Kitty Fanfic

By fjfjdbfjdbs

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I have no idea what I'm doing with this story, but Kit has taken up skateboarding and plays video games, both... More

Thing Because of Copyright
Chapter 1- Skateboarding
Chapter 2- Spider-Mina
Chapter 3- Training and Justin
Chapter 4- Instagram
Chapter 5- New Student
Chapter 7- Friday and Breakfast
Chapter 8- This Chapter Does Have a Name
Chapter 9- Date or Friendly Outing?
Chapter 10- Boyfriend?
Chapter 11- Kidnapped
Chapter 12- A Note from the Riders
I'm Sorry!
Chapter 13- Arriving at Cirenworth
Chapter 14- The Note and Little Kisses

Chapter 6- Meanie, Professor? and Lunch

344 15 73
By fjfjdbfjdbs

Kit's Pov

   Kit woke the next morning exhausted, as if he hadn't gotten any sleep at all. A cup of coffee would surely fix that. He slowly got out of bed and changed into a white t-shirt, blue jeans, a leather jacket and a ratty old pair of Converse sneakers.

   When he arrived at the Scholomance, thinking he wouldn't really have to do anything during his time there, Professor Bridgewater had the brilliant idea that he actually become a student so he could learn while being protected at the same time. What a fabulous idea. Incredible. Amazing. Fantastic. Simply marvelous. He couldn't have come up with a better idea himself.

   Oh, wait. No. He could come up with a better idea, and that was laze on his arse all day, every day, doing nothing but eating pizza and playing video games. But, obviously the universe had a better idea, to train, and learn. Why thank you kind universe.

( A/N I'm really going for the full Herondale sarcasm, how am I doing?)

   And seeing Ty for the first time in three years was a shock. The boy had gotten taller, probably about 5'9, shorter than Kit but he didn't mind, he quite liked the idea of being taller than Ty for some reason.

 His face had gotten.....sharper, in the best way possible, his cheekbones were well defined, along with his jawline and the shape of his nose, too, was sharper. His eyes had gotten a little wider since Kit had last seen him, but it really suited Ty, making his grey eyes seem so much more expressive.

   Ty also seemed to have a lot more muscles, not in such an obvious way that his muscles were bulging but in a way that made his tank top fit tightly against his waist and chest. Kit could clearly see Ty's biceps from across the hall, the shadows on his arms, made from his muscles, were very clear.

   Kit had gone to bed that night unable to get the image of Ty all sweaty and holding a training sword out of his mind. Kit also, may or may not have had a wet dream about Ty that night but he would never reveal the truth about why his bedsheets were soaked that morning.

   So now here he was, looking at his schedule, trying to figure out where the history classroom was, luckily he had made a bunch of new friends that could help him out, but first, coffee.

   Ashley Pinethorn, an eighteen year old girl, with blonde hair, ridiculously big, green eyes and a not-very-well-done-yet-painfully-obvious nose job. Kit had learned a lot about Ashley in the short amount of time he had known her. She was born a mundane but attended the Shadowhunter Academy and ascended three years ago, she had enjoyed her time there and missed it a lot, so she decided to become a Centurion, just to go through the training and the classes and all the nice people again, because, apparently, for some odd reason, she had enjoyed it.

   "Before we go to class can you show me where the coffee is?" Kit asked, trying to subtly move away from Ashley, who was currently shoving her breasts in Kit's face. Not literally, but it was the best way he could describe it.

   "Sure, just down this hall"

   They arrived at the table where they were serving a substance only found in Heaven, but the Gods had taken pity on the humans and gave them a small amount of the precious liquid that was known as coffee.

   Kit picked up a dark blue mug, about the size of a cereal bowl, and poured the wonderous mixture of caffeine and water into his mini bowl/coffee cup. He ripped the tops off of two sugar sachets, dumped them into his drink and stirred continuously until the sugar had dissolved.

   Seeing another person in his peripheral vision he glanced to his left and saw Ty. And by the Angel did he look stunning, wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans that matched his eyes almost perfectly and a light blue hoodie, one that looked strangely familiar. It was Kit's hoodie, he had forgotten it at the L.A Institute when he moved to England. He hadn't wanted to go back for it out of embarrassment and pride but seeing Ty wearing it made him glad that he had left it.

   Ty looked over to Kit who looked at the hoodie, looked up at Ty then raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner. Ty, the innocent boy he was, just blushed and looked away.

   "Hey" Kit said, cutting off Ashley completely, who had been blabbering on about something or other to do with her home town in Georgia.

   "Good morning Kit" Ty said, acting very formal, more so than he usually would with a stranger present. Ty continued busying himself with making a cup of coffee.

   "How are you, Ty? Did you sleep well?" Kit decided to make small talk because he felt it was the only way he would be able to converse with the smaller boy for the time being.

   "Kit, don't talk to him. He's weird, messed up in the head. Something's definitely wrong with him and you don-" Ashley butted into the conversation as if it was any if her damn business, but Kit cut her off before she could say anything else.

