No More Pranks

By Kittymasterofall14

58.5K 1.3K 1.1K

Tmnt-2012 After one of Mikey's pranks goes wrong and injures his brothers, he decides to quit pranking....for... More

"This Wasn't Supposed to Happen!"
No More April Fools?
"What's Up With You?"
"We Miss The Pranks..."
"I'm Sorry..."
Return of Dr. Prankenstein!

Simpler Times

7.4K 176 229
By Kittymasterofall14

Mikey sighed as he rolled out of bed. April Fool's Day had come and gone. He hadn't pulled a single prank in 36 hours, and it was torture!

Mikey was also confused...

Why did his bros want him to prank them if they only got annoyed when he did it?

He sighed. "It's always been like this..." He mumbled to himself as he thought about the first time he started pranking.


5-year-old Mikey giggled as he walked into his sleeping brother's rooms. He had found some markers in the sewers and had gotten an idea!

Leo, Raph and Donnie were taking a nap, so little Mikey decided to draw on their faces with markers while they slept.

The orange-clad tot giggled as he snuck into the bedrooms of his brothers and drew little pictures on their faces.

A little while later, the older three woke up.

"Huh?" Leo muttered.

"What the?" Raph said.

"What's on my face?" Donnie asked.

Mikey snickered as he heard them talking, and that's when they saw him holding the marker.

"Mikey!" They said angrily as they chased him around the lair. "It was just a prank, bwos!" Mikey squeaked.

Luckily, the marker wasn't permanent.

End of flashback:

Mikey smiled a little as he remembered that day. Ever since then, he'd become drawn to pranking.

He'd used water balloons, confetti poppers, air horns, and many other classic things for his pranks.

He always thought the older bros would laugh and smile, but they always seemed to be annoyed. And the whole point of the prank was to make his brothers laugh.

He sighed. "They've always hated my pranks, it's not like they'd miss them or anything..."

Wiping a tear from his eye, Mikey slumped on his bed, wishing he'd never started pranking in the first place.

Meanwhile, the other brothers were in the kitchen, waiting for Mikey to make breakfast as he did every morning.

"I wonder if this is his big prank... Do not make us breakfast this morning!" Raph said as he sat at the table.

"Maybe...but it would be kind of illogical." Donnie replied. "And not a very good prank!"

Leo sighed. "I don't think it's going to happen guys, let's just forget about it... Mikey's obviously not pranking us."

Mikey heard them talking and sighed. He knew they wouldn't miss his pranks...he went down to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

As he was cooking, Mikey could feel his brother's eyes burning into his skull. Why were they staring at him?

After a few minutes, he placed the pancakes and bacon on the table. He then sat down and began to eat.

The other turtles started poking at the food with the forks as if Mikey had put some sort of kryptonite inside of it.

Mikey noticed. "What are you doing?" He asked as he nibbled on a slice of bacon. "You...didn't put anything in these, did you?" Leo asked him.

Mikey shook his head. "No..." He muttered as he continued eating. When he'd finished, he left the room.

The older brothers were still staring at their plates of food which had not been eaten. "I think his prank was to put something in the food..."

"He didn't put nothing in his!" Raph said, "Of course he didn't, the pranker would not put a prank in their own food!" Donnie added.

They decided it was safer not to eat the food and discarded of it. They just didn't want to take any chances.

Even Master Splinter, who normally didn't even worry about getting pranked, appeared uncertain.

"I wonder if Michealangelo really has decided to not prank is this year." He said to himself as he stood in the dojo.

Leo overheard him. "But why? It doesn't make any sense...he's been pulling pranks on us for a decade...why would he stop now?"

Splinter sighed, stroking his goat-ee. "I do not know, my son...but I have a feeling that he will not be pranking any of us today."

Mikey was indeed not pranking anyone. He was in his room, looking at all his prank stuff that he'd shoved under his bed.

"I guess I'll never get to use these whoopee cushions again, or these water guns, or my confetti cannons..."

He sighed as he took the box and threw it in the garbage. He was done with pranks. He didn't even want to look at his old prank stuff.

"It's better this way..."

A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy! Sorry for the long wait, but the new chapter is finally here!

Plz Comment and Vote!
Thx Enjoy😘😍


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