...nothing, it's just that, I swear on my parents' grave that never happened to me before."

"There's always a first for everything." He simply said. As I looked at him, his face was faintly strained. We even shared the same shade beneath our eyes, like he had been up all night. He took a deep breath, and almost braced himself for something. "Look-" He began but he was instantly interrupted by the faint ring of my phone.

I hastily pulled it out of my bag to see that Jake was calling me; after everything that happened last night, it totally slipped my mind to contact either Jake or Lauren. They're bound to worry. I gave Gideon an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, but I have to get this." And with that I scurried away to the balcony.

* * * * * *

It was when I reached the balcony did I answered the call. "Al!! Thank god you answered. Where the hell are you? Lauren called me earlier saying you didn't go home!" I distanced the phone from my ear with his exclaimed tone.

"I'm fine. Sorry if I hadn't called you, there are just...so many things happening right now it slipped my mind." I placed my elbows on the railings and massaged the bridge of my nose.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"I'm...at a colleague's place." I chose my words wisely. I couldn't explain this entire conundrum to him by phone. "I'll explain all of it later."

"No. Where are you? I'll pick you up." The worry in his voice was evident; he was suddenly in big brother mode.

I tapped a finger on the metal bar, as I decided on what to do. Both he and Lauren would want an explanation so it would be best if I told them together. "No really Jake, I'll meet you back at my place in a couple of hours. There are just some loose ends I need to tie here first."

The other end was dead silent I thought he hung up. But after a few seconds he gave out a deep sigh. "Fine, I'll grill you when I see you. Be careful, Al." His tone was clipped. I knew he wouldn't say it firsthand but I could tell he felt annoyed or disappointed in me, which made my heart ache a little.

"Yeah, you too." I said unevenly. And then he was gone.

I hung my head over the railings as though it carried an unexpected weight. I was getting a headache on this whole situation which was bound to be the death of me. I sighed and raised my head to the warmness of the sun, and let its rays of light soothe my face.

I finally checked my phone and there were several text messages from Lauren and Jake from last night and this morning. As well as several missed calls from both of them. I dismissed them all and sent a short text to Lauren about how everything will be explained at lunch and then scrolled down on my phone book, in search for a particular number and dialed.

My aunt answered on the fourth ring. She seems out of breath, like she just came in. Knowing my aunt she liked to tend to her small garden in the mornings. She said something of it being the best time to water them while it's still cool, so that the water would run down into the soil and reach the roots without losing too much water to evaporation.

"Allie, how are you?" My aunt greeted. Besides from my parents, she was the only one who called me by that name.

"Hi Aunt Margaret, I'm fine." I turned and leaned back. "Um...are you busy?"

"No, no, I just came back from the garden. I've got a call from campus, but I'm not due in another hour or so." She was an anthropologist and teaches at a local university. She was currently working hand in hand with an archeological project as well.

"There's something I want to discuss with you," I began nervously. She merely replied a distracted "Um hum", and I braced myself, here goes nothing. "Why do you think my life's in danger?"

And the same dead silence reverberated in the other end. I heard her faint struggle of breathing. "Why on Earth would you think that?" She said unconvincingly.

I exerted great effort to keep my patience at bay. "Don't give me that. I know you've been having me followed; I'm with Gideon, the son of the man you've talked to."

The white noise on the other side was deafening until she finally spoke. "Alright. But not here on the phone, you must come over. It's time you know the truth." Her voice cloaked with fear.

I was about to contradict on meeting her but what she said last enthralled me; know the truth about what? I stiffened. "What are you talking about?"

"Please, come today. And please bring Gideon with you." Before I could further question her the line went dead.

+ + +

A/N: Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter so far! And please don't be a silent reader and comment your thoughts!

- J

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