Hearts of Iron IV Road to 56...

By eoinio11

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Something I'd thought I'd attempt to do. This is the first time I've tried this so please tell me what you a... More



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By eoinio11

The year is 1936 and the world is in a tense position.

In Europe two of the worst off countries after the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Germany and Italy are now lead by fascist dictator, who are determined to bring their nations back to their former glories. German leader Adolf Hitler is moving to remove the Treaty of Versailles with Britain and France not seeming to be in a position to stop the German leader.

French politics are far from stable. With the Great Depression, Communist and Far right parties have risen in popularity within the French borders and getting involved in a conflict with Germany would just lower stability within the nation.

In Britain the horrors of the Great War is still fresh in everyone's mind and British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin is reluctant to start any conflict with Germany.

In Italy, Italian leader Benito Mussolini is asserting Italian colonial ambitions by waging a war with Ethiopia for their territory.

European countries also have to watch out for the threat of communism in the East. With the Great Depression and the political instability that comes with it, the threat of communism is greater then ever and every country that turn to communism will be wholeheartedly welcomed into the Soviet's Comintern alliance.

Within the Americas both North and South the Great Depression and other factors still has a effect on the powers there.

The USA led by President Franklin Roosevelt are still recovering from the Great Depression

In Mexico there is high instability. The growth of the extreme parties are also rising and the people of Mexico are unwilling to trust the army.

Within Central and South America with factors such as The Great Depression and the Banana Company in Central America. The creation of fascist or communist states in these parts are a big possibility.

In Asia and Oceania, Japanese imperialism is a major threat.

After their gains of lands and islands in the Pacific after The Great War. Japanese imperial ambitions have only risen. Now with the weakened state of China, Japan seeks more land on the Chinese Mainland.

After the fall of China, many warlords have emerged to claim territories. However with the threat of Japan looming, the Chinese nations must band together or be destroyed.

10 Feb 1936

The focus for many nations at this time is rebuilding their economy and military. This can be seen in the USA with an announcement from President Roosevelt that they will be continuing with the new deal rather then reestablishing the gold standards. Other countries like Argentina, Portugal, Turkey and the Soviet Union are also making an effort to promote industry. Stalin has also announced that the Soviet Union will be continuing their 5 year plan of industrialization. Turkish leader Mustafa Atatürk has announced that they will be focusing on the cement industry for the time being.

11 Feb 1936

Sources from within Germany have confirmed that Germany has militarized the Rhineland. Rhineland has been announced as a demilitarized zone in the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and by militarizing it, Hitler has broken a term of the treaty. However although Germany has broken a term of Versailles, France and Britain has not reacted with Britain focusing more on home defense and France working on rebuilding their industry.

12 Mar 1936

The fascist Austrian government has announced that they intend to repeal the abolition of the nobility. This has sent alarm bells throughout the former Austro-Hungarian region. This could mean that Austria are planning to bring back the Hapsburg Dynasty.

13 May 1936

The war between Ethiopia and Italy has ended in victory for the Italian forces. The Treaty of Addis Ababa has been signed with Italy annexing Ethiopia into their empire. This is a good victory for Mussolini and his Italian forces.

23 May 1936

It has emerged in Britain that the British have began a limited rearming campaign, possibility in the event of another international conflict.

20 Jul 1936

Spain has devolved into civil war. Nationalist Spain led by Francisco Franco are trying to take control of the country from the Now Communist People's Republics of Spain led by José Díaz. This an opportunity for both Fascism and Communism to spread to a new country. Fighting has already emerged throughout the country with notable battles being the Battle for Caspe, The Battle for Málaga and the March on Madrid.

24 Jul 1936

Nationalist Spanish forces have surrounded forces of the the Spanish People's Republic at Málaga. Many countries have began supporting the Spanish People's Republic through Lend Leases

31 Jul 1936

The Empire of Japan and their puppets Mongol United Autonomous Government and Manchuko have formed the "Great East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere".

In response Chinese leader Chianti's Kai-Shek and Communist China leader Mao Zedong have reached an historic agreement for the betterment of the Chinese regions and established the United Chinese front against the Co-Prosperity Sphere. They hope that the other Chinese countries will join them to unite against Japanese Imperialism.

22 Aug 1936

Communism has spread to Estonia with the establishment of the Estonian's Peoples Republic under the leadership of Karl Säre. Denmark meanwhile has strengthened their democratic ideology with Danish leader Thorvald Stauning stating that Denmark has never been so stable.

17 Sep 1936

The war is not going well for the Spanish People's Republic. Nationalist Spanish forces almost have the north and south of the country secure. The March on Madrid is proving to be successful with Nationalist Spanish division almost entering the capital city. The eastern front of the civil war is still being brutally fought with Caspe being brutally fought over between both forces. However it only seems a matter of time before the Spanish Communists run out of momentum.

30 Sep 1936

News from Argentina is that they are now beginning to cooperate with the USSR. The Argentine people have been slowly converting to communism throughout the year and it won't be long till we might be seeing a communist revolution in Argentina.

Meanwhile in Europe, Germany has began improving relations with fellow fascist state Italy.

14 Oct 1936

A new communist regime has been established in former Siam now known as the Thai People's Republic under Pridi Banomyong.

19 Oct 1936

The leaders of Sweden and Finland have announced that a new alliance has been established between them known as the 'Northern Lights'. There is also invitations for Denmark and Norway into the alliance. This may be bad news for the USSR, who have always wanted to reclaim lost territory from leaving the Great War.

In the USSR they have began a free Social Welfare program for the people of the USSR.

12 Nov 1936

A new Fascist state has been established in Venezuela under the leadership of Eleazar López Contreras. This alarmed the neighboring nations of Colombia and Brazil with the Brazilian National Congress stating that they would be "monitoring the situation".

In the Spanish Civil war in the early hours of the morning, Madrid has fallen to Nationalist Spain. The government of the Spanish People's Republic has fled to Barcelona. This is a huge victory for the Nationalist and a bad hit of morale to the Spanish People's Republic.

24 Nov 1936

Tensions in China has boiled over with Co-prosperity Sphere declaring war on the Chinese United front. Japanese forces have began an invasion into Beijing and Tianjin while the Chinese troops are defending with all their might. Chinese President Chiang Kai-Shek has stated that they would use everything to fight off the Japanese that they would not yield to the Japanese menace.

17 Dec 1936

In just under a month of fighting the United Chinese forces have managed to capitulate the Mongol United Autonomous Government with Kai-Shek calling it a "great victory for China".

In the Middle East an issue has occurred between Turkey and France. Turkey demands that the French hand over Hatay, a region in French Syria that the Turks have claim to. It's is unknown at this time what the French response will be as the Middle East holds its breath.

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