   "Do not talk to him like that. There is nothing wrong with him, he is not weird and just because he is not exactly like you does not mean that you can speak to him as if he can't hear you! Ty is beautiful and unique in a way that you will never be able to understand because you are too close-minded to even try and understand him!" Kit took a deep breath, ready to continue but Ashley interrupted him before he could even start.

   "You're right, of course you are! I shouldn't have spoken to him like I did" She then turned to Ty, addressing him next, "Tiberius, I am so sorry for speaking to you like that and I won't do it again. I hope you can find it in your unique heart to forgive me." She said it in a way which was obviously sarcastic so Ty wouldn't pick up on it, putting special emphasis on the word 'unique', mocking Kit's little speech. She clearly wasn't sorry and just wanted to make a show so she was off the hook, still wanting to get into Kit's pants.

  Ty, oblivious to her sarcasm, said he forgave her. She turned on her heel and made her way out of the room, knowing that Kit had absolutely no idea where he was going and would be late to class.

   Kit, sighing at Ashley's rudeness, turned to Ty to apologize again.

   "I'm really sorry about her, what she said wasn't true. Just because you are not like her means that you have standards." Ty giggled a little at that, understanding the joke, "You are amazing Ty, and you're smart and kind and an incredible artist judging on that iguana I saw yesterday" Ty blushed at the compliments, "Ashley is just jealous and a.....a big meanie!" Kit settled on, knowing swearing made Ty uncomfortable and that it was the best thing he could think of in the moment.

   "She's not that mean, she did apologize" Ty pointed out, still not understanding the sarcasm that was laced in Ashley's tone. Kit choose not to say anything, thinking it might ruin the progress he and Ty had made. 

   After a few seconds of silence, Ty spoke up again, "Thank you for defending me though, you didn't have to" Angel, why did this perfect boy have to be so polite, it made Kit's love for Ty grow a little more.

   "Of course I defended you, Ty, you're amazing and shouldn't have to deal with bitc- meanies like her" Kit had to correct himself at the last moment, remembering Ty didn't like swearing.    

   "Anyway, I should get to history, don't want to be late" Kit walked in the direction Ashley had, hoping the classroom wouldn't be too hard to find from there. 

   "Do you need help finding the classroom?" Ty called out from behind him, with a coffee in a bright orange mug in his hands.

   "Yes please, that would be a big help" Kit smiled warmly at Ty and sighed quietly in relief, Ty was reaching out and he wouldn't be late to his first class of the day.

   "Do you have history as well?" Kit questioned as they started walking in the direction Ty was leading him in.

   "Yes, all the subjects are mandatory so lots of us have the same schedules. May I see yours?" 

   Kit handed the sheet of paper over to Ty, watching how his eyelashes brushed his cheeks as he looked down, casting delicate shadows on his cheekbones, and making Kit even more attracted to Ty in that moment.

   Ty glanced up at Kit, looking at a spot above his right eyebrow and kept gazing at the same spot as he informed Kit that they had the same schedules. Ty seemed indifferent about the fact but Kit was overjoyed and anxious, not wanting to mess up in front of Ty, which was bound to happen at some point, but also wanting to show Ty how much he had learned in the past years.

   They continued walking to the classroom in a comfortable silence, something Kit hadn't had much of in the past few years. With Jem and Tessa any silence was filled almost immediately, none of them wanting to be uncomfortable, so if a silence ever occurred Tessa would fill it talking about one of the latest books she had read, or Jem would say something about new training techniques that he would start using in the next training session.    

Sometimes, if Kit was in a bad mood he would stop talking and watch the two of them start sprouting nonsense trying to come up with something new to talk about and failing miserably, all to Kit's enjoyment and delight. Eventually he would join back in and pick up the conversation, to both Tessa and Jem's relief.

   They reached the classroom and took their seats, Ty at the front of the class and Kit being called over to sit with Lucas, Henry and Patrick. The professor came in and started talking about something or other in Shadowhunter history, Kit zoned out about five seconds into the lecture. 

   Instead he sat in his seat, sipping his coffee and staring at Ty, who was taking very precise notes, holding the pen lightly with his long, elegant fingers, looking up now and then to glance at the notes on the black board. Kit probably should have been doing the same but he was just too entranced by the black haired boy sitting two rows in front of him.

   About fifteen minutes into the class Professor Bridgewater, who ran the Scholomance as well as teaching history, stopped talking midsentence and called on Kit.

   "Mr. Herondale what is so interesting about the back of Mr. Blackthorns head?" She said, sounding rather impatient.

   "Well, there isn't much interesting about the back of his head, Ms, apart from maybe the particular shade of black his hair is but I was actually trying to count the number of hairs on his head" Kit said, sarcasm dripping from his every word.

   "Why on earth were you counting the number of hairs on Mr. Blackthorns head?" She said, unbelieving of what he had said.

   "It's on my bucket list, Ms. To count the exact number of hairs on somebody's head" At this point Ty was looking at Kit with a baffled expression on his features.

   "And you thought that my class was an appropriate time to do so Mr. Herondale?" 

   "I realize my mistake now, it won't happen again, Ms."

   "Alright. And it's professor." She added.

   "Do you have a doctorate degree?" Kit decided to have a bit of fun.

   "No...." The poor woman sounded so confused and couldn't for the life of her guess what a doctorate degree was.

   "Well than I shall continue to address you as Ms. until you do get a doctorate degree and show it to me as proof" All the students in the class who had grown up as mundanes chuckled at his boldness while the Shadowhunter students looked as confused as the teacher but laughed along with the rest so as not to seem stupid. It made the mundane students laugh harder.

   The teacher decided to stop quizzing the young boy to avoid further embarrassment and confusion, instead deciding to continue with the lecture as if nothing happened. She regained her composure quickly and began speaking about Jonathan Shadowhunters sword or something equally as dull, while Kit's friends patted him on the back and gave him good-natured smiles, still laughing at the preposterous scene that had taken place right in front of them mere minutes ago.

  Kit walked out of the classroom that day and chose to be a little bit extra cheeky, so on his way out the door he called;

   "Goodbye, have a nice day Ms.!" Putting more emphasis on Ms than needed. His friends laughed at his foolishness.

   They went and had lunch. Kit chose chicken breast, peas and broccoli, a vegetable he liked, to the amusing horror of his friends, well it was amusing to Kit at least.

   Once he had finished eating he joined in the conversation and joked around for a few minutes. He eventually muttered some excuse to the guys about needing to use the bathroom and went over to the table Ty was sitting at. 

   As Kit approached he saw Ty's head bent over a notebook of some sort with a pencil in his hand.

   "May I sit?" He asked, not wanting to be there uninvited and unwanted.

   Ty gazed up at him for a second, considering what to say and nodded his head.

   Kit sat in the only other seat at the table and watched as Ty's hand swept over the page in graceful and precise movements. Ina couple of minutes it became clear to Kit that Ty was drawing a monkey. He decided to ask about the monkey in the picture.

   "What type of monkey is it?" Ty looked at him curiously, as if it was the first time anyone had ever asked about one of his sketches. But judging on what Ashley had said earlier, it probably was. Ty thought for a moment, seeming to be questioning Kit's motives, and decided that his motives were honest and with good intentions.

   "It's a spider-monkey"

   "What do you know about spider-monkeys?" Kit questioned, knowing Ty would have a handful of facts about the creature. Ty once again looked suspicious, but realized that the outcome of his scrutinizing would be the same at the look of encouragement Kit gave him.

   "Well, they live in groups where a female usually leads the group rather than a male, like other animals. The female in charge watches over the rest of the group" Kit looked at Ty as he started talking about the monkeys living and eating habits, thinking that the look Ty got on his face when he started talking about animals was adorable. He had the same look in his face when he talked about Sherlock Holmes or anything he was passionate about.

   Ty looked more free, more himself, the sharp lines of his face softened and he got a faraway look in his eyes, as if he was sitting right there with the monkeys, observing and petting them. He looked a lot less pressured and happy. 

   The rest of the day went by relatively uneventful apart from Henry getting hurt during training, but an iratze fixed him up easily and there was no cause for worry. The routine at dinner was pretty much the same except Kit had a pasta salad, still rather full from his lunch.

   As Ty was heading out the dining hall Kit jogged to catch up with him and instead of grasping Ty's arm like he would have if it had been any other person, he called out.

   "Ty!" Said person stopped and turned around, looking at Kit expectantly.


   "I wanted to say sorry again, for leaving you when you needed me. I want to be friends again Ty, I want to come up and talk to you when I want and be able to sit in each other's rooms while reading books or watching a movie or drawing. I want you to be able to trust me again, like you used to. And I know it will take a while for me to earn your trust and forgiveness for what I did and-" 

   Kit was cut of by Ty's arms wrapping around his neck in a hug, the smaller boys head resting on his shoulder. Kit slowly wrapped his arms around Ty's waist and his head on top of Ty's. Kit could feel Ty's breath on his neck and his chest expanding and contracting in time with his own. It was warm and felt nice, it felt good and it felt right. He felt completely content and slowly closed his eyes, leaning into the hug more and holding Ty tightly against his body, not wanting to let go.

   It ended too quickly for Kit's liking. Ty pulled away, leaving Kit feeling cold and incomplete, being the best word to describe it, like there was something missing. 

   They smiled and bade the other goodnight.

   When Kit fell asleep that night he felt better and slept more soundly than he had in three years. It was Friday the next day and he wanted the weekend to come quicker so he could talk to Ty and hang out with him all day. Kit could ask him about the spider-monkeys again and other animals, maybe talk about his art a little bit. Kit thought Ty was really talented. He just needed the weekend to come faster.


Hello, 3012 words!! Well done me! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy reading it! I haven't proof-read this chapter, so there are probably a bunch of errors, I'd appreciate it if you could point them out for me!

For my last chapters I've uploaded twice each night but tonight this will be the only update because it took so long to write.

Please comment, vote and follow!

Yours, LittleBunny xxx

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